Harlund VI
At the Stark Farm
Reluctantly, he kneeled in front of Arya. Barney kneeled as fast as he heard her name, but Harlund was mo… morere reluctant. “Oh gods.. Rise up, my lords.” she said and gave them a smirk. “Do you have any tents?” Harlund and Duncan looked at each other and answered simultaneously. “Yes, your highness” Arya smiled at this comment and looked at Gendry. “Arya works absolutely fine for me, my lords.” Gendry smiled. “As my lady commands.” Gendry seemed to understand what she was trying to tell him. She looked at Barney and Harlund. “Get your tents up there. On the grass field. Should be big enough for you both. Goodnight, my lords.” Barney bowed to her, while Harlund simply nodded, and then the both men walked towards their men.
“This can’t be true, Barney.” Harlund told him. “I’ve heard that Arya was dead.. Just a couple of weeks ago.” Barney chuckled. “And who told you that, Harlund? It wasn’t long ago I fought be… [view original content]
[Sneak through the Cellar] I think the cellar sounds like the most secretive route, even if there's the danger that they don't know what to find. But it's worth a try.
Hm... What Harlund brought up there gave me something of a bad suspicion. I mean, I doubt it's true, but what if this woman is not the real Arya, but an impostor? Sounds a bit unlikely, but I wouldn't see it as outright impossible. I will remain on guard there, let's see what we can find out.
Harlund VI
At the Stark Farm
Reluctantly, he kneeled in front of Arya. Barney kneeled as fast as he heard her name, but Harlund was mo… morere reluctant. “Oh gods.. Rise up, my lords.” she said and gave them a smirk. “Do you have any tents?” Harlund and Duncan looked at each other and answered simultaneously. “Yes, your highness” Arya smiled at this comment and looked at Gendry. “Arya works absolutely fine for me, my lords.” Gendry smiled. “As my lady commands.” Gendry seemed to understand what she was trying to tell him. She looked at Barney and Harlund. “Get your tents up there. On the grass field. Should be big enough for you both. Goodnight, my lords.” Barney bowed to her, while Harlund simply nodded, and then the both men walked towards their men.
“This can’t be true, Barney.” Harlund told him. “I’ve heard that Arya was dead.. Just a couple of weeks ago.” Barney chuckled. “And who told you that, Harlund? It wasn’t long ago I fought be… [view original content]
[Sneak through the Cellar] I think the cellar sounds like the most secretive route, even if there's the danger that they don't know what to … morefind. But it's worth a try.
Hm... What Harlund brought up there gave me something of a bad suspicion. I mean, I doubt it's true, but what if this woman is not the real Arya, but an impostor? Sounds a bit unlikely, but I wouldn't see it as outright impossible. I will remain on guard there, let's see what we can find out.
In her defense (and in defense of Barney and the others), impersonating a member of the royal family is among the worst crimes possible in a feudal society and something absolutely nobody would say lightly. Since she also has a huge direwolf to back her claim up, she has some stuff speaking in her favour. Maybe Harlund is just paranoid, since there's nothing speaking against her words either, at least not yet. Maybe we'll find something when we search her house.
You are headin' down the cellar, we'll see if we find aany info there. Next part'll be up probably tomorrow evening. It's Cat, and last time we saw her You (Cat) told Elaena to send troops north, we'll see how that plays out as well.
NOW! I updated the map just slightly, and just wanted your opinion on it, I changed it to be mjore or less precisely right instead of kind of off, tell me what you think.
“I.. You should send them there. They won't expect you, which will result in minor casualties. You will gain better relationship with the north, which you also need. And.. eehm.. That’s that.” Cat was almost certain that she started to blush. Daenerys turned around and started to walk away. “Where are you going, mother?” Elaena asked her. “I’ve said my piece, Lady Catelyn has said hers. Now I leave the decision up to you, Elaena.” She said while slowly walking away. “Can you just tell Alliser Forrester to come in on your way out?” Elaena asked, with an almost pleading voice while she sat down at the table. “Yes.” Daenerys simply answered before she left the room. Elaena sighted as she pointed at the chair left to her. Cat understood what she meant and sat down there.
Elaena looked at Cat. “You really meant what you said, Cat? It’s not just because the north is the north?” Cat actually wasn’t sure. She didn’t know if it was biased. “I.. I don’t think so Elaena. You need better relationship. That’s what these lands are built upon.” As Cat breathed she heard the door open and close to the small council chamber. It was Alliser entering the room.
