[Cat thinks that Mys should go with Lord Silvermane]
This choice can help protect him from Dany's future wrath if he stays. He can also be safe from the potential murderer still roaming around the castle. Plus, I'm not sure how smart it is to always disagree with Daenerys. This can be an opportunity to improve Cat's relationship with her, since we disagreed with her last time.
Catelyn VIII
At King’s Landing
She couldn’t help herself. She had to look in the drawer. Cat walked up to the drawer and opened it. As… more she opened it she heard a very, very low-toned click once. She couldn’t tell where it came from if it was from the drawer or somewhere else, so she made no more of it and picked up the little bunch of letters Mysarion put there when they entered.
She opened the first letter and started to read..
My little Mysarion
I love you very much, Mysarion. You can’t imagine how proud I am of you, and how proud I will still be after my soon to come death. I love you, from the day I first felt you, until the day we both don’t exist anymore.
I love you, mother.
Cat felt warm tears running down her cheeks and a striking pain in her shoulder. She if anybody could sympathise with him since a similar thing happened to herself just recently. She took a deep breath and hoped for happier letters. The next one … [view original content]
It’s with our deepest regrets to inform you that you sent your letter just too late. The local Bard contest will hopefully be back next year, be sure to send a letter to us then as well.
Ser Breon Flowers, castellan of Raylansfair.
Hehe, it seems like after all these years, they have yet another bastard as their castellan, very, very interesting! I guess that means Raylansfair is still going to stand at the end of FoT, at least in some capacity
[Cat thinks that Mys should stay]
This is a very hard choice and I almost picked the other option, because I agree with Tales' reasoning. At the same time however, I think Cat has been a good friend to Elaena so far and I would like for her to stay that way instead of attempting the impossible task of pleasing both women. Elaena and Dany seem to have so opposing views that sooner or later, Cat will be forced to decide. So far, she's been good friends with the queen and I think it would be for the best if she stays in her good graces. On top of that, in this situation, Mysarion would feel super screwed over.
Catelyn VIII
At King’s Landing
She couldn’t help herself. She had to look in the drawer. Cat walked up to the drawer and opened it. As… more she opened it she heard a very, very low-toned click once. She couldn’t tell where it came from if it was from the drawer or somewhere else, so she made no more of it and picked up the little bunch of letters Mysarion put there when they entered.
She opened the first letter and started to read..
My little Mysarion
I love you very much, Mysarion. You can’t imagine how proud I am of you, and how proud I will still be after my soon to come death. I love you, from the day I first felt you, until the day we both don’t exist anymore.
I love you, mother.
Cat felt warm tears running down her cheeks and a striking pain in her shoulder. She if anybody could sympathise with him since a similar thing happened to herself just recently. She took a deep breath and hoped for happier letters. The next one … [view original content]
Well Daenerys is only Queen mother, I don't think she has any real power. Or at least nobody would follow her orders over Elaena's. Look at Cersei in the show. For a couple seasons she was overshadowed pretty often.
[Cat thinks that Mys should go with Lord Silvermane]
This choice can help protect him from Dany's future wrath if he stays. He can also b… moree safe from the potential murderer still roaming around the castle. Plus, I'm not sure how smart it is to always disagree with Daenerys. This can be an opportunity to improve Cat's relationship with her, since we disagreed with her last time.
Hehe, it seems like after all these years, they have yet another bastard as their castellan, very, very interesting! I guess that means Raylansfair is still going to stand at the end of FoT, at least in some capacity
Ah well.. At least someone rebuilt it. That's up to you, of course.
It’s with our deepest regrets to inform you that you sent your letter just too late. The local Bard contest will hopefully be back next year… more, be sure to send a letter to us then as well.
Ser Breon Flowers, castellan of Raylansfair.
Hehe, it seems like after all these years, they have yet another bastard as their castellan, very, very interesting! I guess that means Raylansfair is still going to stand at the end of FoT, at least in some capacity
[Cat thinks that Mys should stay]
This is a very hard choice and I almost picked the other option, because I agree with Tales' reasoning. At the same time however, I think Cat has been a good friend to Elaena so far and I would like for her to stay that way instead of attempting the impossible task of pleasing both women. Elaena and Dany seem to have so opposing views that sooner or later, Cat will be forced to decide. So far, she's been good friends with the queen and I think it … [view original content]
Cat thinks that Mys should stay, is what you're thinking. We'll see her reasonably soon again.
Now, I'm gonna be honest with you guys. I kinda had a problem with writing for the next part. Duncan can't have a part yet. Harlund needs to wait for some more time since he had to wait another hour. Cat had last part and I won't have a Cat on Cat situation. Aaaand Barney is just praying, not very interesting content. So I decided to make one of the 2 povs coming in a bit earlier than I initially thought. It won't fuck up the storylines though, so be assured.
The only thing that I will confirm is that it's a woman and that it's so far an unexplored region in this story, which to be honest doesn't say much. The part will hopefully be up tomorrow, although I can't promise it.
Jeyne looked herself in the mirror, right in her green innocent eyes. Why do I look like I’m 5 years younger than 25, she thought, since she looked a couple years younger than she actually was. Once again, her husband had hit her, giving her a black eye on her left eye. She had fought back this time, scratched his cheek deeply. Her lips was a bit bigger after a hit and her brown long hair were a mess. The green dress she had been wearing was ripped open in different places, so she had changed to her work clothes. A grey, armless dress reaching her knees.
The sun shined from her balcony into her room, which usually is dark. She didn’t have a normal low-born room that cleaners usually have, her room was made for 2, herself and her husband. There was a little wooden desk right next to the door, and then a bed that is slightly bigger than a normal one, so that it would fit for 2.
Her husband was still in bed, sleeping, while she was getting ready for work. The Husband, Tom, also called Tommy worked on the walls, building it up after a recent attempt to take the Eyrie. He had brown hair reaching his shoulders and a slim beard. “Why are you and I still here? Why you and I at all?” she whispered while she looked at him, and then walked out of the room.
The halls weren't lit up yet, which caused her to sigh. That was Jasline’s responsibility. Nevertheless, she walked into her own room again, grabbed a little candle that already was lit, and then walked out yet again. She walked to the first torch and struggled a bit too light it, because it was quite windy in this part of the castle. This corridor was long without windows, so the sun doesn’t help here. She decided to take down the torch she just lit to light up the rest of them. Jeyne blew out the candle and put it on 1 of 3 tables in this corridor.
Jeyne moved from torch to torch until she had finally lit the room up. Jasline would get a real lecture after this, Jeyne thought for herself, before she picked up her broom and started to walk to the main hall. She didn’t pass a lot of people on her way to the main hall, it was still very early. Once she reached the great hall, she realised how early up she was, even by her standards.
The room was dimly lit, but thanks to the sun, it was reasonably bright. The room has a circular form and in the middle, the infamous ‘Moon-Door’. To the left of the Moon door, there is a staircase up to the throne, made out of weirwood. As far as she could tell, only 3 people were in the great hall right now. Although 2 of them on their way out. A young boy, the Targaryen-bastard sent her a year or so ago, and a septa with him. Left in the room was a muscular tall man.He turned around towards Jeyne, and she could see who it was. It was the lord of House Arryn, the lord of the Eyrie and the lord of the Vale.
Richard Arryn was about 30 years old. He wasn’t a good looking man, big nose, big mouth, and the eyes were a long way from each other. Yet there is something charismatic about him. He wore blue fine clothes with white and green details. His chestnut hair was reaching his neck, slicked back, and he was clean-shaven. “Jeyne Stone.” he said with a charming smirk.
Jeyne bowed deeply in return. “M’lord.” she answered. “Here to do your work?” He genuinely asked her back. She nodded and started to look up at the throne of the Eyrie. Richard followed her eyes up to the throne. “That dusty old thing, eh? Going to clean that?” he said. Once again, Jeyne nodded as an answer, making the whole talk very awkward and uncomfortable. “Oookay.. I’ll leave you to it then, Jeyne.” he said and started to walk away. Just as he walked past the Moon door, Jeyne called for him.
“M’lord Arryn!” she called for him, whereas he turned around and gave her a curious look. “It’s not my place to ask, but you know me, I’m a curious woman.. I’ve only heard rumours, but how did your father, Lord Robin die exactly? I’m sorry if I upset you, m’lord.” Richard tilted his head slightly and looked at her questioning, and sad. “My father got pushed out through the Moon door, just like my grandmother. It seems like that’s becoming a trend in my family.. I intend to break that trend. The man or woman who did this is not yet found, and likely won't ever be found since it was 22 years ago.”
Richard just now noticed the black eye and sighed. “Your eye is blacker than last time, he’s been hitting you again?” Yet again, Jeyne nodded. “Maybe I should tell him to stop. Defying a lord is a great cri-” Jeyne cut him off. “You know how it is m’lord. I still love the man, and he still loves me. We fight sometimes, but for the most part, we’re having a great time, just like everyone else… It’s just.. we’re very impulsive at times.” Richard nodded to her. “Alright.. I’ll just let you clean then.” he said and smiled at her. Even though her lips was slightly swollen, Jeyne’s smile was still beautiful. Richard walked away to his quarters.
Jeyne started to clean the room. The great hall is enormous, and she knew she couldn’t clean all this herself. Jasline was supposed to work, just as Jeyne, so Jeyne decided to go find her. She walked down the same corridor she just lighted up mere minutes ago, she turned left into another corridor with windows, which means that she doesn’t have to light the torches up here. Then, Jeyne turned right, and then she froze in terror.
There was a big pool of blood on the floor, and what looked a trace of blood to a door, like something, or someone was dragged there. Jeyne slowly walked forward, taking a big step over the blood-pool and then following the trace. She reached the door, which Jeyne knew led to an empty closet. She slowly opens the door up, and then she saw her.
On the floor, in a pool of her own blood, lay Jasline, naked.. Her innocent blue eyes and her innocent, pretty face were all left intact but her body.. Oh, gods, her body. Her throat was cut, her body had a lot of stab wounds. Jeyne didn’t count but she was sure that it was over 20 stabwounds. Her left arm was separated from the body and the right one was completely broken. All of her ten fingers was broken as well. Her legs had stab wounds as well, and Jeyne was sure that she also was raped, living or dead. Her left foot was also separated, but right through her foot, was a dragonglass knife with a golden handle and a letter.
She picked up the letter and read.
Soon it’s time. And nothing can stop it.
Jeyne crouched next to the corpse, with tears in her eyes and just got lost in thoughts. What did she do now? Her best friend has been killed.. Her only close friend. Then she thought about the letter, but she just couldn’t figure out what this person was talking about. Now, Jeyne picked up the knife and examined it. Nothing standing out. It was a dragonglass knife, which it exist thousands of because of the fight against the wights and such. The only thing that stood out was a initials or something. W.W.
W.W… What could stand that for.. But before she could think about it any further, she heard a voice behind her. “OI! What the fuck is this?” the guardsman asked. He was young with a thick beard. Now he saw the corpse, and his eyes widened. “The fuck have you done, you monster?” the guard was ready to drag his sword, and Jeyne knew she had to act fast..
[Attack the guard][Try to tell him that it wasn’t her]
[Try to tell him that it wasn't her] She wouldn't stand a chance in a fight against this guardsman and attacking will make her look guilty. Best thing to do is explain what happened and anyone with common sense will be able to tell it wasn't her. She's far too clean for her to have done such a thing, she would be covered in blood. Not to mention that she was just speaking to Lord Richard, surely she couldn't have done such a thing in so short a time.
I already really like Jeyne! Can't wait to see more of her.
Richard mentioned his grandmother being pushed down the moon door, but Petyr and Sansa successfully sold the story that she committed suicide. Does that mean in this story of events that the truth was revealed?
Also really hoping that his comment on the family trend isn't foreshadowing his own death.
