Michonne: realistic characters

I saw the game, and I really liked. But pretty pissed, where characters more realistic than season 2. reactions to different situations. For example, when children aged 16+ are in danger, they know the environment only children and coming out to help them "are only children!" And in season 2, when a little girl aged 10-11 is in danger, the environment quiet and not at all morally and upset. I hope that telltale understood, Season 3 will be more realistic.
A little girl alone in the woods, very injured - no regard for the child.
Killer picks up the little girl with one hand, aiming a gun - no reaction of adults.
Send a small girl on dangerous missions! They are crazy!
A little girl nearly died from the cold, no reaction deserves it.
And many, many other examples. Are you serious? The girl has not yet 12 years old!
It's fun to watch the characters are fighting, especially the heroine, Michonne. Her comments very realistic situations. Amazing animation, I loved it. Very disappointing in connection with the second season. Season 3 will be probably the best and most realistic. Trust the telltale.
and i am sorry for my english ...
- little girl
- teenager
Don't you think that "michonne" is basically a rip off season 2? I mean we see bunch of corpses (on the river/at the ferry), who were all shot through the head, then we meet some survivors who surely ran off from other group(cabin survivors/Greg and Sam), then we meet 4 members of that group with assaults rifles and they take us hostages and drive to their camp, where we get beaten and soon plan to escape. It is not right, right guys?
why it's not good?
Well, they're basically trying to sell us the same game twice, only now it is done properly, without dragging the story through three useless episodes.
So wait, Did you feel season 2 or michonne was more realistic?
yes ... i agree. i want season 3!
Except in this game we actually have action sequences that are so much fun.
I don't know if realistic is the proper thing we should say. I mean think about how much farther ahead they are in the apocalypse. I'd say most survivors are very well off when it comes to walkers nowadays. However in Season two it's still only been about two years so I mean some people might not have seen AS much and been through as much as the charactesr in Michonne.
Even gay couple is in there too, which becomes a "must be in game thing" in every recent Telltale games (TftB, TWD S2), just like Bioware. And 80 min episodes are back again. As for me, this is a bad start for these mini-series.
Uhm… what? It is realistically accurate to find at least two gay people inside a community with over two hundred survivors.
Actually, Season 2 was two and a half years into the apocalypse, while Michonne is only one and a half to two years. I think the problem is that Season 2's adults were unrealistic.
What? No it isnt? There is 2 years until they get to alexandria, following this their is an unspecified amount of time until the end of all out war. Then another 2 year time skip, which after a while michonne returns from her trip.
This point is over 4 years into the apocalypse
Yeah man I don't know what youre talking about. They are around 4 years and a couple months into the apocalypse I believe.
According to the Video Game Timeline and the Comic Timeline in Wikia—both which I'm going to be trusting more than our memories—the day in which Season 2 finished is day 860, and the day in which All Out War finished is day 623.
It's implied that she left Alexandria soon after the war had ended. Siddiq introduced them to Oceanside, so she didn't wander on her own for long, as she only had to reach said community. We learned that Pete—who is from Oceanside—found Michonne when she was about to commit suicide, and three weeks later, they were already sailing The Companion.
I'll also tag @Wigams.
What does this have to do with the discussion, though?
No idea. was dicussing clementines age in another thread and must have mixed the two up. lmao
But what I'm thinking is that you shouldn't believe those timelines exactly. RK has never said precisely how longs its been and has never said those were true. It's like when Telltale says "don't believe anything unless it comes from us". Either way there are more seasoned survivors in the world. Clementine probably got unlucky and found a bunch of idiots.
These are still completely different scenarios though, the main character isn't a kid so people aren't going to take you lightly, pretty much every character is different from the characters in the first episode of season 2, and the settings are completely different. In season 2 you find yourself with a group who are escaping from a dictator and his camp, in Michonne you find yourself with one group that consists of multiple subgroups that you don't know which side to take, and even then we still don't know the full story since we're only 1/3rd of the way through the story.
Your argument just seems to cherry pick coincidental details between both games for the sake of being able to complain.
LOL, okay. I tried to make some sense come out of it, to no avail.
I would be fine with that. But, going by that logic, none of us should be discussing how far ahead one series is over another, in the first place.
Clem is a little kid! and adults no get it ... it's sad
Oh, okay so your saying you prefer Michonne to season 2 as the adults are more realistic? Because in season 2 the adults did not treat clem properly
I agree! I hated how the adults acted to nonchalantly whenever Clementine was in danger.
A little girl alone in the woods, very injured - no regard for the child.
Killer picks up the little girl with one hand, aiming a gun - no reaction of adults.
Send a small girl on dangerous missions! They are crazy!
A little girl nearly died from the cold, no reaction deserves it.
And many, many other examples. Are you serious? The kid has not yet 12 years old!
Then I agree with you
Then this obviously ain't a game for you.
yes ...
Knew someone was gonna whine about the gay couple, don't even care.
I thought the characters were much better realised than those of season 2. Sam was very nicely done, Greg was believable (liked how he died - not enough seemingly main characters die suddenly in Telltale games lately, it's always quite predictable.
Zack seems cool but really pissed at him for shooting Greg...guess he was being basically manipulated and abused by Randall but still...shame he's determinant!
It did feel a tad forced.
But honestly I don't really care.
As long as it doesn't try to be invasive you shouldn't be deterred from enjoying a game because of that.
Come on, what? Forced? How exactly.
If it had been a straight couple in the exact same situation no-one would say it's forced.
Oh God...
It's another CuteClem thread... can't wait for this to get derailed.
No need for that, plus your the only one to derail it so far
100% agree but i think this is like "Kenny should be Dead!" or "Lee is too Clumsy" for this series. Its something that people like to harp on constantly eventhought its really minor or just nonexistent as a problem.
People HAVE to find something to whinne about . The episode is fantastic so this is all they have.
Anyway nice to see you again bro and im glad we both liked it
Naw, if he was straight we probably wouldn't even have known and/or it probably wouldn't even have mention his relationship at all.
Like I said, it just felt a little (hence the word 'tad') that way, no clue if that was intentional or not but like I said I don't really care.
Huh? SO many characters have had their straight relationships mentioned! Kenny mentions that he and Sarita are in a relationship really soon after reuniting in season 2, was that shoving heterosexuality down our throats? We even catch Jane and Luke doing it!
CuteClem hasn't been posting as much as they were before. I think they're fine.