The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • edited July 2014

    It's definitely beatable, but it's still extremely frustrating. Easily the hardest game I have ever played. Nothing is handed to you in that game. You have to learn almost everything on your own.

    I guess if you don't care about dying a lot it might not be so bad.

    Gary-Oak posted: »

    Dark souls isn't THAT hard, i had more trouble with the PVP than i did with the main game.

    edited July 2014
  • When ellie and the other girl kissed. Not that im against it or anything. I just didn't expect that to happen.

    I have played Left Behind many many times, but I just wanted to know if someone has the multiplayer ones so I can have some company! xD What, a major plot twist? Did I miss something? Or am I too stupid to remember what you mean?

  • ;___;

    I have played the story about 10 times, but I'm still going to upgrade my PS3 TLoU to PS4 xD Of course it depends what it costs when you already own the PS3 version... And too bad that you don't have any, I have season pass so...

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Nope I'm getting ps4 version which has them all the in one game I just completed the main story myself

  • PART 2

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    Markd4547 posted: »

    TLOU GIFS SPAM PART 1 ;D !Alt text

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    My Ellie :'D

    PART 2

  • Oh. It didn't even come to my mind when I tried to remember "what twist?", I kind of saw that coming when playing the game.

  • I can play with you some multi if you want, but not now, soon...

    I have played Left Behind many many times, but I just wanted to know if someone has the multiplayer ones so I can have some company! xD What, a major plot twist? Did I miss something? Or am I too stupid to remember what you mean?

  • I don't have online thats why I never play gta one day :'(

    ;___; I have played the story about 10 times, but I'm still going to upgrade my PS3 TLoU to PS4 xD Of course it depends what it costs when you already own the PS3 version... And too bad that you don't have any, I have season pass so...

  • Damn you ...nooS

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I can play with you some multi if you want, but not now, soon...

  • Well that sucks ;<

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    Markd4547 posted: »

    I don't have online thats why I never play gta one day

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    Sardine good to see you again :D

  • I do, I was thinking of maybe doing a LOU online session at least once, but I don't know if anyone else has the DLCs...

    I have played Left Behind many many times, but I just wanted to know if someone has the multiplayer ones so I can have some company! xD What, a major plot twist? Did I miss something? Or am I too stupid to remember what you mean?

  • There's a new bundle when you buy a brand new PS4 that comes with the new version of TLOU, i'm totally getting that !! :D

    ;___; I have played the story about 10 times, but I'm still going to upgrade my PS3 TLoU to PS4 xD Of course it depends what it costs when you already own the PS3 version... And too bad that you don't have any, I have season pass so...

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    I know I'm using an internet stick on a laptop right now :'(

    Well that sucks ;<

  • To make ATR mad xD

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Why'd you change your avatar?

  • WRONG! Its not that kind of yellow! O_o


  • Yeah no one else probably have those... ;_; It's not that, I can play normal maps, but I need help with some of those trophies where you must not die at all. I have skillzzz of course, but my team mates mostly suck so it's kinda tricky.

    I do, I was thinking of maybe doing a LOU online session at least once, but I don't know if anyone else has the DLCs...

  • I could DEFINITELY help ya with those, i'm a beast at killing people xD

    I might be a little rusty at first since I haven't played it in a lil while...thanks to those nightly sessions of mine llol

    ;___; I have played the story about 10 times, but I'm still going to upgrade my PS3 TLoU to PS4 xD Of course it depends what it costs when you already own the PS3 version... And too bad that you don't have any, I have season pass so...

  • That's a good bundle! I hope that the PS3 to PS4 upgrade costs something between 10-20€, I'm not really eager to pay more than that...

    There's a new bundle when you buy a brand new PS4 that comes with the new version of TLOU, i'm totally getting that !!

  • Just wondering. Do y'all get annoyed when I keep changing my avatar? XD

  • Then you're ought to enjoy this:

    Sims 3 soon to be sims 4 xD

  • That's good then, we should play 'em sometime! XD

    Hah I know that, I started to play it few days ago and I was so confused :p But now I'm the same ultimate survivor as always x)

    I could DEFINITELY help ya with those, i'm a beast at killing people xD I might be a little rusty at first since I haven't played it in a lil while...thanks to those nightly sessions of mine llol

  • No, not really. But why do you change it?

    Just wondering. Do y'all get annoyed when I keep changing my avatar? XD

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    Yes everytime ffs stop it!! XD only messing I like it more changes there usually really funny I like :D

    Just wondering. Do y'all get annoyed when I keep changing my avatar? XD

  • Are you talking about the one I have right now? The one right now was taken 5 days after my knee surgery and my parents sent me to school on pain meds XD Now I always try to make that face in my avatars :D

    Wait, what's going on with your pic? It look like you just kicked a ball with your shoulder xD

  • Yeah its just a remaster after all, but its worth it.

    Last of Us did so many things right that it would be wrong for me to not own it again on PS4 xD Its a bloody masterpiece in my opinion !! :D

    Its one of THE best games I played in terms of narrative and gameplay.

    The crafting system is amazing by itself, so simple yet so smart. Crafting systems in most games was a drag before that. The soundtrack of the game is simply surperb. Gustavo Santaolalla did a wonderful job and should be definitely praised for it. One of the best soundtrack I ever heard, so full of emotions!

    The AI , in my game, is just bloody brutal....those smart fuckers always try to ambush me...I heard that some people had gripes with the AI, but I never had any problems with them so far, they didn't act retarded or anything like that...Might've been their discs or something...

    I could talk about this game for hours and point out the pros and cons of this game, ultimately the pros far outweigh the cons I can tell ya that much xD

    That's a good bundle! I hope that the PS3 to PS4 upgrade costs something between 10-20€, I'm not really eager to pay more than that...

  • Oh right, knee surgery, perharps a shoulder one too? Ahah joking xD

    Are you talking about the one I have right now? The one right now was taken 5 days after my knee surgery and my parents sent me to school on pain meds XD Now I always try to make that face in my avatars

  • We sure should, i dunno if i'll have the time though...but we'll see B)

    That's good then, we should play 'em sometime! XD Hah I know that, I started to play it few days ago and I was so confused But now I'm the same ultimate survivor as always x)

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    I thought I was the only one that game is a masterpiece and if you do I would read every line :'D

    Yeah its just a remaster after all, but its worth it. Last of Us did so many things right that it would be wrong for me to not own it aga

  • I didn't really like the picture :/ My mom didn't tell me she was gonna take the picture AND I had to rotate the photo 35 degrees because she can't hold my phone so it cropped most of the photo. I was gonna do the face like in this avatar but my mom didn't give me time

    No, not really. But why do you change it?

  • Totally agree with everything!

    Point out some cons, I'm interested xD

    Yeah its just a remaster after all, but its worth it. Last of Us did so many things right that it would be wrong for me to not own it aga

  • Every time I see the joker I'm reminded of you xD

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Yes everytime ffs stop it!! XD only messing I like it more changes there usually really funny I like

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    You're back! Hi! :D

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Sardine good to see you again

  • Perharps the most idiot video ever xD hated it!

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Then you're ought to enjoy this:

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