The Thread of general TWD-related questions



  • I see. The episode was weak for sure.
    (I got a reply notification! Yay!)

    DabigRG posted: »

    Yeah, the day of release once enough parts were up to experience the shitpour at once. It involved Ava getting literally dropped off a bridg

  • enter image description here

    Even though the choices necessary to appropriately sway Clementine in any particular direction are up now, I just can't be bothered to ...bother at this time.

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    I see. The episode was weak for sure. (I got a reply notification! Yay!)

  • She should have been affected by what Javier does as well. In my opinion, of course.
    Our choices in Season 2 didn't mean anything and she is edgy no matter what. Ugh.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Even though the choices necessary to appropriately sway Clementine in any particular direction are up now, I just can't be bothered to ...bother at this time.

  • Definitely true.
    Though in the context of the finale, she really should've just been Gabe.

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    She should have been affected by what Javier does as well. In my opinion, of course. Our choices in Season 2 didn't mean anything and she is edgy no matter what. Ugh.

  • I made that back in May. But yeah, that was a screenshot I pulled from the surgery seen in episode 2 and cropped.
    I believe those are Elenor's bloody hands to the left.

    DabigRG posted: »

    When/where does this even take place?

  • Do you think "Claire Cleary" was supposed to be the name of the person running McCaroll Ranch?

  • If we could play as one of the 400 days protagonists in Season 2, who would you want this to be? (Vince, Wyatt, Russell, Shel or Bonnie)

  • Vince cos he kills ppl :3 I am not crazy

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    If we could play as one of the 400 days protagonists in Season 2, who would you want this to be? (Vince, Wyatt, Russell, Shel or Bonnie)

  • Hmmm [looks at you suspiciously]

    Melton23 posted: »

    Vince cos he kills ppl I am not crazy

  • [fades into the wind]

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    Hmmm [looks at you suspiciously]

  • Depends what you mean. If you mean as they are in S2 then Wyatt because I was expecting Eddie to show up and there be a neat reunion scene or at least there be tension between them (depending on who left who).

    If you mean an entire game centered around them as S2 then I think Vince or Shel would be the most interesting. Vince was in the same situation that Lee was in (though arguably his situation was a lot more of a grey area than Lee's) so there are a lot of parallels there and Vince is a capable guy who isn't afraid of doing bad things if he really has to. Shel could also have been really interesting as Becca is kind of an older, more reckless Clementine and the sister relationship they have is an unique concept that had potential.

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    If we could play as one of the 400 days protagonists in Season 2, who would you want this to be? (Vince, Wyatt, Russell, Shel or Bonnie)

  • It’s actually a unique and not an unique because a and an are determine by the sound of the first letter and not the actual letter itself, and unique has a y sound, so a unique is the correct grammar to be using. Grammar nazis unite.

    Graysonn posted: »

    Depends what you mean. If you mean as they are in S2 then Wyatt because I was expecting Eddie to show up and there be a neat reunion scene o

  • Not Wyatt.

    No, but seriously, I think any of the other five(including Tavia here) could work. Out of all of them, Shel would obviously be the easiest to work with.

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    If we could play as one of the 400 days protagonists in Season 2, who would you want this to be? (Vince, Wyatt, Russell, Shel or Bonnie)

  • I meant if the game is centered around them (your 2nd point). :)

    Graysonn posted: »

    Depends what you mean. If you mean as they are in S2 then Wyatt because I was expecting Eddie to show up and there be a neat reunion scene o

  • Does anyone else sometimes give the characters fancy [sub]titles and/or cute nicknames?

  • edited October 2017

    Well that sucks. Looks like I'll have to replay Episode 2 just to decline Ava's offer. But do I really have to spit in David's face?

    Melton23 posted: »

    It depends on what clementine does in flashbacks. To get clem to follow me I chose to accept Ava’s offer, I injected AJ and I said goodbye t

  • I did this on my bad play through. From what I’ve heard clem will always go with Kate if you spit in David’s face, and there’s no way around it by saying goodbye. What you could try doing is rejecting Ava, injecting AJ and saying goodbye to him cos that gets clem to go wherever Javier doesn’t. So if you want Kate and Gabe alive you’ll go with Kate and she goes after Gabe, or if you want Gabe alive and Kate missing you’ll go after Gabe and she goes with Kate

    Menofthe214 posted: »

    Well that sucks. Looks like I'll have to replay Episode 2 just to decline Ava's offer. But do I really have to spit in David's face?

