The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • Oh boy, I can't wait for his character to be ruined and ultimately killed off as well. GET HYPE. This DEAL is NOT getting worse all the time.

  • And they will kill him off so they can have the whole main cast completely killed off. Lando is not that interesting he deserves his own spin off movie if he survives the new trilogy. GET HYPE. This DEAL is NOT getting worse all the time.

  • I may not visit as much as I used to because there's not a hell of a lot going on and because ANF really soured somethings with me, but I still come around every day. I don't really consider myself all that popular, but thanks anyway.

    I think that, like a lot of introverts, our online personalities and how we act and think when we're alone are often times contrary to how we act in the real world. When we're talking to people online like this, or talking to ourselves, or making a YouTube video, that's often how we WANT to be, as we come off as more outgoing and personable and less self-conscious and shy, at least that's how it's been in my own experience. We're more prone to be expressive and forward with who we are when there's no direct fear of how a person may respond. When we're in a social setting, that's when the introverted side comes back out, and how one may act alone suddenly shrinks away and the reclusive and reserved side returns. Hence why you may have thought I'm a relationship expert based on what you know about my online personality, but in reality, I'm just as socially awkward as a lot of other people, both here and elsewhere. Often times, those online personalities are the ideal versions of ourselves, the people who we want to be, but are afraid of letting out because we worry about what others think of us. In ways, this is both the pro and the con of the Internet. It has given a voice to the people who are too scared and afraid of letting their voices be heard, but on the downside, we can become so sucked into this view and become so reclusive that we abandon all real socialization.

    MegaXD posted: »

    woah Metalica wasn’t expecting you to reply but thanks anyway. You are pretty popular in the forums so for some reason I thought you were the expert in relationships lmao

  • edited July 2018

    I wonder if he's gonna get the Falcon back :D GET HYPE. This DEAL is NOT getting worse all the time.

  • edited July 2018

    I was playing Truth or Dare with some friends and things got... Pretty weird.

    A dare came up where I had to pick two people to kiss, Luckily my girlfriend was playing so I just picked us. But that didn't save us from the things that were to come...

    But I was two months away from 17 when I had my first kiss. Honestly, there is no 'right' age. Just whenever you feel ready and have found the right person. Dont kiss someone just to kiss someone, and never enter a relationship just to have a gf/bf, because thats when huge mistakes are made.

    MegaXD posted: »

    last week I was playing cards with some friends at school and one of them came up with the amazing idea that the losers would have to kiss e

  • Life Pro Tip!

    A simple household cheese grater can be used to get rid of any skin imperfection! Got a bit of acne? Or an unsightly mole? Just grate that baby right off and apply/drink a little bit of rubbing alcohol (whiskey is also fine) after you're done!

  • Nicole Arbour anyone?

  • Of course!! That's genius!

    Say goodbye all you ugly pimples, it's time to meet your end!

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Life Pro Tip! A simple household cheese grater can be used to get rid of any skin imperfection! Got a bit of acne? Or an unsightly mole?

  • that idea sounds awfully grating. but at least it ain't cheesy in the slightest!

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Life Pro Tip! A simple household cheese grater can be used to get rid of any skin imperfection! Got a bit of acne? Or an unsightly mole?

  • nah dude, when i think unfunny, boring, egotistical, irredeemable, garbage human beings known for treating others like shit, my go-to gal is amy schumer.

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    Nicole Arbour anyone?

  • Whoa this thread just became the Whatever's on your Heart Megathread or something.

    Haha. :D

    ...So, are you not American? I always thought you were, for some unknown reason. Must've been some sort of unspoken, default answer.

    Heheh, oops. Yeah, I'm not American; however, I try to speak American English here on the forums. I very much knew that I would eventually slip-up and say something non-American. So although I never stated that I was American, it makes sense that you thought I was. Sorry for any deception. :sweat_smile: I can be pretty secretive of information about me, but I've kinda relaxed a bit about it.

    I always thought you were 27+

    Are you talking about Zombiekiller or me...?

    Don't worry about love. It's not a requirement to life, and it's not like there's a specific checklist in how to get it or when.

    Love is essential to life. Infatuation is not. It'd be pretty hard to live life without loving anyone, whether it be friends, family, pets etc.