He looked at Elaena. “Your grace.” he said and bowed to them both, and then he looked at Cat. “My lady.” He looked at Elaena again. “Have you decided in the matter?” Elaena sat quiet for a while, staring at Cat’s hands on the table. “Oh to hell with it.” she mumbled. “We’ll help you, Alliser. We’ll leave in 2 weeks.” This caused Alliser to open his mouth widely. “2 weeks, your grace? Why not 1?” Cat looked at Elaena, and Elaena looked at her before Elaena looked at Alliser again. “Firstly.. I need to summon my troops.. Secondly.. I need to summon the South.. Thirdly.. I met a lord on the kingsroad a while ago. He’s charged for the murder of Elia Pyke. He’ll be here in at most 13 days.. And I will be the one to judge him.” Alliser nodded. “Okay, your grace. I’ll stay here and ride with you.. If that pleases you.” Elaena hesitated for a moment, before she answered. “Do so, Alliser. I have a room that should be suitable for you.” Alliser smiled and walked away.
“Cat… Go to your room. Get some rest. We got a long 2 weeks ahead of us. I’ll check in on you soon. I figure we gotta talk about… About everything.” Cat nodded. “Your grace.” she said, and left the room. She walked through the great hall and turned left up a couple of staircases and turned right. Walked in a grey hallway and then walked up to the brown, detailed door in front of her and opened it.
Her room was pointing to the north. Needless to say, she couldn’t see Beartilde Hall from the window. But she could see a tower from Rosby as the furthest. Her room was nothing special. A normal bed, a chest with important belongings, A little table next to the bed. A chair in the right corner with a little table. A desk with an important letters, and also a new one it seems. She didn’t close her door, she needed to get some air inside. She also opened her window, to get some air inside as well.
She sat down at her table and took the letter up. It was send from the North. From house Beartilde. She smiled of joy, but still felt slightly scared to what the content in the letter is. She opened up the seal and started to read.
Hello, C.
B here. I hope you have a nice day. Some things happened. I can’t write it down… It.. It hurts to much. But I know that you know and understands.
I’m sorry. And I love you, sister.
Lord Barney Beartilde
Cat didn’t even cry. She just sat there, for what seemed like forever. She decided to go to Elaena. She turns around looking at the floor, and then stands up. But just as she stood up and turned her gaze to the door, she felt a ice cold pain in her left shoulder. Someone tried to kill her, but because of Cat standing up just that second. she slashed her left shoulder up, instead of her throat.. She didn’t see much of the person. before she just started to run. But it looked like a woman. She just ran and ran and ran, she didn’t care about her wound. When she ran left in the corridor she hit someone, and something hit the floor. Cat fell on her butt and was about to run again before she looked at the person she ran into. “Oh shit, my instrument.. Lucky you I have tw…” The man looked down at her and saw who it was and saw Cat’s wound. It was the royal jester and bard, Mysarion, she ran into.
The man is from Lys, and just like many others Lysene, he has a Valyrian heritage. Boyish good looks, sparkling violet eyes and silvery-white hair, which he has short cut. The man is 22, but if you don’t know that, you could easily think that he’s 17 or 18. Many handmaidens in the Red Keep is in love with him. There is few who doesn’t like him, Queen mother Daenerys is one of them. Mysarion has a strange long walking stick made of black wood which ends in two dragon heads at the sides and a red jester hat with 4 little bells in the middle at the top of it. His bard clothes are a mixture of easy travel clothes made of silk and the wild, goofy clothes of a jester. The colors of his bard clothes are red, black, and a bit of gold, including the golden bells on his jester's cap. His harlequin stockings and shirt are both in mixed plain & squared design on which red and black colors dominate.
“What has happened to you now?” he asked curiously. Cat just now noticed how deep the cut actually was. Her whole arm was now red, before she answered. “Someone tried to murder me, Mysarion. I think I’ll bleed out!” She knew she wouldn’t bleed out, but she’s losing a lot of blood. And she’s panicking. “Alright, alright. I got some bandages in my room, but I don’t really know what to do.” Cat didn’t care, her fath… her father showed her some things. “I do… You’re room is right here, no?” she said in pain and grimaced, as Mysarion nodded. “Yes, didn’t even have time to close my door before you cut me of, my lady, hehe... Sorry, that was stupid of me, take my hand, Lady Cutely… Catelyn.” Cat couldn’t care less about the jesters jokes right now. She grabbed his hand and then they walked in to his room. The room had an absolutely bizarre design for herself. But she could see a jester decorate a room with very jestery things. The blanket and pillow had a black and red pattern. He had a carpet with black and red pattern. Basically everything had a pattern of red and black.
Mysarion walked with fast steps to his desk to open a drawer to find the bandages. Cat saw that he took a couple of letters and put down in the drawer, but Cat didn’t care. It’s his privacy, she respected that, at least she hoped that she did.. “Ah, here it is. Patch yourself up, my lady.” he said and danced to her. He gave it to her, and pointed at the bed, she walked to the bed and sat down to patch herself up. She realized now everything that just happened. Her father died some time ago. A woman had tried to murder her. She started to cry. Mysarion noticed it and tried to cheer her up. “My lady. Look at this pie right here. You see it? No? Oh, dummy me. I have to get it. Ah. Here we are. It’s a lemon pie. My faaaaaavourite, haha!” he laughed and slammed the pie in his face. Cat didn’t laugh though, which Mysarion noticed. “I’m sorry, my lady. That is childish humour. It works on the dummies in court though.”
“Did you know I’m from Lys? That I’m nobility?” Mysarion tried to start a conversation. “I do, everyone here does. I’m sorry, but I have to find Elaena. Could you please go get some guards, that could escort me.” she asked while scratching her eyes. “Absolutely my lady. I’ll find someone. Guards never walk this part of the castle though. I’ll be right back. Oh, I should probably get all this pie out of my face first.” he said and grabbed a towel to clean himself up. When he was done, he opened the door, but before he could close it, Cat told him something. “I’ll lock the door from inside, Mysarion. Just knock in a jestery way when you come back, and I’ll open.. And please be safe.” Mysarion nodded, closed the door, and then Cat walked to the door, and locked it. She looked over at the drawer where the jester hid the letters. Her curiosity almost gets the better of her. She don’t know if she should…
[Look in the Drawer] It is Kings Landing after all. Gotta find out as much as you can. Anyone could have an agenda and info you could use. Plus the door is locked, I don't think there's much danger of being caught.
Did I miss something? I don't recall Cat being attacked.
About the map, it's definitely an improvement. It's smoother and easier to tell where everything is.
Catelyn VII
At King’s Landing
“I.. You should send them there. They won't expect you, which will result in minor casualties. You will … moregain better relationship with the north, which you also need. And.. eehm.. That’s that.” Cat was almost certain that she started to blush. Daenerys turned around and started to walk away. “Where are you going, mother?” Elaena asked her. “I’ve said my piece, Lady Catelyn has said hers. Now I leave the decision up to you, Elaena.” She said while slowly walking away. “Can you just tell Alliser Forrester to come in on your way out?” Elaena asked, with an almost pleading voice while she sat down at the table. “Yes.” Daenerys simply answered before she left the room. Elaena sighted as she pointed at the chair left to her. Cat understood what she meant and sat down there.
Elaena looked at Cat. “You really meant what you said, Cat? It’s not just because the north is the north?” Cat actually wasn’t sure. She di… [view original content]
[Look in the Drawer] It is Kings Landing after all. Gotta find out as much as you can. Anyone could have an agenda and info you could use. P… morelus the door is locked, I don't think there's much danger of being caught.
Did I miss something? I don't recall Cat being attacked.
About the map, it's definitely an improvement. It's smoother and easier to tell where everything is.
Ahh okay. A bit of constructive criticism: It wasn't explained very well Cat didn't really react in any way, she was basically like "Oh no I've been stabbed." Don't get me wrong though, it was a great part! That little bit just had me a little confused.
Catelyn VII
At King’s Landing
“I.. You should send them there. They won't expect you, which will result in minor casualties. You will … moregain better relationship with the north, which you also need. And.. eehm.. That’s that.” Cat was almost certain that she started to blush. Daenerys turned around and started to walk away. “Where are you going, mother?” Elaena asked her. “I’ve said my piece, Lady Catelyn has said hers. Now I leave the decision up to you, Elaena.” She said while slowly walking away. “Can you just tell Alliser Forrester to come in on your way out?” Elaena asked, with an almost pleading voice while she sat down at the table. “Yes.” Daenerys simply answered before she left the room. Elaena sighted as she pointed at the chair left to her. Cat understood what she meant and sat down there.
Elaena looked at Cat. “You really meant what you said, Cat? It’s not just because the north is the north?” Cat actually wasn’t sure. She di… [view original content]
Hm... I wonder why someone would try to murder Cat. That particular bit of information is even more intriguing to me than who it was. Could it be because she's close to the queen? Or because her brother is a close bannerman of House Stark? There are quite a number of reasons I could think of here, but it's safe to say I am surprised of this twist.
[Go and Sit on the bed]
I really don't think this is such a good idea to look through his stuff. After all, Mysarion could somehow notice that she looked through his stuff, which would likely mean that she would gain a new enemy. I don't really trust him, but I think staying on his good side is more important. I mean, I wouldn't necessarily object to look through his stuff, but I think this is the wiser option here.
Catelyn VII
At King’s Landing
“I.. You should send them there. They won't expect you, which will result in minor casualties. You will … moregain better relationship with the north, which you also need. And.. eehm.. That’s that.” Cat was almost certain that she started to blush. Daenerys turned around and started to walk away. “Where are you going, mother?” Elaena asked her. “I’ve said my piece, Lady Catelyn has said hers. Now I leave the decision up to you, Elaena.” She said while slowly walking away. “Can you just tell Alliser Forrester to come in on your way out?” Elaena asked, with an almost pleading voice while she sat down at the table. “Yes.” Daenerys simply answered before she left the room. Elaena sighted as she pointed at the chair left to her. Cat understood what she meant and sat down there.
Elaena looked at Cat. “You really meant what you said, Cat? It’s not just because the north is the north?” Cat actually wasn’t sure. She di… [view original content]
Catelyn VII
At King’s Landing
“I.. You should send them there. They won't expect you, which will result in minor casualties. You will … moregain better relationship with the north, which you also need. And.. eehm.. That’s that.” Cat was almost certain that she started to blush. Daenerys turned around and started to walk away. “Where are you going, mother?” Elaena asked her. “I’ve said my piece, Lady Catelyn has said hers. Now I leave the decision up to you, Elaena.” She said while slowly walking away. “Can you just tell Alliser Forrester to come in on your way out?” Elaena asked, with an almost pleading voice while she sat down at the table. “Yes.” Daenerys simply answered before she left the room. Elaena sighted as she pointed at the chair left to her. Cat understood what she meant and sat down there.
Elaena looked at Cat. “You really meant what you said, Cat? It’s not just because the north is the north?” Cat actually wasn’t sure. She di… [view original content]
I'm really curious about those letters. What if he is secretly a spy! She won't get caught since the door is locked. She may never get another chance to see those letters. If he is a spy, knowing this information may be useful later.
Catelyn VII
At King’s Landing
“I.. You should send them there. They won't expect you, which will result in minor casualties. You will … moregain better relationship with the north, which you also need. And.. eehm.. That’s that.” Cat was almost certain that she started to blush. Daenerys turned around and started to walk away. “Where are you going, mother?” Elaena asked her. “I’ve said my piece, Lady Catelyn has said hers. Now I leave the decision up to you, Elaena.” She said while slowly walking away. “Can you just tell Alliser Forrester to come in on your way out?” Elaena asked, with an almost pleading voice while she sat down at the table. “Yes.” Daenerys simply answered before she left the room. Elaena sighted as she pointed at the chair left to her. Cat understood what she meant and sat down there.
Elaena looked at Cat. “You really meant what you said, Cat? It’s not just because the north is the north?” Cat actually wasn’t sure. She di… [view original content]
Yeah. Now when I've re-read it a few times I can very much see that it was a bit clumsy.
About the part where she reacted, I felt like she got such an adrenaline rush from it (I'm not saying she didn't notice it, just that she 'felt' it more when she ran into the Jester and really understood what had happened to her.
But I am very glad that you are giving me more criticism to make me a better writer. Thanks!
Ahh okay. A bit of constructive criticism: It wasn't explained very well Cat didn't really react in any way, she was basically like "Oh no I… more've been stabbed." Don't get me wrong though, it was a great part! That little bit just had me a little confused.
Yeah. Now when I've re-read it a few times I can very much see that it was a bit clumsy.
About the part where she reacted, I felt like sh… moree got such an adrenaline rush from it (I'm not saying she didn't notice it, just that she 'felt' it more when she ran into the Jester and really understood what had happened to her.
