Maybe Wolf and Tales just isn't as much of a majorly recognized IP like GoT, so Telltale have better financial incentive to continue investing in developing more GoT content?
I really wish there were other studios like Telltale... apart from Dontnod,
Don't want to sound like a dick, but we already know they are doing a season 2. Meanwhile games that deserve a season 2 like Tales and Wolf get nothing.
Wow. I thought that Tales and GoT together was a pretty strong line-up.
One can hope that Game of Thrones: Season Two *and *The Walking Dead: Season Three will be alongside each other during 2016.
I also think that it is possible that we will be getting a three episode mini-series of The Wolf Among Us, but of course he won't say anything because "those lips are sealed".
That would be cool if we got a Wolf mini-series DLC - although the announcement seems to be specifically for GoT. We probably won't get a Season 2 until late 2016 or early 2017 but a GoT DLC would be interesting - I just hope its not another 400 Days where you switch to a new cast of characters most of whom you'll never see again and who have no impact onthe Season 2 storyline - I'd really like some kind of epilogue to the cliffhanger to set up the stage for Season 2.
Wow. I thought that Tales and GoT together was a pretty strong line-up.
One can hope that Game of Thrones: Season Two *and *The Walking … moreDead: Season Three will be alongside each other during 2016.
I also think that it is possible that we will be getting a three episode mini-series of The Wolf Among Us, but of course he won't say anything because "those lips are sealed".
Next week's focus is going to be on Minecraft: Story Mode Episode 3, so I can see December's focus being on the premiere of Michonne and the Game of Thrones announcement (probably Season 2 or some DLC content). However, on a tangential note, I noticed something kinda interesting about their possible schedule for next year. It's kinda tangential, but it leads to some interesting possibilities of what Telltale plans for 2016.
With the last few years, Telltale would spend most of the year wrapping up two series that premiered last year and then premiere two new series at the end of that same year. However, the two games that premiere this year (Minecraft and Michonne) will be wrapping up earlier than usual, with Minecraft releasing episodes super quickly and Michonne only having three episodes. If they went by their normal plan to release two new series at the end of next year, that would leave a lot of downtime for Telltale once Minecraft and Michonne end.
However, with Minecraft going by quickly and Michonne being a shorter miniseries, it's possible 2016 will be different if Telltale doesn't want a long time of not releasing new games.
One possibility is that we could get the Super Show and another new game earlier into the year (like late Summer or early Fall if they don't want us waiting too long without something new). Another possibility is that we will still see the premiere of Super Show and a new game at the end of next year, but we could also get a smaller game or two to fill the time gap (like how we got Poker Night 2 and Walking Dead: 400 Days during the wait for Wolf and Walking Dead: Season 2).
As I said, that was all super tangential, but it makes you wonder what all Telltale is doing next year with Michonne and Minecraft wrapping up earlier than their new series usually would.
I was normally predicting Season 3 of Walking Dead to have a chance at premiering late 2016 - a good while after Michonne ends, but if Telltale is teasing something "major" for Game of Thrones, I'm now thinking that Walking Dead: Season 3 would come later and that we are instead getting another Game of Thrones title - unless Telltale has sized up enough to where they can handle more than 3-4 series a year.
Telltale does not have so many seperated teams. Unless they do teams within teams but that would really suck. Even though telltale does have multiple teams, I highly speculate that everybody works together at least sometimes on one project.
I was normally predicting Season 3 of Walking Dead to have a chance at premiering late 2016 - a good while after Michonne ends, but if Tellt… moreale is teasing something "major" for Game of Thrones, I'm now thinking that Walking Dead: Season 3 would come later and that we are instead getting another Game of Thrones title - unless Telltale has sized up enough to where they can handle more than 3-4 series a year.
To everyone saying that it's too soon for S2, I think they'll want to capitalize on the Game of Thrones brand for as long as the TV show is around. Releasing it concurrently with the show makes sense as its more likely to attract players.
Well considering he mentions "2016 lineup" in the same tweet I take that as it's coming in 2016. Obviously I'm not expecting it "early 2016" . I'm expecting to see either a reveal trailer of Game of Thrones or the Super Show at E3 2016. I expect major announcements for Season Three at Comic-con which is towards the middle-end of July if i'm not mistaken. (reveal trailer and probably a release window for early fall). Overall I think those two titles will be starting in late-summer 2016-early/mid fall and will go into 2017.
You're right about Wolf though. I don't think the announcement has anything to do with it. I was just mentioning it cause he's given answers regarding wolf such as "these lips are sealed". That's just on my wish-list since they've started to flirt with the idea of a mini-series.
