I dunno but the dlc might be an episode of the playable characters and how are they holding up on the aftermath.
Hmmm my prediction is:
If gared goes to ironrath, they'll only see a bombarded unliveable place, there they'll meet the forresters rodrik/asher, talia, traitor or gwyn witness the result and mourning of the place. Beskha and ryon are nowhere to be found, rodrik/asher duncan/royland/gwyn and talia get their hopes up, not seeing the corpses of them. The bastard forresters will take shelter by the use of her wildling army to find shelter and by surprise they'll find beskha and ryon[O,O] the group is complete and you get to choose to have vengeance and march off highpoint or go back to the north grove. The dlc closes.m
If gared stays on the grove then they'll not meet and its going to be a struggle, the same path still goes just without gared, they look for shelter, they'll meet whitehill soilders and gets chased, whitehill camps scattered every inch of every area the chase is too strong that they had to go north, a small group of whitehill soldiers were spotted slaughtering an unknown smallfolk, they quickly grab him and interrogate him, they'll found out that a lot of whitehill soldiers are patrolling the whole area, another group of whitehill soldiers spotted them and are closing in they hsve no choice but to go around the north, after venturing through uncharted woods, in the fear of meeting any wildling they stumble into sylvi, who'll mention gared during one of their conversations, theyll know about the north grove and go. Reunited with gared but no beskha and ryon.
Your head must have hurt upon the excruciating wrong grammars and etc sorry bout that.
I don't have much sufficient knowledge about got so feel free to correct me anything, i just played the game. Planning to watch the tv series, is it worth it?
Consider this a formal request to make Beskha a playable character next season.
We're really pleased that people have responded to a strong character like Beskha. She's been one of our favorites as well and we are always listening to feedback from our players…
I would even go as far as to say that Beskha is pretty much confirmed as a POV. In my eyes, all Forresters must be covered in some way, that includes Ryon. Talia is with Asher/Rodrik and Traitor/Sentinel/Gwyn. Ryon is with Beskha, but he is too young to be a POV imo, so he and Beskha will probably have a (more positive) Hound/Arya relationship, with us playing Beskha.
tbh, i think this is partiality, (not unhappy, m xcited) but i think its a bit too early and a let down for fans of other games like tftb and wau (including me)...
I agree. Every POV characters in Season 1 is connected to the Forresters. And I think it is time to have some new POV characters that isn't a family member in order to have a different perspective.
I would even go as far as to say that Beskha is pretty much confirmed as a POV. In my eyes, all Forresters must be covered in some way, that… more includes Ryon. Talia is with Asher/Rodrik and Traitor/Sentinel/Gwyn. Ryon is with Beskha, but he is too young to be a POV imo, so he and Beskha will probably have a (more positive) Hound/Arya relationship, with us playing Beskha.
I would even go as far as to say that Beskha is pretty much confirmed as a POV. In my eyes, all Forresters must be covered in some way, that… more includes Ryon. Talia is with Asher/Rodrik and Traitor/Sentinel/Gwyn. Ryon is with Beskha, but he is too young to be a POV imo, so he and Beskha will probably have a (more positive) Hound/Arya relationship, with us playing Beskha.
tbh, i think this is partiality, (not unhappy, m xcited) but i think its a bit too early and a let down for fans of other games like tftb and wau (including me)...
I agree. Every POV characters in Season 1 is connected to the Forresters. And I think it is time to have some new POV characters that isn't a family member in order to have a different perspective.
So edgy. How about you take your pessimism somewhere, where it is appriciated. You know, cause why are you here? Because the fans of this game get season 2 but your favourite game doesn't? Well there's no need to say that GOT is the weakest game... IN THE WAITING THREAD FOR GOT SEASON 2?!
I'm glad they didn't play 'will they won't they' by waiting a bunch of months before confirming, but I'm worried that they're rushing it I want to find out what became of the Forresters, but with all their other projects - Minecraft coming out far quicker than other games and the Marvel deal and Michonne, it seems a little risky. I'd prefer waiting for better content.
It's better than TWD Season 2 and MCSM. Quite honestly, if Season 3 of TWD is closer to Season 2 than to GoT, then it will be a bad game. At least GoT has (more) meaningful decisions and an actual story.
That sounds about right.
I dunno but the dlc might be an episode of the playable characters and how are they holding up on the aftermath.