Jeyne I
At the Eyrie
Jeyne looked herself in the mirror, right in her green innocent eyes. Why do I look like I’m 5 years younger than… more 25, she thought, since she looked a couple years younger than she actually was. Once again, her husband had hit her, giving her a black eye on her left eye. She had fought back this time, scratched his cheek deeply. Her lips was a bit bigger after a hit and her brown long hair were a mess. The green dress she had been wearing was ripped open in different places, so she had changed to her work clothes. A grey, armless dress reaching her knees.
The sun shined from her balcony into her room, which usually is dark. She didn’t have a normal low-born room that cleaners usually have, her room was made for 2, herself and her husband. There was a little wooden desk right next to the door, and then a bed that is slightly bigger than a normal one, so that it would fit for 2.
Her husband was still in bed, slee… [view original content]
[Try to tell him that it wasn't her] She wouldn't stand a chance in a fight against this guardsman and attacking will make her look guilty. … moreBest thing to do is explain what happened and anyone with common sense will be able to tell it wasn't her. She's far too clean for her to have done such a thing, she would be covered in blood. Not to mention that she was just speaking to Lord Richard, surely she couldn't have done such a thing in so short a time.
I already really like Jeyne! Can't wait to see more of her.
Richard mentioned his grandmother being pushed down the moon door, but Petyr and Sansa successfully sold the story that she committed suicide. Does that mean in this story of events that the truth was revealed?
Also really hoping that his comment on the family trend isn't foreshadowing his own death.
I fully agree with Agent, attacking the guard would be madness. Not only would it make her look guilty, it also is completely out of question that she could manage to overpower a guardsman who is alerted to her presence already. I'd rather try it with talking. Making him see reason and having him realizing that it wasn't her and couldn't have possibly been. Whoever did this had a lot of strength and a cruelty that might not even be fully human. I wouldn't exclude such a supernatural option right now.
But anyways, a nice start for this new PoV Looking forward for how her storyline is going to play out a lot!
Jeyne I
At the Eyrie
Jeyne looked herself in the mirror, right in her green innocent eyes. Why do I look like I’m 5 years younger than… more 25, she thought, since she looked a couple years younger than she actually was. Once again, her husband had hit her, giving her a black eye on her left eye. She had fought back this time, scratched his cheek deeply. Her lips was a bit bigger after a hit and her brown long hair were a mess. The green dress she had been wearing was ripped open in different places, so she had changed to her work clothes. A grey, armless dress reaching her knees.
The sun shined from her balcony into her room, which usually is dark. She didn’t have a normal low-born room that cleaners usually have, her room was made for 2, herself and her husband. There was a little wooden desk right next to the door, and then a bed that is slightly bigger than a normal one, so that it would fit for 2.
Her husband was still in bed, slee… [view original content]
To add what Ben already said, there's also the chance that the story is following more the book canon in this one. In the books, Lysa dies the same way, but her death is blamed on a member of her court instead, who confesses after torture and who is used as a scapegoat for Baelish to get away with it. At least in the books, it is therefore never claimed that Lysa comitted suicide. Or even if he follows the show events, I could see it as likely that Sansa is going to reveal Baelish's actions once she stops being allied with him (which I could see as happening almost certainly at some point in the next two seasons).
[Try to tell him that it wasn't her] She wouldn't stand a chance in a fight against this guardsman and attacking will make her look guilty. … moreBest thing to do is explain what happened and anyone with common sense will be able to tell it wasn't her. She's far too clean for her to have done such a thing, she would be covered in blood. Not to mention that she was just speaking to Lord Richard, surely she couldn't have done such a thing in so short a time.
I already really like Jeyne! Can't wait to see more of her.
Richard mentioned his grandmother being pushed down the moon door, but Petyr and Sansa successfully sold the story that she committed suicide. Does that mean in this story of events that the truth was revealed?
Also really hoping that his comment on the family trend isn't foreshadowing his own death.
I agree with the others on this one. Attacking the guard will make her look guilty. Besides, Richard Arryn should be able to vouch for her. Afterall, he was just talking to her.
Jeyne I
At the Eyrie
Jeyne looked herself in the mirror, right in her green innocent eyes. Why do I look like I’m 5 years younger than… more 25, she thought, since she looked a couple years younger than she actually was. Once again, her husband had hit her, giving her a black eye on her left eye. She had fought back this time, scratched his cheek deeply. Her lips was a bit bigger after a hit and her brown long hair were a mess. The green dress she had been wearing was ripped open in different places, so she had changed to her work clothes. A grey, armless dress reaching her knees.
The sun shined from her balcony into her room, which usually is dark. She didn’t have a normal low-born room that cleaners usually have, her room was made for 2, herself and her husband. There was a little wooden desk right next to the door, and then a bed that is slightly bigger than a normal one, so that it would fit for 2.
Her husband was still in bed, slee… [view original content]
Jeyne I
At the Eyrie
Jeyne looked herself in the mirror, right in her green innocent eyes. Why do I look like I’m 5 years younger than… more 25, she thought, since she looked a couple years younger than she actually was. Once again, her husband had hit her, giving her a black eye on her left eye. She had fought back this time, scratched his cheek deeply. Her lips was a bit bigger after a hit and her brown long hair were a mess. The green dress she had been wearing was ripped open in different places, so she had changed to her work clothes. A grey, armless dress reaching her knees.
The sun shined from her balcony into her room, which usually is dark. She didn’t have a normal low-born room that cleaners usually have, her room was made for 2, herself and her husband. There was a little wooden desk right next to the door, and then a bed that is slightly bigger than a normal one, so that it would fit for 2.
Her husband was still in bed, slee… [view original content]
Yepp! Once again I took a break. This time I really needed it though. There are a couple of reasons I took a break, one is very personal that I'm not yet ready to talk about. But I... got sick, you could say.
Another reason is that I had to plan the story. I know some moments that will happen in the story, that I greatly am looking forward to, but in between, I really didn't know what I was gonna do. So I decided to sit down, and plan the story in great fucking detail. First idea was Jeyne, which is the only idea you got to see, and I am very happy that it was well-received. Anyhow, then this thing happened that I'm not yet ready to talk about, which led me to not be able to plan a lot. Now I've started to plan lots of things again, and I'm making good progress. I have lots of cool plans for the story, for Barney, Harlund, Cat, Duncan and Jeyne along with a couple of new PoV's.
As you all might have noticed, I don't want to many PoV's, and certainly not this early in the story. I want to develope the 4 main PoV's, and establish them as the 4 main PoV's. Then on the side, I want other PoV's, like Jeyne for example. That I want to continue.
I'm going to continue with the planning of the story, not for to long though. I want to plan this chapter out in detail, and then continue with the story. I would like to say that the story will continue this month, but that's not for sure. If it doesn't make it's roof-lifting, groundbreaking, phenomenal, intense, mega-epic, brilliant, 10/10, 15/15, 1/22 return this month, then it should in theory come back next time.
I hope you can wait, which you should be able to, since you usually has to wait in my story.
So, just one question for you guys. Who's still interested of this story?
Yepp! Once again I took a break. This time I really needed it though. There are a couple of reasons I took a break, one is very personal tha… moret I'm not yet ready to talk about. But I... got sick, you could say.
Another reason is that I had to plan the story. I know some moments that will happen in the story, that I greatly am looking forward to, but in between, I really didn't know what I was gonna do. So I decided to sit down, and plan the story in great fucking detail. First idea was Jeyne, which is the only idea you got to see, and I am very happy that it was well-received. Anyhow, then this thing happened that I'm not yet ready to talk about, which led me to not be able to plan a lot. Now I've started to plan lots of things again, and I'm making good progress. I have lots of cool plans for the story, for Barney, Harlund, Cat, Duncan and Jeyne along with a couple of new PoV's.
As you all might have noticed, I don't want to many PoV's, … [view original content]
Yepp! Once again I took a break. This time I really needed it though. There are a couple of reasons I took a break, one is very personal tha… moret I'm not yet ready to talk about. But I... got sick, you could say.
Another reason is that I had to plan the story. I know some moments that will happen in the story, that I greatly am looking forward to, but in between, I really didn't know what I was gonna do. So I decided to sit down, and plan the story in great fucking detail. First idea was Jeyne, which is the only idea you got to see, and I am very happy that it was well-received. Anyhow, then this thing happened that I'm not yet ready to talk about, which led me to not be able to plan a lot. Now I've started to plan lots of things again, and I'm making good progress. I have lots of cool plans for the story, for Barney, Harlund, Cat, Duncan and Jeyne along with a couple of new PoV's.
As you all might have noticed, I don't want to many PoV's, … [view original content]
Oh, thank you for giving us this update. I am sorry to hear that you have gotten sick and everything, I hope you're feeling better again soon. Take your time! This story is really growing into something wonderful and I love it, so I won't go anywhere as long as you wish to continue it. I look forward for the future parts, as soon as you have the time and the health again.
Yepp! Once again I took a break. This time I really needed it though. There are a couple of reasons I took a break, one is very personal tha… moret I'm not yet ready to talk about. But I... got sick, you could say.
Another reason is that I had to plan the story. I know some moments that will happen in the story, that I greatly am looking forward to, but in between, I really didn't know what I was gonna do. So I decided to sit down, and plan the story in great fucking detail. First idea was Jeyne, which is the only idea you got to see, and I am very happy that it was well-received. Anyhow, then this thing happened that I'm not yet ready to talk about, which led me to not be able to plan a lot. Now I've started to plan lots of things again, and I'm making good progress. I have lots of cool plans for the story, for Barney, Harlund, Cat, Duncan and Jeyne along with a couple of new PoV's.
As you all might have noticed, I don't want to many PoV's, … [view original content]
I decided to do a little something for you guys. Thinking about all the breaks I've taken, I'm giving you, probably a very needed, Previously on FSB's A New Age.
Previously on A New Age
“FATHER!” Barney screamed in sheer horror when he saw the arrow going right through Bernhard’s head.
Barney cried while hugging his father’s corpse. Once again, Barney was alone in this world. Once again, everything changes..
“NOOOW!” A deep male voice shouted. At least a good sixty men was running towards Elaena, Cat and the guards.
“Cat! We need to get out of here, follow me!” Elaena shouted at Catelyn.
They were now standing above the corpse. “Oh no…” Elaena said. There was Elia Pyke. An arrow sat right through her neck. “Why… Why would you kill an harmless, innocent handmaiden?”
Elaena looked up at this Lord Duncan now and saw his bow…
“You…” she whispered. He was using the exactly same arrows as the one through Elias neck. “Where did you get those arrows?” she asked, with anger through her whole body. “Made at the Hunter’s Imperium, special made. You can’t get better arrows anywhere.” he answered proudly.
“Seize him… NOW! You’ve got a lot of explanations to do, my lord!”
“The great forces has been destroyed, and now there is only few soldiers left in their shitty rebellion. But there was a price to be paid... The Battle of Seagard… My father… Your lord, along with many others, was the price that had to be paid.” Barney said this, and he sounded strong, just as he needed to.
“Go to your family and stay with them for a short time. I will have you at King’s Landing within a fortnight, or you will be stempled as an enemy of the south. And mark my words, Lord Duncan, you will have no allies if that happens.” the Queen stated and walked away.
“It’s time to go home, to our beloved friends and families. Onwards, to the Hunter’s Imperium!” Duncan shouted.
“My lady!” A guard shouted from outside the carriage. “Welcome home.” He opened the door, and there the red keep was. Almost untouched since it was built. Only Cersei the mad had destroyed the great hall. And King’s Landing in general, except the red keep. However, the great hall was greater than ever. King’s Landings city was rebuilt to greatness, not a rathole.
He climbed up on the horse, and started to ride out of the gate, the soldiers close by.
“Goodbye Beartilde Hall…” Barney mumbled for himself.
“What has happened to you, my love?” Elaena asked.
“Some sort o.. Of poison, I.. I would assume..” the king coughed.
“Elaena…” Cat started to say, but cut of herself. “Yes, Cat. What is it?” Elaena asked. “When we sat in the carriage, you was just about to tell me something. I just wonder what it was you wanted to tell me, Elaena.” Cat explained.