That would be cool if we got a Wolf mini-series DLC - although the announcement seems to be specifically for GoT. We probably won't get a Se… moreason 2 until late 2016 or early 2017 but a GoT DLC would be interesting - I just hope its not another 400 Days where you switch to a new cast of characters most of whom you'll never see again and who have no impact onthe Season 2 storyline - I'd really like some kind of epilogue to the cliffhanger to set up the stage for Season 2.
They do have separate teams. Sometimes, certain people may be on teams for multiple games, but even so they only work on one episode at once. I am not a Telltale Staff member, but I am making educated guesses from having read about how Telltale produces games in the past.
Telltale does not have so many seperated teams. Unless they do teams within teams but that would really suck. Even though telltale does have multiple teams, I highly speculate that everybody works together at least sometimes on one project.
Your right! Job keeps talking about their schedule being similar to TV which means Telltale is evolving to the point where they will always have something to offer over the course of next year and onward, meaning no more dry years like after the Walking Dead Season 1!
To everyone saying that it's too soon for S2, I think they'll want to capitalize on the Game of Thrones brand for as long as the TV show is around. Releasing it concurrently with the show makes sense as its more likely to attract players.
If a season 2 is announced I'd expect it to be in late 2016 - anytime in 2017, keep in mind TWD S2 was announced as early back as episode 2 of TWD S1, so we might be in the wait train for a little while.
I was normally predicting Season 3 of Walking Dead to have a chance at premiering late 2016 - a good while after Michonne ends, but if Tellt… moreale is teasing something "major" for Game of Thrones, I'm now thinking that Walking Dead: Season 3 would come later and that we are instead getting another Game of Thrones title - unless Telltale has sized up enough to where they can handle more than 3-4 series a year.
As much as I am looking forward to all their upcoming projects, I really hope this will be an announcement about GoT and will be getting a season 2 soon.
Except they haven't said a Season 2 isn't happening. Every time it's brought up they say "These lips are sealed". Obviously something is going on. For 2016? Very unlikely, but I'm sure something is in the works involving wolf in the future.
I hope for season 2 of GOT I've got two completely different stories set up. Season 3 TWD would be awesome but I don't think that will come out till after the michonne series is finished. Season 2 of TFTBL would be good too.
Except they haven't said a Season 2 isn't happening. Every time it's brought up they say "These lips are sealed". Obviously something is going on. For 2016? Very unlikely, but I'm sure something is in the works involving wolf in the future.
Interactive games? I mean I guess since it's not like there're that many, but episodic? Nah, there's some stuff I've been waiting for WAY longer than Wolf.
Maybe Wolf and Tales just isn't as much of a majorly recognized IP like GoT, so Telltale have better financial incentive to continue investing in developing more GoT content?
I really wish there were other studios like Telltale... apart from Dontnod,
Wow. I thought that Tales and GoT together was a pretty strong line-up.
One can hope that Game of Thrones: Season Two *and *The Walking Dead: Season Three will be alongside each other during 2016.
I also think that it is possible that we will be getting a three episode mini-series of The Wolf Among Us, but of course he won't say anything because "those lips are sealed".
I am excited for the news. It is welcoming after the Season 1 final.
That shouldn't be too hard. Seriously, look at this thing
That would be cool if we got a Wolf mini-series DLC - although the announcement seems to be specifically for GoT. We probably won't get a Season 2 until late 2016 or early 2017 but a GoT DLC would be interesting - I just hope its not another 400 Days where you switch to a new cast of characters most of whom you'll never see again and who have no impact onthe Season 2 storyline - I'd really like some kind of epilogue to the cliffhanger to set up the stage for Season 2.
Next week's focus is going to be on Minecraft: Story Mode Episode 3, so I can see December's focus being on the premiere of Michonne and the Game of Thrones announcement (probably Season 2 or some DLC content). However, on a tangential note, I noticed something kinda interesting about their possible schedule for next year. It's kinda tangential, but it leads to some interesting possibilities of what Telltale plans for 2016.
With the last few years, Telltale would spend most of the year wrapping up two series that premiered last year and then premiere two new series at the end of that same year. However, the two games that premiere this year (Minecraft and Michonne) will be wrapping up earlier than usual, with Minecraft releasing episodes super quickly and Michonne only having three episodes. If they went by their normal plan to release two new series at the end of next year, that would leave a lot of downtime for Telltale once Minecraft and Michonne end.
However, with Minecraft going by quickly and Michonne being a shorter miniseries, it's possible 2016 will be different if Telltale doesn't want a long time of not releasing new games.
