So, who did you ship Rhys with?



  • enter image description here

    And @jarmoksk

    After months and months of believing Rhysha was the best, after the finale and the interactions my Rhys and Fiona had with each other, you'd have to pay me 500 bucks not to ship Rhyiona. So that's what I went with.

  • enter image description here

    After months and months of believing Rhysha was the best, after the finale and the interactions my Rhys and Fiona had with each other, you'd have to pay me 500 bucks not to ship Rhyiona. So that's what I went with.

  • C'mere!

    enter image description here

    After months and months of believing Rhysha was the best, after the finale and the interactions my Rhys and Fiona had with each other, you'd have to pay me 500 bucks not to ship Rhyiona. So that's what I went with.

  • You!

    I like you B)

    After months and months of believing Rhysha was the best, after the finale and the interactions my Rhys and Fiona had with each other, you'd have to pay me 500 bucks not to ship Rhyiona. So that's what I went with.

  • Exactly! And Sasha can't ignore Vaughns abs forever...

    lateraliss posted: »

    I'd love a season 2. I think this game was actually better than the real Borderlands games, simply because I prefer the quality storytelling

  • edited October 2015

    Yeah, I like that they decided to give us all a chance :3

    Pipas posted: »

    Ohh, that's pretty cool.

  • Gortys and Loaderbot is like the only ship I had in this game haha.

    Except Loaderbot is all kinda slender and freaky now.

    ShaneGrimes posted: »

    As long as you loved Gortys and Loaderbot..

  • RIGHT!! i knew I wasn't the only one a lil wary of his new physique.

    There's less of him to love and he can't even fly anymore!!! But its still my Loaderbot, we'll work through this lol

    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Gortys and Loaderbot is like the only ship I had in this game haha. Except Loaderbot is all kinda slender and freaky now.

  • Yeah. God, they're just so cute together, and they could go on Double dates with LB and Gortys or whatever because THEY'RE cute together and by themselves and god dammit, Rhysha does not have this quality.

    jarmoksk posted: »

    Yeah, I switched from Rhysha to Rhyona too.

  • Oh Shia Lebouf, you and your sarcastic clap gifs. XD

    Poogers555 posted: »

    And @jarmoksk

  • I like you too!

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    You! I like you

  • enter image description here

    No, you're awesome.

  • AAAYYY FAM! <3

    After months and months of believing Rhysha was the best, after the finale and the interactions my Rhys and Fiona had with each other, you'd have to pay me 500 bucks not to ship Rhyiona. So that's what I went with.

  • Another Rhyiona shipper?! :D Yesssss! <3

    jarmoksk posted: »

    Yeah, I switched from Rhysha to Rhyona too.

  • Lol, I really don't see the big deal, I just shipped Rhyiona. Is that like a holy justice or something? XD

    kristi78968 posted: »


  • Now here's a question. I had two awkward hugging situations with Sasha, one is she hugs Vaughn, the other she hugs Rhys. What choice caused the difference between the two situations?

  • If you reject Hyperion, she hugs you. Likewise, accept Hyperion, she hugs Vaughn.

    MarteenPyro posted: »

    Now here's a question. I had two awkward hugging situations with Sasha, one is she hugs Vaughn, the other she hugs Rhys. What choice caused the difference between the two situations?

  • My Rhys is still single. No Rhyonia or Rhysha

  • Does that happen if you didn't become President Rhys? BeCAUSE I DIDN'T plug in but episode 5 still played as if I did and Sasha not being mad at me would be enough to replay from episode 4.

    Pipas posted: »


  • THAT MAKES ME SO MAD. Telltale why. I need to replay now.

    If you reject Hyperion, she hugs you. Likewise, accept Hyperion, she hugs Vaughn.

  • Yep. If you reject Hyperion, she even hugs Rhys.

    mirashade posted: »

    Does that happen if you didn't become President Rhys? BeCAUSE I DIDN'T plug in but episode 5 still played as if I did and Sasha not being mad at me would be enough to replay from episode 4.

  • Oooooh, thanks :D good to know.

    If you reject Hyperion, she hugs you. Likewise, accept Hyperion, she hugs Vaughn.

  • I think it's just instinct to freak out when someone ships the same thing as you. :)

    Lol, I really don't see the big deal, I just shipped Rhyiona. Is that like a holy justice or something? XD

  • Rhys and Fiona all the way. The game tried to spoon feed me Sasha but I rejected her every chance I got because I personally didn't like her personality. Sasha was obsessed with guns and was basically conning August to get close to him for the vault key score. Fiona only needed a tiny gun and basically used her charisma which I approve of. Also she dressed better than Sasha ever will. Rhys and Fiona the best dressed couple ever.

  • :s

    Qthemuse posted: »

    Rhys and Fiona all the way. The game tried to spoon feed me Sasha but I rejected her every chance I got because I personally didn't like her

  • My Rhys is still single. No Rhyonia or Rhysha

  • Screenshot?

    xValkyx posted: »

    Yeah, I like that they decided to give us all a chance

  • Forever alone Rhys is the way I roll.
    Personally, I like the idea of Rhys being an absolute doof that tries to hit on everyone, but fails.

    Somebody's cute art made me want to ship Zer0 and Rhys. I guess that's a pretty weird ship, no?

    Though if it came down to these two ships, I prefer Rhysha.

  • :D <3 Another Rhyiona shipper! Sup bro!

    Qthemuse posted: »

    Rhys and Fiona all the way. The game tried to spoon feed me Sasha but I rejected her every chance I got because I personally didn't like her

  • Believe it or not, I actually really into the idea of Rhys having feelz for Zer0, and Zer0 wouldn't return those feelings.

    Zer0 would still respect Rhys, of course. But the idea of Rhys having one-sided feeling for someone like Zer0 is probably going to be one of my new favorite romantic tropes.

    If I ever see fanart of Rhys trying to get Zer0-senpai to love him, I will scream. :D

    Tentarafoo posted: »

    Forever alone Rhys is the way I roll. Personally, I like the idea of Rhys being an absolute doof that tries to hit on everyone, but fails.

  • I'm leaning more towards Rhys/Fiona thing. I don't care what Jack said. It is not weird lol. I also ship August/Vaughn. He put his hand on his shoulder! That is all it took.

  • edited October 2015

    Going to be honest. Went with Sasha in the game cause that was the choice I was given, but thinking back on it I feel Rhys could go either way depending on how he is portrayed. I can see him liking Sasha because its a slow burn, kept low key in comparison to the severity of the shit going on around them. She acts as the calm in the storm swarming around Rhys, gives him a place to breath. He can count on her not doing somthing crazy to get them into more trouble. That being said, if your Rhys is into that brash go-getter and or super serious thing Fiona's got going then I'd say Rhyona.

  • I totally ship Rhys with Sasha.

    That being said, I also ship Athena and Fiona. If Athena weren't around, I might would feel different about a Rhys and Fiona ship.

  • enter image description here

    Qthemuse posted: »

    Rhys and Fiona all the way. The game tried to spoon feed me Sasha but I rejected her every chance I got because I personally didn't like her

  • Personally, I ship Rhys with Sasha. However, it's only casual-as the whole reason behind it was that I thought she had better chemistry-so I'm not really that serious about it.

    I'm more serious about Fiona/August, but I don't really discuss it with anyone except my close friends, to avoid turning people into bloodthirsty raging monsters.

  • Fiona until probably half way through episode one. The Sasha stun baton pinky promise was just to cute!

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