Hmmm my prediction is:
If gared goes to ironrath, they'll only see a bombarded unliveable place, there they'll meet the forresters rodrik/asher, talia, traitor or gwyn witness the result and mourning of the place. Beskha and ryon are nowhere to be found, rodrik/asher duncan/royland/gwyn and talia get their hopes up, not seeing the corpses of them. The bastard forresters will take shelter by the use of her wildling army to find shelter and by surprise they'll find beskha and ryon[O,O] the group is complete and you get to choose to have vengeance and march off highpoint or go back to the north grove. The dlc closes.m
If gared stays on the grove then they'll not meet and its going to be a struggle, the same path still goes just without gared, they look for shelter, they'll meet whitehill soilders and gets chased, whitehill camps scattered every inch of every area the chase is too strong that they had to go north, a small group of whitehill soldiers were spotted slaughtering an unknown smallfolk, they quickly grab him and interrogate him, they'll found out that a lot of whitehill soldiers are patrolling the whole area, another group of whitehill soldiers spotted them and are closing in they hsve no choice but to go around the north, after venturing through uncharted woods, in the fear of meeting any wildling they stumble into sylvi, who'll mention gared during one of their conversations, theyll know about the north grove and go. Reunited with gared but no beskha and ryon.
Your head must have hurt upon the excruciating wrong grammars and etc sorry bout that.
I don't have much sufficient knowledge about got so feel free to correct me anything, i just played the game. Planning to watch the tv series, is it worth it?
"Telltale confirms Season 2"
Season 2 confirmed
told ya so.
Yeah i wanna play got season 2. I can't wait long time too.
:O I'm so happy!
I'm glad they will be making a Season 2 of this series. It might take a while, but I'm glad that they will be making it.
Good thing season 2 is coming. I still need Ludd's head for my collection.
Wait, so it's confirmed
Yay, I'm so happy right now ^-^
And now, I'll be waiting for a season 2 of Tales to be confirmed... soon ;-;
Yes! Season 2 confirmed with the possibility with having Beskha as a pov? If I die before it's release at least I'll die happy.
Awesome! I am looking forward to Season 2!
I would even go as far as to say that Beskha is pretty much confirmed as a POV. In my eyes, all Forresters must be covered in some way, that includes Ryon. Talia is with Asher/Rodrik and Traitor/Sentinel/Gwyn. Ryon is with Beskha, but he is too young to be a POV imo, so he and Beskha will probably have a (more positive) Hound/Arya relationship, with us playing Beskha.
what are your thoughts?
Missed the thread literally just below this?
tbh, i think this is partiality, (not unhappy, m xcited) but i think its a bit too early and a let down for fans of other games like tftb and wau (including me)...
I agree. Every POV characters in Season 1 is connected to the Forresters. And I think it is time to have some new POV characters that isn't a family member in order to have a different perspective.

You rock Telltale!
I hope Telltale doesn't just kill off whoever ends up with Talia and Rodrik/Asher. I want Duncan to live!
Well you can't just leave us hanging for years with a ending like that lol so no surprise.
TWAU is dead man, it's sad I know.
LOL! I never noticed that Renly winked!
Renly is love, Renly is life.
There is still Malcolm with Dany. I think he will be new POV too.
Sad. So many interesting projects to pick and they'll be wasting more time and energy for their weakest game.
March...? possible but I think that's a bit too early.
Until fire god shadows kill you, then not so much.
Too soon.
So edgy. How about you take your pessimism somewhere, where it is appriciated. You know, cause why are you here? Because the fans of this game get season 2 but your favourite game doesn't? Well there's no need to say that GOT is the weakest game... IN THE WAITING THREAD FOR GOT SEASON 2?!
I'm sorry. Those supporters feelings matters for another six month's damn it!
Going to be waiting a hell of a long time I reckon. Any estimates on when Season 2 will be out?
Over Minecraft? Jurassic Park? They get worse, a lot worse.
Season 2: Great! :-)
What about save porting?
Will I have to play it on PS3 to continue my story? I only turn PS3 on just for GOT game and TWD.... :-(
I'm so glad Season 2 is confirmed.
Also, guys, we have another waiting thread, already! I am glad to be waiting again with you guys, it's gonna be a long one.
I'm glad they didn't play 'will they won't they' by waiting a bunch of months before confirming, but I'm worried that they're rushing it
I want to find out what became of the Forresters, but with all their other projects - Minecraft coming out far quicker than other games and the Marvel deal and Michonne, it seems a little risky. I'd prefer waiting for better content.
Yay! I'm so excited to see what they do with season 2! I hope the wait wont be too long... :P
It's better than TWD Season 2 and MCSM. Quite honestly, if Season 3 of TWD is closer to Season 2 than to GoT, then it will be a bad game. At least GoT has (more) meaningful decisions and an actual story.