The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • I finished the main story of God of War 4 and I loved it so much, coming from someone who wasn't a huge fan of the previous games, I played GOW1 and 2 but 3. It's definitely the best game I've played this year, well, until Spider-Man PS4.

  • congratulations!

    AronDracula posted: »

    I passed the BAC exams, finally!!!

  • You got this! B)

    AChicken posted: »

    Well, today is the first day of my new paying summer job... (Working at a local French radio station, where I also previously had a co-op and volunteer position. So, should be fairly easy.) Either way, wish me luck!

  • Thanks!

    Today was apparently no big deal though. It was a short "signing contracts & general 'what is this job?' information day."
    So far it's like the same old stuff I've done with them in the past, but with some more work added onto it. I'll find out soon enough. The real work starts tomorrow. (If I'm translating this French>English correctly, I guess you can call this [fr - "stage"] job an internship?)

    Good thing, and also kind of relieves the pressure: I get to work with another hired intern from time to time, so the whole workload of organizing and stuff won't be all on me.

    You got this!

  • Who da fuck is Lylla?

    AChicken posted: »

    Yeah! Finally got figures of my two favourite characters of GOTG!

  • Random thought here, but was Voyd supposed to be androgynous or something?

  • A character in the game. :D

    DabigRG posted: »

    Who da fuck is Lylla?

  • edited July 2018

    Lylla is Rocket's GF. She dead tho. Rocket's always mad because of that.

    ...These figures are from Telltale's Guardians game -- specifically, episode 2 -- and these are a part of a flashback. It's not much, but 4 Funko figures were made for the game: This two-pack, one of the antagonist Hala, and one of Gamora.

    If you need a refresher, or just want to see it in action, here it is...

    DabigRG posted: »

    Who da fuck is Lylla?

  • edited July 2018

    Has anybody felt that Overwatch right now. Is waste of time? Like that game is by farrrrr annoying to watch and see ppl play it still. Like the burnout for that game is happening and it looks like Fortnite is becoming a interesting game to play.

    I don't play it and I never will play it. I am into games that have choices and consequences in video games. Btw? Without that in gaming? I would literally be bored as hell if it wasn't for Telltale games giving choices and consequences in their games. I miss other games doing that.

  • A-Doyee! :lol:

    Johro posted: »

    A character in the game.

  • I hope she's a flashback character then, because fuckin SPOILERZ!

    AChicken posted: »

    Lylla is Rocket's GF. She dead tho. Rocket's always mad because of that. ...These figures are from Telltale's Guardians game -- specifica

  • Otter-ly adorable.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Who da fuck is Lylla?

  • Just found out that a guy online who I've been friends with for over a year was actually catfishing.

  • But.... like....

    and these are a part of a flashback.

    So, yes she is?

    And not spoilers since I literally linked the actual clip?

    ehhhhh what do you care ya haven't played it and it's been out for over a year. :smirk:

    DabigRG posted: »

    I hope she's a flashback character then, because fuckin SPOILERZ!

  • edited July 2018

    That Suuuuuucks....

    But how do you know? Did they randomly ask you for money? Post the wrong stuff in a drunken haze?

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    Just found out that a guy online who I've been friends with for over a year was actually catfishing.

  • I reverse image searched his Instagram profile picture and found out that the guy in the photo was some Puerto Rican with a completely different name. I then did research into his Instagram posts and found out they weren't even stolen from the same guy. I haven't confronted him on it yet but I plan to as he is catfishing my other friend too.

    AChicken posted: »

    That Suuuuuucks.... But how do you know? Did they randomly ask you for money? Post the wrong stuff in a drunken haze?

  • edited July 2018

    Again, that totally sucks. And your friend's a victim too... man, I have no words other than I feel so sorry for you.

    Good for you in your endeavours of fact-checking this guy though.

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    I reverse image searched his Instagram profile picture and found out that the guy in the photo was some Puerto Rican with a completely diffe

  • Dex-StarrDex-Starr Banned
    edited July 2018

    Does anyone here understand/speak french? There's this song I like but I don't know wtf he's saying and there's no translation. I'm not asking you to tell me what he's saying word for word, but give me an overall gist of what he's talking about. It's only 2 minutes long

  • edited July 2018

    I'll try my hand at it.