“What I was supposed to say is that you’ve been with me for a long time, Cat. I consider you as a sister… As family. And I want you as my advisor, I want you in the council. This is not an offer, it’s an order.”
“And who might you be?” Elaena asked the tall, handsome, bearded man. “I am Ser Alliser Forrester, your grace. Sent by King Robert Stark.” he said with a northern accent. “King Robert expected you to help him.”
Elaena seemed to be thinking. “You know what? Let’s d-” she was cut of by a woman in her 70’s at least. “...Not do this. No. Agreement.”
“May I ask whom you might be, my lady?” Alliser asked the old woman. “I am Daenerys Targaryen, mother to Elaena…”
“Here they come…” Laemond mumbled. “Prepare yourselves!” It was Riverlands soldiers with their fishy armour. “Who is your leader?” Laemond asked with a demanding voice. “I am!” An older man with a raspy voice stated and walked out of the group of about 30 men and stood in front of them.
... And now the reins weep o'er his halls.
200 men came out of the woods, lots of them archer, aiming at the riverlanders. Laemond continued to whistle. With no one there to hear. When the last whistle ended every archer started to shoot, while the swordsmen stood their ground. In about 10 seconds every one of the riverlanders laid dead on the ground. “Good work, men! I need you to behead each and every one of them, and put on the Stark helmets on their ugly heads.”
“Giving her these heads will not give her a choice… Queen Elaena will finally make the two pieces of Westeros one again.”
“We found out who was delivering the arrows to the fucking bandits. The smiths son, Anders.” Duncan’s son, Dustin said.
“Anders.” Duncan said with a powerful voice. Anders looked up with an absolutely bloodied face, full of wounds from hits. He was impaled with an arrow in the foot as well.
“He is a bloody traitor. deserve everything I did to him.” Dustin said, clearly angry. “This is not the way we do things here!” Duncan shouted at him.
“Guards.. Lock Dustin up in his room. Don’t let him out for a week. Understood? Anders! Because of my son’s inexcusable beatings on you, I will exile you. You will leave in the morning, so you have time to say goodbye to your father.”
“It’s time to leave! Come on! Adrion, you are in charge of Frosthorn ‘till I come back, understood?” Harlund told Adrion.
A massive shadow started to appear a bit into the woods, and both Barney and Harlund drew their swords. It was a massive Direwolf, bigger than Harlund or Barney
Farengar shot the arrow, aiming right at the head, but before it hit the direwolf a thin sword cut through the air right at the arrow and cut it in half. It was an older woman, dark brown hair, grey eyes and a long face. She’s skinny and is moving extremely quiet for her age. She wore farmer clothes. “Don’t you dare!”
The direwolf’s name is Nymeria, my… husband, I suppose, name is Gendry.” She took a deep breath and continued. “And I am Arya Stark.”
“Do what you think is right, Elaena, my dear. But you have to live with it… as I have.” Daenerys said. “What about you, Cat? What is your opinion?” Elaena asked with tears in her eyes. “I.. You should send your troops to the riverlands.”
“Have you decided in the matter?” Ser Alliser asked Queen Elaena. “We’ll help you, Ser Alliser. We’ll leave in 2 weeks.” Elaena told him.
She turns around looking at the floor, and then stands up. But just as she stood up and turned her gaze to the door, she felt a ice cold pain in her left shoulder, a knife slashing her shoulder.
“What has happened to you now?” the jester, Mysarion asked curiously.
“What the fuck…” Duncan muttered confused. He turned around and saw something that looked like a hand made catapult which shot a big rock that was just about to land inside of the walls.
“I need you now, Alicia!” Duncan said to his daughter. “Run to the guard barracks and send every man to the main gate! Understood?” Alicia nodded as an answer.
Duncan and the leader of the bandits yelled at the same time. “Get the fuck away from this wall, guards!” Respective “Use the Catapult, Fucking now!” They will put the catapult right under where they stand, which will more or less make the wall that Duncan and the guards are standing on explode. He jumped of the wall and managed to land on the ground, but before he could think of anything else, a stone hit him right in his head. It’s a miracle he’s still conscious.
“Why are we sneaking in to the Stark farm, my lord?” Farengar asked. “Something feels odd over this whole place, Farengar. Fucking odd. I need to find out what is going on.” Harlund explained.
“We’re going through the cellar. And we’ll do it in an hour” Harlund said with a determined voice.
“We’d like to get a 1000 arrows, then you paid your debts.” the old man said. Duncan shook his head. “We don’t have a lot more than 1000 arrows right now.. We need every single arrow I have.” The old man stared at him for a while. “Then we got to kill you all.. Not today, not tomorrow. But very soon we will be back, before your gates are built up again.” The old man shook his head. “So what is it? You’ll give us arrows, or you’re going to get all of your folk killed because of your pride? Are you going to kneel, or stand tall...”
“Oh gods, Cat. What has happened to?” Cat couldn’t bare it anymore, she started to sob and fell into Elaena’s arms. “He’s dead, Elaena… Father’s dead…” Elaena hugged her tightly. “Hush now, Cat… I’m sorry.. I’m soo sorry. If there’s anything I can do, anything at all, tell me.” Dany took place on the left side of her and took a look at her shoulder. “Who did this?” Daenerys asked sharply. “A… A woman. I didn’t see who it was, but it was definitely a woman.”
“Do I get a saying in the matter?” Cat asked about Mysarion to stay or go. And simultaneously Dany said No and Elaena said Yes. “Yes.” the Queen said again so Cat knew what was which. “I…”
“My father got pushed out through the Moon door, just like my grandmother. It seems like that’s becoming a trend in my family.. I intend to break that trend.” Lord Richard Arryn said.
Jeyne slowly opens the door up, and then she saw her. The naked corpse of Jasline..
… ‘Soon it’s time. And nothing can stop it.’
The initials W.W. on the knife…
“OI! What the fuck is this?” the guardsman asked. He was young with a thick beard. Now he saw the corpse, and his eyes widened. “The fuck have you done, you monster?” the guard was ready to drag his sword, and Jeyne knew she had to act fast..
That is a very cool idea! While I remembered most of the things that happened there, it surely cannot hurt to get a bit of a recap there, especially during breaks. Hope to see the story again in the near future, but this certainly helped with refreshing my memory
I decided to do a little something for you guys. Thinking about all the breaks I've taken, I'm giving you, probably a very needed, Previousl… morey on FSB's A New Age.
Previously on A New Age
“FATHER!” Barney screamed in sheer horror when he saw the arrow going right through Bernhard’s head.
Barney cried while hugging his father’s corpse. Once again, Barney was alone in this world. Once again, everything changes..
“NOOOW!” A deep male voice shouted. At least a good sixty men was running towards Elaena, Cat and the guards.
“Cat! We need to get out of here, follow me!” Elaena shouted at Catelyn.
They were now standing above the corpse. “Oh no…” Elaena said. There was Elia Pyke. An arrow sat right through her neck. “Why… Why would you kill an harmless, innocent handmaiden?”
Elaena looked up at this Lord Duncan now and saw his bow…
“You…” she whispered. He was using the exactly same arrows as the one through Elias neck. “… [view original content]
I decided to do a little something for you guys. Thinking about all the breaks I've taken, I'm giving you, probably a very needed, Previousl… morey on FSB's A New Age.
Previously on A New Age
“FATHER!” Barney screamed in sheer horror when he saw the arrow going right through Bernhard’s head.
Barney cried while hugging his father’s corpse. Once again, Barney was alone in this world. Once again, everything changes..
“NOOOW!” A deep male voice shouted. At least a good sixty men was running towards Elaena, Cat and the guards.
“Cat! We need to get out of here, follow me!” Elaena shouted at Catelyn.
They were now standing above the corpse. “Oh no…” Elaena said. There was Elia Pyke. An arrow sat right through her neck. “Why… Why would you kill an harmless, innocent handmaiden?”
Elaena looked up at this Lord Duncan now and saw his bow…
“You…” she whispered. He was using the exactly same arrows as the one through Elias neck. “… [view original content]
Firstly, sorry about the delay. I've been going in and out of the hospital, for months now, but it seems like we're getting to the last bits of my condition. I won't say anything in advance, but right now, everything seems stable with me, but it could change any second really.
Now, let's say hello to Good ol' Harlund. Harlund will finally sneak down in the cellar with Sneaky Ned and Farengar. Sorry that the part isn't very long, but they are definitely longer than when I started. I'm making progress every day, and I think you can see pretty clear that my writing has gotten a lot better.
On another note, Season 7 has started of Game of Thrones, and hopefully most of my visions on where characters are and will be is going to be right, unfortunately, I sadly read the leaked scripts, and see that some of my plans would make zero sense. However, whether the leaked scripts are true or not is yet to see. Also, even if it doesn't match up, I won't change my plans. A New Age is my canon, and it's how I would like it top play itself out. So the story will not be affected by new seasons of GoT (If I don't see fit to change it, as long as it hasn't happened in ANA yet. For Example, if I would've liked, say Bran, to participate, and he ends up dead in this season, then I might change it up since it has not yet happened. Then again, some key moments with characters I have planned will still happen, no matter what the show does.) I mean, I won't kill of Arya, Gendry, Nymeria or Dany if they somehow ends up dead. So yeah, I think that is about it.
Enjoy the new part!
Harlund VIII
At the Stark Farm
“I’ve waited long enough. We’re going in, now.” Harlund said decisively in a low tone, and pointed at the cellar door to make Sneaky Ned open it. After a few seconds, Ned opened the cellar door up, and Harlund was surprised to how little it sounded when he opened it. Ned started to walk down the stairs and waved with his hand to show that the coast is clear. Harlund started to walk to the stairs, but turned around to Farengar. “You tell us if something were to happen, alright? Things cannot escalate.” Farengar gave Harlund a nervous nod before Harlund walked down the stairs.
There was a blanket covering the doorframe, so Harlund and Ned couldn’t see through. Ned moved the blanket slightly, just so he could see the room. After a short while, he looked at Harlund, and formed the word ‘clear’ with his mouth and walked in slowly. Harlund followed shortly after. Harlund gasped slightly as he saw the things in the room. 2 of the walls were covered with faces!
A lot of holes had been mined in the walls to have faces being put there, but why? Harlund had heard stories about Arya Stark and her faces, but never believed it. “Something ain’t right here…” Harlund said with a slightly higher tone that he should have. “With all due respect, my lord. Keep. Quiet!” Ned whispered, his words barely audible. Harlund shrugged. “Don’t tell me what t…” Before he could continue Ned slapped him hard on his left cheek. It didn’t hurt too much, but it certainly took Harlund by surprise. “If you want to know what’s going on here at all, my lord, You got to be quiet.” Harlund knew it wouldn’t help anything to be angry at him right now, so Harlund kept quiet.
Harlund looked around on the walls, and noticed 1 face missing, all other faces were still there. He noticed that one wall was empty, save for 1 face in the exact middle of the wall. It was a woman’s face. Harlund felt that he had seen the face before, but he just couldn’t place it. He looked at Ned, who just shook his head in disbelief. Harlund pointed his fingers at the stairs that led into the house, to which Ned also shook his head for, but Harlund was decisive. His finger continued to point to the stairs until Ned finally sighed, and started to walk over to them.
Ned gave Harlund a sign for safety, and moved into the hallway of the farm. The northern lord followed shortly after and saw the hall. There wasn’t much, almost nothing in fact. The door to the outside were just in front of them, and apart from that, there only was a little table and a torch to give the room a little light. The 2 men sneaked up and Sneaky Ned decided that they would go to the right.
