The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • There was another guy who thought up a story in 10 minutes because he thought he could fix something. But you're gonna have to tell it to Zod's snapped neck.

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    After possibly spoiling Rise of the Skywalker for myself I'm tempted to finally get into fan fiction just to make a finale that could somewhat redeem the trilogy. I literally just thought of a story in ten minutes

  • edited November 2019

    I'd probably make some fans even more angry because the main theme would be "Kylo Ren semi-succeeds in destroying the past and changing his personality into unhindered emperor Anakin" right until near the end.

    Also Carrie Fishers alive in my version and Leia has a bigger role because that is how it should be.

    He would destroy the Millennium Falcon and severely damage R2D2 in the process

    I'll take my Hitman targets now thank you.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    There was another guy who thought up a story in 10 minutes because he thought he could fix something. But you're gonna have to tell it to Zod's snapped neck.

  • Watched Knives Out and I really really liked it! Daniel Craig, Chris Evans and Ana de Armas are the biggest standouts in an overall excellent cast. Daniel Craig is wonderfully over the top as Detective Benoit Blanc who is pretty much a southern version of Hercule Poirot from the Agatha Christie novels, Chris Evans plays a great douchebag character with Ransom which is hilarious considering his previous role as Captain America had him as a massive boyscout, and Ana de Armas just feels really earnest in her role of Marta and you do really feel for her character.

    Most of the characters are huge assholes which is pretty funny. There's quite a number of subtle humour with the characters that reveal a lot about their relationships and their personalities, of course there were also a good amount of less subtle comedy that had my theatre and I laughing. I do think it starts out a little bit slow due to the set up but it doesn't take long for the movie to find its footing. The movie is just a lot of fun and overall very entertaining.

  • edited November 2019

    Probably going to get lynched but here are my story ideas for Rise of the Skywalker (would have to adjust some things to fit canon and make things make more sense, I don't know lore perfectly)

    Slight KOTOR spoilers

    Film has a several year time span.

    Twist from The Last Jedi that Rey has no special parents is respected.

    Boba Fett survives the Sarlacc pit in disney canon by stealing empire experimental transportation beforehand, however the technology left him with some brain damage causing to still be recognizable and competent as Boba Fett but with hallucinations. He ends up becoming a key player in the resistance after it's revealed he turned to the light sometime after OT (though it's implied he received somewhat of the Revan treatment for this to happen)

    Boba Fett becomes almost a mentor to Poe and Finn. Chewbacca accompanies them.

    Old Boba Fett may or may not battle with Kylo Ren at some point and wound Kylo

    Rose tries to start a romance with Finn. Finn passively declines, knowing he could die any second.

    Kylo Ren outright murders Rey in a duel a little less than halfway through the movie as

    1. He has no emotional ties to mentors holding him back

    2. He's at peak strength and training now, having trained rigorously since The Last Jedi (it's also revealed that Snoke intentionally manipulated Kylo to not reach his potential)

    3. Palpatine may be assisting him

    Though Rey is not out of the story. Movie becomes Kylo Ren's story from now on.

    It turns out Rey's force bond with Kylo was a key factor in the light side tormenting him. After killing her he starts to slip to the dark side more easily, starting to reflect both Anakin and Palpatine.

    It's also revealed Snoke was intentionally keeping him weak in areas as like Luke he had the potential to become as powerful as Anakin pre Vader, something Snoke especially feared given Kylo's volatile nature. With Snoke gone this becomes a reality, and Kylo is revealed to be a remarkably decent leader, refusing to micromanage the First Order's talent like Snoke did which severely limited their ability to expand. The First Order starts to conquer at a faster rate

    Kylo Ren succeeds in destroying the millennium falcon. R2D2 is badly damaged C3P0 is miraculously unscathed from the crashed wreckage. Both are brought into the first order. Finn, Rose and Poe survive the wreckage though wounded. R2D2 is severely damaged. All of them are taken to the first order.

    Hux is killed by force lightning as a power show by Kylo Ren, after Hux mocks Kylo that he'll never be Palpatine, let alone Snoke or Vader. The first order begins to fear Kylo.

    Kylo Ren adopts a new two lightsaber style with both his and Anakin's repaired Saber. At some point in the movie his old saber is destroyed and he wields only Anakin's with a red crystal for the rest of the film. His personality also becomes more similar to Anakin.

    Rey is shown in the force afterlife realm It turns out Palpatine has been influencing Kylo, Snoke, and the First Order from the force realm (though because he is dark side he does not have the same force ghost powers as light (not sure if dark side force ghosts are not possible in Disney canon) and that he was the one using both Kylo and Snoke as pawns to unleash apocalyptic wrath on the Galaxy.