    From what I can gather of the lyrics, it's about this guy who has this really absurd acoustic fever dream where everything says "Wooo" or ("WO-OO" as the title suggests)
    [J'ai fait un rêve absurde, digne de Malkovich / Un bad trip acoustique, un coma cathodique]

    He mentions that he's being "chased by two letters, kidnapped by sound." He feels like he's the slave of a sample.
    [Pourchassé par deux lettres, kidnappé par un son / L'impression d'être l'esclave d'un échantillon...]

    That last line right there just explains most of the song.
    Throughout most of the song -- in the background and the entire chorus itself -- there are "samples". Samples are little snippits, audio cues, pre-recorded music, sound effects, or voice that gets inserted into a song. It's commonly used in mixes of DJs.

    The chorus is made up of different samples.

    This got me going crazy
    Wooo! How can this happen, I feel I'm really losing my mind!
    Crazy! I can't understand, this is crazy! Crazy! I'm gonna lose my miiiind!
    Damn! This got me going... "thing to cling"

    Every "Wooo" is a sample. That's an audio cue taken from somewhere else. Where, I don't know, but it's a sample.

    I don't think this song can be explained, but it can be translated. It's about a guy who has a weird dream involving the sample "Wooo" and he can't escape it in real life.

    J'ouvre les yeux sur mon réveil qui dit: "W0:00"
    Et une voix remplace le "Bip bi dip"
    Ça fait "Wooo"
    I open my eyes to my alarm that reads W0:00 / and the voice that replaces the "Bip di Bip" says "Wooo"


    Aujourd'hui à la Une, c'est "Wooo"
    De la couv' à la météo, W et O ont remplacé les mots
    In the newspaper, it all says Wooo. From the cover to the weather, every word's been replaced with W and O.


    Malgré le café, encore dans les bras de Morphée
    Despite the coffee, I'm still in the arms of Morpheus [possible Matrix reference? It's like he's asleep?]
    Et même mon chat fait "Wooo"
    Even my cat goes "Wooo"


    "Wooo" quand ma belle me glisse à l'oreille
    "Wooo" when my girlfriend whispers in my ear


    Sur mes lèvres quand j'appelle à l'aide
    Même mes cordes vocales s'emmêlent
    From my lips, when I try to ask for help even my vocal cords get tangled saying "Wooo"

    ...Wow this song is dark. I feel bad for the guy.

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    Does anyone here understand/speak french? There's this song I like but I don't know wtf he's saying and there's no translation. I'm not aski

  • Thank you very much. You've been most helpful to me now than anyone has ever been in my entire life :D

    AChicken posted: »

    I'll try my hand at it. From what I can gather of the lyrics, it's about this guy who has this really absurd acoustic fever dream where e

  • Also, I've been wanting to learn French. From 1-10 how hard would you say it is to learn?

    AChicken posted: »

    I'll try my hand at it. From what I can gather of the lyrics, it's about this guy who has this really absurd acoustic fever dream where e

  • edited July 2018

    Uhhh maybe starting at a 2/10 going up to a 5/10?

    From English, it's easier than, say, Japanese since they share the same alphabet, and many words are similar but pronounced differently.

    Though I'm not too sure on how to judge it here. You're talking to a Canadian who was thrown into a French elementary school and high school.
    So naturally, my French was much more improved due to the school's language environment.

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    Also, I've been wanting to learn French. From 1-10 how hard would you say it is to learn?

  • edited July 2018

    Hey, I've made it to 7,500 likes exactly! (at time of posting) Just 2,500 more until I reach the next milestone (so, it'll take me like 2+ years)!

  • And not spoilers since I literally linked the actual clip?

    Which I chose not to watch because of spoilers/disinterest.
    But yes, I didn't actually read that paragraph

    ehhhhh what do you care ya haven't played it and it's been out for over a year. :smirk:

    Batman Season 1 and Wolf Among us have been out for years as well and I only bought them a few months ago and last week, respectively.

    AChicken posted: »

    But.... like.... and these are a part of a flashback. So, yes she is? And not spoilers since I literally linked the actual clip? ehhhhh what do you care ya haven't played it and it's been out for over a year.

  • I only bought them a few months ago and last week, respectively.

    Yeaaah I figured you'd say something like that.
    I won't blame you though for being behind. Life gets full.

    DabigRG posted: »

    And not spoilers since I literally linked the actual clip? Which I chose not to watch because of spoilers/disinterest. But yes, I d

  • edited July 2018

    This really cool look for the forums just happened to me on mobile.

