The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • If you post that on reddit you could probably get rSlash to read it off on his youtube channel. That is like a classic Karen situation.

    I had a very fun day at work today. I’m currently working as a To-Go server for a restaurant in a town called Pooler. Today, I had a woma

  • I unfortunately do not have a Reddit account. I have looked into getting one as I want to be able to talk to others for my favorite shows or games, and the people over there aren’t as easily triggered/offended over everything like other places (cough Tumblr cough).

    If you post that on reddit you could probably get rSlash to read it off on his youtube channel. That is like a classic Karen situation.

  • Apparently the guy who directed Food Fight!, A.K.A one of the worst animated movies ever made, is working on a Tetris movie.


  • unfortunately reddit's problem is on the complete opposite end of your perception of tumblr's, which is that everyone on there is some frat douchebag know it all who thinks they're better than everyone else and will shit on you for everything that doesn't lineup with what he considers kino. instead of being obnoxiously over considerate, they're obnoxiously over dickheaded. unless you're on r/gaming which is a hivemind where they post the same 5 things over and over and have the same (incorrect) opinions about everything. that place is less douchebaggy and more of a cult.

    I unfortunately do not have a Reddit account. I have looked into getting one as I want to be able to talk to others for my favorite shows or

  • hell fucking yeah bro

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Apparently the guy who directed Food Fight!, A.K.A one of the worst animated movies ever made, is working on a Tetris movie. What.

  • edited December 2019

    That all may be true, but I was also never called sexist on Reddit for saying a female character has the most interesting and complex arc going forward in a TV show I’m watching. I haven’t seen people argue a male character praising and supporting his female friend during an emotional breakdown was an example of “normalizing abuse” on Reddit. You call it “obnoxiously over considerate,” I just call it obnoxious, entitled, snobbish, and too easily offended. It’s like walking on glass shards over there, and then they get all pissy when I choose to fight back against their baseless accusations, instead of me apologizing for my deep rooted subconscious bigotry due to me being a straight cis white male.

    unfortunately reddit's problem is on the complete opposite end of your perception of tumblr's, which is that everyone on there is some frat

  • edited December 2019

    The Olympic committee or whoever has just released some nice trailers debuting their Olympic and Paralympic mascots.

    EDIT: never mind that was MONTHS ago, but YouTube just recommended then now. Still cool tho

  • And you're surprised by this?

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Apparently the guy who directed Food Fight!, A.K.A one of the worst animated movies ever made, is working on a Tetris movie. What.

  • Yes.

    One. There's a Tetris movie being made.

    Two. The keys have been handed to the director of one of the worst animated movies of all time.

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    And you're surprised by this?

  • Started playing Halo: Reach on Steam. I'm not too far into it but I'm having a good bit of fun with it so far, but I do have a few problems with it. Keep in mind this is the first Halo game I've ever played.

    It does kinda feel dated in certain elements. The UI isn't super sleek and the scopes/ADS is kinda funky feeling. It also just feels kinda old but that's probably because I've been playing smoother(?) feeling FPS's. It's also kinda hard to make out enemies in the environment. The armours are coloured but have this faded look to them which make it hard to tell certain things apart sometimes. I also don't really like that the muzzle flash of the guns take up so much of the screen space.

    Other than that, the voice acting's pretty good so far, the visuals are still really nice looking and the gunplay and movement does feel good overall.

  • (I was kidding lol)

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Yes. One. There's a Tetris movie being made. Two. The keys have been handed to the director of one of the worst animated movies of all time.

  • “We want the story to be a surprise, but it’s a big science-fiction movie,” Kasanoff said of the untitled film. “I came up with the idea as I was thinking about ‘Tetris’ and the theme of creating order out of chaos.”

    He also added “we’re not going to have blocks with feet running around the movie, but it’s great that people think so. It sets the bar rather low!”

    -producer of the Tetris movie

    Also 80 million to produce

  • tbh you're definitely venturing to the far fucked parts of tumblr regardless of whether or not it was intentional. from experience i've had way less of that on tumblr than i've had on twitter. it might have been the nsfw purge but man twitter has become a fucking cesspool recently.

    also you might not be called sexist or bigoted on reddit, but instead they'll call you every slur they can think of for saying "man idk i kinda thought this movie was alright". which i would say is equally bad personally. no website is without their bad eggs, metallica. i think you've had enough experience on these forums to realize that at this point.