    Rey and Luke force ghosts duel with Palpatine evil force spirit and vanquish him.

    (Carrie Fischer's alive in my alternate universe) Leia pleads with Kylo to turn back after they meet up at one point in her dying monents. Kylo refuses, telling her that he's too far gone; she responds with what Luke told her in TLJ. Kylo tells Leia he loves her. Leia smiles, about to say something but changes her mind and tells him she loves him too before passing.

    Finn and Kylo meet up again. Kylo asks Finn what he had accomplished, telling him he's a nobody that escaped death and gained nothing from it, as the resistance is almost completely destroyed. Finn looks straight at him tells him he found people who love him and will never leave his side. Kylo flies into a rage and murders Finn. Rose and Finn scream in shock but escape

    Rey is resurrected using the force for a short time while still having her wound. She races and sneaks into Kylo's Star Destroyer. She Rey mirrors Han's "BEN!" in The Force Awakens They duel again, Rey using Jedi mind tricks to transport the duel to several memories from Kylo's past, aggravating Kylo. Rey also mirrors Luke's combat style in The Last Jedi, focusing more on evasion. The final memory spot is on Jakku, where Kylo ran away from home once as a kid with a ship. This causes Kylo to freeze. Young Ben meets child Rey who asks what he's doing on Jakku. Being shy, Ben doesn't tell her his name, only saying he's a monster and needs to disappear. She tells him he's not a monster because he's just like her. She let's him stay at her living arrangement for a little bit knowing he'll be killed outside. Young Ben slips out in the night, cries because of her kindness, and flies back home.

    Rey starts dying because of the force energy used to revive her. She tells Ben deep down she knew he was that kid she met on Jakku but didn't want to believe it. Ben knew about Rey the whole time (which is why he force chokes the general in The Force Awakens). Rey tells Ben that everyone on the other side knows he can still change. Ben realizes the horrors of what he's done and betrays the first order ship he's on, ordering it to self destruct and sabotaging several First Order squads before slipping out on his ship to an unknown planet

    Rey becomes Ben's force ghost conscience/lover in Disney EU material

    The First Order has effectively succeeded in conquering the galaxy and the resistance is destroyed. But Hux is dead, Ben has defacted and redeemed himself, almost certainly going to turn the tides back to the light in EU, and must learn to prove himself as a force teacher of a new bunch of young jedi, now called Skywalkers. Rose, Poe and Boba Fett are in the works of rebuilding the resistance.

    End of the film has Ben Solo surrounded by the force ghosts of family and friends in an isolated woodland planet, preparing to find force sensitive potential Jedi to train. The final shot of Rise of the Skywalker is Ben Solo smiling joyfully.


    (I think I just started trolling at some point but I don't know where)

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    I'd probably make some fans even more angry because the main theme would be "Kylo Ren semi-succeeds in destroying the past and changing his

  • I bought a new PS3 because I miss my old days of the 7th gaming generation. Do you have any idea how it feels to witness your nostalgia once again? I'm playing GTA 4 right now because for some fucking reason, it's the only GTA game that isn't available on PS4. It's like Rockstar forgot it even existed. They didn't even do anything for it at its 10th year anniversary. It's much better than GTA 5 in regards of the storyline and characters.

  • Why, what happened?

    Melton23 posted: »

    I don’t think you should be watching this, RG 😧

  • Isn’t that show targeted towards 4 year olds or something?

    DabigRG posted: »

    Why, what happened?

  • It's December now, so the time of Christmas (if you celebrate it). Usually, it's a month of watching Christmas movies to get in the spirit. But... what about Christmas games??
    It's a suuuper niche "genre" to set your games in, but apparently there's a nice handful out there. Here's what I found so far.

    • Batman: Arkham Origins
    • Hitman: Blood Money - ‘You Better Watch Out’ Mission
    • HITMAN / H2 - ‘Holiday Hoarders’ Mission
    • Saints Row IV DLC - How the Saints Saved Christmas
    • Viscera Cleanup Detail: Santa’s Rampage
    • Dead Rising 4
    • Tom Clancy’s The Division?

    Considering I own only B:AO, and the Hitman reboot, I'll be playing those this holiday season. Though maybe some nice winter sales for the other stuff might pop up, too...

  • Hm...the TV ratings says it's TV-Y7.

    Melton23 posted: »

    Isn’t that show targeted towards 4 year olds or something?