  • From what I’ve heard clem will always go with Kate if you spit in David’s face, and there’s no way around it by saying goodbye.

    Huh. Odd correlation there.

    if you want Gabe alive and Kate missing you’ll go after Gabe and she goes with Kate

    I remember when I eventually saw that ending, I was simultaneously somewhat intrigued for the long term implication and annoyed at the prerequisite one.

    Melton23 posted: »

    I did this on my bad play through. From what I’ve heard clem will always go with Kate if you spit in David’s face, and there’s no way around

  • Huh. Odd correlation there

    What I meant was that you can’t have clem go with Kate by saying goodbye to AJ, unless you get her to go wherever Javier doesn’t without her going with Kate as an initial choice.

    DabigRG posted: »

    From what I’ve heard clem will always go with Kate if you spit in David’s face, and there’s no way around it by saying goodbye. Huh.

  • You know who

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    If we could play as one of the 400 days protagonists in Season 2, who would you want this to be? (Vince, Wyatt, Russell, Shel or Bonnie)

  • I meant that Clementine spitting in David's face makes her go with Kate, but apparently I was mistaken.

    Melton23 posted: »

    Huh. Odd correlation there What I meant was that you can’t have clem go with Kate by saying goodbye to AJ, unless you get her to go wherever Javier doesn’t without her going with Kate as an initial choice.

  • @Mods in particular: Should this thread be brought back or should someone simply create a new up to date one?

  • Maybe starting a new one is better, since that old thread uses threaded - it might look a bit clustered in the linear format. But, the topic is niche enough to where you could bump it if you really wanted to, even if I think doing a new thread would probably work better.

    DabigRG posted: »

    @Mods in particular: Should this thread be brought back or should someone simply create a new up to date one?

  • I was honestly debating which one would be better myself and that was an additional reason. Honestly, I think I'll stick with my original plan for linking it here and wait for someone else to create a new one.

    Cause I'm lazy. :tongue:

    Maybe starting a new one is better, since that old thread uses threaded - it might look a bit clustered in the linear format. But, the topic

  • Do you think Jane might've been from Jersey or Nevada?

  • edited October 2017

    I think Shel by far had the most interesting potential with her relationship with Becca. The history there, and also trying to keep Becca from losing her innocence completely, it was good stuff. The fact that she had to be a surrogate mom when she's her older sister alone is a fascinating plot point.
    It could have been more engaging than Lee and Clem's, if you ask me, but since they only had about 20 minutes of screentime, we'll never really know if they could have carried a whole season. I think they could have. I really wish TellTale didn't feel the need to abandon good characters like this. It's like... murder. Real life murder of fictional characters. Now I'm rambling.
    Also you do not get many sister relationships like this, especially in action/horror/survival. Seriously, wasted potential.

    Fangirl101 posted: »

    If we could play as one of the 400 days protagonists in Season 2, who would you want this to be? (Vince, Wyatt, Russell, Shel or Bonnie)

  • Agreed.

    The fact that she had to be a surrogate mom when she's her older sister alone is a fascinating plot point.

    Also you do not get many sister relationships like this, especially in action/horror/survival.

    Honestly, aside from maybe Jane *, the female cast in general has constantly gotten undersold almost as much as the boys.

    Louche posted: »

    I think Shel by far had the most interesting potential with her relationship with Becca. The history there, and also trying to keep Becca fr

  • edited October 2017

    Considering how Suetiful Jane is when you really analyze her, why didn't they just name her something like Janya or Jasper or Jessie-Belle?

  • For those who know something about hair styling/physics: which characters could realistic change their hairstyle and how?

  • If there was a Sinister Six type thing spanning any character from the previous games, who would it consist of and who would be the leader(s)?

