Rank the 3 Forrester warrior men by skill

Gregor, Rodrik, or Asher. Which of these three would be the better warrior?


  • Rodrik Fookin' Forrester.

  • Asher grin > all

  • All I know is that Lord Forrester's blade was badass! And Rodrik FTW!

  • Asher ofc <3333

  • HEY

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Asher ofc <3333

  • Hey...? xd

    Brodester08 posted: »


  • edited December 2015

    I meant HEY! NO!

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Hey...? xd

  • Um... what? xP

    Brodester08 posted: »

    I meant HEY! NO!

  • enter image description here

    Wolfenus54 posted: »

    Um... what? xP

    1. Talia
    2. Lady Forrester
    3. Ryon
    • Asher Forrester
    • Rodrik Forrester
    • Gregor Forrester
  • edited December 2015

    My money's on the man who survived The War of Five Kings, the Red Wedding, and the Whitehill Occupation of


    Plus I'm pretty sure everyone, from Gared to the Maester, to Ethan to Royland, call him House Forrester's best warrior for a reason. Asher's super skilled, quick and deadly...

    But Rodrik is a tank. He gets crossbow bolts and knife wounds (e.g. In the fight with Gryff in Ep6) and just shrugs them off. Running back to Ironrath to fight on like they were scratches. While Asher gets a small knife wound in the side and is severely handicapped.

    So while they're essentially equal in terms of raw fighting skill -- Rodrik's edge in pure endurance and overall toughness just makes him the better warrior. Even if people's preference for Asher's character makes them blind to that.

    They fight the same if they stay behind in Episode 5? Well except for the fact, Rodrik fights faster (re-watch / replay and you'll see) and he doesn't panic / scream out when he gets stabbed like Asher does. And Asher dies from the blow to the head by Harys, while Rodrik survives past that, able to look up and see Gryff by which point Asher had already died. Plus Rodrik's barely recovered from crippling injuries while Asher is on top form.

    They fight the same way during the Battle of Ironrath, in Episode 6? Except form the fact Rodrik had been fighting for hours before that, the stress of the siege, rushing back and forth from Ludd's encampment, fighting and killing either Gryff or Ludd and a bunch of Whitehills while taking wounds (and again the recent recovery angle) it just makes his version more impressive. Argue who should be saved all you like, argue whose the better character all you like, but Rodrik either is or was House Forrester's best warrior.

  • The real MVP is the guy who picked up Asher/Rodrick and said "My lord! We have to get you-"

    That guy was the best of them all, may he rest in peace.

  • R.I.P. Random Forrester Soldier #167 ;(

    Best character in the entire game... He had so much potential ;_;

    Damn it, Telltale ._.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    The real MVP is the guy who picked up Asher/Rodrick and said "My lord! We have to get you-" That guy was the best of them all, may he rest in peace.

  • Even though Rodrik is considered House Forrester's best, I think Asher is the most skilled.

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