When both of them started to slowly walk to the right, a voice was heard. “Excuse me sirs? Are you looking for Lady Arya?” An old voice asked behind them. Harlund turned around quickly and got a good look at her. She had grey fluffy hair reaching her shoulders, blue old, tired eyes and a very crooked nose. The old woman wasn’t very tall, and she wore a grey dirty robe. In her hand was a duster. “Who.. are you?” Sneaky Ned asked curiously, yet cautiously. “Oh, where are my manners! My name is Minerva, I’m the cleaner of the house I suppose. They took me in 40 years ago, when Lady Arya settled down here with Sir Gendry. I was all alone… I had walked from White Harbour, the fat seel Manderly didn’t need my services anymore, and there was no space for me. He sent me out, with a knife and barely any food or water. I just walked and walked till I got here. I am so happy that they took me in…” She said, and it looked like she dreamed herself away.
“Oh, sorry. I floated away a little there, Apologizes. Now, what is it you 2 fine men want?” Ned continued to be the one to talk. “Yes, yes. As you said, we wanted to talk to Lady Stark.” To this, Minerva smiled and took a step backwards. “I think, Lady Arya and Sir Gendry is sleeping. It’s a bit late for a visit after all, but I wake her up then, assuming that this is important?” To this, Harlund opened his mouth for the first time since they met this peculiar woman. “Yes. Very important.” He lied, but the old hag seemed convinced. “Well alright, just stay here and I will go and get her.” Minerva said, turned around and started to walk away. Suddenly however, she stopped after taking about 5 steps. “Just one more thing.” She said, turned back and started to walk towards Ned and Harlund again. “What is i…” Ned started to ask, but Minerva just raised her hand right towards them, about the same height as she is.
Minerva moved her hand to her face, touching different places of her face with her fingers. She moved all of her fingers towards her nose, And Harlund could not believe it. Her face was coming of! “What the bloody.. The fuck?!?” Harlund exclaimed. “Fuck my mother….” Ned mumbled, surprised. The new face Harlund recognized in an instant.. It was Arya. “Surprised? I thought you had heard the stories, Lord Marbrand.” Harlund just froze, he… how?!? He had heard the stories, but he could never believe it! No one can take a face! Neither Ned or Harlund could utter a single word. Instead, Arya laughed. “Are you really that surprised? Incredible! I waited such a long time to scare someone like that!” Arya continued to laugh for a little while before she pointed down to the cellars. “Down, now.” Ned did as she commanded in a split second, Harlund was reluctant, but he did it nonetheless.
“Why did you sneak into my house anyways?” Still, no one answered, and Arya just rolled her eyes. “No matter. Frightening you was definitely worth it.” They walked back down to the cellar, and finally, Ned opened his mouth to speak. “What is this place? Who are all of these people?” Harlund couldn’t stop staring at the head that was alone on the wall. “People that I have killed over the years. Well, mostly at least.” She said and looked at Harlund and followed his stare to the lone face. “I’m sure you wonder who this is, why this face is so important to be kept apart from the other faces… Well, I do feel slightly bad for the scar-thing I did, so i could tell you.. IF you promise not to tell anyone else. If you do…” Arya’s face grew a whole lot darker. “...I might just have to kill you.”
Aaaaa, you're back This is great, I am glad you're feeling a bit better. Hopefully it won't take much longer until you make your full recovery. Until then, I am happy you are feeling good enough to continue writing already.
[Promise to not tell anyone]
Yeeeah, let's not anger the crazy person Seriously, Arya does not seem to be the most stable one around, though that is perfectly understandable, given what she has been through. I'd say Harlund is better off just promising her and get it over with. It's not as if her big secret is all that dangerous, right? Well, at least I don't hope so. I do wonder whose face it is though. Cersei maybe? Though she has to be dead for decades now. Do these faces never rot, I wonder?
Firstly, sorry about the delay. I've been going in and out of the hospital, for months now, but it seems like we're getting to the last bits… more of my condition. I won't say anything in advance, but right now, everything seems stable with me, but it could change any second really.
Now, let's say hello to Good ol' Harlund. Harlund will finally sneak down in the cellar with Sneaky Ned and Farengar. Sorry that the part isn't very long, but they are definitely longer than when I started. I'm making progress every day, and I think you can see pretty clear that my writing has gotten a lot better.
On another note, Season 7 has started of Game of Thrones, and hopefully most of my visions on where characters are and will be is going to be right, unfortunately, I sadly read the leaked scripts, and see that some of my plans would make zero sense. However, whether the leaked scripts are true or not is yet to see. Also, even if it doesn't match up, I wo… [view original content]
Firstly, sorry about the delay. I've been going in and out of the hospital, for months now, but it seems like we're getting to the last bits… more of my condition. I won't say anything in advance, but right now, everything seems stable with me, but it could change any second really.
Now, let's say hello to Good ol' Harlund. Harlund will finally sneak down in the cellar with Sneaky Ned and Farengar. Sorry that the part isn't very long, but they are definitely longer than when I started. I'm making progress every day, and I think you can see pretty clear that my writing has gotten a lot better.
On another note, Season 7 has started of Game of Thrones, and hopefully most of my visions on where characters are and will be is going to be right, unfortunately, I sadly read the leaked scripts, and see that some of my plans would make zero sense. However, whether the leaked scripts are true or not is yet to see. Also, even if it doesn't match up, I wo… [view original content]
This. I wonder this as well. I looked around a little and I cannot find an answer. I would suppose that they are doing something mummy like and oil in the faces a lot. Surely all of the faces in the hall of faces aren't new. Surely there has been faces there for many years.
Aaaaa, you're back This is great, I am glad you're feeling a bit better. Hopefully it won't take much longer until you make your full recov… moreery. Until then, I am happy you are feeling good enough to continue writing already.
[Promise to not tell anyone]
Yeeeah, let's not anger the crazy person Seriously, Arya does not seem to be the most stable one around, though that is perfectly understandable, given what she has been through. I'd say Harlund is better off just promising her and get it over with. It's not as if her big secret is all that dangerous, right? Well, at least I don't hope so. I do wonder whose face it is though. Cersei maybe? Though she has to be dead for decades now. Do these faces never rot, I wonder?
I actually just had to remember, though I don't have the scene here to check, hasn't Jaqen said that some of the faces have been from the first Faceless Men? Or was that something from the books? I could swear he (or his book counterpart, the Kindly Man), explained this at some point, that some of the faces in the Hall of Faces date back hundreds or even thousands of years, to the time the Faceless Men have been founded by slave miners in the mountains beneath Valyria. I guess no matter if it was from the books or show, that seems to be canon for both continuities.
Also, come to think of it, I guess Harlund would have mentioned if half of the faces in the room would be rotten. I kind of doubt Arya keeps dozens of fresh faces there on the off chance someone comes to sneak into her cellar XD
Do these faces never rot, I wonder?
This. I wonder this as well. I looked around a little and I cannot find an answer. I would suppo… morese that they are doing something mummy like and oil in the faces a lot. Surely all of the faces in the hall of faces aren't new. Surely there has been faces there for many years.
Now that you mention it, it definitely is ringing a bell. I'll just suppose that after a face-pizza party when they put the faces back again, they are just immune to rot. Or maybe you just gotta use them after some time to keep them fresh.. Ahem. To whoever it is that have that job, I seriously pity you.
I actually just had to remember, though I don't have the scene here to check, hasn't Jaqen said that some of the faces have been from the fi… morerst Faceless Men? Or was that something from the books? I could swear he (or his book counterpart, the Kindly Man), explained this at some point, that some of the faces in the Hall of Faces date back hundreds or even thousands of years, to the time the Faceless Men have been founded by slave miners in the mountains beneath Valyria. I guess no matter if it was from the books or show, that seems to be canon for both continuities.
Also, come to think of it, I guess Harlund would have mentioned if half of the faces in the room would be rotten. I kind of doubt Arya keeps dozens of fresh faces there on the off chance someone comes to sneak into her cellar XD
Firstly, sorry about the delay. I've been going in and out of the hospital, for months now, but it seems like we're getting to the last bits… more of my condition. I won't say anything in advance, but right now, everything seems stable with me, but it could change any second really.
Now, let's say hello to Good ol' Harlund. Harlund will finally sneak down in the cellar with Sneaky Ned and Farengar. Sorry that the part isn't very long, but they are definitely longer than when I started. I'm making progress every day, and I think you can see pretty clear that my writing has gotten a lot better.
On another note, Season 7 has started of Game of Thrones, and hopefully most of my visions on where characters are and will be is going to be right, unfortunately, I sadly read the leaked scripts, and see that some of my plans would make zero sense. However, whether the leaked scripts are true or not is yet to see. Also, even if it doesn't match up, I wo… [view original content]
Firstly, sorry about the delay. I've been going in and out of the hospital, for months now, but it seems like we're getting to the last bits… more of my condition. I won't say anything in advance, but right now, everything seems stable with me, but it could change any second really.
Now, let's say hello to Good ol' Harlund. Harlund will finally sneak down in the cellar with Sneaky Ned and Farengar. Sorry that the part isn't very long, but they are definitely longer than when I started. I'm making progress every day, and I think you can see pretty clear that my writing has gotten a lot better.
On another note, Season 7 has started of Game of Thrones, and hopefully most of my visions on where characters are and will be is going to be right, unfortunately, I sadly read the leaked scripts, and see that some of my plans would make zero sense. However, whether the leaked scripts are true or not is yet to see. Also, even if it doesn't match up, I wo… [view original content]
You guys chose, yet again to follow Arya's will, (Promise to not tell anyone) which I don't blame you for. I would likely have chosen the same.
Next part should be up reasonably soon, in the net couple hours or tomorrow is very likely. We are going back to Cat in King's Landing. She chose between sending Mysarion, the jester, away, or let him stay. Or rather, she voiced her opinion. Cat doesn't hold a lot of power, so she doesn't choose, really. This is more showing her loaylty to Elaena and Mysarion, or showing loyalty to Daenerys, which she so far hasn't. You chose to give Elaena continued support, and we will see how that'll play out.
Also, thanks to every single one that is commenting, voting or even reading this story. You guys make my day, and truly is what keeps this story going when I can. Granted, there is 4 of you that has been here and voted most of the times, which isn't a lot, but it doesn't really matter, because I know that you are very loyal. I would obviously want more readers, I think everyone making a story wants more readers always, but yet, I am absolutely a 100% thankful that you are here, to everyone that has commented really, on this journey.
I'm not making the story, you are! (Cliché, but true.)
“He should stay. Mysarion saved me only minutes ago, he doesn’t deserve to get sent away!” Catelyn exclaimed. Mysarion smirked and gave her a nod while Daenerys rolled her eyes and took a step closer to Cat, yet she is still looking on her daughter. “What a surprise. She chose your side, once again.” she said and turned her gaze to Cat. “But this is not negotiable. He is leaving with Laemond next time he returns… Catelyn. Elaena…” she said and turned her gaze towards Mysarion and said with great anger. “Mysarion..” before she walked away.
“Well.. That could’ve gone a lot smoother. Thank you, M’Lady Catelyn.” Mysarion said and gave Cat a thankful gesture. “Indeed.. Mysarion, do you need anything else?” Elaena asked, which Mysarion shook his head to. “Alright! A servant will come and clean the blood up, oh, and apologies for mother. Cat, walk with me.” Elaena said and started to walk the hallway slowly. Cat turned around to Mysarion before she walked with Elaena. “Goodbye Mysarion.” To this Mysarion gave her a quick smile. “Bye-bye M’lady..” Mysarion said and walked into his room and closed the door.
Catelyn quickly caught up to Elaena. “You are really making a habit of making me choose between you or the Queen Mother.” Cat stated to Elaena, which Elaena flashed a smile to her. “I know, Cat. And I’m sorry, but you need to learn to make hard decisions. As a small council member and an very trusted advisor to me, hard decisions needs to be made, and your opinion is valued highly.” she stopped and took both of Cat’s arms. “Promise me that you will say YOUR opinion. Not the one that you think will please me. Promise.” Cat looked around in the bright hall before she answered. “I promise, Elaena. I promise.” Elaena gave her a bright smile. “Thank you, Cat. Now, let’s go to Grand Maester Wylis. At this time… He’s probably still with the King…. Follow me..” Elaena gave her a sad expression before they started to walk to the king’s quarters.