  • edited October 2017

    Yeah fitting example there. Lilo and Stitch is really good. I don't enjoy it as much knowing they trimmed a lot of dark scenes, but it's still good for the scenes they do have - like that one.
    Could you imagine something like that with Becca and Shel?

    DabigRG posted: »

    Agreed. The fact that she had to be a surrogate mom when she's her older sister alone is a fascinating plot point. Also

  • I don't enjoy it as much knowing they trimmed a lot of dark scenes, but it's still good for the scenes they do have - like that one.

    Oh yeah, good ol 9/11.
    Though I'm honestly kinda glad they got rid of Stitch killing Pudge.

    Could you imagine something like that with Becca and Shel?

    Somewhat. Becca might be just a little too edgy for that, but I can see it.

    Louche posted: »

    Yeah fitting example there. Lilo and Stitch is really good. I don't enjoy it as much knowing they trimmed a lot of dark scenes, but it's sti

  • edited October 2017

    Though I'm honestly kinda glad they got rid of Stitch killing Pudge.

    Oh God, you're one of those. Never mind that Pudge is never brought up again, totally a remnant of him dying.
    "an alien designed to a be a lethal killing machine shown killing a fish is too far!" Or do you have a better reason? That was a good scene for character development, and was only cut because of chickenshit worries about it being "Too Dark"
    And the scene where she's at her parents grave. Kids need to see that shit. It's good for them. It happens in real life, god dammit.

    Somewhat. Becca might be just a little too edgy for that, but I can see it.

    Well, maybe the younger Becca in the photo. Maybe Lilo would have turned out badly if Stitch hadn't popped into her life like that?
    Anyway, part of the fun is twisting everything on its head, and seeing a normally edgy characters' sensitive side is part of that.

    DabigRG posted: »

    I don't enjoy it as much knowing they trimmed a lot of dark scenes, but it's still good for the scenes they do have - like that one.

  • Oh God, you're one of those. Never mind that Pudge is never brought up again, totally a remnant of him dying.

    Pretty sure he showed up in at least one episode of the tv show.

    "an alien designed to a be a lethal killing machine shown killing a fish is too far!" Or do you have a better reason? That was a good scene for character development, and was only cut because of chickenshit worries about it being "Too Dark"

    Honestly, I think it's a little of that AND being too mean. Like, holy shit, I get what you're saying there, but having Stitch flat out kill someone Lilo cares about is way over the line of acceptability from where I stand, even if it's a fish stuffed with peanut butter.

    And the scene where she's at her parents grave. Kids need to see that shit. It's good for them. It happens in real life, god dammit.

    Now that, I agree could've been kept. Well, depending on when it would've happened at least.

    Well, maybe the younger Becca in the photo. Maybe Lilo would have turned out badly if Stitch hadn't popped into her life like that?

    Considering she practices voodoo and flat out started beating Myrtle for calling her weird, even bitng her at one point, I think that's a safe bet. Oh the irony.

    Anyway, part of the fun is twisting everything on its head, and seeing a normally edgy characters' sensitive side is part of that.

    I suppose you have a point. Or vice versa.

    Louche posted: »

    Though I'm honestly kinda glad they got rid of Stitch killing Pudge. Oh God, you're one of those. Never mind that Pudge is never bro

  • Pretty sure he showed up in at least one episode of the tv show.

    The TV show that crossed over with recess, american dragon, proud family and kim possible? Yeah I'll take it with a grain of salt.

    Honestly, I think it's a little of that AND being too mean. Like, holy shit, I get what you're saying there, but having Stitch flat out kill someone Lilo cares about is way over the line of acceptability from where I stand, even if it's a fish stuffed with peanut butter.

    Could you not act like a morally outraged parent? It's PG. It's not a preschooler's show. You know what else was rated PG? Jaws. That had a fish kill the fuck out of a bunch of people, nobody cried about that. You want to talk about main characters killing innocents and being redeemed? How about Star Wars? Happens all the time.
    And really, let's look at the actual scene
    1. it's a fucking fish, we eat them every day. Why do people act like Stitch is killing her parents a second time or something?
    2. stitch didn't even technically kill the fucking thing, it was the damn seagulls. He just laughed about it.
    3. DEVELOPMENT. HE was DESIGNED to be a lethal alien killing machine by a mad scienetist. So Jesus, god forbid we actually see some evidence of that. Weren't you JUST saying "show, don't tell" in another thread? Well that's hypocritical.
    God, you're the reason kids movies don't take risks, you know?