    My connection got really low while loading the page and it came out like this instead of the usual 'url code' look for low connection/unloaded pages.
    Looked like light mode got activated and the banner changed to a cool blue.

  • Damn strait. :smiley:

    AChicken posted: »

    I only bought them a few months ago and last week, respectively. Yeaaah I figured you'd say something like that. I won't blame you though for being behind. Life gets full.

  • I haven't been on here for over a year or two but now I'm tripping out bc this isn't the layout I was used to lol. Anyways genuine question how is everyone and do you have any of you have tattoos or piercings and if so what ya got?

  • I am getting a tattoo next month and it will be a Hade's symbol tattoo or maybe a Black Star Tattoo.

    lottii-lu posted: »

    I haven't been on here for over a year or two but now I'm tripping out bc this isn't the layout I was used to lol. Anyways genuine question how is everyone and do you have any of you have tattoos or piercings and if so what ya got?

  • Ayyyy that sounds really cool!

    strwar3 posted: »

    I am getting a tattoo next month and it will be a Hade's symbol tattoo or maybe a Black Star Tattoo.

  • I have an ear piercing. Been considered getting a lip piercing but I'm worried I'll look emo and I don't think they're allowed in sixth form. Also been considering getting a tattoo when I turn 18, probably of a tiger or a wolf or something.

    lottii-lu posted: »

    I haven't been on here for over a year or two but now I'm tripping out bc this isn't the layout I was used to lol. Anyways genuine question how is everyone and do you have any of you have tattoos or piercings and if so what ya got?

  • I wouldn't get a lip piercing. Tattoos are fine.
    I don't have a problem with lip piercings, but EVERY person I've known with one, let it close up as they got older. If you do go for it, just keep that in mind, that you'll probably only have it short term. We're not even talking middle age. They've all let them close up before the age of 25-27. I'm talking about 5 different people. You do you. It's just something to consider. As a manager whom hires his staff, I don't really care. I'm not going to tell you that you shouldn't because it's not professional or anything.

    TheFurryOne posted: »

    I have an ear piercing. Been considered getting a lip piercing but I'm worried I'll look emo and I don't think they're allowed in sixth form. Also been considering getting a tattoo when I turn 18, probably of a tiger or a wolf or something.

  • I'm not against tattoos or piercings but they do influence people's impressions of you. I've seen people with some awesome tattoos and piercings but even though they look cool you still gotta be smart with body modifications like that.

    not saying they're all a bad idea tho

    lottii-lu posted: »

    I haven't been on here for over a year or two but now I'm tripping out bc this isn't the layout I was used to lol. Anyways genuine question how is everyone and do you have any of you have tattoos or piercings and if so what ya got?

  • edited July 2018

    It probably depends on your locale. In big city Canada(which is STILL not comparable to NY or Tokyo, etc), tattoos are nothing. If you live in Bible belt America(mid-south east) or rural areas... I could see issues.

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    I'm not against tattoos or piercings but they do influence people's impressions of you. I've seen people with some awesome tattoos and pierc

  • Yeah where you live does matter when you decide to get a tattoo/piercing. In general though tattoos and piercings alter your appearance so they're going to affect how people look at you when they first see them. Doesn't mean they're going to think poorly of you for having them but they are going to see you differently compared to if you didn't have them, even if it's only slightly. It's something you shouldn't think lightly of before doing. I like when people show their body art but still

    Johro posted: »

    It probably depends on your locale. In big city Canada(which is STILL not comparable to NY or Tokyo, etc), tattoos are nothing. If you live in Bible belt America(mid-south east) or rural areas... I could see issues.

  • True enough. I think the only thing I judge is excessive piercings or face/neck tattoos... Both tell me you may not be the best at decision making. Again, as someone whom hires, that may be a bias based on stereotyping, but it's still true as to how you're perceived.

  • Cool logo

  • The 10 year anniversary of the SuperSonics going to OKC was in the last week.

    Such a shame. Had Kevin Durant, then they got Westbrook...

    Dex-Starr posted: »

    Cool logo

  • "ukpkmkk says....."

  • Just too bad nobody went to the games then.
    Now it looks like they'll get an NHL team before NBA... Even with building an arena with NBA in mind.

    The 10 year anniversary of the SuperSonics going to OKC was in the last week. Such a shame. Had Kevin Durant, then they got Westbrook...

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