Kaptainkristian - YouTube channel with short/high quality video essays about Pixar, Adult Swim, more

Hey guys! A while back, I recently discovered a new YouTube channel that has been putting out some fantastic video essays; even if you are normally not into video essays or think the idea sounds really boring, I strongly recommend checking this channel out. It's relatively young, but the production qualities are really great and the videos are engaging to watch.
I first discovered the channel from a video they made about Pixar, but they also have some other great video essays as well.
The videos usually range about 5 to 8 minutes, so don't worry about them being too long.
If you want to get your feet wet, I'd recommend watching the Pixar video as an introduction.
I'd recommend starting with this video: Pixar - What Makes a Story Relatable
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That Calvin and Hobbes video is fantastic. Really well done and incredibly professional.
New Video Essay
Batman - Evolving The Legend
Batman - Evolving The Legend
Holy mother of necro-bumps! KaptainK is out of their hiatus and back to making YouTube essays, the latest of which is about Cowbob Bebop.
The Calvin and Hobbes video got unlisted, apparently as requested by Bill Watterson himself because his voice is in it which is interesting.
But here's a link to the unlisted video anyway
well that sucks. I wonder why he'd want it taken down for that (haven't seen the video yet, so maybe there's a reason in there)
Thanks for the unlisted link.
It's because he doesn't like being in the eye of the public at all. Which is why there are barely any pictures of him that exist. I didn't even know he'd done an interview until I'd seen this video.
Man really came in, made the greatest comic strip of all time and dipped.