The Walking Dead: Season Three - TRAILER ANALYSIS Thread
So, the time has finally arrived! Clem is back and we have some awesome new information! Let the speculation begin!
My Own Personal Speculation:
- Clem and Javier are seeking a rival group
- Someone close to Javier has been kidnapped (based on the "hold on" line he has in the trailer)
- This group is responsible for Clem's missing finger
- The marking Javier has on his neck... He mentions "that one is marked too"... so either the zombie or the person being eaten has been marked by this rival group. Perhaps Javier was branded by these people?
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the dumpster says NERD
It actually looks like it says "Brian - BD"... This could just be random graffiti, but I don't believe there's a character named Brian yet in Telltale's series... Perhaps Brian is a character in Season Three?
Now that I'm looking at it more... I think it says "Brianerd"...
I noticed that Clem has a new wristband from the time skip. and also, She doesn't have a scar from the dog bite. I thought that season 1,2,400days choices would matter. Her not having a scar defines physics. Also wasn't she shot in the shoulder? Where is the bullet mark?
Aside from that, I noticed that the walker has a symbol on his back.
I already noticed it but both Javier and the walker has the same mark, though Javier's looks incomplete.
The leaves on the trees seem to be indicating a Fall setting. I'm also pretty positive this isn't near Wellington, considering the weather... And it's definitely showing us an alleyway.
Might be "Brain nerd."
Actually, the dog bite's on her left arm, not her right.
That dumpster sure is an asshole
Clementine looks weird as hell lol. Hope that guy is the new protagonist.
We're playing as both actually!
Both Clementine and Javier are confirmed as playable.
i looked at both arms. the line you are seeing is simply the bone lining on her arm and is not a bite on the left arm. but that finger, is very real. that thing is off. ( ps I predicted that they would cut her finger off a year ago. I called it!!!)
Both? Well hell yeah I'm getting it then. Don't get me wrong I don't hate Clementine, but I didn't like just playing as her. It is awesome to know telltale is going multiple protagonists again. Seems that was the best way to please everybody.
If you pause at :54, you can see what i think may be a scar slighty below the watch going mid way across her arm. It might just also be the pencil lining they put on the characters
Or have A.J.
What if there's a similar cult to The Whisperers or something? And that's what Kirkman means by getting closer to the comics?
I checked. And also discovered that the bullet isn't there either. Clementine is sure is durable or superhuman.
Actually, the exact spot where she got shot is covered up by the strap of her undershirt/bra/whatever
TWD/Fargo crossover confirmed
The kidnappers might of took both of their people, say Kenny/Jane and AJ (probably just AJ though.), and whoever Javier has.
Just remember, it is a teaser after all. I'm guessing they will add the detail of her scars in when the episode release
Well weather changes. It's definitely not going to be snowing forever at Wellington. Since this is a fall setting, don't rule out Wellington yet. Last time we saw it was in the winter time.
I'm sure he is referring to the timeline
At :25 there is writing on the wall to the left that says "TAKE ME".
The video was perfect to be used as a teaser and ttg did it. But dont get mad at cherecters, coz this was a demo and many corrections may b made to models before actual release/trailer. There is time for that.
And clem, i loved what ttg have done with her. And after finishing touches, we'll have our perfect clem
We're playing as both? Ok good, I might buy it. I hope they switch protagonist episode by episode this time around. It feels too rushed when they switch characters around too often in an episode.
I'm so happy about this.
So anyone have ideas for what the symbol means. Im guessing the villains of the season are slavers and they brand people with that mark.
I don't like the Celam&Javier too shiny eyes. It seems they're crying all the time.
Please anyone but the whisperers
Marked too or marked 2
My reaction when I first saw her too.
I'm thinking that the marked people are a rival group and Javier used to be with them. He may not have always been a good guy.
It looks like Javier's weilding a shotgun. A minor detail but I thought it was interesting because we haven't really seen any characters (excluding Herschel) with shotguns. Lee did once though it didn't last long.
It's a new design too, you can see with the way the shells are stacked.
Also, the faceless guy in Michonne had a double barreled shotgun.
Classic fetch quest storyline? Alright I'll bite.
I really hope that Nate comes back and takes over as the main antagonist. Out of all people that I could see branding ppl, taking babies and other stuff we'll find out soon, it'd have to be Nate right?
Please make it Nate guys
This is only a teaser, we don't know the full extent of the story just yet.
Clem's skin color is darker and that make her look more badass. I just want to know what happend to Kenny/Jane. I dont care about AJ lol . HYPE!!!!