Ep 7 Waiting Thread - Episode releasing July 26th across all platforms, New key art



  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni

    I can't wait to find out! It's all quite exciting...

    Chapik123 posted: »

    What could this mean?

  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni

    Hey, PAMA seems all right. Friendly! Helpful! Maybe this will be great for us!

    Wait 20 mins for ttg to announce that, if they will. EDIT: Laura screwed up the whole "TTG was hacked" thing xD https://twitter.com/la



    puzzlebox posted: »

    Hey, PAMA seems all right. Friendly! Helpful! Maybe this will be great for us!

  • Have any of you heard of project Malmo?

  • edited July 2016

    Lol, what if ttg is making scenes and lines right now for this only? And it takes 2 hours to make and upload.

    Cuwwa posted: »

    C'mon PAMA , you stupid peice of junk , give us something cool , like a release date...

  • edited July 2016
  • Me

    Have any of you heard of project Malmo?

  • @OzzyUK it is ouuut

  • Well this AI PAMA could be related.

  • Its a Minecraft Project designed to create Better AI in Minecraft, such as Social Communicating. That's what i know so far from this Project


  • I'm tired of teasers. Can't we just get a trailer?

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    I saw :)

    For anyone who might have trouble understanding PAMA.

    Many of you seem very interested in joining PAMA


    Soon we can all be useful together

    Forcer99 posted: »

    @OzzyUK it is ouuut

  • Soon with the winky face. This is ttg bot.

    OzzyUK posted: »

    I saw For anyone who might have trouble understanding PAMA. Many of you seem very interested in joining PAMA Yayyy Soon we can all be useful together

  • I think we'll have 5 teasers for today, or even 7 if ttg wants to do that.

    BeyondEnder posted: »

    I'm tired of teasers. Can't we just get a trailer?

  • sigh

    I think we'll have 5 teasers for today, or even 7 if ttg wants to do that.

  • puzzleboxpuzzlebox Telltale Alumni




    Lol, what if ttg is making scenes and lines right now for this only? And it takes 2 hours to make and upload.

  • It we get another at 2 PM I will laugh out loud.

  • Forcer99 posted: »


  • Some of you guys lack patience. impatient people shall be destroyed.

  • You guys should have had a better password than "soon" so none of this would've happened!


    puzzlebox posted: »

    [PROCESSING...] [PROCESSING...............] [PROCESSING...................................]

  • whoa, take it easy

    Some of you guys lack patience. impatient people shall be destroyed.

  • edited July 2016

    enter image description here

    Daisy Daisy give me your answer do

    I’m half crazy all for the love of you

    It won’t be a stylish marriage

    I can’t afford a carriage, but you’ll look sweet upon the seat

    Of a bicycle built for two

  • He's going to kill us all!

    OzzyUK posted: »

    I saw For anyone who might have trouble understanding PAMA. Many of you seem very interested in joining PAMA Yayyy Soon we can all be useful together

  • Someone explain who this PAMA thing is.

  • Think Hal 9000 or GLADOS (just my opinion)

    AronDracula posted: »

    Someone explain who this PAMA thing is.

  • "Computers having role as villains" cliche.

  • Sry, I dunno any of them

    Think Hal 9000 or GLADOS (just my opinion)

  • I wonder, is his name supposed to be a slash between Papa and Mama? Or maybe it stands for something...

    Pretty Awesome Magical Apples XD

    AronDracula posted: »

    Someone explain who this PAMA thing is.

  • HAL 9000 is a fictional character in Arthur C. Clarke's Space Odyssey series.

    GLaDOS (Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System)[1] is a fictional artificially intelligent computer system appearing in the video games Portal, Portal 2, and Lego Dimensions.

    There both antagonists

    AronDracula posted: »

    Sry, I dunno any of them

  • Oh wait, I did play Portal 1 and 2, I forgot about the antagonists.

    HAL 9000 is a fictional character in Arthur C. Clarke's Space Odyssey series. GLaDOS (Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System)[1] is a

  • Okay, I'm hear-of-hearing, so I can't exactly hear PAMA all that well... Can someone please tell me what the videos were saying?

  • Teaser 1:

    Hello Twiiter.com I am PAMA

    My function is to take chaos and make it useful
    This world seems like it could use my help

    Teaser 2:

    Upon further examination of this inner network i will have a lot of work to do Yayyyy.

    Teaser 3:

    Many of you seem very interested in joining PAMA

    Soon we can all be useful together

    And that's it for now

    Okay, I'm hear-of-hearing, so I can't exactly hear PAMA all that well... Can someone please tell me what the videos were saying?

  • Welp, guess that's all for today.

  • Thank you!

    Super1710 posted: »

    Teaser 1: Hello Twiiter.com I am PAMA My function is to take chaos and make it useful This world seems like it could use my h

  • Since you can see the redstone in the corner does that mean it actually could be controlled by someone? Maybe...SOREN?! DUN DUN DUN

  • PAMA better offer us CAKE

  • TTG can take a break. Anything can happen, they can upload next teaser at 12 am.

  • Blind SniperBlind Sniper Moderator
    edited July 2016

    They only did one teaser a day for Episode 6, so that's actually good that we got more teasers for Episode 7. Not to mention, these teasers were videos and not text/pictures, so that's even better.

  • edited July 2016

    of course, the cake will be a lie.

    PAMA better offer us CAKE

  • Good point

    Chapik123 posted: »

    of course, the cake will be a lie.

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