  • Most of the Christmas games I know of are retro:
    Batman Returns (SNES)
    Christmas NiGHTS (Sega Saturn)
    Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake (MSX)
    Snatcher (Sega CD)

    AChicken posted: »

    It's December now, so the time of Christmas (if you celebrate it). Usually, it's a month of watching Christmas movies to get in the spirit.

  • How could you forget elf bowling?

    AChicken posted: »

    It's December now, so the time of Christmas (if you celebrate it). Usually, it's a month of watching Christmas movies to get in the spirit.

  • Can someone do me a huge favor? Someone please take New Jersey Devils head coach John Hynes, stuff him into a very large canon, and proceed to shoot him DIRECTLY INTO THE FUCKING SUN!!! I have seen a lot of terrible Devils teams the last several years, NOTHING compares to the shit show I have seen from them this year under this incompetent asshat!

    This team has had the No. 1 pick in the NHL draft 2 of the last 3 years. They have a former MVP winner on their team in Taylor Hall. They have great prospects in the AHL. They signed a Russian phenom in Nikita Gusev. Their team is compiled of talented youngsters and NHL veterans alike. All things considered, this team should at least be somewhat competitive.

    What I have seen from them is a team devoid of energy, motivation, leadership, accountability, urgency, vision, direction, competitiveness, and anything resembling a game plan. This team is a fucking shit show, and management is to fucking blame. Hynes has thrown his own fucking players under the bus for his failures as a coach, of course no one wants to play under him after that. If Hynes is not immediately fired after this game against the Sabres (in which they are currently losing 7-1, 5 of those goals came in the first fucking period), then they're a bigger fucking joke then I originally though. It was bad when they blew a 4-0 lead against the Winnipeg Jets on opening night. It was bad when they were being outscored by over 20 goals in the 3rd period over the season. It was bad when the team went 0-8 on the power play against the Rangers, while giving up 2 shorthanded goals (one of which was a 3-on-1, how the hell do you allow that when you have a man advantage?!). This, is an embarrassment. I'm a Devils fan till I die, but they are the New York Jets of the NHL.

  • edited December 2019

    The teaser trailer for Black Widow is out! This is lookin' pretty slick. Aside from the last bit it looks like something out of Mission Impossible/Jason Bourne. Liking that music a lot too!




  • Now that is lit. RE3 was one of the first games I ever played and I definitely had my fair share of nightmares about Nemesis back when I was like 2-4.


  • Wanna see a fake leaker bruh moment?


  • lies and slander. I refuse to believe it. YOU WILL NOT TAKE THIS FROM ME POOGERS

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Wanna see a fake leaker bruh moment?

  • NOOOOOO!!! What did they do to Jill? She looks like Alice from those shitty movies.


  • No its 100% real. But this guy has been pretending to be a RE insider for like a year now and literally said what I posted of him saying yesterday and now he has enter damage control mode because the day after he goes "RE3 wont be announced this year" RE3 gets leaked to be announced this year lmao

    lies and slander. I refuse to believe it. YOU WILL NOT TAKE THIS FROM ME POOGERS

  • hard disagree buckaroo, jill looks great and nothing like milla jovovich. I will slaughter you if I see any more jill disrespect from your mouth. the only think that looks even remotely similar is the hair, but her hair shouldn't be perfect and straight if she spends an entire week in zombie infested raccoon city.

    AronDracula posted: »

    NOOOOOO!!! What did they do to Jill? She looks like Alice from those shitty movies.

  • ohhhh, I getcha. yeah i'm the pinhead here.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    No its 100% real. But this guy has been pretending to be a RE insider for like a year now and literally said what I posted of him saying yes

  • Jill is looking pretty spot on to me, some people just love to complain I guess ¯_(ツ)_/¯

    hard disagree buckaroo, jill looks great and nothing like milla jovovich. I will slaughter you if I see any more jill disrespect from your m

  • Jill looks pretty good, way better than how they started making her look in the later games.

    AronDracula posted: »

    NOOOOOO!!! What did they do to Jill? She looks like Alice from those shitty movies.

  • the only complaint I really have is that she has such a particular facial structure in the REmake design and it's just a little lost in the RE Engine redesign, but it still looks like her and she still has a lot of resemblance. she definitely looks nowhere near like alice.

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Jill is looking pretty spot on to me, some people just love to complain I guess ¯_(ツ)_/¯

  • Damn they teasing re3 remake from now? Why all the hype this early?

  • Well it hasnt been officially teased as it was leaked from PSN, but it makes sense. Its been rumored for a long time RE3 started development around the same time RE2 did. I mean its important to note RE3 uses a lot of RE2 so a good chunk of the game can easily be "imported" to Re3.

