Oh my gosh!
Haha, I just finished TWD Season 2 - Ep. 5 and- oh my goodness. I FREAKED when I saw Clem wake up on the RV from Season 1, thinking it was 'all a dream'. This game was really awesome, the final fight scene was sad, but quite a good plot. As much as I loved them both, I decided to go alone. I am looking forward to replaying the endings, and seeing what's to come in Season 3! I'd love to hear which ending is best, and how you might think it'll tie into season 3. Also, what were your guy's reaction on the "RV Dream"!
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Finally someone else who genuinely loves Season 2.
I was scared that Telltale trolled us with the RV scene and it really was just a dream, but then she woke up and the fight started. I picked Jane and went to Howe's and let the family in. Although people say this ending could be better (and I agree), I liked it cuz it gave hope about restoring humanity.
Good to hear someone else enjoyed Season 2.
I had gotten really confused at what I was looking at before the sadness hit.
I shot Kenny out of panic and got the ending with Jane and the family, but I'll definitely change that when we get more info on Season 3.
it might've been one of the best parts of S2. that dream was a shocker, wasn't expecting that at all. S2 may not have pleased me story-wise, but i am glad you enjoyed it buddy.
Whoa, give me a minute to comprehend this, is this a thread that says something POSITIVE about Season 2? I never thought this day would come, I'm so happy.
I was a bit freaked out too at first when I saw the dream. Never have I gone from panicked (seeing Clem get shot) to joy (seeing Lee) to confused so quickly. That scene was so emotional and well written, but I was so worried the writers were going to do a cop out and make the whole thing a dream, thankfully they didn't. The Kenny-Jane choice was the hardest decision I've ever had to make in the game, but I'm so glad I stuck with Kenny and decided to stay with him until the end.
Glad you enjoyed the game. Always good to hear. That RV scene had me choked up when Lee was smiling back at Clem. I knew it was a dream and she would go back to reality, but it was very nice and a perfect way to fit one last lesson for Lee to teach. I would say there is no best ending, yet. We'll truly see if anything comes from our choices when S3 hits us. So go with your heart and stick with it. I would like to think the intro will be different in S3 and TT will sprinkle in some scenes and dialogue exclusive to our ending choice here and there.
Why would you change your choices??
Holy shit, someone who actually likes Season 2. I'd never saw this day coming.
because that s the point of the ´´rewind´´ button
I didn't ask how he or her did to change his/her choices. i asked why.
I love Season 2 too!
And I'm with Kenny in the end
Season 2 was great
I must love torturing myself because in the dream I chose to have Clem say "promise you'll never leave me"
I chose to stay at Wellington. It might have been the hardest choice for me to make across the whole series.
And here I thought almost everybody hated S2. Everyone posting on this thread has proved me wrong ^.^
I kinda disliked the dream sequence tbh. I was never that attached to Lee, so my reaction was literaly [rolls eyes]. ¯_(ツ)_/¯
I don't belive there's a "best" ending, but in terms of situation (food, formula, shelter, protection, etc.) I'd say that one of Howe's endings or the Wellington one. Personaly.
I got the Howe's without the family ending which I consider the best for me emotionaly and situation-wise.
Fun Fact: In the Kenny's ending you're in Randy's family situation, and in Jane's ending you're in Edit's situation. I don't think that this was unintentional which shows that S2 is not as simple as it seems.
I wouldn't call my daughter Edit, she would have a bad time on Reddit. Just sayin'.
Lmao. Won't even edit it, everyone shall see my shameful mistake.
I must say, I tried that ending and loved it. But when I tried the ending with Kenny, seeing him run up the hill, and risking himself for the baby and Clem, my heart changed for him, and my final decision was the leave Wellington with Kenny.
Same here!
(After replaying all the different endings, hah.)
The day has come!
Oh wow, I just noticed that as well!
I never change my choices ^.^ i like to play in real time. i Panicked and shot Kenny too but that's something i'm gonna have to deal with in season 3. However i have another save file where i experiment with choices.
I loved season 2, I don't know why people complain so much about it ( I specialy liked playing as clementine...)
I'm glad to hear that. because I see a lot of people saying that they finished their main game one way, and then turned back just because they found out later that the Y ending was "better" than X ending. i mean, you can do whatever you want with your game, but this is just cheating to me..
If you are playing the game just "to get to the better ending", then what's the point of playing it..
