Mira Forrester is in the GoT TV Series
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In the two first episodes of Game of Thrones season 4, there is a handmaiden working for house Tyrell who looks an awful lot like Mira Forrester. See if you can spot her in these two screenshots from the episodes:
Did you see the resemblance? Have a look at these pictures for a better comparison:
Her face, her hair and her clothes are all similar. The resemblance is uncanny - and I think not accidental. I would guess that Telltale based Mira's appearance on this particular handmaiden, and that they based Sera's appearance on the handmaiden to her right in this picture:
The Mira Forrester on the television show has a relatively small role; I could only spot her in two scenes, she only gets one close-up, and her only line is "Your Grace." (What she says to Cersei before leaving her and Grand Maester Pycelle.) Effectively, by basing the appearance of a character that is original to the game series on a minor, nameless character from the TV series, the character automatically gets Easter-egg-cameos on the TV show. Now, Telltale, did you really do this with Mira and do I get a cookie for pointing it out?
Sorry dude, but this was discovered back before we even knew if Mira was gonna attend the royal wedding or not. Sadly this is nothing more than an easter-egg (if even that) as game-Mira isn't allow at the wedding, but this show-character is at the wedding.
She's not Mira.
Sorry, but she's either dead or a sex slave to Rickard
This was before Mira was separated/dismissed from Lady Margeary
It's not Mira. People are always talking about this I swear.
While it's probably not her, it could be possible that Mira was inspired by the show's handmaidens , particularly this one.
But game-Mira is actually at the wedding. In episode 3 of the game, she stands by the stairs that lead up to where Joffrey, Margery and their families are sitting. She could well have walked up the stairs and spoken to Grand Maester Pycelle for a few minutes before the wedding feast started, as the handmaiden in the TV show did.
Yes it was clearly intentional to use one of her hand maidens as a base for her look. Even have her be Mira had the story not developed a certain way. After all TV show and Tell Tales....tale is in the same universe.
Yes, the TV show and the game is in the same canon, so if the two smiling handmaidens in the picture at the bottom of my post are not Mira and Sera, then they both have a doppelganger among Margery's handmaidens. I don't know how many handmaidens Margery has serving her, but i doubt there are so many that some of them likely are doubles.
And if "this one" looks just like Mira and nothing we know about her contradicts what we know about Mira, couldn't we interpret them as being the same person?
Please, not this thread again... Mira Forrester doesn't exist in the TV show, just get over it already.
You mad bro? ;P
What are YOU talking about? Mira Does Exist in the TV Show. You get over it.
Sure, I don't see why not.
And what proof do you have, sir? Only some random screenshots of random girls who has nothing to do with Mira.
I'm saying she DOES Exist In The TV's Universe of GOT
I think you are taking this too seriously. I am not claiming that Dan Weiss and David Beniof intended that the handmaiden in question comes from house Forrester and is named Mira. As far as I am concerned, Telltale hadn't even invented Mira as a character when D&D made those episodes. However, as stated in my post, I do believe that the handmaiden has something to do with Mira; namely that Telltale based Mira's appearance on her.
Having the same a appearance, having a friend who looks like Sera, working for the same person and being in King's Landing around the same time, this handmaiden and Mira have a lot of things in common. And since I have not been able to find something that they don't have in common, it fits really well to interpret them as the same person.
Look at it this way; Telltale took a nameless character from the show and gave her a backstory and a role in their game series. They made her a spin off, if you like. Why so serious?
lol why is everyone so ass hurt over this???
Maybe Margaery decided to get a Mira-look-alike Handmaiden so she feels that if she loses the actual Mira there won't be much harm?
Like a Mira-replacement.
I keep asking myself the same question.
Or use the Mira-look-alike as a human shield for Mira? Someone who wants to kill Mira might end up killing the impostor instead. I imagine Morgryn's offer in episode 6 being:
The death of a missing Lannister guard cannot go unpunished, but I can get you out of here, Mira. One word from me and that look-alike of yours takes your place on the block.
