The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • I am positive a Wolf 2 update will happen in time to save me.

    AChicken posted: »

    Wholesome Metallica. Never thought I'd see the day. Thanks. @Poogers555 Just realized that I will indeed starve. You're a

  • @MetallicaRules
    A friend wore this today. Pretty nice shirt.

  • Your friend has minutes to live before I arrive and take the shirt for myself.

    AChicken posted: »

    @MetallicaRules A friend wore this today. Pretty nice shirt.

  • I watched a movie called "The Crow". This instantly became one of my favorite movies of all time. It's so badass and paced so well it doesn't make feel bored EVER. Brandon Lee gave an outstanding performance but it's really sad to think that he was killed during production due to being somehow shot with a REAL BULLET!! Who was in charge of that gun? I am 100% certain it wasn't the actor who pulled the trigger.

    I think this movie is one of the inspirations for The Dark Knight, especially for Joker's character. But you know what's really weird? Heath Ledger and Brandon Lee were both 28 years old, both played characters who wore a makeup and they both died before their certain movies hit the theaters. That's very scary if you ask me.

  • edited November 2021

    So I took the 2 Tales cut content videos and combined them into 1 for better organization. I also included a few more bits. Nothing huge, but I think this is definitively all cut content that can be accessed in the game. The only thing it lacks is mostly a deep dive of the original scripts because it would take forever and much of it doesnt have anything to show. idk if I will ever make a video that details it more in an organized way

    Most notable new stuff:

    25:22 Promo Images

    38:50 Vasquez talks Vaughn's betrayal

    40:05 August talks about Sasha

    48:12 Dumpy's Voice

    1:08:18 Rhys and Sasha

    1:25:49 The crash site - Metal Detector and Trashcan

  • just skimmed some pages of that clementine comic and while i think the art direction is cute and fairly enjoyable, the writing might unironically be the absolute worst in the series. maybe even topping survival instinct on the 360. really do not enjoy any of what they're doing with the writing.

    also not for nothing but when TFS ends the outbreak had been going on for 8 years, yet four years into the outbreak alexandria and the commonwealth team up to restore the world to peace so im not exactly sure how much conflict and story potential this book can possibly have with the world well on its way into peace???

  • I still haven't started Borderlands 1, let alone Tales. When does that take place, BTW?

  • TFTBL takes place sometime after the events of BL2, which takes place 5 years after the events of BL1.

    DabigRG posted: »

    I still haven't started Borderlands 1, let alone Tales. When does that take place, BTW?

  • also not for nothing but when TFS ends the outbreak had been going on for 8 years, yet four years into the outbreak alexandria and the commonwealth team up to restore the world to peace so im not exactly sure how much conflict and story potential this book can possibly have with the world well on its way into peace???

    If I remember right, The Western Alliance has cleared up only a small portion of the US and they mention that the rest of the country is either as bad as when everything first started or even worse, so it's definitely not on the way to world peace just yet. The boarding school is part of the Alliance but I guess Clem travels far enough outside of their reach which is where the conflict will come in I guess.

    just skimmed some pages of that clementine comic and while i think the art direction is cute and fairly enjoyable, the writing might unironi

  • In the Guardians of the Galaxy game, Drax's pecs have got jiggle physics.

    10/10 Game of the Year.

  • Guess that explains the Handsome Jack hologram profile pics.

    TFTBL takes place sometime after the events of BL2, which takes place 5 years after the events of BL1.

  • One of the hardest parts about getting older is drifting away from your friends.

    This is especially true on the internet. Everybody gets more and more real world(call it what you will) commitments and you just don't have as much time to just sit and shoot the shit anymore.

    I have a house and family now, myself, and it was hectic for a long time("long" when your a kid; Didn't feel so to me).

    Most of my old gang went to Doublefine when this "community" changed and even when it came time for that forum to be shut down, almost everyone already vanished.

    I'm just lying here, ill(not like that), and was feeling nostalgic.

    I was thumbing through old threads, checking user activity, and yeah... even active Mods. Crazy.

    I hope everyone is doing well.

  • Just a general movement of life, I suppose. But I am doing well.

    Johro posted: »

    One of the hardest parts about getting older is drifting away from your friends. This is especially true on the internet. Everybody gets

  • edited November 2021

    Well, it just keeps getting worse. I don't understand why my step-crybaby is putting me in a divorve situation that I had absolutely NOTHING to do with. I get it, I lied to him about my mother's secrets but that was HER fucking decision, not mine. Him doing this shit is no better than what my mom is doing. That is why my mom and my sister want to stay away from him. He refuses to control his emotions and think things through. What he is doing actually is distracting me from my recent college project and my personal things. He says he is doing it to "help" me somehow. Next time he talks to me about this shit, I'm gonna tell him off. And no, I'm not gonna "glass" him.

  • Once you have a family, that comes first, and it takes a lot of your time. I wondered if it would be different with a generation growing up with social media that leaves you connected to everyone unless you specifically disconnect from them, but I haven't seen any signs of it yet.

    But yeah, occasionally a bot picks some really old thread to bump, and it's fun to see the handles and remember the people from back then.

    Johro posted: »

    One of the hardest parts about getting older is drifting away from your friends. This is especially true on the internet. Everybody gets

  • It's up to you, but I would just let him vent while trying to steer him to the concept that it's over now and time to move on.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Well, it just keeps getting worse. I don't understand why my step-crybaby is putting me in a divorve situation that I had absolutely NOTHING

  • I will also try that.