You sir, have my respect! xD
Yeah, I like playing that way too. I make a choice, and I stick with it. Sometimes I go back, only because I chose something I immediately regretted when I pushed the button ("No... he/she would never do that!" or "Hold on I didn't think about it!" goes through my mind)... But mostly I stick with the consequences.
I loved season 2 ... and it made it hard to play Clem as Lee wanted her to be, because there were so many feels for Kenny. And you were the only one who knew what he was going through. The only one he genuinely trusted.
I went with Kenny at the end. But it was a very, very hard decision.
I do it sometimes too. I see no problem with that.
Usually I'm all for sticking with whatever choice I make, but I honestly preferred the "Stay at Wellington" ending and never got around to changing that. But in the end it would depend on whatever info we get on Season 3 and whether or not it'll be affected by our Season 2 saves.
The first time I played season 1 through I went with my gut and looked away, and went with Kenny away from Wellington. I tried to make a new save file to see all the different endings but in the end it felt weird to kill Kenny and go with Jane (so now both my save files have the same ending
I love season 2 but you could probably give me a 30 hour video of Clem dancing to peanut butter jelly time and I would love every second of it ^-^
Well,the first playthrough was emotional for me. Honestly did'nt think it would be. No shame here, I stayed with kenny till wellington,Clem's reaction to Kenny and vice verse just flat made me cry! Can't recall the last time any work of fiction caused this to happen. This alone to me how great this game is! Glad you love it,and as others have said"Its not like math,there are no easy answers." When it comes to the endings just follow your heart and you'll lead our young lady home!
season 2 is not even the shadow of season 1, every episode is terrible, bad written and a real disappointment!!!
I mean, I'm not a big fan of Season 2 either, but I don't really see the point of posting this on a thread where people just want to talk about how they like the game when every other thread is already overflowing with negative opinions.
Also as much as a disappointment I felt the overall game was, I still liked Episodes 1 and 2. I thought they had real promise to explore interesting themes and characters and I liked the atmosphere and tension in each.
That's nice to hear. I enjoyed Season 2 also. My ending was shooting Kenny and heading off alone with AJ , though I really did like Jane.
EDIT: grammar.
also, i didnt like season 2 ep 5, that episode really was bad written, one moment you are okey.... the next, your entire group is dead! WTF, i know this is the walking dead but this is extreme, i didnt liked luke´s death, his death was too forced, and the fact that some of your group abandond you for arvo, the guy who sold clementine´s group and try to kill everyone and steal us, then suddenly everyone treat him nice and feel pity for him, who does that? and kenny´s struggle to get to wellington, it's exactly the same when he tries to get a boat in season 1 and then he goes crazy. Season 2 writters lack imagination and originality, when you write a second season, you must do whatever it takes to make it a lot better than the first one, but they didnt, they fucked up a good story.
I never though I would hear anyone enjoying Season 2 so much. Glad you did though. My ending was Clem leaving with Kenny even though I love the alone ending more.
Personally Season 1 was far less dramatic personally. Story was well, pretty straight forward as well, never understood why people praise it so much personally. Outside of the ending with Lee, wel ya.. I did love that ending. Kenny, oh god did I hate him in season 1. Cheered when Benny pretty much put Kenny in his self centered selfish place.
Season 2, a darker tone personally, story isn't bad either, pity Carver didn't play a big part, but being who his voice actor was, I would understand if that character's time in the season was cut short. In a lot of ways I enjoyed season 2 a lot more, I think the only negative aspect was I was disappointed with Carver's camp not playing a bigger part. Outside of that, it was again just too much Kenny, Kenny Kenny Kenny... GOD why didnt carver kill Kenny!?
Because him returning in Season 2 would have been pointless
You wouldn't wish him to die after he just kept Clem from getting punished, would you?
I would, I hated his guts since season 1 and personally wish I could of betrayed him instead of getting the darn Radio to begin with. hehe
Never understood why people like him so much, just because he is a train wreck? A broken soul for people to attach their feelings on?
Then fine, he should have let Carver punish Clementine.
Actually the great irony of that is, Carver might have not even punished Clem at least in the way he did Kenny. It is obvious he knew who the trouble makers were already. I'm under the impression he would of beaten Kenny up regardless. Someone had to put Clem up to the task of stealing the Radios to begin with really. It likely wasn't just Luke, and he already had his time punishing Luke. hehe
I enjoyed Season 2. Maybe not as much as Season 1, but it is still a very good season. The RV dream was a great chapter.