The Whatever's on Your Mind Megathread



  • I can only be friends with PEOPLE WHO ACTUALLY SLEEP.

    You're making me cry, Noncy. I thought we were best friends. I guess not.

  • Rafoli posted: »


  • Well, I'm sorry that I don't fit your standards, Noncy.

    NoncyWoodburpledorp is no more. DO YOU HEAR THAT EVERYONE?? NONCY IS BREAKING UP WITH ME

    I can only be friends with PEOPLE WHO ACTUALLY SLEEP.

  • And it has now been replaced with WelcomeToFlipplebury.

    Well, I'm sorry that I don't fit your standards, Noncy. NoncyWoodburpledorp is no more. DO YOU HEAR THAT EVERYONE?? NONCY IS BREAKING UP WITH ME

  • Nope, not that either. No friendship means no fancy ship name.

    I'm a single lady now.

    And it has now been replaced with WelcomeToFlipplebury.

  • edited July 2014

    I just got an inspiration to write poems (still no inspiration for fanfic chapters, lol) so I'll just leave it here.

    The cornfield that we knew is now a field of bodies

    Who were buried there about decades ago.

    With a touch of his bony and cruel hand

    Grim Reaper raised them and let them all go.

    The new world we witness as not as pretty as we thought...

    The heavy burden that right now we all bear

    Is filled of nothing else but last gone hope of ours

    And misery slowly blurring into despair.

    Struggling against the undead filthy creatures

    Is the only thing in our lives that we can do.

    But remember that no walkers are the biggest threat -

    Those are people who want to get back everything they knew.

  • @NoncyFlippledorp


    I LOVE NONCY <3<3<3<3<3<3 <-------- see? hearts. hearts mean love.

  • :?


  • lolgay

    @NoncyFlippledorp NONCYWOODBURPLEDORP WILL NEVER DIE I LOVE NONCY <3<3<3<3<3 <-------- see? hearts. hearts mean love.

  • :?

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I love these... This one though, this one killed me:

  • no u


  • You and Noncy are back together, thank Jesus!

    no u

  • Yeah, we had a little quarrel. But true love never really dies.

    You and Noncy are back together, thank Jesus!

  • :?


  • edited July 2014

    Tick tock. Tick tock.

    I look at the clock and I see numbers.

    I look at the clock and see beauty.

    I look at the clock and see fun.

    I look at the clock and see plenty of time.

    Tick tock. Tick tock.

    I look at the clock and see frustration.

    I look at the clock and see confusion.

    I look at the clock and see change.

    I look at the clock and see love.

    Tick tock. Tick tock.

    I look at the clock and see weakness.

    I look at the clock and see unfairness.

    I look at the clock and see disease.

    I look at the clock and see death.

    And it wont be long till my clock stops.

    Tick. Tick. Tick.

  • Alt text

    Tick tock. Tick tock. I look at the clock and I see numbers. I look at the clock and see beauty. I look at the clock and see fun.

  • Alt text

    Thanks sorry Rachelle :'( that was rude it awoken to many feels for me and you to <3

    Alt text

    I'm sorry Mark! I'm on mobile so it takes me like 20 minutes to reply to a comment. I'm sorry you went through that Mark, I really am its b

  • edited July 2014

    Alt text

    Gawd, Mass Effect is so kewl.

  • Me too, bro.

    I don't really care about the graphics. I'm just glad that they overhauled the creator. All Sims I have in Sims 3 pretty much all look the same because I'm terrible at creating Sims.

  • xDDDD

    I want him to make a Bonzi Buddy sim. It would kill me.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    We're excited for vinesauce to corrupt it.

  • Lol, no I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make anyone sad. :(

    Markd4547 posted: »

    Thanks sorry Rachelle that was rude it awoken to many feels for me and you to


    Azlyn posted: »

    xDDDD I want him to make a Bonzi Buddy sim. It would kill me.

  • edited July 2014

    Must I explain the poem to you? The poem I made in one minute?

    Plus I think you gave me an epilepsy, and I'm not even epileptic.

  • It is the hundredth time i see this and am still laughing like a maniac.

    Puncake32 posted: »

  • He says worse.

    Oh dear Lord.

  • Sad story of Simon. Please, donate for this poor child to clone himself so he'll have someone to talk to.



    Can't sleep I'll go talk to myself on gigapainter.

  • Man....fuck censorship !! Its the responsibility of parents to monitor what they allow their children to watch...Besides, The Walking Dead ISN'T for kids...Its a show made for adults, why censor the best parts now ?!!

    Some people are already 100% fed up with the show and won't even watch it anymore, doing THIS is bound to kill the amount of viewers again...This is bullshit...

    If Negan isn't even allowed to fucking curse, then what's the point ?!! The FCC is just a show killer....freaking FCC!!

    They're trying to censor some of the scenes on the premiere of season 5. BS!,manual

    edited July 2014

    I have 1 right here, but if you don't want to pull knives on people you can always get pepper spray.

    lmao, I'm not about to pull a swiss army blade on every guy who tries to slap my ass. xD No, but seriously, yeah, I should get one. My dad has a few.

  • You can spot Jaden's tiny penis if you take a microscope...

    AWESOMEO posted: »


  • Yeah, I have some mace (is that different from pepper spray? idk). I just didn't bring it with me since I was with a group. Didn't think anyone would bother us.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I have 1 right here, but if you don't want to pull knives on people you can always get pepper spray.

  • Alt text

    Ok you didn't no more feels pls ;'D

    Alt text

    Lol, no I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make anyone sad.

  • Just watched the trailer again. For the 47th time. Oh my God, I can't. I just can't.

    The way Clem says "no" at the end breaks my heart every time.

  • God, i love this daedra.

    Rafoli posted: »

    Probably my favorite character from Skyrim XD

  • What did I tell you? Huehuehauheuaheuaheuheauheuaehueahuaheuaheuhe

    The second game is where it gets awesome.

    Giraffehat posted: »

    Gawd, Mass Effect is so kewl.

  • Jaden is too holy to be defined as a male or female. Allow me to quote the 9th Commandment:

    "... thou just don't get it. YOU DON'T YOU DON'T YOU DON'T!!!!!!!"

    Azlyn posted: »

    You can spot Jaden's tiny penis if you take a microscope...

  • SHH!


    Rafoli posted: »

    What did I tell you? Huehuehauheuaheuaheuheauheuaehueahuaheuaheuhe The second game is where it gets awesome.

  • Mind if I ask what they did to you ?

    DON'T TAKE PILLS! Just don't. Okay?

  • For a second I thought you were walking down the street with this:

    Alt text

    Yeah it's pretty much the same I think.

    Yeah, I have some mace (is that different from pepper spray? idk). I just didn't bring it with me since I was with a group. Didn't think anyone would bother us.

  • Wow. Serious shit going on in the world right now.

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