One possibility is that we could get the Super Show and another new game earlier into the year (like late Summer or early Fall if they don't want us waiting too long without something new). Another possibility is that we will still see the premiere of Super Show and a new game at the end of next year, but we could also get a smaller game or two to fill the time gap (like how we got Poker Night 2 and Walking Dead: 400 Days during the wait for Wolf and Walking Dead: Season 2).
As I said, that was all super tangential, but it makes you wonder what all Telltale is doing next year with Michonne and Minecraft wrapping up earlier than their new series usually would.
And that is a promotional image, the actual figure looks even worse (probably)
They will make TWD Season 3 in 2016.
I was normally predicting Season 3 of Walking Dead to have a chance at premiering late 2016 - a good while after Michonne ends, but if Telltale is teasing something "major" for Game of Thrones, I'm now thinking that Walking Dead: Season 3 would come later and that we are instead getting another Game of Thrones title - unless Telltale has sized up enough to where they can handle more than 3-4 series a year.
Telltale does not have so many seperated teams. Unless they do teams within teams but that would really suck. Even though telltale does have multiple teams, I highly speculate that everybody works together at least sometimes on one project.
To everyone saying that it's too soon for S2, I think they'll want to capitalize on the Game of Thrones brand for as long as the TV show is around. Releasing it concurrently with the show makes sense as its more likely to attract players.
Well considering he mentions "2016 lineup" in the same tweet I take that as it's coming in 2016. Obviously I'm not expecting it "early 2016"
. I'm expecting to see either a reveal trailer of Game of Thrones or the Super Show at E3 2016. I expect major announcements for Season Three at Comic-con which is towards the middle-end of July if i'm not mistaken. (reveal trailer and probably a release window for early fall). Overall I think those two titles will be starting in late-summer 2016-early/mid fall and will go into 2017.
You're right about Wolf though. I don't think the announcement has anything to do with it. I was just mentioning it cause he's given answers regarding wolf such as "these lips are sealed". That's just on my wish-list since they've started to flirt with the idea of a mini-series.
I'd rather just watch the show. Not into games that have antagonists with plot armor.
They do have separate teams. Sometimes, certain people may be on teams for multiple games, but even so they only work on one episode at once. I am not a Telltale Staff member, but I am making educated guesses from having read about how Telltale produces games in the past.
Season 2 in fall/winter 2016? Here's hoping
Ramsay has some really thick plot armor in the show aswell.
Your right! Job keeps talking about their schedule being similar to TV which means Telltale is evolving to the point where they will always have something to offer over the course of next year and onward, meaning no more dry years like after the Walking Dead Season 1!
I'm so excited! This is definitely my fav game next to twd s1. Can't wait to see what they do with season 2!
If a season 2 is announced I'd expect it to be in late 2016 - anytime in 2017, keep in mind TWD S2 was announced as early back as episode 2 of TWD S1, so we might be in the wait train for a little while.
Its Season 2... or DLC hmmmm
hope season two of GOT comes soon, i mean there was way too many cliff hangers to make us wait a whole year
Some sort of announcement coming from Kevin Bruner in the morning
They have much work. TWD Michonne , TWD Season 3 , TWAU Season 2 and GOT Season 2. I hope they will make GOT in 2016 because i cant wait.
I hope you are right bro
As much as I am looking forward to all their upcoming projects, I really hope this will be an announcement about GoT and will be getting a season 2 soon.
Dlc will contain north grove(how it was created) i see this already.
He was right when he said VERY SOON. I was expecting news in December! The hype is real!
GoT never explains mythological stuff. Not yet anyway. It would be cool, tho.
Sadly the bad people stay alive in the show the longest. And honestly.. ramsy knows how to play the game.
Could be sooner... from what I have read.. they thinking like March of 2016. Or somewhere in between there.
You got all right except one... there sadly has been no news on wolf among us.
You can cross out TWAU Season 2 from that list. There's been no official announcement for over two years.
Except they haven't said a Season 2 isn't happening. Every time it's brought up they say "These lips are sealed". Obviously something is going on. For 2016? Very unlikely, but I'm sure something is in the works involving wolf in the future.
If a second season of GOT is announced I'll pick up the first one.
I hope for season 2 of GOT I've got two completely different stories set up. Season 3 TWD would be awesome but I don't think that will come out till after the michonne series is finished. Season 2 of TFTBL would be good too.
TWAU Season 2 is like the Half-Life 3 of interactive story games...
What will come first: GoT S2 or TWD S3?
Interactive games? I mean I guess since it's not like there're that many, but episodic? Nah, there's some stuff I've been waiting for WAY longer than Wolf.
Most likely TWD S3.
On a separate note, I really, really want a Morgryn based DLC. Broke my heart a little that they made him into a villain.
I like the way you think!