But I am very glad that you are giving me more criticism to make me a better writer. Thanks!
You guys chose in the end to Look in the Drawer. We'll get to see shortly what we got there.
Next part'll be a Barney part, and in the end a short Harlund part. Harlund was just about to sneek in to the Stark Farm-house. And Barney's settling in for the night. The part should be up later tonight. Expect it in 3-4 hours. Otherwise, early in the morning. Sorry for the slight delay!
“Oh, fuck.” Barney said as he sat by the campfire and saw Harlund sneaking away to the house. Jaesa turned her head around and saw him as well. “What the hell is he doing?” she asked. “He doesn’t trust Arya, he doesn’t think it’s her even.. Heh, if that isn’t paranoia, I don’t know what is.” Barney chuckled, and Jaesa chuckled slightly as well. “Why aren’t you stopping him, though?” she asked him, with a hint of concern in her voice. “He’s not my kid an-” Jaesa cut him off “Whaat? No way. I thought he was.” she said sarcastically, and Barney smiled at her remark. “The man’s old enough to be my fathe…” Barney didn’t continue. Jaesa saw that it hurt him. “I’m sorry. Shouldn’t have brought it up.” Barney looked behind Jaesa and saw two more men sneaking away, one looking like Farengar. “It’s alright. I need to move on. Would you excuse me? I won't help ‘em out, but gods, how stupid are they to go in already. I think I got to give them some advice in using brain.” Jaesa nodded and smiled at him before he left.
They were standing close to a little shed at the main house, Barney could overhear the unknown man. “...might be the safest route. But anything can happen. I’ll let you choose this one, my lord.” Harlund answered directly. “We’re taking the cellar. Come on, Farengar, stay on guard.” Harlund started to walk away with the unknown man before he heard Barney’s voice. “Harlund, how stupid are you?” Barney wheezed at him. Harlund turned around. “Didn’t you say that you won't get in my fucking way, Barney?” he whispered back at him. “Yes, but I thought you had a plan. How dumb can you be to go in already. Wait for an hour. They’re probably still awake in there. Wait at least until they’re asleep!” Barney said in a slightly higher tone, but still low enough to not reach the house.
Harlund hesitated, but in the end, he nodded. “Fine” he added shortly. “At the very least you’re smart enough to take the cellar. Good call there, Harlund. What are you trying to achieve here though?” Barney compliment and asked Harlund. “I told you. This woman isn’t Arya. She is… someone else. And I will find out, that’s what I’m trying to achieve. Now, if you don’t want to be a part of this little group here, I’d ask you to fucking leave.” Harlund said, he was about to lose his temper, Barney didn’t want that. “My lord…” he said and left to head back to Jaesa and the fire. He saw two men talking to Jaesa that he didn’t recognise, then he saw the sigil on their arms, which indicated that they are Harlund’s men. Jaesa was visibly uncomfortable. She never told him, but Barney could tell that she has a hard time trusting and getting comfortable around new people. It took quite a while at Beartilde Hall, where she at least was comfortable, but probably not ready to trust yet. Hell, she probably doesn’t fully trust Barney yet.
The younger man was more muscular and shorter than the other one. The man has big black, tired eyes. Long and unruly blonde hair, and he is clean shaven. Barney would guess that he is in his early 20s. The other one is taller, older, but also skinnier than the other one. He got black and narrow eyes. The man has Dark blonde hair, completely shaven on the left side, and the right side is brushed forward, covering the right side of his face which constantly shows a deep and dark look. He also grows a bushy beard. He seems to be in his late 20’s.
The taller man was talking to the other man just now. “Yrin. Come on! Crack a smile to this fair lady! May I know your name?” the tall man said happily and smiled widely at Jaesa. “I.. My name is Jaesa Brennys.” An old soldier from the Marbrand army shouted at the tall man. The man had a long grey beard, reaching his groin. He was completely bald though. He was old, probably in his 60’s at least, but still looked reasonably good. Average height, and really muscular for his age. He did have a scar on his cheek though. “OI, Alfdan! We found a weirwood in the forest, it’s praying time.. You comin’?” Alfdan looked back at Jaesa and then at the soldier again. “I’ll be there in a minute, Jurgen. It’s just right the way you’re going?” Alfdan asked them as they started to walk. Jurgen nodded and slowly started to walk to the weirwood tree.
