The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • edited May 2015

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    FINALLY this movie of the day is back I was waiting so long :'(

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    Salt123's Movie of the Day: Oldboy Which one? I'll just go with the original and the remake so both...) The ending is just.....Damn...

  • edited May 2015

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    Well great to see you back finally :D

    Saltlick123 posted: »

    I've just been busy doing Murican stuff lately.

  • And I think tha-.... Never mind...

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Just finished the entire Death Note saga, I really recommend it even if you watched the anime, it's not like any other story I've read.

  • edited May 2015

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    I just found out Chris Nolan offered the role of Batman to Heath Ledger first but he rejected as he didn't want to be part of a comic book film

    Then in the Dark Knight after seeing how awesome Batman Begins was Heath accepted an offer to be the Joker

    Heath I think would of done an awesome job better then Bale as batman imo

    I'd say Nolan would of made Bale the joker instead if Heath was Batman who I think would not of been able to be as good as heaths Joker. I always found Bales Batman boring but cool so not sure if he should play such a character as the Joker but then again I heard in American Psycho his good at playing insane characters

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    Imagine what the films would of been like with a heath-Batman and a Bale Joker I think it would of been awesome but I still think the casting was already perfect and Bale would not be able to reach the standards of Heaths Joker so I'm glad he made the right chose

    what's your opinion?

  • do you want that fanfiction

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    And I think tha-.... Never mind...

  • Salt123s Movie of the Day........... Previously: Oldboy Today: Detonator (Also known as Death Train)

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  • I think it's good the way it was but interesting.

    I think Bale can play a good Psychopath but he just doesn't give me the Joker vibe, but then again some people said similar things about Ledger at first. Hmmmm

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I just found out Chris Nolan offered the role of Batman to Heath Ledger first but he rejected as he didn't want to be part of a comic book f

  • Show me dem dance moves gurl

    I'm planning on doing a Clem dance video. and it should atlest come out like this: just minus the scoring and the steps on the side.

  • This is awesome his a badass one day he will get dat arm bitten off tho :O GATORSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSssss

  • Murca got damn gator farms everywhere.

    You ever seen a damn gator farm in Ireland?

    Markd4547 posted: »

    This is awesome his a badass one day he will get dat arm bitten off tho :O

  • edited May 2015

    No Gator farms in Ireland they don't eat potatoes so we can't import them unfortunately just leprechauns and sheet pretty boring over here :'(

    Murca got damn gator farms everywhere. You ever seen a damn gator farm in Ireland?

  • Oh God, I try SO FUCKING HARD to love Guardians of the Galaxy as much as everyone else.

    I just can't, I don't think the film is bad, I enjoy it, but I SHOULD LOVE IT! I just can't get past on how awkward, clunky, and unnatural the dialogue is.

    Seriously, in my opinion, James Gunn CANNOT write natural dialogue, it really comes off like it's trying too hard and forced.

  • Finally saw Avengers Age of Ultron today, it's fucking awesome.

  • Yep it is, But I'm looking forward to Civil War since a lot of characters are returning and they'll fight each other :)

    Confirmed Characters so far: Iron Man, Cap, War Machine, Bucky, Black Widow, Hawkeye, Antman, Falcon, Scarlett Witch, Black Panther and General Ross. (Spider-Man rumored in a post credit scene)

    So yeah, Age of Ultron was good but I think Civil War will be better.

    Finally saw Avengers Age of Ultron today, it's fucking awesome.

  • Yeah, I stalled seeing it for a while, then I watched it and liked it a little, now idk but I like most of Marvels other films more.

    J-Master posted: »

    Oh God, I try SO FUCKING HARD to love Guardians of the Galaxy as much as everyone else. I just can't, I don't think the film is bad, I en

  • And Robert Downey Jr. will make all the money.

  • What was your favorite part? Mine was definitely the scenes leading up to the Hulk Buster armor, loved 'I'm terrified of cuttlefish'

    Finally saw Avengers Age of Ultron today, it's fucking awesome.

  • edited May 2015

    That entire fight scene was great, especially after the Hulk spit out his tooth and Stark looks like he just shit his pants. It's hard to narrow down my favorite part, but pretty much anything with Ultron in it, he was fantastic. Also, when the new human Jarvis lifts Thor's hammer.

  • pretty lame

    Gave a wedgie to a zombie

  • "Bitch Slapped Your Sister"

    Best though:

    "Humped a goat with Batman"

  • At least you didn't have oral sex with a homeless dude.

    ComingSoon posted: »

    pretty lame Gave a wedgie to a zombie


    That thread is really old but it's really nice to see how TTG's becoming important to the video game industry, exactly how Lucasarts was important at the 90's.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Felt Up A School Crossing Guard.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator

    Sorry to hear that, personally it's one of my favorite Marvel movies.

    J-Master posted: »

    Oh God, I try SO FUCKING HARD to love Guardians of the Galaxy as much as everyone else. I just can't, I don't think the film is bad, I en

  • I completely forgot what context this was in for a minute and I was just freaking out liek "Holy Wsshit wHAT"

    At least you didn't have oral sex with a homeless dude.

  • Sang bad Karoke with your momma.

  • "Felt up your Momma"


  • "Flicked Boogers at One Direction"

    It makes it sound like this is a bad thing.

  • I did another thing

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  • I think Heath would definitely have been a better Batman but I'm not sure about Bale as the joker, he's not a bad actor but considering how awful he was at playing Baman I find it hard to think he would have been a good Joker, I also should mention that I absolutely hated him as Batman and I don't like neither Begins or Rises, while I really only like Dark Knight because of Heath Ledger and Aaron Eckhart since the story is actually pretty bad and filled with plot-holes which should be expected from the awful writer that is David S. Goyer.

    Markd4547 posted: »

    I just found out Chris Nolan offered the role of Batman to Heath Ledger first but he rejected as he didn't want to be part of a comic book f

  • "pssed on Batman"


  • edited May 2015


    But seriously, all joking aside, fuck ISIS. They murder innocents, use people as human shields, behead people for simply not following their religion, rape women, strap bombs to children, and shoot babies in the face to "make a point". All without remorse, all without a second thought, all in the name of their "god". Words can't accurately describe the sheer anger I feel whenever I hear about the horrors ISIS is currently committing. These sick, depraved monsters are the epitome of evil, they don't deserve any mercy.

  • edited May 2015


  • That feel when you get hit like a train after being done with bar games. Holy. Shit.

    (this only took 12312312 edits, nbd.)

  • 3 day crime spree with a school crossing guard.

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