who did you kill? gryff or ludd ? and why?
i killed gryff because he could have had the upper hand with having ryon captive meaning a good chance he would kill him if i killed his old man so i went ahead and killed gryff to save ryon. i figured in season 2 i will kill ludd if the oppertunity comes
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As Asher Gryff, mostly because I went with the ambush and wouldn't have poisoned Lady Forrester either.
As Rodrik Ludd, because A) it means we won the war by Ramsay's terms and
Gryff is a little bitch anyway
Honestly, I'm more concerned about Torrhen, he will be a pain in the ass for sure, lord or not.
I killed Ludd because I wanted House Whitehill to lose their lord. Plus, Rodrik had set it up too well, not to:
"I am going to kill that man."
The way I saw it, I'd already beaten Gryff to a bloody pulp... now it was Ludd's turn.
"Run out of words, Gryff? That must be a first!"
EDIT: It's because I wanted to give them a Red Wedding, not a Purple Wedding. Poison is dogshit (according to Amaya). Again, as Amaya said, I want them to choke on my blade, not their vomit. It's more satisfying for me to kill them with a sword than a drink.
I just posted this in the 'Who had a more satisfying death' thread but I think it explains my motivations for killing Ludd well.
I killed Ludd as Rodrik in my canon playthrough and I actually enjoy it more than Gryff's death for a multitude of reasons.
Ludd has been behind everything. He called the Boltons which got Ethan killed. He took all of the Ironwood. He either humiliated Rodrik in front of Elaena or he didn't allow a little boy to attend his father and brother's funeral. He tried to kill Ryon. He demanded Elaena marry Gryff. He installed Gryff in Ironrath. He mocked the Forresters over the deaths of Gregor, Ethan and Asher. He tried to hire hundreds of sellswords to destroy Ironrath. AND (most importantly) he ordered the ambush of Asher Forrester.
He has been a thorn in the Forrester's side since the very beginning. He is also the Lord of House Whitehill, killing him would cause absolute chaos for the Whitehills. Remember how disorganised the Forresters were after the death of Gregor?
Everything that has happened has been because of Ludd. So when I saw the opportunity to ambush him at his camp I took it. Me and Beskha snuck up behind him and Rodrik raises his sword. Ludd grabs his and the rival lords lock eyes.
'Raise your sword, we do this like men'
'Like men then, remind me which one's your good leg?
Ludd puts up a surprisingly decent fight (at least I was surprised) but he is no match for Rodrik's skill. He plunges a spear into Ludd's chest and he collapses to the ground.
'It's over, Ludd'
'I underestimated you cripple, but it won't do you any good. My soldiers are already tearing down your gates. They'll kill your mother, your sisters. And Ryon, Gryff's cut his throat by now. Well, what are you waiting for? Kill me, and be done with it, unless you're too cowardly to do it yourself'.
'You might be right, about all of it, but I'm still the last Lord standing.'
He who passes the sentence must swing the sword. With one fell swoop, Rodrik beheads his greatest enemy and avenges his brothers once and for all.
(Also, his death is extra satisfying as Rodrik technically wins by Ramsay's rules as he is the last lord standing)
That's why I actually think Ludd's death is brilliant and was the perfect ending to his story for me. Don't hate me but I was actually kind of saddened killing him, he was a great villain for the entire Season so seeing that he won't be back in Season Two is actually a little sad to me. Thorren Whitehill should be a good antagonist for Season Two however, and Gryff is still regrettably alive and he and Rodrik still have unfinished buisness.
Killed Ludd with poison. The way I saw it, killing Ludd would be cutting off the head of one of the snakes threatening the Forresters. Gryff struck me as nothing better than something like King Joff, sure he has power, but he'd be easier to deal with yet the real threat would still remain.
I feel the same way, don't worry. Except that Ludd didn't die in my game.
So you think the same for Gryff, I can understand that too. I kind of want them both to come back. Hopefully Thorren is a good villain for Season 2.
I hope he is too
EDIT: And yes, both Ludd and Gryff are both great antagonists. I want them both back too. But Ludd, IMO, is better. So, I killed Gryff.
Ah, now I understand. I liked Ludd more too but I felt as if he was more of a threat so I killed him.
Killed Lard because he was the biggest problem
I kind of disliked and liked how misleading they were with Ludd.
If you followed Ludd as Rodrik, it made it seem like Ryon would be killed.
If you went with poison as Asher, it felt like you could save your mother, but she dies anyway. Also, it was stupid how the ambush had 0 chance of killing Ludd, they should have made a QTE where you can kill Ludd, and if you fail it you have to kill Gryff. Make it a really hard one, though.
I disliked that, but I also liked it because I think TT knew that Ludd was the bigger threat and 99% of people would kill him over Gryff, so they had to make it seem like killing Ludd was less favourable.
As Rodrik, I killed Ludd. I thought it was the smartest thing to do and maybe it would weaken the Whitehills a little bit. Hmm... guess not. Oh well, it still felt good killing him.
As Asher, I killed Gryff, because I called off the plan.
I find it weird that Ludd's head bleeds a moment before being cut off.
I killed Gryff because I wanted Ludd to feel how it's to loose a son and a family member. He was the main responsable for Ethan's death and he spent all the following episodes bragging about it. He needs to face his karma and watch all his own family die, the way he watched the Forrester die. I'll keep him alive until the last minute and i'll kill him off only after he has lost everything.
It is kind of silly that you can only kill one. It would be more pragmatic to kill Ludd since Gryff is likely to run things into the ground until Torrhen comes home to assume the lordship. Though I do find the thought of Gryff being the conqueror of Ironrath rather repulsive. I still think Torrhen will be the next Lord Whitehill regardless.
In my canon playthrough I had Rodrik kill Ludd because that means that by Ramsay's terms the battle was won and Rodrik proved that he can still rule his house and fight. Ironrath is the winner if Rodrik kills Ludd!
I killed Gryff, let the Old Man be by himself. Technically stole his daughter as well.
As Asher:
As Rodrik: