Did you like playing as Lee or Clem?
I liked playing as Lee better but I didn't mind playing as Clem... but whats your opinion?
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I liked playing as Lee better but I didn't mind playing as Clem... but whats your opinion?
I loved playing as Lee. I felt like I had so much power. You formed special bonds with characters and you actually felt like you were him in his shoes. You basically did everything. As for Clementine, I didn't mind playing as her. I felt that she was uninteresting in S2. Sure you made her walk around and chose her dialogue but, other than that I don't feel like I had ACTUAL control of her. She was also written to be very unrealistic. I still like her. Maybe they tried to make her too mature too fast. There should've been many more dialogue options, so it didn't just feel like you were sitting back and just watching. I'll play as her again.
It's hard because I really enjoyed playing as both. I'll say Clem.
Lee all the way! But I don't mind playing as Clem.
I prefer playing as Lee over Clem. Playing as a child isn't my thing.
I much prefer Clem. I find playing as her a lot more interesting.
I prefer playing as Lee, but not because I didn't like playing Clementine. Clementine was an interesting protagonist choice, but I just feel that a character like Lee just opens up a lot more opportunities for player interaction/agency. Playing as Clementine/a child does open up some interesting concepts, but the question is whether or not you can follow through with these mechanics, or if the concepts are interesting enough to hold their own as part of a full season. Combat sequences, conversations and their subject matter and so forth can be handled much better through a character like Lee than they can through Clementine.
With a character like Clementine, it's all about striking a very difficult balance between game mechanics and scenes that make sense for a kid, but still allow the player agency within the world; you can't just have Clementine sit around and have adults do everything, or the game would quite frankly be pretty boring. Even if you had an adult character that didn't do a majority of the stuff and stood around talking to people, it could still be made engaging because there's a lot more subjects for an adult to talk about among other adults, and more position for an adult during an argument than there would be for a kid (in the terms of having life experience, wisdom and such). I feel that S2 showcased a few of the drawbacks to a child protagonist, or at the very least, a child protagonist in a zombie story like TWD. And it helps showcase how difficult it is to balance a child protagonist within the suspension of disbelief.
I mean, when you think about it, how many -- for lack of a better term -- mature games have you seen that actually have a true child protagonist? And I'm not talking like ~14 year old/adolescent, but an actual kid? Not that many, because they're pretty difficult to write to a believable caliber, or to make it so they're not a complete nuisance that the player feels like they're stuck with. Ellie from TLoU, who is about as much of an equal to Clem as you can find in both character and genre, is still a 14 year old girl. Even if it's a three year difference, there's a lot more maturity to her character via that age difference, and as a result, an audience can suspend their disbelief just a bit more for a 14 year old than they can an 11 year old.
I loved playing as both immensely, but I give the edge to Clementine.
I loved both of them as protagonists, but I loved Lee more because Clem has a big plot armor and people always talk to her when she is just a child.
Loved both.
I love Clementine & Lee but I like the idea of teaching her what to do or how to live in this crazy world from another characters point of view more than being her yourself because then all the things you teach her through out the series could determine how she handles different situations, where she ends up or who she is. caring, loving, crazy, evil, ect. Clementine is like our child, how do you raise a child/teen in this world?
I like playing as both but also don't like playing as either at certain points, I like that there is some development in their characters and we play the game as them, however, they felt pretty bland in comparison to other characters who got more character development, I think one of the big things that playable characters lack(at least in choice-based games/story games) is the depth in personality and backstory that allot of the NPCs have.
I loved playing as Clem in season 2. It was interesting to see that character you spent time protecting in season 1 grow on her own and having you, the player, be able to be apart of her journey. I definitely prefer playing as Clem than Lee.
Love both, but I really wanted Lee to be able to survive in season 1 and have season 2 start from 2 different points, one playing as lee and other playing as clem, but by now we know how much "choices matter" in the gran schemes of things in TellTale games. (GoT season 2 may prove me wrong, unless my save game with Mira dead gives me the same but with other character, which I´m incline to think that´s how things will go or Mira disappear forever and turn into a background character).
Is it,just me or,does Clementine look like Jhené Aiko
I disliked playing as clementine due to her age and how she was implemented
I would say Clementine. I'm a fan of a character starting out as an inexperienced fragile individual and then they become so much more as the story progresses. As S2 developed, you could see how far Clementine has evolved. I was very proud and you can't really get that from Lee (reminds me of Jason from FC3).However, Lee is fantastic to play as, who dosn't love kicking the shit out of Andy St. John?
Lee definitely. He had better characters around him and more interaction with them, which helped.
I like playing as both. I wanted a different scenario for Clementine though. I thought it would be more interesting to see her struggling to survive on her own.
I liked playing as Lee more. I get why they changed Clem for Season 2 (in order to make her more assertive and hardened as a playable character), but I personally feel they over played her being competent with certain things.
In my opinion I prefer playing as Clementine because it tells a different type off story instead off being an adult trying to survive you are a kid growing up in a zombie apocalypse and it is awesome seeing her change as the story goes on , don't get me wrong tho I did love playing as Lee but playing as Clementine was a different experience.
I loved playing as both, but Clem wins.
i liked both but I liked playing as Clem better
Yes indeed that would have been a lot more interesting for like atleast most of All That Remains and possibly half of No Going Back. I once believed that was the approach they were aiming for.. after loosing Christa she would be forced to fend for herself with Sam up until A House Divided.
Then yet again struggle to make it to Wellington alone and after the big show down between Kenny and Luke at the end of episode 4 in that mysterious town seen from a distance at the historic observation deck, because I was not really a fan of the Russian foes neither the Jane vs Kenny fued fiasco.
Either at the very least six 90 minutes episodes.. or five 2.5 hour episodes would of immensely helped out season two I honestly think.
Lee, definitelee. Sorry, I just had to make that pun...
I enjoyed both but they were tricky to play as. When I was playing as Lee there is no backstory at all to him, for most of episode 1 I was thinking he might kill Clementine, I knew he was a murderer however I wasn't sure he wouldn't do it again. And with Clementine because I knew her personality in season 1 it was hard to determent what her personality was in the second series. It was hard to find the determent dialog, however I can pretty much say that's the case for all the characters you play as: Lee, Clementine and the 400 days' cast.
I liked playing as Lee much more than Clem. I didn't really like playing as Clem
I liked playing both but clementine its my favorite character
I liked playing as both but I prefer Lee, the only thing that was holding down playing as Clementine in season 2 was bad writing.
I enjoyed playing as Clementine a lot, but I hope in Season 3, if we play as her, she's a little more realistic in terms of capabilities and whatnot.
I liked playing as Lee, But Clem isn't that bad....
As much as I loved playing as Clem, I did prefer to play as Lee.. Dude was a boss!