I think it is pretty cool that the handmaiden might be Mira.
I was going to ask the same question. First time hearing about this fact
Me too, that's why I posted this. I expected more people to have the same reaction as yours instead of getting salty and rejecting the post immediately.
I don't see a reason for people to get salty and upset about this. Whatever it is Mira or not, it is up to us. And I think it is a pretty cool that we can see it as our Mira is on the big screen, thus all the events that we experienced in the game is happening off-screen.
Their faces look nothing alike.
They do by Telltale standards. For example, game-Margery and show-Margery don't look much alike.
Yeah it would be really cool and they do look a lot like Mira and friend in game. Also I think she got like 5-6 handmaidens if that is the girls she gossip with in one of the seasons when Cersei walks up to them. Im pretty sure these 2 are taken by Telltale to be "the hand maiens" so people can be "aha look!". And since Forrester is NOT that big of a house a loyal house to Stark and that is not something which would gain a lot of interest in the big picture of the tv show. Which makes it very fiting of this being Mira Forrester. A minor role in the big picture but a big role in the side story of house Forrester.
Not even by Telltale standards. The simarilties are only in the dresses and hair, things which would be alike considering the role. To be honest at first I thought the post would be about the girl on the right of the first picture, as she shares a much more similar face structure to Mira.
The side view and rear-side view are definitely similar by Telltale standards. In the front views they don't have the same facial expressions (especially the close up one, where the show-Mira's face gets wrinkled by her grin), because I could not find any pictures of Mira with quite the same facial expressions (game-Mira doesn't smile much, I used the strongest grin I could find) from the right angle. That makes them look more different than they would otherwise be.
If they cannot get Margery right, which they probably put a lot of work into, I do not expect them to make a perfect copy of one of her handmaidens. It is stunning to me, how much it resemble these two. I said it before, IM pretty sure they at the least! Gave inspiration to Telltale.
would be a much easier choice
Seriously, you guyz need to chill! Many thanks to the uploader for posting the screenshots reference. Yes, it is an Easter Egg which showcase one of the handmaidens is definitely Mira, no qualms about based on the styling of the hair, the colors and outlook of the dress is definitely uncanny similar which I suppose TellTale could conveniently capture that as reference to create the character of Mira, although she's mostly represents the one wearing the leaf green & teal blue lining dress, yet for Episode 2 & 3, Mira is spotted wearing the yellow & teal blue collar lining dress also replica to the one standing next to her... So it's hard to assume which girl is referenced to Mira, the girl in pale green and olive lining dress is definitely Sera as shown on the game Ep 1 where she tagged behind Mira & Margery on their way to meet Cersei. I assume the teal blue is probably the House Tyrell Color which represents the blue rose of Highgardens.
It doesn't matter sweetie... The girl feature in the show is simply some extra background figure, which isn't important for TellTale, which is nearly impossible to trace the actress' exact feature likeness to a core. As long as the reference of the color and styling of the hair and clothes matches, who cares? Take Myrcella Baratheon for example, she was some random fugly frizzy haired chick slotted during the 1st 4 Seasons as extra in the background. But for Season 5, the importance of her character plot became crucial which this time involve speaking lines so the recast another actress with relevant experience, vast contrast physically from the last 4 seasons - a prettier, thinner and lighter blonde chick. As the same for recast of Daario Sandstorm, Danerys' hot lover now stuck in Meeren as of Season 6.
Necrobumping threads since 2016...
Not Mira at all, I would classify that as an easter egg though.
There was literally no reason to necrobump this thread....
It's Mira or not? They are sooooo similar.
Not sure, House Forrester is canon (the dynasty name), Whitehills are just in game only though
I would say her clothes and looks are very similar though, I don't know which was designed first, if the game came out first or the episode, this may be a bit of collaboration, or the costume maker for the tv show may be a fan of the telltale game
edit: what about the other handmaiden Mira spoke to? I forgot how that one looked like, if it is also similarly in a tv episode the situation would be clear