Once they have been walking half the way, Catelyn broke the silence. “Have they found a cure for the King?” Elaena glanced over her shoulder and looked at Cat before she answered. “I.. Wylis mentioned that he was close to some sort of cure, but he would still look like he is 50 years older. That won’t matter though, the important thing is that he is alive and well. How is your shoulder?” Cat felt the thumping and constant pain her shoulder, but it was definitely better than before. “It’s better.. It still hurts a lot though.” Elaena gave her a quick smile. “I can only imagine. I promise you this though, Cat. We will find the woman behind this. That is a promise.” Cat nodded just before they reached the King’s quarters.
Elaena opened the door for Cat, and Cat walked in. It looked just like before, lots of guards, the king lay in the bed and Grand Maester Wylis was doing some sort of potion experiment, it looked like. Wylis looked up at the 2 ladies quickly before looking down on the potion again, clearly not noticing the cut on Catelyn’s arm. “Grand Maester Wyli…” Elaena said before Wylis interrupted her. “Just a moment your grace, I am in a very delicate part of the potion-making. Just let me… Ah, that should do it. My king Denterys, you need to drink this.” The king slowly opened his mouth, and Wylis poured the Liquid in his mouth. The liquid was like water, but very, very dark-blue. The king fell asleep shortly after the liquid was swallowed.
“That should do it, your grace. You just rest and you should be back to your old self soon… Well, at least inside your body… Now, My queen Elaena. Lady Catelyn… Oh my, Lady Catelyn. You’ve hurt your shoulder pretty bad there. How did this happen?” Cat looked at Elaena, who just nodded at her. Cat sat down on a chair that Wylis pointed at. “I was attacked by a woman. Probably assassin. She was about to cut my throat, but I turned around just before she did.. Then I just ran, and ran.”
“Most peculiar.” A man said who just entered the room. He had red, fine clothes with the targaryen symbol, as well as a black and a white swan. Blue, piercing eyes and brown, well-kept beard and nicely combed hair, reaching his neck. Cat recognized him directly. It was Ser Edward Swann, the second-born son of Lord Swann. Ser Edward is the Master of laws “We have had several witnesses that has stated that a mysterious woman has been wandering around in the Red Keep. I don’t think this is a coincidence.” Edward stated, and Wylis shook his head. “It is very likely not a coincidence. Although one might wonder… A King is probably the biggest assassination you could get. It’s quite a jump between the King of the south and a simple handmaiden from a reasonably small house in the north. No offence, Lady Catelyn.” Cat gave Wylis a quick smirk. “None taken. Could you please fix this wound up now?” Wylis nodded. “But of course. I can ease your mind and tell you that it probably isn’t poisoned. If she was trying to cut your throat then expensive poison wouldn’t be necessary, now would it? Although I cannot know it for sure, of course.” By now, Elaena had walked past them and sat down next to her husband. Edward walked past them as well, to the king and Elaena.
“Your grace. If there is anything I can do..” Elaena gave him a sharp glare, not filled with anger, but with sorrow. “You… you just find who did this, Ser Edward. Find her, and bring her to me, to meet the Queen’s justice.” Edward gave her a proud nod. “Aye, your grace. As the Swann-words say, there is No Foe But Injustice. I will bring her here, your grace.” Queen Elaena gave him a nod and a thin smile before he left walked back to the door, past Cat. He turned around in the doorframe and looked at Catelyn. “I will bring her, for you, Lady Catelyn. And for the King.” he said and then left.
“Where did this horrible deed happen, my lady?” The Grand Maester asked curiously while he redressed the wound. “In my room. I must have forgotten to close my door. And then I didn’t notice. I… I just read that my father had died, I didn’t notice that someone walked right through my door and sneaked up to me.” Cat said, keeping her tears in as good as she could. “My condolences, my lady. I didn’t know.” Wylis said and gave her a sad look. “How could you know? Agh! That hurt. You done soon, Grand Maester?” Wylis gave her a smile. “Yes… Hmm… That should do it, now just let me roll bandage around your shoulder there.. Just raise your arm carefully, wouldn’t want the wound to get even bigger.” Cat slowly rose her arm till it was about the same height as her shoulder, and Wylis started to roll out some bandage.
“We will need guards stationed outside Catelyn’s new quarters.” Elaena said, and Wylis gave her a confused look. “New quarters, your grace?” Wylis asked, and Elaena gave him a nod. “As a member of the Small Council, she will need to get quarters in the Small Council section.” Wylis confused look disappeared, as he remembered something. “Oh, but of course. I almost forgot our new councilmember. Congratulations to your new position, my lady. Your quarters will be just left of Ser Swann.”
“Thank you, Grand Maester.” Wylis smiled at her. “Your welcome, my lady.. There, bandage done. I need you to visit me tomorrow, Lady Catelyn. If your wound looks good there shouldn’t be any danger.” Wylis gave her a stern look and Catelyn nodded when someone almost slammed the door up. It was Ser Alliser Forrester. “I heard what happened, my lady. Are you alright?” he said, quite stressed. “I’m fine, Ser Alliser.” Alliser gave her a relieved smile, but quickly got his stern gaze back. “My lady, could I escort you to your chambers? I have some things I would like to talk about.”
[Let Ser Alliser escort you][Stay in the King’s quarters]
I don't see a reason why not. Wylis is done with treating the wound, so Catelyn can leave now. Whatever Alliser wishes to talk about, I have the feeling it might actually be important, so perhaps she can learn something useful here. Considering the Forrester's are fellow Northerners, it might actually be very important, who knows. Only way to find out is to go with him there. On top of that, I don't see what Catelyn could do in the King's quarters. Given how sick the man is, she cannot do anything for him and might actually just be in the way.
Catelyn XI
At King’s Landing
“He should stay. Mysarion saved me only minutes ago, he doesn’t deserve to get sent away!” Catelyn exclai… moremed. Mysarion smirked and gave her a nod while Daenerys rolled her eyes and took a step closer to Cat, yet she is still looking on her daughter. “What a surprise. She chose your side, once again.” she said and turned her gaze to Cat. “But this is not negotiable. He is leaving with Laemond next time he returns… Catelyn. Elaena…” she said and turned her gaze towards Mysarion and said with great anger. “Mysarion..” before she walked away.
“Well.. That could’ve gone a lot smoother. Thank you, M’Lady Catelyn.” Mysarion said and gave Cat a thankful gesture. “Indeed.. Mysarion, do you need anything else?” Elaena asked, which Mysarion shook his head to. “Alright! A servant will come and clean the blood up, oh, and apologies for mother. Cat, walk with me.” Elaena said and started to walk the hallway slowly. Cat… [view original content]
[Let Ser Alliser escort you] I agree with Liquid on this one. There really isn't anything else she could do, but talk to Elaena- But she seems rather occupied with her husband. Giving some space is probably wise.
Catelyn XI
At King’s Landing
“He should stay. Mysarion saved me only minutes ago, he doesn’t deserve to get sent away!” Catelyn exclai… moremed. Mysarion smirked and gave her a nod while Daenerys rolled her eyes and took a step closer to Cat, yet she is still looking on her daughter. “What a surprise. She chose your side, once again.” she said and turned her gaze to Cat. “But this is not negotiable. He is leaving with Laemond next time he returns… Catelyn. Elaena…” she said and turned her gaze towards Mysarion and said with great anger. “Mysarion..” before she walked away.
“Well.. That could’ve gone a lot smoother. Thank you, M’Lady Catelyn.” Mysarion said and gave Cat a thankful gesture. “Indeed.. Mysarion, do you need anything else?” Elaena asked, which Mysarion shook his head to. “Alright! A servant will come and clean the blood up, oh, and apologies for mother. Cat, walk with me.” Elaena said and started to walk the hallway slowly. Cat… [view original content]
Catelyn XI
At King’s Landing
“He should stay. Mysarion saved me only minutes ago, he doesn’t deserve to get sent away!” Catelyn exclai… moremed. Mysarion smirked and gave her a nod while Daenerys rolled her eyes and took a step closer to Cat, yet she is still looking on her daughter. “What a surprise. She chose your side, once again.” she said and turned her gaze to Cat. “But this is not negotiable. He is leaving with Laemond next time he returns… Catelyn. Elaena…” she said and turned her gaze towards Mysarion and said with great anger. “Mysarion..” before she walked away.
“Well.. That could’ve gone a lot smoother. Thank you, M’Lady Catelyn.” Mysarion said and gave Cat a thankful gesture. “Indeed.. Mysarion, do you need anything else?” Elaena asked, which Mysarion shook his head to. “Alright! A servant will come and clean the blood up, oh, and apologies for mother. Cat, walk with me.” Elaena said and started to walk the hallway slowly. Cat… [view original content]
[Cat thinks that Mys should go with Lord Silvermane]
This choice can help protect him from Dany's future wrath if he stays. He can also be safe from the potential murderer still roaming around the castle. Plus, I'm not sure how smart it is to always disagree with Daenerys. This can be an opportunity to improve Cat's relationship with her, since we disagreed with her last time.
Hehe, it seems like after all these years, they have yet another bastard as their castellan, very, very interesting! I guess that means Raylansfair is still going to stand at the end of FoT, at least in some capacity
[Cat thinks that Mys should stay]
This is a very hard choice and I almost picked the other option, because I agree with Tales' reasoning. At the same time however, I think Cat has been a good friend to Elaena so far and I would like for her to stay that way instead of attempting the impossible task of pleasing both women. Elaena and Dany seem to have so opposing views that sooner or later, Cat will be forced to decide. So far, she's been good friends with the queen and I think it would be for the best if she stays in her good graces. On top of that, in this situation, Mysarion would feel super screwed over.
Well Daenerys is only Queen mother, I don't think she has any real power. Or at least nobody would follow her orders over Elaena's. Look at Cersei in the show. For a couple seasons she was overshadowed pretty often.
Ah well.. At least someone rebuilt it. That's up to you, of course.
[Cat thinks that Mys should stay]
The Voting is Closed!
Cat thinks that Mys should stay, is what you're thinking. We'll see her reasonably soon again.
Now, I'm gonna be honest with you guys. I kinda had a problem with writing for the next part. Duncan can't have a part yet. Harlund needs to wait for some more time since he had to wait another hour. Cat had last part and I won't have a Cat on Cat situation. Aaaand Barney is just praying, not very interesting content. So I decided to make one of the 2 povs coming in a bit earlier than I initially thought. It won't fuck up the storylines though, so be assured.
The only thing that I will confirm is that it's a woman and that it's so far an unexplored region in this story, which to be honest doesn't say much. The part will hopefully be up tomorrow, although I can't promise it.
Jeyne I
At the Eyrie
Jeyne looked herself in the mirror, right in her green innocent eyes. Why do I look like I’m 5 years younger than 25, she thought, since she looked a couple years younger than she actually was. Once again, her husband had hit her, giving her a black eye on her left eye. She had fought back this time, scratched his cheek deeply. Her lips was a bit bigger after a hit and her brown long hair were a mess. The green dress she had been wearing was ripped open in different places, so she had changed to her work clothes. A grey, armless dress reaching her knees.
The sun shined from her balcony into her room, which usually is dark. She didn’t have a normal low-born room that cleaners usually have, her room was made for 2, herself and her husband. There was a little wooden desk right next to the door, and then a bed that is slightly bigger than a normal one, so that it would fit for 2.
Her husband was still in bed, sleeping, while she was getting ready for work. The Husband, Tom, also called Tommy worked on the walls, building it up after a recent attempt to take the Eyrie. He had brown hair reaching his shoulders and a slim beard. “Why are you and I still here? Why you and I at all?” she whispered while she looked at him, and then walked out of the room.