Alfdan noticed first now that Barney were there, and he and Yrin nodded simultaneously at Barney. “My lord. Will you accompany us to the weirwood tree?” Alfdan asked in a joyful tone. Barney thought about this for a moment, looked at Jaesa and saw her expression. “I’m sorry, gentlemens. I have some things to attend to. I prayed earlier today.” Alfdan looked at Jaesa and back at Barney. “Yeah.. I can see what you have to attend to.” he said in a mocking tone and started to chuckle. When he noticed that no one else found it funny, or even reacted, he cleared his throat and looked back at Jaesa again. “My lady Jaesa.. Do you believe in the old gods. Obviously, you’re from a foreign land.” Jaesa decided to stand up now, even though she still had to look slightly up to see his face. “I’m undecided.. I don’t know if I believe in seven gods or in the weirdwoods of th..” Alfdan interrupted her. “Let me stop you right there.. I take my beliefs very seriously, and I will not have anyone mocking it. I will not have anyone close to me that doesn’t believe in the only gods that’s real either.” Alfdan’s tone got very serious. “ I never intended us to become very close friends at all. Maybe you should stick to your friends who walked away to pray, instead of one of few women here.” Alfdan and Jaesa stared at each other for a while. “Yeah… Come on Brother” Alfdan said in a very dark tone and walked away towards the weirwood tree with his brother Yrin just behind him.
Jaesa waited until they weren’t seeable any longer. “Can you believe that guy? He won't befriend me because we don’t believe in the same gods. It’s like that he won't tolerate me.” Barney raised his eyebrow. “Does that bother you, Jaesa?” She was quiet for a couple of moments before she answered. “No.. It’s just.. I haven’t met a man like that in a while.” Barney saw her sad expression. “Well.. We northerners are loyalists. We are loyal to a cause.. A lord, a kingdom, or even a god until the day we die. I imagine that the southerners aren’t even close as loyal as we. They probably get better year after year though. Anyway.. You wanna talk about anything?” Jaesa sat down and looked up at him and shook her head. “Barney.. Go to that weirwood tree of yours. I need to go to sleep anyhow. It’s a long day tomorrow isn’t it?” Barney nodded. “It is, Good Night Jaesa.” Barney said and smile to her, Jaesa gave him a weak, quick smile back. “Night.” She said and just lay herself on her back and closed her eyes.
Barney walked through the woods until he saw it. The blood-crying face carved into the almost white enormous tree with red leaves. The Marbrand men just sat on the ground spread out relatively close to the tree with closed eyes. He saw Alfdan and Yrin just next to each other right in front of the tree and he saw Jurgen to the left of it. He even saw a Beartilde man or two. Barney himself sat down where he stood, slightly right to the face of the tree. The thoughts started to fly around in his head everything that has happened. But only two thing was he praying for. He was praying for his own wellbeing, along with his house all citizens and soldiers. But more importantly, he was praying for his sister's wellbeing. He prayed that the death of their father wouldn’t be too much for her, and that she would stay safe…
No Choices ‘Ere
Harlund VII
At the Stark Farm
It’s been about an hour since he saw Barney walk away in the woods together with his men. Harlund didn’t know why, but he didn’t really care either. Right now, bigger things were at stake. “It’s time to move in, Ned.” Harlund told him. “You sure my lord? We could wait long-” Harlund cut him off. “It’s time to move in, Ned.” he said with a determined voice. But Ned still wasn’t sure. “Hey, I get it.. You don’t think it’s Arya Stark. And frankly, my lord, I’m not sure either. But if we are doing this mission, we should be extremely caref-” Harlund sighed audibly, but before he could answer, Farengar did. “What in ‘It’s time to move in, Ned’ didn’t you understand? The ‘time’ or the ‘move’?” Grimly, Sneaky Ned nodded and looked at trapdoor leading down to the cellar.
“Sorry, my lord. I just.. If this is Arya, I don’t want to get caught by her.” Harlund nodded. “Understandable. But you are one of the best sneaking men in the kingdom, no?” To this, Ned nodded. “Then we have nothing to worry about. Ease up. Now we’re going down.” After a couple of moments, Ned finally went to the trapdoor, but just as he was about to open it, something fell down in the cellar. Ned jumped back probably a metre and walked back to the little shed. Followed by Harlund and Farengar. “What the shit? Who would walk around the cellar this time of night?” Farengar asked in surprise, barely containing some sort of panic attack. “It might not even’ve been a human. It might be a rat, or a dog they have. Baby direwolf, perhaps.” Farengar breathed heavily and fast. “That isn’t.. helping.. at all… my lord.” Harlund just sighed. “Calm the fuck down, Farengar. Ned, what do you reckon we do now?” Harlund asked Ned, who took a moment to answer. “Well.. Maybe we just.. Maybe find another way in?” Harlund shook his head. “That ain’t going to happen.” Ned seemed to think for a moment. “We’ll then we just are going in, no matter what. Unless…” he said and shined at Harlund with his triumphant smile. “We could wait.” As much as Harlund hated to waste even more time at this, it was the safest way. Would it really be worth the risk to go in already?