    Damn they teasing re3 remake from now? Why all the hype this early?

  • Still I don't think they'll release it in 2020, too early.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    Well it hasnt been officially teased as it was leaked from PSN, but it makes sense. Its been rumored for a long time RE3 started development

  • to be fair, resident evil 3 originally did come out only a year after resident evil 2. that's because resident evil 3 was a lot of cut content and assets from RE2 repurposed with only a few areas that are completely new. I can imagine they're either doing something similar for REmake 3, or they were already developing 3 alongside 2.

    Still I don't think they'll release it in 2020, too early.

  • Ngl can’t wait for the r34

    MichaelBP posted: »

    Jill is looking pretty spot on to me, some people just love to complain I guess ¯_(ツ)_/¯

  • Follow up to my previous post:


  • I'm just not used to it. Julia Voth is the one Capcom took the likeness for Jill from and she is still pretty today. Is there a reason NOT to hire her again?

    I was always okay with the redesigns of Leon and Claire in RE2 but Jill doesn't deserve a full redesign as long as the person she was based on is still alive and beautiful. Hell, she could do the mo cap and voice acting as well.

    hard disagree buckaroo, jill looks great and nothing like milla jovovich. I will slaughter you if I see any more jill disrespect from your m

  • It's like poetry, it rhymes.

    to be fair, resident evil 3 originally did come out only a year after resident evil 2. that's because resident evil 3 was a lot of cut conte

  • It should've been titled Resident Evil: R3make.


  • okay I do agree, julia voth is the perfect woman and should always do jill til the end of time and space. but i'm fine with the new direction they're taking jill in so long as it's good. I wasn't really into the change with claire's actress but imo she did a fantastic job and cemented herself as the new claire. i'll give this new girl a chance before making any judgements. if she can be as witty, badass and drop dead gorgeous as voth is in remake, 3, 5 and revelations then i'm totally down.

    AronDracula posted: »

    I'm just not used to it. Julia Voth is the one Capcom took the likeness for Jill from and she is still pretty today. Is there a reason NOT t

  • ah george lucas, your wise words will always fit to every situation

    lupinb0y posted: »

    It's like poetry, it rhymes.

  • I agree but also 3's for E's in 2019 is a sin of the highest caliber.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    It should've been titled Resident Evil: R3make.

  • for shame, melton. for shame. absolutely disgusting that you'd me too bro even say that on a PUBLIC FORUM no less. unbelievable. absolutely sfm community gonna have a field day disgusting dude come on

    Melton23 posted: »

    Ngl can’t wait for the r34

  • I had a very fun day at work today.

    I’m currently working as a To-Go server for a restaurant in a town called Pooler. Today, I had a woman come in to pick up an order under her name. I looked at what orders I had and could not find her. I tell her this, and she starts getting mad. And let me tell you, this woman already came in with a face that screams “Let me speak to your manager” even before you say anything to her. So when I calmly tell her that we don’t have an order under her name, this didn’t sit well for her (which I can naturally understand, you placed an order and you want it to be ready when you arrive, I get that). I do eventually get my manager and we ask her questions like if she placed the order online or called, and she says in a very obnoxious tone something like “Let me get my phone and show you what I ordered” and storms out. She comes back from her car and I ask her if she placed the order at the right location, because there have been times in the past where someone ordered at a different restaurant a few miles away by accident when they meant to place it for my location. She responds angrily with “Applebee’s in Pooler.”

    Allow me to clarify where I work, I’m a To-Go Chili’s. After restraining myself for a second from either face palming or laughing, I tell her “Mam, this is Chili’s.” She looks down at her phone for several seconds, and I can literally see the gears turning in her head. She says “Ohhhh,” and walks out the door, no apology, no nothing other than asking where Applebee’s is. She leaves, I turn towards my manager, and I just start laughing. This woman drove into the Chili’s parking lot, with numerous signs either by the road or at the entrance to the parking lot, she came in through a door with a giant, lit up Chili’s logo above it AND on the door itself (a door she had to walk into twice as she left to get her phone), stood in the To-Go area with Chili’s logos/gift cards/decor around her for a few minutes, and spoke to me and my manager wearing Chili’s clothing, and she thought she was at Applebee’s the whole time. You just cannot fix stupid, I’m telling you.

  • [Insert Laugh Track Here]

    For this story to have an uplifting twist... lemme tell you I did not expect that. Heh.

    I had a very fun day at work today. I’m currently working as a To-Go server for a restaurant in a town called Pooler. Today, I had a woma

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