The halls weren't lit up yet, which caused her to sigh. That was Jasline’s responsibility. Nevertheless, she walked into her own room again, grabbed a little candle that already was lit, and then walked out yet again. She walked to the first torch and struggled a bit too light it, because it was quite windy in this part of the castle. This corridor was long without windows, so the sun doesn’t help here. She decided to take down the torch she just lit to light up the rest of them. Jeyne blew out the candle and put it on 1 of 3 tables in this corridor.
Jeyne moved from torch to torch until she had finally lit the room up. Jasline would get a real lecture after this, Jeyne thought for herself, before she picked up her broom and started to walk to the main hall. She didn’t pass a lot of people on her way to the main hall, it was still very early. Once she reached the great hall, she realised how early up she was, even by her standards.
The room was dimly lit, but thanks to the sun, it was reasonably bright. The room has a circular form and in the middle, the infamous ‘Moon-Door’. To the left of the Moon door, there is a staircase up to the throne, made out of weirwood. As far as she could tell, only 3 people were in the great hall right now. Although 2 of them on their way out. A young boy, the Targaryen-bastard sent her a year or so ago, and a septa with him. Left in the room was a muscular tall man.He turned around towards Jeyne, and she could see who it was. It was the lord of House Arryn, the lord of the Eyrie and the lord of the Vale.
Richard Arryn was about 30 years old. He wasn’t a good looking man, big nose, big mouth, and the eyes were a long way from each other. Yet there is something charismatic about him. He wore blue fine clothes with white and green details. His chestnut hair was reaching his neck, slicked back, and he was clean-shaven. “Jeyne Stone.” he said with a charming smirk.
Jeyne bowed deeply in return. “M’lord.” she answered. “Here to do your work?” He genuinely asked her back. She nodded and started to look up at the throne of the Eyrie. Richard followed her eyes up to the throne. “That dusty old thing, eh? Going to clean that?” he said. Once again, Jeyne nodded as an answer, making the whole talk very awkward and uncomfortable. “Oookay.. I’ll leave you to it then, Jeyne.” he said and started to walk away. Just as he walked past the Moon door, Jeyne called for him.
“M’lord Arryn!” she called for him, whereas he turned around and gave her a curious look. “It’s not my place to ask, but you know me, I’m a curious woman.. I’ve only heard rumours, but how did your father, Lord Robin die exactly? I’m sorry if I upset you, m’lord.” Richard tilted his head slightly and looked at her questioning, and sad. “My father got pushed out through the Moon door, just like my grandmother. It seems like that’s becoming a trend in my family.. I intend to break that trend. The man or woman who did this is not yet found, and likely won't ever be found since it was 22 years ago.”
Richard just now noticed the black eye and sighed. “Your eye is blacker than last time, he’s been hitting you again?” Yet again, Jeyne nodded. “Maybe I should tell him to stop. Defying a lord is a great cri-” Jeyne cut him off. “You know how it is m’lord. I still love the man, and he still loves me. We fight sometimes, but for the most part, we’re having a great time, just like everyone else… It’s just.. we’re very impulsive at times.” Richard nodded to her. “Alright.. I’ll just let you clean then.” he said and smiled at her. Even though her lips was slightly swollen, Jeyne’s smile was still beautiful. Richard walked away to his quarters.
Jeyne started to clean the room. The great hall is enormous, and she knew she couldn’t clean all this herself. Jasline was supposed to work, just as Jeyne, so Jeyne decided to go find her. She walked down the same corridor she just lighted up mere minutes ago, she turned left into another corridor with windows, which means that she doesn’t have to light the torches up here. Then, Jeyne turned right, and then she froze in terror.
There was a big pool of blood on the floor, and what looked a trace of blood to a door, like something, or someone was dragged there. Jeyne slowly walked forward, taking a big step over the blood-pool and then following the trace. She reached the door, which Jeyne knew led to an empty closet. She slowly opens the door up, and then she saw her.
On the floor, in a pool of her own blood, lay Jasline, naked.. Her innocent blue eyes and her innocent, pretty face were all left intact but her body.. Oh, gods, her body. Her throat was cut, her body had a lot of stab wounds. Jeyne didn’t count but she was sure that it was over 20 stabwounds. Her left arm was separated from the body and the right one was completely broken. All of her ten fingers was broken as well. Her legs had stab wounds as well, and Jeyne was sure that she also was raped, living or dead. Her left foot was also separated, but right through her foot, was a dragonglass knife with a golden handle and a letter.
She picked up the letter and read.
Soon it’s time. And nothing can stop it.
Jeyne crouched next to the corpse, with tears in her eyes and just got lost in thoughts. What did she do now? Her best friend has been killed.. Her only close friend. Then she thought about the letter, but she just couldn’t figure out what this person was talking about. Now, Jeyne picked up the knife and examined it. Nothing standing out. It was a dragonglass knife, which it exist thousands of because of the fight against the wights and such. The only thing that stood out was a initials or something. W.W.
W.W… What could stand that for.. But before she could think about it any further, she heard a voice behind her. “OI! What the fuck is this?” the guardsman asked. He was young with a thick beard. Now he saw the corpse, and his eyes widened. “The fuck have you done, you monster?” the guard was ready to drag his sword, and Jeyne knew she had to act fast..
[Attack the guard] [Try to tell him that it wasn’t her]
[Try to tell him that it wasn't her] She wouldn't stand a chance in a fight against this guardsman and attacking will make her look guilty. Best thing to do is explain what happened and anyone with common sense will be able to tell it wasn't her. She's far too clean for her to have done such a thing, she would be covered in blood. Not to mention that she was just speaking to Lord Richard, surely she couldn't have done such a thing in so short a time.
I already really like Jeyne! Can't wait to see more of her.
Richard mentioned his grandmother being pushed down the moon door, but Petyr and Sansa successfully sold the story that she committed suicide. Does that mean in this story of events that the truth was revealed?
Also really hoping that his comment on the family trend isn't foreshadowing his own death.
About the Lysa thingy. LF and Sansa did convince people otherwise, but some things happened in these 60 years. What we know in this story so far is:
Sansa is dead. When and why she died isn't told yey, but it will be.
Littlefinger... Well, what I can confirm is that I have plans for him. You'll understanf when you see it.
I don't want you guys to wait for to long though. I'd say the fate of LF and the whole Lysa story in general will be told in maybe chapter 4.
[Try to tell him that it wasn’t her]
I fully agree with Agent, attacking the guard would be madness. Not only would it make her look guilty, it also is completely out of question that she could manage to overpower a guardsman who is alerted to her presence already. I'd rather try it with talking. Making him see reason and having him realizing that it wasn't her and couldn't have possibly been. Whoever did this had a lot of strength and a cruelty that might not even be fully human. I wouldn't exclude such a supernatural option right now.
But anyways, a nice start for this new PoV
Looking forward for how her storyline is going to play out a lot!
To add what Ben already said, there's also the chance that the story is following more the book canon in this one. In the books, Lysa dies the same way, but her death is blamed on a member of her court instead, who confesses after torture and who is used as a scapegoat for Baelish to get away with it. At least in the books, it is therefore never claimed that Lysa comitted suicide. Or even if he follows the show events, I could see it as likely that Sansa is going to reveal Baelish's actions once she stops being allied with him (which I could see as happening almost certainly at some point in the next two seasons).
[Try to tell him that it wasn't her]
I agree with the others on this one. Attacking the guard will make her look guilty. Besides, Richard Arryn should be able to vouch for her. Afterall, he was just talking to her.
[Try to tell him that it wasn’t her]
Hey man, you still around?
Hope he makes a comeback.. This story is pretty damn good.
I am. Look for a new post where I explain what's going on within an hour or so!
I promise, I won't stop with this, I love it. But some things... Well, they got in the way.
Apologies for keeping y'all in the dark.
Yepp! Once again I took a break. This time I really needed it though. There are a couple of reasons I took a break, one is very personal that I'm not yet ready to talk about. But I... got sick, you could say.
Another reason is that I had to plan the story. I know some moments that will happen in the story, that I greatly am looking forward to, but in between, I really didn't know what I was gonna do. So I decided to sit down, and plan the story in great fucking detail. First idea was Jeyne, which is the only idea you got to see, and I am very happy that it was well-received. Anyhow, then this thing happened that I'm not yet ready to talk about, which led me to not be able to plan a lot. Now I've started to plan lots of things again, and I'm making good progress. I have lots of cool plans for the story, for Barney, Harlund, Cat, Duncan and Jeyne along with a couple of new PoV's.
As you all might have noticed, I don't want to many PoV's, and certainly not this early in the story. I want to develope the 4 main PoV's, and establish them as the 4 main PoV's. Then on the side, I want other PoV's, like Jeyne for example. That I want to continue.
I'm going to continue with the planning of the story, not for to long though. I want to plan this chapter out in detail, and then continue with the story. I would like to say that the story will continue this month, but that's not for sure. If it doesn't make it's roof-lifting, groundbreaking, phenomenal, intense, mega-epic, brilliant, 10/10, 15/15, 1/22 return this month, then it should in theory come back next time.
I hope you can wait, which you should be able to, since you usually has to wait in my story.
So, just one question for you guys. Who's still interested of this story?
I'm still interested. The story is getting really good. I also am excited for when some of my characters are introduced.
Well I am of course still interested. I love this story!
Oh, thank you for giving us this update. I am sorry to hear that you have gotten sick and everything, I hope you're feeling better again soon. Take your time! This story is really growing into something wonderful and I love it, so I won't go anywhere as long as you wish to continue it. I look forward for the future parts, as soon as you have the time and the health again.
Still here an glad to hear from you!
I decided to do a little something for you guys. Thinking about all the breaks I've taken, I'm giving you, probably a very needed, Previously on FSB's A New Age.
Previously on A New Age
“FATHER!” Barney screamed in sheer horror when he saw the arrow going right through Bernhard’s head.
Barney cried while hugging his father’s corpse. Once again, Barney was alone in this world. Once again, everything changes..
“NOOOW!” A deep male voice shouted. At least a good sixty men was running towards Elaena, Cat and the guards.
“Cat! We need to get out of here, follow me!” Elaena shouted at Catelyn.
They were now standing above the corpse. “Oh no…” Elaena said. There was Elia Pyke. An arrow sat right through her neck. “Why… Why would you kill an harmless, innocent handmaiden?”
Elaena looked up at this Lord Duncan now and saw his bow…
“You…” she whispered. He was using the exactly same arrows as the one through Elias neck. “Where did you get those arrows?” she asked, with anger through her whole body. “Made at the Hunter’s Imperium, special made. You can’t get better arrows anywhere.” he answered proudly.
“Seize him… NOW! You’ve got a lot of explanations to do, my lord!”
“The great forces has been destroyed, and now there is only few soldiers left in their shitty rebellion. But there was a price to be paid... The Battle of Seagard… My father… Your lord, along with many others, was the price that had to be paid.” Barney said this, and he sounded strong, just as he needed to.
“Go to your family and stay with them for a short time. I will have you at King’s Landing within a fortnight, or you will be stempled as an enemy of the south. And mark my words, Lord Duncan, you will have no allies if that happens.” the Queen stated and walked away.
“It’s time to go home, to our beloved friends and families. Onwards, to the Hunter’s Imperium!” Duncan shouted.
“My lady!” A guard shouted from outside the carriage. “Welcome home.” He opened the door, and there the red keep was. Almost untouched since it was built. Only Cersei the mad had destroyed the great hall. And King’s Landing in general, except the red keep. However, the great hall was greater than ever. King’s Landings city was rebuilt to greatness, not a rathole.
He climbed up on the horse, and started to ride out of the gate, the soldiers close by.
“Goodbye Beartilde Hall…” Barney mumbled for himself.
“What has happened to you, my love?” Elaena asked.
“Some sort o.. Of poison, I.. I would assume..” the king coughed.
“Elaena…” Cat started to say, but cut of herself. “Yes, Cat. What is it?” Elaena asked. “When we sat in the carriage, you was just about to tell me something. I just wonder what it was you wanted to tell me, Elaena.” Cat explained.
