Ironically every character is afraid of Negan (according to the creator) they just show it differently. Rick for example is constantly nervous he might do something.
Yes he did make peace. He made dwight leader and made peace with the Saviors.
, it will happen soon
Only time will tell, my friend. Daryl still has a perfectly smashable head.
But remember, the Saviors we… morere never really threatened by Ricks group.
True, but Rick's group DID slaughter a bunch of saviors, and I'm pretty sure they never thought he'd get that far. At this point, I'm excited for All Out War in the show and I don't fear Negan at all. However, when Alpha shows up in the show, I'm gonna be pretty fucked up. Alpha scares the shit out of me in the comics.
At the end of All Out War one of the reasons Rick made peace was because he realiezed that the Saviors would win.
And yet they didn't, because Rick Grimes is too badass to keel over and die.
Yes he did make peace. He made dwight leader and made peace with the Saviors.
Oh, that's right. Sorry, the comic is a bit hazy for me right now. I thought you meant it as in Rick was accepting death but got back into the swing of things and won. You see, there are tidbits I do remember, and then there are some I don't. I've been working a lot lately and focused on so much other stuff that I just forget.
Ironically every character is afraid of Negan (according to the creator) they just show it differently. Rick for example is constantly nervous he might do something.
Yes he did make peace. He made dwight leader and made peace with the Saviors.
Oh but in that case you are right. Rick became convinced that he would die but he he still had hope and thats what lead him to ally with Dwight and make peace.
Yes he did make peace. He made dwight leader and made peace with the Saviors.
Oh, that's right. Sorry, the comic is a bit hazy for m… moree right now. I thought you meant it as in Rick was accepting death but got back into the swing of things and won. You see, there are tidbits I do remember, and then there are some I don't. I've been working a lot lately and focused on so much other stuff that I just forget.
No Caryl?!
And as far as the "The look you get when you realize taking on Negan was a bad idea", I get the same look when some asshole cuts me off in traffic.
I really enjoyed this episode, i have been looking forward to the Negan story arc for a while so it's exciting to finally see it in action.
… more
One thing i noticed was Glenn looking at the polaroids of Lucille's victims which i thought was good foreshadowing, i'm really looking forward to the next few episodes will build up the the season final which will be a really smashing episode.
Ok look. I don't wan't to ruin it for you because i enjoyed it myself and don't wan't you to get great scenes ruined for yourself. They are meant for Tv motion epicness, not to be read in some forum post. I really just don't wan't to kill the moments for you.
As long as my favourite character and hero Glenn does not get killed then I will be fine with whatever it is that happens. When I thought Glenn had died earlier this season I was close to a breakdown, but thankfully he really survived and it seems that they were just toying with us making us think he got killed. No way would they ever kill off such a main character like him and even more so in such a horrific way.
Ok look. I don't wan't to ruin it for you because i enjoyed it myself and don't wan't you to get great scenes ruined for yourself. They are … moremeant for Tv motion epicness, not to be read in some forum post. I really just don't wan't to kill the moments for you.
..............................seriously?....... Ok. Good day to you man. This was a nice chat. Thanks for it. I hope we see each other again, have a nice week.
Well ok then.
As long as my favourite character and hero Glenn does not get killed then I will be fine with whatever it is that happens. … moreWhen I thought Glenn had died earlier this season I was close to a breakdown, but thankfully he really survived and it seems that they were just toying with us making us think he got killed. No way would they ever kill off such a main character like him and even more so in such a horrific way.
..............................seriously?....... Ok. Good day to you man. This was a nice chat. Thanks for it. I hope we see each other again, have a nice week.
Ironically every character is afraid of Negan (according to the creator) they just show it differently. Rick for example is constantly nervous he might do something.
Yes he did make peace. He made dwight leader and made peace with the Saviors.
Oh, that's right. Sorry, the comic is a bit hazy for me right now. I thought you meant it as in Rick was accepting death but got back into the swing of things and won. You see, there are tidbits I do remember, and then there are some I don't. I've been working a lot lately and focused on so much other stuff that I just forget.
Oh but in that case you are right. Rick became convinced that he would die but he he still had hope and thats what lead him to ally with Dwight and make peace.
Does Rick wake up from his coma and everything was all just a dream?
NO the creator confirmed that will never happen.
I gave up on Caryl when I realized they were all tease and no action.
Thought you said you wouldn't tell him.
Just the obvious stuff. I flat out refuse to spoil him though. Btw glad to see you again bro
You too
And I was just messing around.
I know
She said "Pookie" and then it went all downhill from there.
Love his channel!
You're going to tell me right now, OR ELSE....
Nope, i won't.
You want money?? How much for you to tell me?
No, sorry. Just wait man. It is literally just a month.
I offer you $12million Ugandan dollars. You will be a millionaire!!
Mil. But seriously, just enjoy it. There's no need for spoils.
Look is there anything I can do to get you to tell me? Anything in the world?
Ok look. I don't wan't to ruin it for you because i enjoyed it myself and don't wan't you to get great scenes ruined for yourself. They are meant for Tv motion epicness, not to be read in some forum post. I really just don't wan't to kill the moments for you.
Well ok then.
As long as my favourite character and hero Glenn does not get killed then I will be fine with whatever it is that happens. When I thought Glenn had died earlier this season I was close to a breakdown, but thankfully he really survived and it seems that they were just toying with us making us think he got killed. No way would they ever kill off such a main character like him and even more so in such a horrific way.
..............................seriously?....... Ok. Good day to you man. This was a nice chat. Thanks for it. I hope we see each other again, have a nice week.
Yes I will talk to you again after the season finale.
Ok cool