I hope they really work much more harder the next season. i really like those two alternate routes leading to another route. I felt like playing 2 episodes in one. What i felt playing this day is what i should feel my whole life, playing ttg games :]
Hopefully what Decisions on the first season really MATTERS.
The questions left on the table at the conclusion of season one — who survived and who didn't — as well as all the other choices you made play a huge role in the second season.
I'm guessing he's a traitor for you? If you don't want him in the ending you can kill him in episode 5 and then you get the ending with Royland. As long as you don't call off the ambush or poisoning or else you'll end up with Gwyn if you play as Asher.
I don't know about that. If I played as Morgryn, I would certainly play him a bit more nicer than he actually is. It is like someone suddenly takes control of Littlefinger and gave him a heart.
I don't know about that. If I played as Morgryn, I would certainly play him a bit more nicer than he actually is. It is like someone suddenly takes control of Littlefinger and gave him a heart.
My guess is that since season one was announced back in December of 2013 and it released in December of 2014, I'm guessing we can expect a announcemeant in December of 2016 and season 2 will be released in December of 2017, so LET THE WAIT BEGIN!!
My guess is that since season one was announced back in December of 2013 and it released in December of 2014, I'm guessing we can expect a announcemeant in December of 2016 and season 2 will be released in December of 2017, so LET THE WAIT BEGIN!!
Honestly, I don't know why she is so "weak" if you keep her alive. Morgyn isn't a Bolton. If she's alive, stays in Margery's good graces and plays her hand right she still has power. Especially as arrogant as Morgyn is.
They won't ruin GarJon or Red Snow... They will lock eyes in season 2 and Senpai won't be mad at Gared anymore.
And I want him to die. Ugh, should've killed him while I had the chance.
I added a link for this Season 2 waiting thread to the Release Date sticky thread.
What? Mirgryn is soooo cannon. You can't say the same about Mom (Tom X Mira) tho
If only it could always be Royland!!!
Wish he wasn't determinant
Oh hell yeah!!!
So the wait begins. I cannot wait for season 2 and I hope we will get to continue with our Forrester story.
So uh... what happened to the Wait's Watch? is that joke dead?
R.I.P. in Peace Wait's Watch.
I hope they really work much more harder the next season. i really like those two alternate routes leading to another route. I felt like playing 2 episodes in one. What i felt playing this day is what i should feel my whole life, playing ttg games :]
Hopefully what Decisions on the first season really MATTERS.
xD i don't ship them. I ship tyra tho
Mirgryn is like the battle of Ironrath
Fallen but never forsaken xD
I really hope that the choice to keep Mira alive somehow matters into the Season 2 storyline...
Anyone think Talia will be a new POV?
they should give us a DLC to play as Gryff while we wait.
don't kill me.
Playable characters :
1. Asher/Rodrik
2. Beskha
3. Mira/Tom
4. Gared
5. Malcom
kills you
Gregor Forrester DLC any1?
That'd be interesting, we could get insight into his character and maybe even see Josera and Elsera's mother.
R.I.P. Enigma12
Iron from ice
Actually this would be pretty cool. I wouldn't mind it.
Should of figured a man with a Forrester soldier avatar would kill me. Fooking Forresters...
Fooking Whitehills... >_>
And so begins the longest wait of all time itself.
No way half/any of the playable characters are determinant.
I'm guessing he's a traitor for you? If you don't want him in the ending you can kill him in episode 5 and then you get the ending with Royland. As long as you don't call off the ambush or poisoning or else you'll end up with Gwyn if you play as Asher.
The Wolf Among Us forum says hi.
I hope I'm not the only one who wants a Morgryn DLC, right?
I don't know about that. If I played as Morgryn, I would certainly play him a bit more nicer than he actually is. It is like someone suddenly takes control of Littlefinger and gave him a heart.
I would be deliberately making all the least beneficial choices and hope it gets him killed.
My guess is that since season one was announced back in December of 2013 and it released in December of 2014, I'm guessing we can expect a announcemeant in December of 2016 and season 2 will be released in December of 2017, so LET THE WAIT BEGIN!!
Would about a Glenmore DLC
I believe in the late 2016 release.
I think it's safe to asume that it will be at least one year before another season
Nerds gather and now our wait begins, it shall not end until season 2
Well, Minecraft is almost over and they'll want to do something to go along with TWD S3 so.. I don't know.
that'd be cool too... i bet @Jakest123 would have fun wit that
Well, there's still that Marvel series they haven't released yet.
Honestly, I don't know why she is so "weak" if you keep her alive. Morgyn isn't a Bolton. If she's alive, stays in Margery's good graces and plays her hand right she still has power. Especially as arrogant as Morgyn is.