    AChicken posted: »

    Whoa this thread just became the Whatever's on your Heart Megathread or something. But still sad to see some you guys don't have a gf

  • Amy Schumer? What has she done to be placed above Nicole :D ? I'm just curious, I don't know much about her except everyone hates her.

    nah dude, when i think unfunny, boring, egotistical, irredeemable, garbage human beings known for treating others like shit, my go-to gal is amy schumer.

  • So I was pretty much on the mark then? :D

    Oh I forgot, drinking ages are different in other parts of the world. Here, the legal drinking age is 21. And they recently increased the smoking age to 21, too, for some reason.

  • You're 15 and your teacher assumes everyone in the class has had a relationship at some point!? Jeez, that's a little... inappropriate?

    Even though your family are only joking, if it bothers you, then it's no longer a joke. It may seem insignificant and not worth worrying over, but that joke does have that underlying pressure and expectation. I mean, I can imagine how it'd make me feel having to hear that frequently. Your family may not even realise that it upsets you.

    MegaXD posted: »

    Strange that your teacher would talk about something so personal like that lol I know, we were reading a book about love and she wan

  • *nonchalantly drags a body by*

  • 5/5 I've tried this and it really does work. I admit that the idea first made my flesh crawl, but I kept an open mind. Now my skin is completely clear and all that remains is a beautiful shade of red. Everyone can't help but to notice me now.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Life Pro Tip! A simple household cheese grater can be used to get rid of any skin imperfection! Got a bit of acne? Or an unsightly mole?

  • edited July 2018

    zooweemama dude i almost don't wanna tell you to spare you the fate of knowing. i wish so fuckin badly i didn't know.

    the biggest thing you gotta know is that at a comedy central event she stood up and made some really fucking snide and shitty remarks about steve-o and his very close friend (who had died recently) and not only felt unapologetic about it and went on with the show but went on to say that people were being ridiculous in their fairly justified negative response to comments like those she made. video below.

    there are obviously a LOT of other things to bring up, biggest one being how she's a hack fraud comedian with zero material, but that clip right there is so fucking disgusting and the fact that she so proudly humiliated this poor grieving man in front of millions is so fucking cruel. there's a fine line between making a friendly poke in the ribs and being an absolute brain dead ape with no regard for human emotions. amy doesn't seem to see that line.

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    Amy Schumer? What has she done to be placed above Nicole ? I'm just curious, I don't know much about her except everyone hates her.

  • In my one and very short experience. I was standing next to the other person I was with and they pushed me to jump the pit, even setting up a rope to help catch me if I fell, though the rope was cut at a section to the strength of a few threads. Of course, I jumped the pit too short out of nervousness and I started to fall in. I caught the rope and dangled there and I looked up and saw her standing there on the other side looking at me with this dull face, anticipating me to climb up. I saw that face, and the cut in the rope, and thought of a more reasonable option. I let go. I fell to the bottom of the pit and just laid there staring up at her, letting her know that I knew something was up. And her head disappeared over to top of the pit.

    Ever since then, I've been sitting at the bottom of the pit, playing in the sand, though I noticed a few threads of the rope had grown back since she left. And maybe if I climb up, there will be a new face waiting there to greet me. But so many thoughts have gone through my head, making me feel not even worthy of touching the rope. The only real thought on my mind is I should start digging.

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    I have trouble with it too, but I've learned that confidence isn't really a skill. It's a leap over the ominous pit of failure. Anyone who i

  • edited July 2018

    I'm so glad this technique has worked for you! Sadly it doesn't seem to work for everyone :(

    I've told a few people about this and they were a bit wary about it at first, but after some convincing I personally helped them because I think it'd be a bit scary for them to do it themselves. At least, that's how I felt when I did it. It seemed like it was working at first because they wouldn't stop screaming for j̘̬̮̦̺̩̪ǒ͊̎̈́̒͏̦̮̪̺̰y̠ͮ͗͊͐͢. Maybe it tickled a bit or something because they were begging me to stop but I kept going and told them that it was going to be fine. That all this effort wouldn't be for nothing. They tried to struggle out of the chair but I guess I did a really good job tying them up.