“What I was supposed to say is that you’ve been with me for a long time, Cat. I consider you as a sister… As family. And I want you as my advisor, I want you in the council. This is not an offer, it’s an order.”
“And who might you be?” Elaena asked the tall, handsome, bearded man. “I am Ser Alliser Forrester, your grace. Sent by King Robert Stark.” he said with a northern accent. “King Robert expected you to help him.”
Elaena seemed to be thinking. “You know what? Let’s d-” she was cut of by a woman in her 70’s at least. “...Not do this. No. Agreement.”
“May I ask whom you might be, my lady?” Alliser asked the old woman. “I am Daenerys Targaryen, mother to Elaena…”
“Here they come…” Laemond mumbled. “Prepare yourselves!” It was Riverlands soldiers with their fishy armour. “Who is your leader?” Laemond asked with a demanding voice. “I am!” An older man with a raspy voice stated and walked out of the group of about 30 men and stood in front of them.
And now the reins weep o'er his halls.
200 men came out of the woods, lots of them archer, aiming at the riverlanders. Laemond continued to whistle. With no one there to hear. When the last whistle ended every archer started to shoot, while the swordsmen stood their ground. In about 10 seconds every one of the riverlanders laid dead on the ground. “Good work, men! I need you to behead each and every one of them, and put on the Stark helmets on their ugly heads.”
“Giving her these heads will not give her a choice… Queen Elaena will finally make the two pieces of Westeros one again.”
“We found out who was delivering the arrows to the fucking bandits. The smiths son, Anders.” Duncan’s son, Dustin said.
“Anders.” Duncan said with a powerful voice. Anders looked up with an absolutely bloodied face, full of wounds from hits. He was impaled with an arrow in the foot as well.
“He is a bloody traitor. deserve everything I did to him.” Dustin said, clearly angry. “This is not the way we do things here!” Duncan shouted at him.
“Guards.. Lock Dustin up in his room. Don’t let him out for a week. Understood? Anders! Because of my son’s inexcusable beatings on you, I will exile you. You will leave in the morning, so you have time to say goodbye to your father.”
“It’s time to leave! Come on! Adrion, you are in charge of Frosthorn ‘till I come back, understood?” Harlund told Adrion.
A massive shadow started to appear a bit into the woods, and both Barney and Harlund drew their swords. It was a massive Direwolf, bigger than Harlund or Barney
Farengar shot the arrow, aiming right at the head, but before it hit the direwolf a thin sword cut through the air right at the arrow and cut it in half. It was an older woman, dark brown hair, grey eyes and a long face. She’s skinny and is moving extremely quiet for her age. She wore farmer clothes. “Don’t you dare!”
The direwolf’s name is Nymeria, my… husband, I suppose, name is Gendry.” She took a deep breath and continued. “And I am Arya Stark.”
“Do what you think is right, Elaena, my dear. But you have to live with it… as I have.” Daenerys said. “What about you, Cat? What is your opinion?” Elaena asked with tears in her eyes. “I.. You should send your troops to the riverlands.”
“Have you decided in the matter?” Ser Alliser asked Queen Elaena. “We’ll help you, Ser Alliser. We’ll leave in 2 weeks.” Elaena told him.
She turns around looking at the floor, and then stands up. But just as she stood up and turned her gaze to the door, she felt a ice cold pain in her left shoulder, a knife slashing her shoulder.
“What has happened to you now?” the jester, Mysarion asked curiously.
“What the fuck…” Duncan muttered confused. He turned around and saw something that looked like a hand made catapult which shot a big rock that was just about to land inside of the walls.
“I need you now, Alicia!” Duncan said to his daughter. “Run to the guard barracks and send every man to the main gate! Understood?” Alicia nodded as an answer.
Duncan and the leader of the bandits yelled at the same time. “Get the fuck away from this wall, guards!” Respective “Use the Catapult, Fucking now!” They will put the catapult right under where they stand, which will more or less make the wall that Duncan and the guards are standing on explode. He jumped of the wall and managed to land on the ground, but before he could think of anything else, a stone hit him right in his head. It’s a miracle he’s still conscious.
“Why are we sneaking in to the Stark farm, my lord?” Farengar asked. “Something feels odd over this whole place, Farengar. Fucking odd. I need to find out what is going on.” Harlund explained.
“We’re going through the cellar. And we’ll do it in an hour” Harlund said with a determined voice.
“We’d like to get a 1000 arrows, then you paid your debts.” the old man said. Duncan shook his head. “We don’t have a lot more than 1000 arrows right now.. We need every single arrow I have.” The old man stared at him for a while. “Then we got to kill you all.. Not today, not tomorrow. But very soon we will be back, before your gates are built up again.” The old man shook his head. “So what is it? You’ll give us arrows, or you’re going to get all of your folk killed because of your pride? Are you going to kneel, or stand tall...”
“Oh gods, Cat. What has happened to?” Cat couldn’t bare it anymore, she started to sob and fell into Elaena’s arms. “He’s dead, Elaena… Father’s dead…” Elaena hugged her tightly. “Hush now, Cat… I’m sorry.. I’m soo sorry. If there’s anything I can do, anything at all, tell me.” Dany took place on the left side of her and took a look at her shoulder. “Who did this?” Daenerys asked sharply. “A… A woman. I didn’t see who it was, but it was definitely a woman.”
“Do I get a saying in the matter?” Cat asked about Mysarion to stay or go. And simultaneously Dany said No and Elaena said Yes. “Yes.” the Queen said again so Cat knew what was which. “I…”
“My father got pushed out through the Moon door, just like my grandmother. It seems like that’s becoming a trend in my family.. I intend to break that trend.” Lord Richard Arryn said.
Jeyne slowly opens the door up, and then she saw her. The naked corpse of Jasline..
‘Soon it’s time. And nothing can stop it.’
The initials W.W. on the knife…
“OI! What the fuck is this?” the guardsman asked. He was young with a thick beard. Now he saw the corpse, and his eyes widened. “The fuck have you done, you monster?” the guard was ready to drag his sword, and Jeyne knew she had to act fast..
That is a very cool idea! While I remembered most of the things that happened there, it surely cannot hurt to get a bit of a recap there, especially during breaks. Hope to see the story again in the near future, but this certainly helped with refreshing my memory
I remembered most of this, but it is always nice to have a recap. I can't wait for when the story comes back.
Damn, will you be coming back soon Ben?
I hope so! I really enjoy this story.
Firstly, sorry about the delay. I've been going in and out of the hospital, for months now, but it seems like we're getting to the last bits of my condition. I won't say anything in advance, but right now, everything seems stable with me, but it could change any second really.
Now, let's say hello to Good ol' Harlund. Harlund will finally sneak down in the cellar with Sneaky Ned and Farengar. Sorry that the part isn't very long, but they are definitely longer than when I started. I'm making progress every day, and I think you can see pretty clear that my writing has gotten a lot better.
On another note, Season 7 has started of Game of Thrones, and hopefully most of my visions on where characters are and will be is going to be right, unfortunately, I sadly read the leaked scripts, and see that some of my plans would make zero sense. However, whether the leaked scripts are true or not is yet to see. Also, even if it doesn't match up, I won't change my plans. A New Age is my canon, and it's how I would like it top play itself out. So the story will not be affected by new seasons of GoT (If I don't see fit to change it, as long as it hasn't happened in ANA yet. For Example, if I would've liked, say Bran, to participate, and he ends up dead in this season, then I might change it up since it has not yet happened. Then again, some key moments with characters I have planned will still happen, no matter what the show does.) I mean, I won't kill of Arya, Gendry, Nymeria or Dany if they somehow ends up dead. So yeah, I think that is about it.
Enjoy the new part!
Harlund VIII
At the Stark Farm
“I’ve waited long enough. We’re going in, now.” Harlund said decisively in a low tone, and pointed at the cellar door to make Sneaky Ned open it. After a few seconds, Ned opened the cellar door up, and Harlund was surprised to how little it sounded when he opened it. Ned started to walk down the stairs and waved with his hand to show that the coast is clear. Harlund started to walk to the stairs, but turned around to Farengar. “You tell us if something were to happen, alright? Things cannot escalate.” Farengar gave Harlund a nervous nod before Harlund walked down the stairs.
There was a blanket covering the doorframe, so Harlund and Ned couldn’t see through. Ned moved the blanket slightly, just so he could see the room. After a short while, he looked at Harlund, and formed the word ‘clear’ with his mouth and walked in slowly. Harlund followed shortly after. Harlund gasped slightly as he saw the things in the room. 2 of the walls were covered with faces!
A lot of holes had been mined in the walls to have faces being put there, but why? Harlund had heard stories about Arya Stark and her faces, but never believed it. “Something ain’t right here…” Harlund said with a slightly higher tone that he should have. “With all due respect, my lord. Keep. Quiet!” Ned whispered, his words barely audible. Harlund shrugged. “Don’t tell me what t…” Before he could continue Ned slapped him hard on his left cheek. It didn’t hurt too much, but it certainly took Harlund by surprise. “If you want to know what’s going on here at all, my lord, You got to be quiet.” Harlund knew it wouldn’t help anything to be angry at him right now, so Harlund kept quiet.
Harlund looked around on the walls, and noticed 1 face missing, all other faces were still there. He noticed that one wall was empty, save for 1 face in the exact middle of the wall. It was a woman’s face. Harlund felt that he had seen the face before, but he just couldn’t place it. He looked at Ned, who just shook his head in disbelief. Harlund pointed his fingers at the stairs that led into the house, to which Ned also shook his head for, but Harlund was decisive. His finger continued to point to the stairs until Ned finally sighed, and started to walk over to them.
Ned gave Harlund a sign for safety, and moved into the hallway of the farm. The northern lord followed shortly after and saw the hall. There wasn’t much, almost nothing in fact. The door to the outside were just in front of them, and apart from that, there only was a little table and a torch to give the room a little light. The 2 men sneaked up and Sneaky Ned decided that they would go to the right.
When both of them started to slowly walk to the right, a voice was heard. “Excuse me sirs? Are you looking for Lady Arya?” An old voice asked behind them. Harlund turned around quickly and got a good look at her. She had grey fluffy hair reaching her shoulders, blue old, tired eyes and a very crooked nose. The old woman wasn’t very tall, and she wore a grey dirty robe. In her hand was a duster. “Who.. are you?” Sneaky Ned asked curiously, yet cautiously. “Oh, where are my manners! My name is Minerva, I’m the cleaner of the house I suppose. They took me in 40 years ago, when Lady Arya settled down here with Sir Gendry. I was all alone… I had walked from White Harbour, the fat seel Manderly didn’t need my services anymore, and there was no space for me. He sent me out, with a knife and barely any food or water. I just walked and walked till I got here. I am so happy that they took me in…” She said, and it looked like she dreamed herself away.
“Oh, sorry. I floated away a little there, Apologizes. Now, what is it you 2 fine men want?” Ned continued to be the one to talk. “Yes, yes. As you said, we wanted to talk to Lady Stark.” To this, Minerva smiled and took a step backwards. “I think, Lady Arya and Sir Gendry is sleeping. It’s a bit late for a visit after all, but I wake her up then, assuming that this is important?” To this, Harlund opened his mouth for the first time since they met this peculiar woman. “Yes. Very important.” He lied, but the old hag seemed convinced. “Well alright, just stay here and I will go and get her.” Minerva said, turned around and started to walk away. Suddenly however, she stopped after taking about 5 steps. “Just one more thing.” She said, turned back and started to walk towards Ned and Harlund again. “What is i…” Ned started to ask, but Minerva just raised her hand right towards them, about the same height as she is.
Minerva moved her hand to her face, touching different places of her face with her fingers. She moved all of her fingers towards her nose, And Harlund could not believe it. Her face was coming of! “What the bloody.. The fuck?!?” Harlund exclaimed. “Fuck my mother….” Ned mumbled, surprised. The new face Harlund recognized in an instant.. It was Arya. “Surprised? I thought you had heard the stories, Lord Marbrand.” Harlund just froze, he… how?!? He had heard the stories, but he could never believe it! No one can take a face! Neither Ned or Harlund could utter a single word. Instead, Arya laughed. “Are you really that surprised? Incredible! I waited such a long time to scare someone like that!” Arya continued to laugh for a little while before she pointed down to the cellars. “Down, now.” Ned did as she commanded in a split second, Harlund was reluctant, but he did it nonetheless.
