Favorite character?



  • edited November 2015

    Look... you wanna know why I'm in that chair... and you're not? For the exact same reason why North is North, why the handsome guy always gets the girl, and why every spaceship in the universe is shaped like a cock. It's destiny, Rhys.

    Love the actor's voice

    CreeperX posted: »

    The awesome thing about this game is that I actually like ALL the characters. Yes, even a dick like Vasquez. I found him hilarious. But I guess the characters I grew most attached to were Loader Bot and Rhys.

  • I'm hoping they bring back his body double, Timothy Lawrence, so they can also keep Dameon on board. :D

    Dameon Clarke pulled off the jokes perfectly. It's kinda sad that he likely won't be in any future borderlands games. They might find some w

  • Fiona all the way

  • H-he wouldn't do that.... right, Poogs?

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Tfw he got shot in my playthrough. ;-; Pls Poogs, don't kill me ;_;

  • PIPER, oh wait this isn't the Fallout thread....I mean Athena....

  • LOL, I called him an asshole

    Those 2 moments when he jumpscares you, had to slap him for a laugh

  • Yes Fiona is the best and she's cunning and can be mean to the others but she's funny too.

    Hydra_Hell posted: »

    Fiona all the way

  • I love Lilith eff all the others, I've liked her since the 1st Borderlands, Maya is meh and she can't go invisible like Lilith and it makes it harder for me because Maya's ability kinda sucks.

    jmm posted: »

    Lilith is awesome, I would have loved to see her make an appearance in Tales, but alas, it didn't happen. Too bad people got stuck with t

  • It's definitely Rhys although I love all the characters.

    enter image description here

    Also August is pretty funny too . .hmm..yeah..heh. .

    enter image description here

  • I thought Jack wasn't in Borderlands 1

    From all of Borderlands: Handsome Jack From Tales From the Borderlands: Loader Bot

  • Loader bot. No question, he is the best character of the whole game

  • Rhys and Vaughn! Loved those two from the start. Telltale creates amazing characters.

  • He's not, but I'm saying from all of the characters from the entire Borderlands series, Handsome Jack is the best.

    AronDracula posted: »

    I thought Jack wasn't in Borderlands 1

  • Playable.
    BL1: Roland
    BL2: Zer0
    TPS: Nisha
    TLTBL: Rhys
    Overall: Handsome Jack <3

  • I actually love that Jack was portrayed in a more sympathetic light and not a completely evil and malevolent entity. It is actually easy to make the villain and hero of a story black and white, but the shades of gray are appreciated. Lilith is by no means evil or a monster, but nobody in BL is without their flaws. The characters you play in Borderlands 2 actually murder Mick Zafford's son for no reason other than to start a clan war for fun.

    I keep saying people get tricked by TPS, there's so much proof that Jack was a monster long before the events of that game, and there's plen

  • Her punching the symbol? It held knowledge of the universe, so she shattered it before Jack could understand it all, seeing that even if she killed Jack at that moment, one of the Vault Hunters could look at that knowledge themselves. Easiest way to stop the threat was to destroy the source of the knowledge. It was a moment where she looked ahead of the immediate threat and took down the thing that could be more dangerous if not dealt with immediately.

    Linnet posted: »

    I still don't really know what to make of that ending. I think the people who lay BL2 at her feet misread that scene/the game, but I still have no clue what Lilith thought she was accomplishing.

  • Well Borderlands is all about characters being in the grey, I'd never argue that. That's why I love so many characters is because of their flaws. In way we, the playable Vault Hunters, are like rapid dogs and the mission givers are those who let us off the leash and direct us at someone. But that's not what I'm talking about. What I'm saying is, TPS is like that one book about the Three Little Pigs from the POV of the Big Bad Wolf but instead of just enjoying the story, everyone takes it seriously and lets it overrule what was already established about characters. Yes, Jack has some good traits, but the possibilities offered from what we know about his background from BL2 (the traumatized and abusive childhood, or his marriage/raising Angel) was barely addressed at all in TPS.

    In truth it feels like a very vocal minority of the fandom, but to these people: never mind that one of the reasons Moxxi breaks up with Jack is because he's too unpredictably violent even for her tastes, TPS says it's cause she found him creepy. And they can't put two and two together and release TPS has a biased narrative. Never mind that we know Jack views Roland and Lilith as nothing more than stupid muscle for him to exploit, he "acts" like they should be friends and "trusts" them (well I guess, you could say he trusts that they won't catch on that they're being used and therefore wouldn't turn on him).

  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator
    edited December 2015

    Although he's not my absolute favorite character from Tales (that honor goes to Rhys, LB, and Jack if you count him), let me represent an uncommon choice: Kroger.

    For the regular Borderlands games, that's a tough question. To make it easier, I'll just exclude the vault hunters (and Jack): Sir Hammerlock, Mister Torgue, Scooter, Marcus, Claptrap (yes, he's technically playable in TPS, but I don't care, I'm breaking my own rules because I can)

  • Either Rhys or Fiona.

    But in all of Borderlands, definitely Jack.

  • Hmm, in that case, they probably should have rewritten that scene a bit, because it seems like that went over most players heads. I could see that Jack was already barking mad, but I couldn't understand why Lilith would stealth in for what looked like a prank on the Borderlands violence scale.

    Her punching the symbol? It held knowledge of the universe, so she shattered it before Jack could understand it all, seeing that even if she

  • It's something they should have have had her mention in present time, would have really cleared that scene up.

    Linnet posted: »

    Hmm, in that case, they probably should have rewritten that scene a bit, because it seems like that went over most players heads. I could s

  • @Linnet

    The scene was unneeded. They could've come up with a better explanation for why Jack wears a mask, how they wrote that scene was just weak and screamed: not well thought out, like most of the main points of the story. The just jammed it into the continuity.

    If they had actually thought through TPS's story, Jack would've hated Lilith with a passion and also Moxxi. Instead, he just is annoyed by Moxxi and doesn't hate Lilith till she helps you kill Angel. And yes this is because BL2 was written first. Anthony and the writers of TPS should respect what they already established and not act like they were starting from nothing.

    It's something they should have have had her mention in present time, would have really cleared that scene up.

  • From what I saw in BL2, the reason he doesn't seem to show so much hatred for them is simply because he saw everything leading up to the end of BL2. The Vault, the siren opening it, the Warrior itself, and the power it held. Plus Lilith was reported as dead, which must have helped ease some of his rage. Didn't stop him from sending Assassins to figure out if she actually was though, and by the time he finds out she is, his plans are already in motion, no need to deviate from them. I think the less hatred at Moxxi is simply because the rage she gave him helped him earn the heart of the lovely Nisha.

    @Linnet The scene was unneeded. They could've come up with a better explanation for why Jack wears a mask, how they wrote that scene was

  • Fiona, she's my queen, and Handsome Holo-Jack !

  • Well i only play Episode 1 so far because it was free. But right now is Loader bot.

  • Borderlands 2: Gaige

    Borderlands TPS: Timothy

    Tales From The Borderlands: Handsome Jack

    Overall: Handsome Jack.

  • edited December 2015

    Rhys, by far. I like them all, except Handsome Jack and Vasquez because they are assholes.

  • Rhys and Handsome Jack. But I'm only now getting into the other borderlands games, so that may change :D

  • People aren't mentioning Athena. Come on guys, she's a bad ass(assin).

  • I understand why you don't like Jack, but I thought Vasquez was an lovable asshole imo.

    RAFAELAM96 posted: »

    Rhys, by far. I like them all, except Handsome Jack and Vasquez because they are assholes.

  • Rhys overall but haven't played any of the other borderlands games

  • edited December 2015

    Never found him lovable.
    Like Jack, I only like his place in the plot and the VA.

    I understand why you don't like Jack, but I thought Vasquez was an lovable asshole imo.

  • Rhys is my favorite but I do love Fiona and LB as well

  • edited December 2015

    I cant choose just one. :P

    Rhys: Lovable goof and at times badass businessman.

    Sasha: Have a thing for badass ladies and I found her to be both very likable and rather cute as well.

    Vaughn: What a bro. Such a bro. Totally bro!

    Gortys: Her innocence and complete obliviousness is just too cute.

    Zero: <3

  • Fiona: The suave but also internally dorky chick that Laura Bailey seems to do naturally

    Rhys: The wannabe suave but really externally dorky guy that Troy Baker does with ease

    Gortys: The innocent cuteness overload machine, so glad that went with that instead of that teenage persona (Also Ashley Johnson rocks it)

    Handsome Jack: Troy and Laura sum it up- Dameon is Jack and he is great at it. I love him and I love to kill him.

    From outside Tales:

    • Lilith (my name should imply this, duh. Overpowered BAMF that also has a lot of emotional and personality problems that keep her from being just a flat mary sue)

    • Gaige (badass, cute, nerd chick.....need I say more)

    • Tiny Tina (do I really need to explain?)

  • Fiona is my #1 favorite of all time.#2 is Athena because she's badass.#3 is tiny tina,she's cute in her own way.#4 is Axton, because he's pretty^_^.#5 jack because he has a sense of humor,that's pretty similar to mine.

    1. Dr. Ted
    2. Dr. Ted
    3. Dr. Ted
    4. Dr. Ted
    5. Angel
  • Been forever seen I've seen you on here Ted

    * Dr. Ted * Dr. Ted * Dr. Ted * Dr. Ted * Angel

  • the psycho that was the second driver for Fiona in the death race
    "Life come... Life go... Go! Go! Go! Go! Go!"

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