    Once I was done with one part I quickly splashed a bit of rubbing alcohol onto the area and went on to the next. They sure had a lot of problems with their skin. So many cracks, freckles and wrinkles. So many imperfections. So many things to ŗ͈ę̙̙̖̄͌̔̑m͇͍̭͙̻̭̪ő̟̼͕̌ͣ͡v̫͊ͨͭͣě̵̀́. It seemed like I did a good job by the time I was done but they just sat on the chair ignoring me. Maybe I was a little too forceful? I just apologised and went on to the next one.

    The others were so excited for their turn at first. They all kept screaming "L͈̼̭͊̚e̴̼̰͆ͯ̐̋͗́ͭt̖̪͈͇̠̋͋̋ ̻̞̳͌m͈͓̄̒͐̀e̺̱͗̇̆͘ ͔̺̭̠gͣ̆͋̐ͤ̈̚҉͇̺̦̜̗̦o̥̥̞̝̻̯ͯ͆͋͊́!̞̺̜" I just did a little 'eenie meenie miney mo' and went on to the next. But everytime it seemed like they'd end up ignoring me too. It makes me so sad. Maybe I didn't do a good enough job or something. I try talking to them every day but they don't say a word. I thought I did a really good job but maybe not since they're so unhappy with me.

    I̺̦̦̲̖ͬ́̈́̒̉ ̠̙̳̳͎̗̉͌̚̚̚͢ẘ͖̣͎̗̤a͓̦̭̣̠̖̋̐ͯ́͠s̙͇̼̩͚̼͍ͥ͢ ̸̼̰̲ͬ̂̋͌̚j̟͙͇̳̠̙̝us͉͍̙̭͖͆ţ̳̬͉̙͖̤͓̏ͧͮ̋̈́̽ ̲̹̭ͨ̍ͨ̆̌̔trying ̿̽̍̿ͣͪt̟͔͑͢ö̞͇̗͍́͊̔ͤ͊ͦ ̆̌̏̂̇̎́help.̤̘̞̪͊͝.̖̖̅ͣ͑.̜̙͙̖̮̪

    :disappointed: :disappointed: :disappointed: :cry: :cry: :cry:

    5/5 I've tried this and it really does work. I admit that the idea first made my flesh crawl, but I kept an open mind. Now my skin is completely clear and all that remains is a beautiful shade of red. Everyone can't help but to notice me now.

  • continuing to look in the other direction

    Johro posted: »

    *nonchalantly drags a body by*

  • ...Woah... That's awful! :scream: They didn't even say "thank you"?! They should be grateful for what you've done for them! For shame.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    I'm so glad this technique has worked for you! Sadly it doesn't seem to work for everyone I've told a few people about this and they wer

  • If it's not already mentioned here, I'm pleased to announce that the children and coaches trapped in the Thai cave have all been rescued.

    It's a damn tragedy that there was one casualty during the rescue attempt, and I'm hoping that the Thai Navy SEALS, the deceased, and those who were also assisting in the rescue will be given recognition.

  • I'm sure they'll come around eventually.

    In the meantime I'll just keep on p̸ͅr̩̬͓͔ͅa̹͡c̰͇̝͈̻̗͔͝ṯ͔͚͎̻̹̻i̖̱̹̲͔̪͞s̜̝͙̭̙̭͝i͍̯͕̬̲͝n̤̹͕͢g̪͙̥ :)

    ...Woah... That's awful! They didn't even say "thank you"?! They should be grateful for what you've done for them! For shame.

  • edited July 2018

    Are you talking about Zombiekiller or me...?

    Zombiekiller. Not you.

    Either way this is awkward now eh hehehe.

    @Zombiekiller3121, just know that you seem like a wise person, so I only assumed that there was a good amount of age to go with that. I mean no harm.

    Love is essential to life. Infatuation is not.

    Right. That's what I meant.

    In other news...

    I'm pleased to announce that the children and coaches trapped in the Thai cave have all been rescued.

    All 12 boys and coach rescued successfully.
    Awesome.i hope they recover well, and soon.