    That all may be true, but I was also never called sexist on Reddit for saying a female character has the most interesting and complex arc go

  • I’m really not even venturing out. These are all posts on the main tags of their respective topic. I’m not purposely looking for this stuff, it’s all right there out in the open for everyone to see, or it’s done in replies to posts I make. And I’ve said in the past how much I despise Twitter about as equally as Tumblr, but in my experience, the content on Tumblr has always been far worse. The issue with Twitter is that it does a lot more to rile people up and establish mob rule/justice than Tumblr does.

    tbh you're definitely venturing to the far fucked parts of tumblr regardless of whether or not it was intentional. from experience i've had

  • Now that’s stupid. I think I may have something that can just about match it though. So at my work some guy comes strolling in, all full of himself confident that he’d get what he wanted, and he starts shouting saying that his car wasn’t repaired properly because it wasn’t moving anywhere, so we ask what’s wrong and he tells us so that we can have the parts brought out from the next city over. Anyway, while the parts were being delivered we decided to check his car just to see the problem first hand...turns out his car wasn’t broken it just didn’t have fuel in it.

    Ngl I did burst out laughing a few moments later, but I honestly feel sorry for the dude who needs to do a 1 hr drive for nothing

    I had a very fun day at work today. I’m currently working as a To-Go server for a restaurant in a town called Pooler. Today, I had a woma

  • Accurate Reddit description is accurate. There are so many things wrong with Reddit, the biggest of is the hypocrisy. They actually have the cheek to hate Instagram for “stealing memes” even though a lot of insta memes are credited from what I’ve seen, but they continue to steal memes from not only themselves, but the one place a human being should never step foot their lives (4chan) so if they hate insta they might as well hate themselves at this point

    unfortunately reddit's problem is on the complete opposite end of your perception of tumblr's, which is that everyone on there is some frat

  • I have been told I look like Ferris Bueller

    I don't see it.

  • Onision getting his career ruined is proof that justice still exists in this world.

  • Nice. What happened?

    ralo229 posted: »

    Onision getting his career ruined is proof that justice still exists in this world.

  • I rewatched Phantom Menace. I haven't seen this movie since they did that 3D re-release back in 2012.

    ... This movie had a lot more poop and fart jokes than I remember. I also forgot how grating it is to hear Jar Jar speak along with the Separatist aliens who have these dangerously close to offensive accents (lmao). A lot of the VFX still holds up relatively well though surprisingly. It's still obviously CGI but for the most part it doesn't look too bad. Honestly I think Liam Neeson and Frank Oz as Yoda are the only good actors in this. They're the only ones that manage to say all those goofy lines with any sort of conviction. Most of everyone else is pretty terrible. Natalie Portman, despite being a great actress everywhere else, is incredibly flat and stilted. I'd say the same goes for Ewan McGregor, but less so.

    The fight choreography, with Qui Gonn at least, wasn't very good. It's a little too slow and clunky with a lot of quick cuts and random close ups that it's hard to make out what's happening at times. This is especially evident with the first fight between Qui Gonn and Maul on Tatooine where there's just this shot of Mauls elbow suddenly appearing on screen. But once the fight between Maul and Obi Wan kicks in it's actually pretty great. It's fast and fluid, feels like there's some actual impact with their hits. There were also a few moments that I really liked in spite of the acting quality. Like Qui Gonn subtly manipulating the Gungans, the dinner scene in Anakin's house, Anakin saying goodbye to his mom, and a few other things.

    The movie still isn't very good in my opinion. Jar Jar is a bit too obnoxious for my liking, a lot of the dialogue isn't very good, same goes for the acting and Mauls kinda just there (thank God for the animated shows), but I still did enjoy re-watching it.

  • You should take a day off

    Cocoa2736 posted: »

    I have been told I look like Ferris Bueller I don't see it.

  • idk if this has already common knowledge around here, but I got bored and poked around on google for info on Jaime Ottilie since every article about him has hyped up his experience in the industry, and


    For the uninformed, Aquaman Battle for Atlantis sure is a game.

  • edited December 2019

    It's a whole thing and I'm condensing here, but he's had numerous accusations of him grooming underage girls and literally nothing he's done has disputed any of that. He tried to dox one of his victims on Patreon and his Patereon page got deleted because of that, which was his main source of income. Then he pretended to have mental breakdown on camera so he can plead insanity when he gets convicted. Chris Hansen got involved and I believe the FBI got involved as well. Even if he's not convicted for whatever bullshit reason, his image is way too tarnished for him to save face.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Nice. What happened?

  • Wow that's a lot. Hopefully he gets convicted then.

    his image is way too tarnished for him to save face.

    Sadly I doubt this. The fact that he was able to live off of Patreon for a period of time means that there are enough stupid people that will continue to give him money regardless of what he's done.

    ralo229 posted: »

    It's a whole thing and I'm condensing here, but he's had numerous accusations of him grooming underage girls and literally nothing he's done

  • I looked this guy up and man. The fact that he has a Dethroning Moment page and only that on TvTropes say a lot.

    ralo229 posted: »

    Onision getting his career ruined is proof that justice still exists in this world.

