Main antagonist of Telltale's Batman game?

I really hope it's not Joker or Bane again, damn we got sick of them. It should be someone unique and since all of Telltale's games have detective aspects in many parts, the Riddler would be a perfect match for a telltale Batman game


  • edited April 2016

    All the announcements regarding Telltale's Batman have implied the player will alternate between operating as Bruce Wayne in the day and Batman during the night, so it should be a villain who can be a legitimate threat to both. Hugo Strange or The Penguin could fit the bill nicely. Bane or Hush are also possibilities. Better yet, what if it's one villain secretly working in tandem with another?

    I've always wondered what would happen if Two-Face were to ever find out Batman's identity, considering he used to be friends with Bruce in his previous life. I don't recall any writer exploring that territory, and I'd love to see what Telltale could do with such a huge development in Batman's career through the interactive medium.

    I agree the Joker should be kept off-screen until the second season, if one were to happen. He has a habit of stealing the show, and Telltale needs time to establish its own version on Batman, just as Nolan did.

  • Hush, Court of Owls, Red Hood. Maybe Huntress as a rival vigilante to Batman.

    Please no more Joker.

  • edited April 2016

    I vote Calendar Man.

    EDIT: To clarify, I'm not being coy. Go read the Long Halloween and you'll see why it would rock. Hush would be great for similar reasons.

  • I love your ideas. They all sound really great to me. Particularly the Two-face one.

    Now that I think about it, I think Two-Face would be perfect for Telltale's style of storytelling. There's loads of potential for emotional dialogue.

    All the announcements regarding Telltale's Batman have implied the player will alternate between operating as Bruce Wayne in the day and Bat

  • I feel that it should be either something really unexpected like Alfred or a new villain just for this series.

  • Considering these games are mostly based on choice, consequences and "chance", I think the best villain choice would be Two-Face.
    But I will admit, I really want Harley Quinn on the game!

  • I didn't even think of that. Two-Face is almost a perfect metaphor for Telltale's approach to storytelling. Only the Court of Owls would come close.

    Spider-Matt posted: »

    Considering these games are mostly based on choice, consequences and "chance", I think the best villain choice would be Two-Face. But I will admit, I really want Harley Quinn on the game!

  • Two face seems like the best fit, especially after seeing the previously stated points.

  • I suppose it depends on how dark you want the story to go, Scarecrow would be good, the nightmares he could inflict in cut scenes would be visually stunning, two face is a nice idea, Harley is to much a direct link to Joker IMO.

  • Riddler would be fucking perfect for a telltale game.

  • Court of Owls

  • New, original villain preferably. For one it gives Telltale more creative reign, for another it makes their fate a question mark, and could possibly depend on choices. If it was the Joker that'd be impossible really.

  • I'm not so sure...Harley Quinn could represent the impact that the Joker's rampages have had on different people in Gotham without dragging him into the spotlight too soon. Maybe Telltale could take things one step further and show us a Harleen Quinzel who's actually undergoing a period of rehabilitation after her descent into madness, thus opening the door to the possibility of a romance between her and Batman/Bruce Wayne (as other forum members have suggested elsewhere).

    I suppose it depends on how dark you want the story to go, Scarecrow would be good, the nightmares he could inflict in cut scenes would be visually stunning, two face is a nice idea, Harley is to much a direct link to Joker IMO.

  • You're all quessing. Ask yourself which voice actor worked for TTG and previous Batman games.

    Troy Baker - JOKER or TWO FACE. Nolan North - PENGUIN.

    Arkham series is popular and players may not like changes. I think Telltale knows that.

  • There is only one villain that could truly rival Batman in sheer power and terror.

    And that man is Vincent Price's Egghead.

    enter image description here

  • Joker or the Riddler.. But I personally prefer two face or a orginal villian by telltale.

  • Damn it Ultron...errr....I mean Alfred

    Clord posted: »

    I feel that it should be either something really unexpected like Alfred or a new villain just for this series.

  • Over-rated.

    Shadowixix posted: »

    Court of Owls

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