    Whoa this thread just became the Whatever's on your Heart Megathread or something. Haha. ...So, are you not American? I alway

  • edited July 2018

    In other, other (not) news... Today has been pretty blah for me.

    Edit TLDR: I'm sick and went to work only to go right back home because my symptoms had only worsened on the way there.


    Dex-Starr posted: »

    This commercial has been stuck in my head for years

  • Huh. I don't thank that ever aired with Adult Swim.

    melissa is the best fullmetal alchemist theme period if you disagree with that then you are a fool and a traitor

  • then adult swim is formed up entirely by cowards

    DabigRG posted: »

    Huh. I don't thank that ever aired with Adult Swim.

  • edited July 2018

    Yup. Btw? Fire Kathleen Kennedy! She ruined my favorite franchise right now. I ain't and my gf are not going to watch episode 9 at all. I mean come on do ppl really give a shit about this? Like Lando is awesome,but they will kill him off. Either way I am not going at all.

    Oh boy, I can't wait for his character to be ruined and ultimately killed off as well.

  • What's crazier: The fact someone actually arranged this commercial, or the fact that I actually like it?

    DabigRG posted: »


  • The lack of a proper tie-in advert.

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    What's crazier: The fact someone actually arranged this commercial, or the fact that I actually like it?

  • There is not even something else to worry about. Han is dead, Luke is dead and Leia is dead. Who else is there for us to care? Those are like the only characters which kept me looking forward to the new trilogy. R2 and 3PO are just robots, they can't die; Chewbacca is just a human-sized bear who is just awesome at action moments and Lando, is more of a supporting character than a main one in my eyes. Fuck Kennedy and fuck Rian Johnson.

    strwar3 posted: »

    Yup. Btw? Fire Kathleen Kennedy! She ruined my favorite franchise right now. I ain't and my gf are not going to watch episode 9 at all. I me

  • No harm done ;)
    I hope you feel better soon

    AChicken posted: »

    Are you talking about Zombiekiller or me...? Zombiekiller. Not you. Either way this is awkward now eh hehehe. @Zombiekiller3

  • edited July 2018

    Fuck Kennedy and fuck Rian Johnson

    Right into a goddamn hurricane.

    AronDracula posted: »

    There is not even something else to worry about. Han is dead, Luke is dead and Leia is dead. Who else is there for us to care? Those are lik

  • life just can't stop kicking me in the fucking dick lately

  • edited July 2018

    fuck Rian Johnson.

    I'm of the opinion that he simply made a Star Wars movie the wrong way.
    I don't think he intended to ruin the franchise -- as if he could just make 'a movie', rake in the cash and walk away. He simply just didn't make it right in people's expectations of the universe. He subverted expectations in the wrong way.
    Pushed Finn aside, tried to focus on the 'drama' of the Rebels on the brink of death, threw in a new sidekick (Rose) who was underdeveloped and became an unnecessary "We bonded, I love you" character at the end, and also seemed to mess with fan-favourites' lives like Ackbar and Phasma.

    I can buy how Luke acted, given that he's rejected the Jedi on a mistake he made of "This guy probably turns evil later on I should kill him."

    It's just that the characters that were set up in 7 apparently didn't come with instructions on where to go next. Finn's ex-stormtrooper status gets wrapped up super quick with the seeming death by flames of his superior, Rey having special lineage or connections to the force that amount to... Litterally nothing yet since the mirror scene never showed the parents. Snoke seemed like a more powerful Emperor, and while I like the change in leadership from "old, gray, wrinkled super-Sith"(Sno) to "actual saber combatant"(Kylo), he was pretty mysterious, powerful, and I would have loved to see more of him, or even a better death.

    AronDracula posted: »

    There is not even something else to worry about. Han is dead, Luke is dead and Leia is dead. Who else is there for us to care? Those are lik

  • What happened?

    life just can't stop kicking me in the fucking dick lately

  • Offensive material, delete this. Oh, wait, I forgot that this rule only applies for me ??

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    . .

  • mostly personal shit and work stress. but there are brand new unrelated family, romantic and financial issues that've been popping up this past week and it's just so frustrating having all this pile up one issue after the other.

    strwar3 posted: »

    What happened?

  • Me everytime I see Star Wars discussed on here.

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