Am I the only one who is more interested in Rodrik's and Asher's story?

I am not saying that I dislike Gared's and Mira's story. I love their story too and their story are also connected with the others. But sometimes I feel like Rodrik and Asher are the ones who are driving the plot forward and carrying the season. I know that Game of Thrones have no main heroes. But I can't help but feel that Asher and Rodrik are the "main protagonists" of the story. I really feel like it is their story due to all the stakes and emotional investments. And how their stories are the ones who deal most with Ironrath or House Forrester as a whole.

Rodrik returns home heavily wounded and has to assume the position as lord of his house. He has to recover quickly and deal with the Whitehills who are trying to bring down their home. He has to deal with keeping his house together, being a leader and make sure his family is safe, at the risk of his own safety and health.

Asher is called home from his exile in Essos. He has to help his uncle raise an army of sellswords in order to return home and help his family. Asher is racing against time here. Any day he spend in Essos is another step closer to ruin for his family. He has to deal with what he consider more important to him. His precious bond to his sister Beskha or the family who exiled him.

In the end, both are destined to become the Lord of Ironrath. Rodrik remains the Lord at the cost of Asher's life. Or Asher becomes the new lord at the cost of Rodrik's life.

I wouldn't be surprised in Season 2, if we get to play as Rodrik or Asher again, that we get to choose who to play as like in Minecraft: Stroy Mode.


  • I think they're the most interesting, and important ones, as well as my favourites. But I'm also super interested, and invested in the other characters storylines.

  • IceFromIronIceFromIron Banned
    edited December 2015

    Likewise, I enjoy Mira and Gared's stories a lot. Ethan's too, while it lasted. But there's no comparing the enjoyment and connection I have with Mira / Gared, to that of Rodrik and Asher.

    The latter two are the only one's that matter in the story. Mira reduced Ludd's army? Doesn't matter, they still won the battle. Gared found the North Grove? What good did it do?

    So yeah, as much as I've enjoyed both of their stories over the season, Asher's scenes, and in my opinion, Rodrik's scenes especially--like at Ironrath--are where it's at. I also found myself immediately excited or pumped whenever it jumped to Ironrath or Essos, while with King's Landing or Beyond the Wall, is was just like "Oh ok..."

  • For me, Gared is the only protagonist. I like all of the PC, but Gared's story is the main One, for me.

  • The story is about House Forrester struggle to survive and keep their power and castle.
    Asher must bring an army to save his family.
    Mira must thwart the Whitehills plans in Kings Landing.
    Ethan/Rodrik must face the Whitehills in Ironrath and are the only one (with Asher) to interact with them. It's obviously the main plot.
    Gared must find the North Grove but he doesn't help the Forresters in doing so, he is kind of useless in season 1.

    RAFAELAM96 posted: »

    For me, Gared is the only protagonist. I like all of the PC, but Gared's story is the main One, for me.

  • Agreed. I always thought that Rodrik and Asher are the protagonists of the game with Ironrath's arc being the main one. Gared is close enough though. But since his story is not finished it's hard to tell. I don't known about Mira - her story was absolutely useless (although I was waiting for some interesting twists) with no impact on the others, she could have been written off the story with no regrets, that's for sure.

  • You're definitely not the only one. I never cared about Gared and Mira's story was pretty much pointless. Ethan's story could be interesting as well, but he got axed too soon.

  • I agree! Rodrik/Ashers POV are my favourite. Although Gared + Miras POV were far from bad. I enjoyed them all!

  • I know the story involves House Forrester, but FOR ME, it's only about North Grove.

    Voldago posted: »

    The story is about House Forrester struggle to survive and keep their power and castle. Asher must bring an army to save his family. Mira

  • edited December 2015

    "Am I the only person in the entire world who's more interested in the central protagonist characters story then the deuteragonist or tritagonist? Surely I'm the only person who prefers the story of what's probably the two most popular POV characters? Anyone else, or just me?"

    Voldago posted: »

    The story is about House Forrester struggle to survive and keep their power and castle. Asher must bring an army to save his family. Mira

  • For me it was Rodrik's then Asher's, Mira's and Gared's tied, then Ethan's as we didn't stay with him long. I love all the characters though.

  • I found Rodrick and Asher's story to be the best ones. I liked Garred's alot to but after after episode 4 I really just wanted to have a main focus on them.

    Personally I didnt really like Mira's story, I also read about how people feel so scared playing as Mira, but I never felt any of that. I guess its mostly because I dont watch the show so I really dont know anything about what was going on around her or why it was so dangerous.

  • I loved Ethan's the most, too bad it ended quickly.

  • I gave my OPINION, someone destroyed it with facts.and I AM just being a stupid jerk .

    almighty posted: »

    "Am I the only person in the entire world who's more interested in the central protagonist characters story then the deuteragonist or tritag

  • Yeah, Gared's story is just meh, but my favorites were Asher/Mira/Rodrik in that order.

  • Hey now, go EASY on yourself, guy.

    RAFAELAM96 posted: »

    I gave my OPINION, someone destroyed it with facts.and I AM just being a stupid jerk .

  • You aren't the only one. I found Gared's story to be meh, and Mira's to be alright here and there, but was definitely into Asher and Rodrik's stories. Ethan's as well before it got cut short.

  • I feel the same. I like Gared and Mira as characters, but their stories didn't interest me as much as Asher and Rodrik's stories.

    Gared and Mira's stories didn't really serve much purpose

  • I hated Mira's storyline, everytime it cut to the red keep I was like awwwww fuuuuuuuuuu

  • Don't worry, I will

    almighty posted: »

    Hey now, go EASY on yourself, guy.

  • I loved Rodrik's story. The sort of political intrigue in Mira's storyline was interesting, so it's a shame I won't get to see it anymore.

    The further I got with Gared's story, the more I hated it.

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