    WarpSpeed posted: »

    It's up to you, but I would just let him vent while trying to steer him to the concept that it's over now and time to move on.

  • Ordered this back in February, came in 2 days before my birthday. Good timing, one of my favorite games.

  • From the bottom of my heart, thank you so much Atlanta for destroying the Houston Astros. After what happened to the team and the city earlier this year, it was a much needed win.

    Man, I am incredibly happy with how things turned out last night.

  • Ooh wide box. What's all the extra goodies?

    dojo32161 posted: »

    Ordered this back in February, came in 2 days before my birthday. Good timing, one of my favorite games.

  • Just realized I forgot to put in a bit of new content in the video fellas

  • ...

    AChicken posted: »

    Ooh wide box. What's all the extra goodies?

  • edited November 2021

    "The Wolf... Among Us..."

  • Platypus plush!! Nice little collection of stuff. The pins look great

    dojo32161 posted: »


  • Platypus plush!!

    Puts on the fedora hat

    AChicken posted: »

    Platypus plush!! Nice little collection of stuff. The pins look great

  • gasp


    I miss Phineas and Ferb

    AronDracula posted: »

    Platypus plush!! Puts on the fedora hat

  • finished my walking dead replay. everything but season 2 ranged from okay to flawless. michonne was way better than i expected, i was bawling my eyes out throughout all of 'take us back', very fun replay.

    best episode is a toss up between 'no time left' and 'take us back', worst episode is undoubtedly amid the ruins.

    also s4 >s1

  • And A New Frontier?

    finished my walking dead replay. everything but season 2 ranged from okay to flawless. michonne was way better than i expected, i was bawlin

  • also s4 >s1

    finished my walking dead replay. everything but season 2 ranged from okay to flawless. michonne was way better than i expected, i was bawlin

  • genuinely pretty solid. still had a lot of issues and i wont deny said issues but i was thoroughly captivated in javier's story and the characters within it. not as good as s1, s4 or michonne but way better than s2 if you ask me.

    DabigRG posted: »

    And A New Frontier?

  • edited November 2021

    not as good as s1, s4 or michonne but way better than s2 if you ask me

    Just wanna say, none of the characters from Season 2 were any worse than Gabe and Kate which I wished death upon since the first episode. These 2 characters made the whole season unplayable for me and I dare to say they are even worse than the ones from the tv show.

    genuinely pretty solid. still had a lot of issues and i wont deny said issues but i was thoroughly captivated in javier's story and the characters within it. not as good as s1, s4 or michonne but way better than s2 if you ask me.

  • if the game gave me the option to throw kenny, carlos, nick and bonnie into an active volcano i absolutely would have. not a single character in s3 is anywhere near that despicable imo.

    also i liked gabe!! fight me!!!

    AronDracula posted: »

    not as good as s1, s4 or michonne but way better than s2 if you ask me Just wanna say, none of the characters from Season 2 were any

  • not a single character in s3 is anywhere near that despicable imo.

    Not even David, who is literally trying to kill his own brother NO MATTER HOW SUPPORTIVE YOU WERE TO HIM? You can't say he is better than Kenny, Nick or Carlos because he contradicts himself multiple times throughout the season.

    if the game gave me the option to throw kenny, carlos, nick and bonnie into an active volcano i absolutely would have. not a single character in s3 is anywhere near that despicable imo. also i liked gabe!! fight me!!!

  • ANF discussion in 2021?

  • i in fact love david as a character and understand what the writers were trying to do with him.

    i especially love him more than kenny, nick AND carlos.

    im sorry bro i am simply too cringe for you to save 😔😔😔

    AronDracula posted: »

    not a single character in s3 is anywhere near that despicable imo. Not even David, who is literally trying to kill his own brother N

  • understand what the writers were trying to do with him.

    Except they didn't try shit. lol

    All they wanted was to end this season ASAP because Kevin Bruner fucked it all up.

    i in fact love david as a character and understand what the writers were trying to do with him. i especially love him more than kenny, nick AND carlos. im sorry bro i am simply too cringe for you to save 😔😔😔

  • i mean thats your perspective bro. i respect yours, im simply asking for respect for mine, however wack it may be.

    AronDracula posted: »

    understand what the writers were trying to do with him. Except they didn't try shit. lol All they wanted was to end this season ASAP because Kevin Bruner fucked it all up.

  • Yeah I know. I wasn't telling you to love whoever I wanted, I was just saying: maybe don't fanboy the game too much.

    i mean thats your perspective bro. i respect yours, im simply asking for respect for mine, however wack it may be.

  • nah bro im gonna fanboy over whatever i like however much i like said things. but i'll take the hint and keep it down on the forums from here on, i get a lot of people think differently on the game and it'd probably be better for everyone if i kept my thoughts on it on other platforms.

    AronDracula posted: »

    Yeah I know. I wasn't telling you to love whoever I wanted, I was just saying: maybe don't fanboy the game too much.

  • nah bro im gonna fanboy over whatever i like however much i like said things.

    I had to. Love this film too much

    nah bro im gonna fanboy over whatever i like however much i like said things. but i'll take the hint and keep it down on the forums from her

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