I have to say something - the game is very sad for me

This game is very sad and poignant. Maybe I'm too sensitive, but to see a child aged 8-11 orphaned, it hurts ... While this game, but I love it so much and I connected characters. Clementine is poor girl, she ... has suffered a lot, it hurts me ... it does not have a lot of love, it's sad that she has become like a robot. I want to hug her ... Very strong.
It's only a game ... But I can not see such a small girl is dealing with all of this! After seeing the program "School of Music" in which participating children aged 8 to 14 ... the more I realized how many little Clementine ... It's really sad. Apart Clementine, the game is sad that a lot of people dead. Especially Lee ... I have the feeling that the season 3 will be more sad! It's the only game that made me cry and get excited about it ... really.
Sialark mentioned after watching 28 Days Later that she wished TWDG had more lighthearted moments like the grocery store scene in that film and a few other moments in it as well, and I agree on that. The film had the right blend of seriousness and funny moments so it wasn't bleak all the time.
Not to go to Tales from the Borderlands standards of funny overtop humor, but if Season 3 allowed more moments for characters to relax or have a few funny moments instead of it being such a rarity, I think it'd do it some good. At this point it's kind of what you said, it's depressing Clem and the baby are mostly the only characters left alive right now, and that's ignoring unknown and determinant statuses.
Is it me or has anyone else lost interest in this series?
This is one of the most adorable threads I ever read :')
it's you. this game is perfect,
interest? no. Hope... yeah it's shrinking. The game started off big, seems to have gotten smaller. I'm not talking about length but about caring. In the first game it was like I was afraid to make a mistake that would result in a character I liked dying..... Then the truth set in about false choices. Second game I went in knowing about false choices, and the story was more about bickering, and fighting, and less about building connections, and surviving. I also feel like since they have had the game engine design for such a long time they should be able to crank out content much quicker. They haven't.
After Season 2's release I felt the game could end. Not too big of a cliffhanger, not too unreasonable of an end. Gotta agree with you
Season 1 had a decent amount of humor. I wouldn't say it was trying to be funny, just the characters said jokes enough that they would still come off as human.
[Stops reading Until Dawn fanfiction.]
It, i-it's a phase.
i think TWD better than Until Dawn
I like them both ^.^
you are perfect