Attn: 'Minecraft: Story Mode' Players Who Purchased Through Telltale Store (Episode 2 Update)



  • On android I can't seem to download? Times put after downloading? Anyone else having this problem ? Please help. Love the game. Enjoy playing. Thank you.

  • dosent work please help me get the game I really like it and I would wish it could be downloaded manually and today is my b day

  • Y que pasa con android e IOS. No hay ningún parche para esto

  • I have an Android tablet and it still says comming soon. Plz Help!!

  • Like many others in this thread I've purchase Episode 2 (for iOS as part of the multipack) but I just get the "Timed Out" error when trying to download. Kids are bummed out therefore Dad is bummed out.

  • i bought the season pass and the game via tt store. but ep 2 is still saying coming soon. pretty annoyed atm

  • edited October 2015

    I download patch and start is it shows Minecraft Story Mode is up-to-date

  • I downloaded the patch and it shows up-to-date. So that means your program is not working correctly. I have a 7 year old who is bugging me death to play Episode 2. I have uninstalled the game and tried many other forms of loading. Nothing seams to work on my end. The program is glitched. Please help.

  • Add me to the list of people that bought the multipack and are getting the times out error. I've sent a support request.

  • edited October 2015

    Downloaded and installed and still not working for me. It still says Coming soon and when I try the download again it says up to date

  • I have the Season pass on CD for PC
    But EP2 dont Load
    It still say coming soon
    Son is extremly sad

    What to do to get it work?

  • edited October 2015

    I bought the season pass.
    Son played through the first episode.
    Finally episode 2 appears.
    Does not work.
    Search the allmighty internet, gets the solution to install patch for PC. Download starts, at the end it says 100% of 0.73Gb. Weehaaaa! I thought.

    Then it says it times out.
    And keeps saying so, a lot of times.

    Ok used to PC as i am i uninstall the game and reinstalls. But when i now start the patch, it says that the game is already up to date. But i am unable to update to episode 2.

    What Is Going On around here?
    Im so disappointed. Me & my son have played Minecraft , a ,,, lot , , of ,,, hours, , THATS A LOT of hours together.
    We would really like to get this to work ASAP.

    To keep your high standards & keep customers happy, and not soil the name of Minecraft you really should get solutions to all our problems out really soon.
    I see no reason to create another support request as you are really aware of the problem by now.

    So, as a dad in need and as the Wolf once said; Pretty Please With Sugar On Top.
    Solve this problem

  • I installed the patch for MAC, but i still can't play episode 2!

  • edited October 2015

    I bought it for ps3 and it doesnt show that the apisode 2 is there it just says coming soon, please help

  • I too have the downloaded version for PC. I tried to install the patch, but it reported the game is already up to date. In the game it says Episode 2 is not downloaded, when I try I repeatedly get a "Updating Content. Downloading content.....100%" for about 20 secs then "Timed Out" "Timed Out connecting or waiting for response from server". 10 year old Daughter very disappointed. Another patch needed I think guys.

  • I have downloaded the patch. When I start Minecraft Story Mode, I get a message that lasts for a minute that says "CONNECTING Checking For DLC", but nothing else happens. Then I am unable to access the new story.

    I am using Windows 10.

  • edited November 2015

    ya lo desinstale y lo volví a instalar y me sale que el episodio 2 estará "próximamente" si un español me puede responder por acá lo agradeceria

  • When I try to load the game it says that I havent got ep 2 I but I have already downloaded it. Whats with that?

  • Im confused, could you please make the instructions more clearer...

  • Guys i found out how to make it work. You just have to quit and restart the game about 5 times and it will ask if you want to download ep 2. yay.

  • Well, if it just would be that simple.

    I think we all have tried that. At least i have.
    I must have tried restarting the game 50 times by now.

    Zapicity posted: »

    Guys i found out how to make it work. You just have to quit and restart the game about 5 times and it will ask if you want to download ep 2. yay.

  • i have the xbox1 edition on disc and when i try to donlode ep 2 it says purchesed but not dowloded so when i click dowlode it brings me to the xbox store wher it prosides to ask for £5.19 why is it not leting me play i have the seson pass disc PLEASE HELP SOMEBODY

  • The same on my iPhone. Why isn't it working?!?!

  • they need to get this sorted like now

    mdcahill101 posted: »

    The same on my iPhone. Why isn't it working?!?!

  • HI!
    All is Gooood!

    Today when i,( for the last time i had decided) tried to repeat the installation process of episode 2 it all just worked!

    I guess they have fixed something, , , ,

  • so i unistall the game the reinstall till am abel to dowlod ep 2 ?????

    TheDad posted: »

    HI! All is Gooood! Today when i,( for the last time i had decided) tried to repeat the installation process of episode 2 it all just worked! I guess they have fixed something, , , ,


    TheDad posted: »

    HI! All is Gooood! Today when i,( for the last time i had decided) tried to repeat the installation process of episode 2 it all just worked! I guess they have fixed something, , , ,

  • I already downloaded it on my tablet but it's not letting me install it. Why

  • I tried it, it didn't work.

  • I purchased the iOS version of episode two and it downloaded and installed and all that perfectley, yet when I press on the begin episode two button, the only thing that happens is I hear the sound of the click

  • I did the same but everytime it finishes downloading, it asks me to restart to main menu and install but the when I click yes it restars and asks me to restart again nonstop. I need help.

    TheDad posted: »

    HI! All is Gooood! Today when i,( for the last time i had decided) tried to repeat the installation process of episode 2 it all just worked! I guess they have fixed something, , , ,

  • Same here dude! :/

    I did the same but everytime it finishes downloading, it asks me to restart to main menu and install but the when I click yes it restars and asks me to restart again nonstop. I need help.

  • Me paso tambien mucho creo que es un problema con ellos alla!

  • Dude its out its just not working

    I have an Android tablet and it still says comming soon. Plz Help!!

  • I also mean!!!! Please Telltale games fixit!!!

    Paulharper posted: »

    i have the xbox1 edition on disc and when i try to donlode ep 2 it says purchesed but not dowloded so when i click dowlode it brings me to t

  • I am in the same boat. I bought the season pass on IOS and I can't play at all. I've tried everything. Even after I was finally able to get the episode to download I can only play episode 1.

  • Is there any update on this? I bought the multi-pack on iOS a week ago and still cannot download Episode 2 with this "timed-out" problem. Well.. actually it does download 100% but then says "timed out". The episode list showed "partially downloaded". I deleted Episode 2 and tried again but the same problem appears after downloading. Please help!

  • Hey telltale i just want to raise a complaint that i bought the minecraft story mode season pass disk for ps3......after finishing the 1st episode when i tried to download the 2nd episode it said "purchased and coming soon"....please fix this

  • I got mine through G2A it says the same as you are saying for me on PC :(

  • FIX FOR PLAYSTATION USERS (possibly others)

    If you have the season pass but in game it still says episode 2 is "coming soon," quit the game and go to the playstation store (or whatever platform marketplace you're using) search for minecraft story mode and find episode 2 and manually download!

This discussion has been closed.