It seems official: Clementine will be in Season 3

Melissa Hutchison herself, she replied. I asked her what would be the age of Clementine, and she answered me.
What do you think?
I do not know if Clementine be a protagonist or not, but She will be in season 3 and take part in it.
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I think Clem can't be a little girl forever
It's great that you got Melissa to say that Clem's story will be amazing. It could be confirming that she WILL be in Season 3! Or… it could be that she's trolling.
She can't be adult. Game should stay in the same timeline with the comics
Season 3 would be crap without Clementine. As Mellissa said, she will be amazing no matter what
I was just making a joke because @CuteClem basically kept saying "Clem must be little girl" over and over.
Well, she has to age obviously, but the comics are only about four years in the apocalypse, and the games can't go further in than the comics. So the oldest Clem could be would be around 13. She would be younger if the third Season begins shortly after Season 2.
I wonder if Melissa will change up Clem's voice a bit depending on how much the girl has aged?
damn.... i hope not, im tired of her, she is not a strong character and lacks charisma, plus.... she is too defenseless, too young, too weak, with SOOO many limitations, I liked her in season 1 but even in there she fucked up everybody, she sold lee and the group to the stranger and never mentioned anything! omid died because of her, the only reason i liked her and tolerated her in season 2 is because i felt pity for her because of lee´s death, but thats over, she sucks as primary character.
I really, REALLY hope this is not true. I want S3 protagonist to be either Jane, Molly or Lilly.
We'll play as AJ. and we will cry the hell out of those walkers!
cool story.
Jane is determinant.... In other words, dead... If by some chance she is alive, so will Kenny..... Oh the glorious wars that will be waged on this forum... glorious!
Hey guys! Let's keep conversation civil instead of insulting people. Thanks.
If Clementine wasn't in Season 3 in some way or another, I'm pretty sure people would riot. I know I would.
Plot twist: sky bound is working with telltale to release season 3 a month after the comics have a 6 year time skip and season 3 is fully caught up with that skip.
i wasnt "insulting" anybody from here. that dude that tweeted Melissa was. i dont see why i was for that.
ohh i see now..
Unlike Kenny who can be directly shot in his head, Jane was just stabbed in the shoulder. She could easily be alive.
hahahaha If by shoulder you mean right through the heart where she lay dead... Hey I was thinking about writing fan fiction on how Luke survived.... Sounds like you could do the same for Jane. Anyways, shot in the head? Last I checked he, Clem, and AJ were just leaving Wellington. Jane was an ice cube in the snow.
No, by shoulder I mean shoulder. Luke couldn't have survived because we saw him dead. Jane was just laying there with her eyes closes. She was just unconscious IMO.
i think she will be 13
hahaha...Pause at the 28 second mark. The knife is being pressed in just below the center of her throat. That's going right into the center of her upper chest, her heart.

I do not know if it's been three years, perhaps weeks and months? Maybe she would be 11-12?
Wait, when did they say 3 years in? I never heard anything about this.
OMG that's awesome. Can't wait to S3 Clementine is the best, without her the games wouldn't exists or wouldn't be the same without her. How old will Clementine be in S3? will she be more grown up? teenager maybe? i do prefer Clem as a child still. It would be great if this continue the series right after the end of S2 where Clementine is heading of to the city with the baby, she was 11 years old i believe at the end of S2, so i'm hoping she be the same age and S3 starts of from the end of S2.
Bruh how are you gonna complain about how season 2 has bad writing, yet you came up with this idea.
Just like Clem missed when she shot Lee, of course!
It was already confirmed that she'd be in the game back when Season 3 was released. Am I the only one who remembers Telltale saying this?
The only problem being, 2016 is supposed to be the biggest year for The Walking Dead Game, meaning that Season 3 will come out this year, and the comic doesn't seem like it's going to have a time skip that big anytime soon, as they're in the middle of an extensive plot.
As far as I know, Telltale hasn't confirmed that Clementine will be in it. Are you sure that's what they said?
@thedreamcatcher also does, but I personally don't remember any of that.
what the fuck
shoulder is in red, stab wound is in blue. the middle of the rib cage isn't called "the shoulder," buddy.
oh my god
can I finally get
my teenaged clem??????????????????????????????????