Why do people hate The Dark Knight Rises?

I saw it, and the ONLY thing that pissed me off about it was the twist that Talia was the leader of the League of Shadows instead of Bane. Other than that, I liked it.


  • Well The Dark Knight was a very hard movie to follow, and let's face it...Joker>Bane. Plus the plot was Damn dumb...you have this reactor that Wayne is afraid that could be turned into a weapon....ok, but then again any reactor can be a weapon why the Heck was this an issue?

  • I am Bane. I am stong and unstopable. Oh shit I'm dead.

  • Hey, he was a better Bane than the one in Batman and Robin.

    Poogers555 posted: »

    I am Bane. I am stong and unstopable. Oh shit I'm dead.

  • The Dark Knight was a really good movie, whilst Rises was just okay- Not great, but not bad enough to be awful. And when you compare it to The Dark Knight, it looks even worse, so I can understand the hate.

  • I really enjoyed it but it was impossible top The Dark Knight.

  • I'd say cause of different opinions.

  • I personally enjoyed it.

  • Rises>>>>>>>>> Dark Knight. facts.

  • I thought it was good. I would say it is probably the weakest film in the trilogy, though.

  • Granted I only saw it fully on opening night after watching the first two. But

    • I thought the cop quickly figuring out Bruce was Batman was a little too quick.
    • Bane being a puppet for Talia kinda made him less badass.
    • The fact Bruce's body basically atrophied during his hiatus but still do the things as Batman was unbelievable.
    • How Batman attacked Bane the same way both times, first time soundly defeated, second time without changing strategy fucked up his mask.
    • Catwoman killing Bane with a missile.
    • Ending the movie with Alfred looking over watching Bruce & Selena.



  • Short answer? Too many characters tossed in with no pay off. There was nothing to distinguish the characters of catwoman, bane, talia... These characters could have been replaced and no one would have noticed. When a story unfolds in flashbacks, it's hard to give it reason. The characters also had no arcs, except for Batman and the cop, and I knew Batman's five minutes into the film because I've read the Knightfall comics. I hated Bale's Batman and there was nothing to save the movie for me this time.

  • edited June 2016

    I really think this series had nowhere to go after Ledger checked out. But you have to give them credit for trying.

  • No, it was good. But the reason many hates it, I think, is that Bane turned out to be a puppet. That pissed many of, sadly. The movie in general is great. Some small plot holes and that, but which movie doesn't really?

  • Because stop kissing and get that bomb outta here!

    Jk I thought it was alright.

  • I don't really think I've seen any hate for any of the Christopher Nolan Batman series, especially The Dark Knight Rises, aside from the occasional joke about Bane. I personally loved it, even Bane.

  • The first hour was way too slow. It was a bit ridiculous that nobody moved the Batcopter and it was sitting there for months. That Batman's secondary storage wasn't pillaged even though Bane knew virtually everything. The Talia/Bane thing at the end was obvious but the chase scene was dumb. JGL was an annoying character who found out far too quickly about Batman. Or Bruce's recovery being push ups and then he's back in fighting shape lol.

    TDK is far superior to TDKR. There were some good scenes, but overall it was the worst of the trilogy. TDK > BB > TDKR.

  • It's just not nearly as good as Batman Begins or The Dark Knight. Neither of those movies had any glaring issues or plot points that irritated anyone, but a lot of things in The Dark Knight Rises bothered some people. I still think it's a great film, just not as good as its predecessors.

  • The film is great. People expected that it would be better than Batman The Dark Knight and it was not, so they go mad like that but, it is a great film, I have this thing with the Nolanverse because, I do not really like the way that he sees Batman, extremely realistic and all, but man he pulled that out so well. So I still dig it anyway.

  • I understand why people though it wasn't that great but I thought it was a terrific way to end the series. Despite TDK being the best of the three they all offer something different even if it is a subtle change in the genre.

    Batman Begins was more fantasy with thriller elements, Dark Knight was mostly a crime movie and DK Rises was more of just an "epic" film I guess you could say.

  • In my opinion, I had thought the Dark Knight Rises would be a far superior film to the two preceding Christopher Nolan Batman movies if only cause the plotline was so much more impactful and harsh.

    I mean, essential as I remember it, Batman had lost to Bane roughly half-way through the film and his options were quickly dwindling. But what I had perceived through the context of the film was that Batman would have to break his one rule and kill Bane in order to regain some sense of agency, altering his entire character. But then the ending felt so rushed and transparent I felt such a sense of detachment I couldn't revel in Batman's victory cause the cards fell into place too fast.

    The whole film built up to a dead end and spoiled much of my enjoyment, up until that however, I would've said I liked it more than either two previous installments only cause of the winding nature of the plot.

    ...Plus, that scene when Alfred left. :(

  • Bane is Talia´s bitch. Talia is useless beyond the plot twist. The prison scenes are all retarded. After 3 movies Bale keeps doing the throat cancer voice. Batman will never retire. The bomb scene. Alfred bitching 24/7. Catwoman. Knee fixer... It just feels weaker than the previous ones.

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