“Why did you sneak into my house anyways?” Still, no one answered, and Arya just rolled her eyes. “No matter. Frightening you was definitely worth it.” They walked back down to the cellar, and finally, Ned opened his mouth to speak. “What is this place? Who are all of these people?” Harlund couldn’t stop staring at the head that was alone on the wall. “People that I have killed over the years. Well, mostly at least.” She said and looked at Harlund and followed his stare to the lone face. “I’m sure you wonder who this is, why this face is so important to be kept apart from the other faces… Well, I do feel slightly bad for the scar-thing I did, so i could tell you.. IF you promise not to tell anyone else. If you do…” Arya’s face grew a whole lot darker. “...I might just have to kill you.”
[Promise to not tell anyone] [Don’t promise]
It's your lucky day!
Aaaaa, you're back
This is great, I am glad you're feeling a bit better. Hopefully it won't take much longer until you make your full recovery. Until then, I am happy you are feeling good enough to continue writing already.
[Promise to not tell anyone]
Yeeeah, let's not anger the crazy person
Seriously, Arya does not seem to be the most stable one around, though that is perfectly understandable, given what she has been through. I'd say Harlund is better off just promising her and get it over with. It's not as if her big secret is all that dangerous, right? Well, at least I don't hope so. I do wonder whose face it is though. Cersei maybe? Though she has to be dead for decades now. Do these faces never rot, I wonder?
[Promise not to tell anyone] Ain't pissin' Arya off.
This. I wonder this as well. I looked around a little and I cannot find an answer. I would suppose that they are doing something mummy like and oil in the faces a lot. Surely all of the faces in the hall of faces aren't new. Surely there has been faces there for many years.
I actually just had to remember, though I don't have the scene here to check, hasn't Jaqen said that some of the faces have been from the first Faceless Men? Or was that something from the books? I could swear he (or his book counterpart, the Kindly Man), explained this at some point, that some of the faces in the Hall of Faces date back hundreds or even thousands of years, to the time the Faceless Men have been founded by slave miners in the mountains beneath Valyria. I guess no matter if it was from the books or show, that seems to be canon for both continuities.
Also, come to think of it, I guess Harlund would have mentioned if half of the faces in the room would be rotten. I kind of doubt Arya keeps dozens of fresh faces there on the off chance someone comes to sneak into her cellar XD
Now that you mention it, it definitely is ringing a bell. I'll just suppose that after a face-pizza party when they put the faces back again, they are just immune to rot. Or maybe you just gotta use them after some time to keep them fresh.. Ahem. To whoever it is that have that job, I seriously pity you.
[Don't promise] I'm pretty sure she's just screwing with them and besides I'm not convinced that what they found should be kept to themselves.
[Promise to not tell anyone]
We wouldn't want to get on Arya's bad side.
The Voting is Closed!
You guys chose, yet again to follow Arya's will, (Promise to not tell anyone) which I don't blame you for. I would likely have chosen the same.
Next part should be up reasonably soon, in the net couple hours or tomorrow is very likely. We are going back to Cat in King's Landing. She chose between sending Mysarion, the jester, away, or let him stay. Or rather, she voiced her opinion. Cat doesn't hold a lot of power, so she doesn't choose, really. This is more showing her loaylty to Elaena and Mysarion, or showing loyalty to Daenerys, which she so far hasn't. You chose to give Elaena continued support, and we will see how that'll play out.
Also, thanks to every single one that is commenting, voting or even reading this story. You guys make my day, and truly is what keeps this story going when I can. Granted, there is 4 of you that has been here and voted most of the times, which isn't a lot, but it doesn't really matter, because I know that you are very loyal. I would obviously want more readers, I think everyone making a story wants more readers always, but yet, I am absolutely a 100% thankful that you are here, to everyone that has commented really, on this journey.
I'm not making the story, you are! (Cliché, but true.)
Catelyn XI
At King’s Landing
“He should stay. Mysarion saved me only minutes ago, he doesn’t deserve to get sent away!” Catelyn exclaimed. Mysarion smirked and gave her a nod while Daenerys rolled her eyes and took a step closer to Cat, yet she is still looking on her daughter. “What a surprise. She chose your side, once again.” she said and turned her gaze to Cat. “But this is not negotiable. He is leaving with Laemond next time he returns… Catelyn. Elaena…” she said and turned her gaze towards Mysarion and said with great anger. “Mysarion..” before she walked away.
“Well.. That could’ve gone a lot smoother. Thank you, M’Lady Catelyn.” Mysarion said and gave Cat a thankful gesture. “Indeed.. Mysarion, do you need anything else?” Elaena asked, which Mysarion shook his head to. “Alright! A servant will come and clean the blood up, oh, and apologies for mother. Cat, walk with me.” Elaena said and started to walk the hallway slowly. Cat turned around to Mysarion before she walked with Elaena. “Goodbye Mysarion.” To this Mysarion gave her a quick smile. “Bye-bye M’lady..” Mysarion said and walked into his room and closed the door.
Catelyn quickly caught up to Elaena. “You are really making a habit of making me choose between you or the Queen Mother.” Cat stated to Elaena, which Elaena flashed a smile to her. “I know, Cat. And I’m sorry, but you need to learn to make hard decisions. As a small council member and an very trusted advisor to me, hard decisions needs to be made, and your opinion is valued highly.” she stopped and took both of Cat’s arms. “Promise me that you will say YOUR opinion. Not the one that you think will please me. Promise.” Cat looked around in the bright hall before she answered. “I promise, Elaena. I promise.” Elaena gave her a bright smile. “Thank you, Cat. Now, let’s go to Grand Maester Wylis. At this time… He’s probably still with the King…. Follow me..” Elaena gave her a sad expression before they started to walk to the king’s quarters.
Once they have been walking half the way, Catelyn broke the silence. “Have they found a cure for the King?” Elaena glanced over her shoulder and looked at Cat before she answered. “I.. Wylis mentioned that he was close to some sort of cure, but he would still look like he is 50 years older. That won’t matter though, the important thing is that he is alive and well. How is your shoulder?” Cat felt the thumping and constant pain her shoulder, but it was definitely better than before. “It’s better.. It still hurts a lot though.” Elaena gave her a quick smile. “I can only imagine. I promise you this though, Cat. We will find the woman behind this. That is a promise.” Cat nodded just before they reached the King’s quarters.
Elaena opened the door for Cat, and Cat walked in. It looked just like before, lots of guards, the king lay in the bed and Grand Maester Wylis was doing some sort of potion experiment, it looked like. Wylis looked up at the 2 ladies quickly before looking down on the potion again, clearly not noticing the cut on Catelyn’s arm. “Grand Maester Wyli…” Elaena said before Wylis interrupted her. “Just a moment your grace, I am in a very delicate part of the potion-making. Just let me… Ah, that should do it. My king Denterys, you need to drink this.” The king slowly opened his mouth, and Wylis poured the Liquid in his mouth. The liquid was like water, but very, very dark-blue. The king fell asleep shortly after the liquid was swallowed.
“That should do it, your grace. You just rest and you should be back to your old self soon… Well, at least inside your body… Now, My queen Elaena. Lady Catelyn… Oh my, Lady Catelyn. You’ve hurt your shoulder pretty bad there. How did this happen?” Cat looked at Elaena, who just nodded at her. Cat sat down on a chair that Wylis pointed at. “I was attacked by a woman. Probably assassin. She was about to cut my throat, but I turned around just before she did.. Then I just ran, and ran.”
“Most peculiar.” A man said who just entered the room. He had red, fine clothes with the targaryen symbol, as well as a black and a white swan. Blue, piercing eyes and brown, well-kept beard and nicely combed hair, reaching his neck. Cat recognized him directly. It was Ser Edward Swann, the second-born son of Lord Swann. Ser Edward is the Master of laws “We have had several witnesses that has stated that a mysterious woman has been wandering around in the Red Keep. I don’t think this is a coincidence.” Edward stated, and Wylis shook his head. “It is very likely not a coincidence. Although one might wonder… A King is probably the biggest assassination you could get. It’s quite a jump between the King of the south and a simple handmaiden from a reasonably small house in the north. No offence, Lady Catelyn.” Cat gave Wylis a quick smirk. “None taken. Could you please fix this wound up now?” Wylis nodded. “But of course. I can ease your mind and tell you that it probably isn’t poisoned. If she was trying to cut your throat then expensive poison wouldn’t be necessary, now would it? Although I cannot know it for sure, of course.” By now, Elaena had walked past them and sat down next to her husband. Edward walked past them as well, to the king and Elaena.
“Your grace. If there is anything I can do..” Elaena gave him a sharp glare, not filled with anger, but with sorrow. “You… you just find who did this, Ser Edward. Find her, and bring her to me, to meet the Queen’s justice.” Edward gave her a proud nod. “Aye, your grace. As the Swann-words say, there is No Foe But Injustice. I will bring her here, your grace.” Queen Elaena gave him a nod and a thin smile before he left walked back to the door, past Cat. He turned around in the doorframe and looked at Catelyn. “I will bring her, for you, Lady Catelyn. And for the King.” he said and then left.
“Where did this horrible deed happen, my lady?” The Grand Maester asked curiously while he redressed the wound. “In my room. I must have forgotten to close my door. And then I didn’t notice. I… I just read that my father had died, I didn’t notice that someone walked right through my door and sneaked up to me.” Cat said, keeping her tears in as good as she could. “My condolences, my lady. I didn’t know.” Wylis said and gave her a sad look. “How could you know? Agh! That hurt. You done soon, Grand Maester?” Wylis gave her a smile. “Yes… Hmm… That should do it, now just let me roll bandage around your shoulder there.. Just raise your arm carefully, wouldn’t want the wound to get even bigger.” Cat slowly rose her arm till it was about the same height as her shoulder, and Wylis started to roll out some bandage.
“We will need guards stationed outside Catelyn’s new quarters.” Elaena said, and Wylis gave her a confused look. “New quarters, your grace?” Wylis asked, and Elaena gave him a nod. “As a member of the Small Council, she will need to get quarters in the Small Council section.” Wylis confused look disappeared, as he remembered something. “Oh, but of course. I almost forgot our new councilmember. Congratulations to your new position, my lady. Your quarters will be just left of Ser Swann.”
“Thank you, Grand Maester.” Wylis smiled at her. “Your welcome, my lady.. There, bandage done. I need you to visit me tomorrow, Lady Catelyn. If your wound looks good there shouldn’t be any danger.” Wylis gave her a stern look and Catelyn nodded when someone almost slammed the door up. It was Ser Alliser Forrester. “I heard what happened, my lady. Are you alright?” he said, quite stressed. “I’m fine, Ser Alliser.” Alliser gave her a relieved smile, but quickly got his stern gaze back. “My lady, could I escort you to your chambers? I have some things I would like to talk about.”
[Let Ser Alliser escort you] [Stay in the King’s quarters]
[Let Ser Alliser escort you]
I don't see a reason why not. Wylis is done with treating the wound, so Catelyn can leave now. Whatever Alliser wishes to talk about, I have the feeling it might actually be important, so perhaps she can learn something useful here. Considering the Forrester's are fellow Northerners, it might actually be very important, who knows. Only way to find out is to go with him there. On top of that, I don't see what Catelyn could do in the King's quarters. Given how sick the man is, she cannot do anything for him and might actually just be in the way.
[Let Ser Alliser escort you] I agree with Liquid on this one. There really isn't anything else she could do, but talk to Elaena- But she seems rather occupied with her husband. Giving some space is probably wise.
[Let Ser Alliser escort you]
I really like this storyline.