    Now that, I agree could've been kept. Well, depending on when it would've happened at least.

    Well, I think it had a pretty good placement with the pudge scene before it was CUT OUT.

    Considering she practices voodoo and flat out started beating Myrtle for calling her weird, even bitng her at one point, I think that's a safe bet. Oh the irony.

    Thought so, I do love being right.

    I suppose you have a point. Or vice versa.

    Vice versa? I just feel empathetic about the topic. I was an edgy kid, still am kind of. I never really got that sort of affection or close bond with a family member like that. So it speaks to me, emotionally, the subject.

    DabigRG posted: »

    Oh God, you're one of those. Never mind that Pudge is never brought up again, totally a remnant of him dying. Pretty sure he showed

  • The TV show that crossed over with recess, american dragon, proud family and kim possible? Yeah I'll take it with a grain of salt.


    Could you not act like a morally outraged parent? It's PG. It's not a preschooler's show. You know what else was rated PG? Jaws. That had a fish kill the fuck out of a bunch of people, nobody cried about that. You want to talk about main characters killing innocents and being redeemed? How about Star Wars? Happens all the time.

    Was it? I'm pretty sure it was rated G, at least at the time. Huh, if so, then I guess Disney falling into that habit didn't start after Princess and the Frog.

    And really, let's look at the actual scene
    1. it's a fucking fish, we eat them every day. Why do people act like Stitch is killing her parents a second time or something?

    Blame Season 2.5 for proving this sentiment if you want, but unless it's absolutely necessary to do otherwise, there should be a limit to how much any character can be a dick and/or can be crapped on. And going off what I remember from that animatic, I really don't think that scene would've qualified anyway.

    1. stitch didn't even technically kill the fucking thing, it was the damn seagulls. He just laughed about it.

    Oh god, that's even worse!

    1. DEVELOPMENT. HE was DESIGNED to be a lethal alien killing machine by a mad scienetist. So Jesus, god forbid we actually see some evidence of that.
      Weren't you JUST saying "show, don't tell" in another thread? Well that's hypocritical.

    There's a massive difference between "show, don't tell" and "stomp em in the nuts". Even if the latter can be a form of the former under specific circumstances and tones. This isn't really one of them, from what I recall.
    Besides, I'm pretty sure he was meant to be more about mindless chaos and destruction than a friggin Saiyan/Xenomorph.

    God, you're the reason kids movies don't take risks, you know?

    Dude, that whole movie was a risk when you think about it. That one cut isn't that big a deal.

    Well, I think it had a pretty good placement with the pudge scene before it was CUT OUT.

    Did it? It's been a while since I saw them.

    Thought so, I do love being right.

    Mind you, I'd like to point out that the irony is that Stitch is a highly dangerous "abomination." Just saying.
    Funny how that worked with that in mind.

    Vice versa? I just feel empathetic about the topic. I was an edgy kid, still am kind of. I never really got that sort of affection or close bond with a family member like that. So it speaks to me, emotionally, the subject.

    I meant a docile character showing an aggressive side when pushed, but whatever floats your boat.

    Louche posted: »

    Pretty sure he showed up in at least one episode of the tv show. The TV show that crossed over with recess, american dragon, proud f

  • Who would win these fights (TV Show)

    Morgan vs Jesus

    Rick vs Abraham

    Gregory vs Hershel

    Carl vs Tara Chambler

    Governor vs Negan

    Daryl vs Dwight

    Simon vs Gareth

  • How old do you think Kate actually is?

  • edited November 2017

    Here's a question from this thread of mine:

    If each group member in any of the Seasons/installments had an archenemy/rival, what would that entail and be like? What would the conflict and dynamic between them be like? What traits and themes would they have that could contrast and/or compare to their nemesis? How would such an enmity be resolved, if ever?

  • Can you guys take my POLL?

    (Hey, I phrased it as a question)

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