I hope Sylvi will stay with Gared.
I like Sylvi's character. For me she's like Gared's little sister. I made a promise to Cotter that Gared will look after Sylvi. She might be mad if Gared Butchered Cotter though. What do you guys think will happen?
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I'm thinking a big choice will happen with Sylvi. Maybe it'll turn out Josera and Elsera were right not to trust her (I hope not)
She better. Shes my little sister now.
Well I trust Sylvi. My Gared will watch over her no matter what.
I trust her too, there's just that "what if?" in my head.
She's so beautiful, I swear to my computer I will always protect her no matter what
She is no Clementine though
No Season 1 Clem, maybe. Definitley a better character than Season 2 Clem.
I would love for her to stay but I think she hates my Gared. I butchered Cotter sooo, I'm not sure if she'll stay with me.
I promised Cotter I would protect her, if she lets me I will try to honour that promise.
I think it be determined by how Cotter died. If you gave him nightshade she will stay, but if you butchered him she will leave.
I post my theory once, time to post it again
Why are you comparing her to Clementine?
I poisoned the potato fucker
I think she will stay
The amount of times I had trust in Cotter and he lied or "betrayed" me. I don't think I can trust Silvy that much
Can I just say, thank you for the saying she's like a little sister, that's how I see her, unlike some people where they ship them, and that is just digusting.
Is it? I never took Gared for being more than 17 or 18. Is Sylvi really that much younger? I always figured Gared was Talia's man anyway.
She looks about 15, and don't get me started on the people who ship him with Taila o_o
What's wrong with a teen hooking up with a teen?
How did Cotter betray you?
Sylvi's confirmed to be 13 in unused voice files.
An 18/17 with a 15? Well in my country it's considered ilegally for obivious reason. Gared is basically a man, Slvia is a girl.
It's not illegal in my country unless he's banging her.
I think elsera will want to sacrifice her next for "magic"
If that's a choice I wouldn't do that.
Oh god that's worse
I hope she doesn't. I find her really annoying.
He looks at least twenty to me. I pegged him at around 22 or 23 and Sylvi at no older than 14. They dont have any romantic chemistry at all imo.
I never saw any. It's not like he had any time to dwell on that sort of thing anyway.
What's interesting about Sylvi is the second I made a promise to Cotter, everytime I saw Sylvi I felt the need to protect her. The way I saw her character completely changed based on one piece of dialogue.
I think it depends. I hope she stays too. If you pulled the heart out of Cotter, she might not stay. But if ended Cotter's pain with the... Root, she will most likely stay.
I don't dislike her,but I don't think she has the best interest to Gared's goal even from the start until now.
With lies and treachery. Gared should have butchered him.
It almost sounded like Cotter wanted you to do the ritual on him. He said "I'm ready...Gared...please. I can't take it any longer." I'm not sure if that means he just wants to die or he wants to die quickly. IJDK
Im pretty sure he wanted to die quickly. This whole thing was about him not suffering.
Which of course means Telltale will never ship Gared and Sylvi. Its probably for the best.
To be honest i think that IF sylvi leaves gared will be decided on what you did to cotter in episode 6 and possibly what you choose to do in season 2
I really like Sylvi.
It sucks that she hates my guts... all because I ripped out her own brother's guts, too.
I always assumed she left if you butchered Cotter, and she stayed if you let him go peacefully. That's what I got from the endings based on your choices, at least.
She glares at Gared and walks away when you burn Cotters body but I'm almost certain that she's always with Gared in the end.
I can just imagine the fun I'm going to have trying to justify why I butchered her brother, then.