  • edited December 2019

    I dunno. If Brooke Houts, an animal abuser, is unable to save face after suiciding their career, I doubt a doxxer and sexual abuser will be able to, especially when he's as close as he is to getting convicted.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    Wow that's a lot. Hopefully he gets convicted then. his image is way too tarnished for him to save face. Sadly I doubt this. T

  • Yikes.

    booper posted: »

    idk if this has already common knowledge around here, but I got bored and poked around on google for info on Jaime Ottilie since every artic

  • edited December 2019

    Jeez, another crossover event. They really don't like me leaving this game behind.

    (tbh I tried the Following, I didn't quite enjoy it. Maybe I didn't get far enough, but kinda being restricted to using the buggy to traverse the long, flat Countryside wasn't that appealing. I liked the parkour traversal of the game, driving seemed to just detract from that. Maybe I just started the game at a bad time. The latest events have been really fun in bringing me back for more zombie-killing and looting though.)

  • Brian Waddle's credits are much more impressive. He had a part in creating the Havok engine.

    At least the Aquaman game was 16 years ago, and the Q*Bert game looks fine.

    booper posted: »

    idk if this has already common knowledge around here, but I got bored and poked around on google for info on Jaime Ottilie since every artic

  • go watch marriage story or I will take away your breathing rights @ everyone

  • It’s funny cos I watched phantom menace about 6 days ago and it also wasn’t quite as good as I remember, though I do still think it was a’ight. Way more politics than I remember there being... Jar Jar is still great though, fucken fight me, he stole the whole movie.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    I rewatched Phantom Menace. I haven't seen this movie since they did that 3D re-release back in 2012. ... This movie had a lot more poop

  • I wouldn't mind him as much if they had toned down the slapstick and poop and fart jokes. Otherwise I'd think he's okay, not anywhere near great though. Like slightly below Jabba the Hutts monkey lizard.

    Melton23 posted: »

    It’s funny cos I watched phantom menace about 6 days ago and it also wasn’t quite as good as I remember, though I do still think it was a’ig

  • You can talk a lot of crap, but I will not STAND for dissing my man Salacious B. Crumb. That's a line no one can cross.

    lupinb0y posted: »

    I wouldn't mind him as much if they had toned down the slapstick and poop and fart jokes. Otherwise I'd think he's okay, not anywhere near great though. Like slightly below Jabba the Hutts monkey lizard.

  • Fine fine, I do have a soft spot for him (even if he kinda grosses me out). I'll put Jar Jar slightly below Bor Gullet who I'll put below Salacious Crumb.

    captainivy1 posted: »

    You can talk a lot of crap, but I will not STAND for dissing my man Salacious B. Crumb. That's a line no one can cross.

  • edited December 2019

    A new Playstation State of Play has been announced for December 10th.

    It airs Tuesday, December 10 at 6:00am Pacific Time / 9:00am Eastern Time, and you can watch live on Twitch, YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter.

    We’ve got around 20 minutes of new game reveals, release date announcements, new gameplay footage, PlayStation Worldwide Studios updates, and more. And it probably bears repeating: Don’t expect any updates related to our next-gen plans in this episode.

    The current rumors are that:

    • it will reveal the RE3make, since Geoff already confirmed that it won't be making an appearance at TGAs. (Plus the original images were leaked through the PSN)
    • A Bayonetta/Vanquish 10th anniversary collection might be announced, given that a trailer just leaked. However, it was leaked through one of Xbox's channels so we don't know if its exclusive to that console for now or not.
    • A new Minecraft version that finally implements Cross-play to the PS4 version, letting it connect to Xbox, PC, and Switch players.
    • As always, a possible Ghost of Tsushima release date. Please. Let it be this time.
  • ok gamers, the game awards will apparently have about 15 unheard of games revealed. Will Telltale be at the Game Awards?

  • Yes but not for wolf.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    ok gamers, the game awards will apparently have about 15 unheard of games revealed. Will Telltale be at the Game Awards?

  • tfw you waste a coveted slot at one of the most hotly anticipated industry events of the year just to announce a bundle of two old games that flopped horrendously when they were released the first time.

    That said, I don't know what to believe anymore. I'll be stunned if they show up at TGA and downright amazed if they announce Wolf 2, but I can't think of any other reason why they'd wait so long to make an announcement, unless they just aren't ready which may very well be the case.

    Yes but not for wolf.

  • I'm perfectly fine if they mention anything about wolf, just say anything about its development and I'm fine with whatever they announce next.

    booper posted: »

    tfw you waste a coveted slot at one of the most hotly anticipated industry events of the year just to announce a bundle of two old games tha

  • Id be ok with that too. If they actually do appear and they only go "Batman collection" then thats a yikes. Just going "also btw wolf 2 is happening here have a logo" would be enough to at least just know its being made at some point.

    I'm perfectly fine if they mention anything about wolf, just say anything about its development and I'm fine with whatever they announce next.

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