[Go down to the cellar immediately][Wait yet another hour for a possibly safer route]
Oh my god, these two guys whom Barney and Jaesa just encountered, Yrin and Alfdan, they are certainly reminding me of two other northern brothers from a particular show, who are not the most pleasant fellows to be around and who take their religion a little bit too seriously, namely Harald and Halfdan from Vikings. As long as they don't start to be as bad as those two, I'm going to be relieved, though I am not particularly willing to trust them, because of the similarities. Hell, Alfdan even sounds like Halfdan and he looks a bit like him as well. I gotta wonder, was this a total conincidence, or a reference?
Anyways, I liked this part a lot. Jaesa was spot on, I loved that talk with her and Barney, as well as with the King of Norway and his brother Eh, I know Yrin doesn't really look like Harald, but the similarities between Alfdan and Halfdan are so big that I can't see either brother as looking any different and since I like both characters, I like this as well. Great job on that talk! Harlund's part was great as well, though Barney was my favourite here.
[Wait yet another hour for a possibly safer route]
The thing is, while I am curious to learn what is down there, I think it might be a better thing to wait, if this gives their mission a better chance at succeeding. I'd say that there is at the very least no chance that it'll turn any more dangerous, so I see few downsides to waiting. Let's play it safe here. Nobody is helped if Harlund is simply reckless.
Barney VII
At The Stark Farm
“Oh, fuck.” Barney said as he sat by the campfire and saw Harlund sneaking away to the house. Jaesa turne… mored her head around and saw him as well. “What the hell is he doing?” she asked. “He doesn’t trust Arya, he doesn’t think it’s her even.. Heh, if that isn’t paranoia, I don’t know what is.” Barney chuckled, and Jaesa chuckled slightly as well. “Why aren’t you stopping him, though?” she asked him, with a hint of concern in her voice. “He’s not my kid an-” Jaesa cut him off “Whaat? No way. I thought he was.” she said sarcastically, and Barney smiled at her remark. “The man’s old enough to be my fathe…” Barney didn’t continue. Jaesa saw that it hurt him. “I’m sorry. Shouldn’t have brought it up.” Barney looked behind Jaesa and saw two more men sneaking away, one looking like Farengar. “It’s alright. I need to move on. Would you excuse me? I won't help ‘em out, but gods, how stupid are they to go in already. I … [view original content]
[Go down to the cellar immediately] The more time they waste the more they risk being caught. If they're gonna do this they might as well just get it over with. Rip the band aid.
Barney VII
At The Stark Farm
“Oh, fuck.” Barney said as he sat by the campfire and saw Harlund sneaking away to the house. Jaesa turne… mored her head around and saw him as well. “What the hell is he doing?” she asked. “He doesn’t trust Arya, he doesn’t think it’s her even.. Heh, if that isn’t paranoia, I don’t know what is.” Barney chuckled, and Jaesa chuckled slightly as well. “Why aren’t you stopping him, though?” she asked him, with a hint of concern in her voice. “He’s not my kid an-” Jaesa cut him off “Whaat? No way. I thought he was.” she said sarcastically, and Barney smiled at her remark. “The man’s old enough to be my fathe…” Barney didn’t continue. Jaesa saw that it hurt him. “I’m sorry. Shouldn’t have brought it up.” Barney looked behind Jaesa and saw two more men sneaking away, one looking like Farengar. “It’s alright. I need to move on. Would you excuse me? I won't help ‘em out, but gods, how stupid are they to go in already. I … [view original content]
Barney VII
At The Stark Farm
“Oh, fuck.” Barney said as he sat by the campfire and saw Harlund sneaking away to the house. Jaesa turne… mored her head around and saw him as well. “What the hell is he doing?” she asked. “He doesn’t trust Arya, he doesn’t think it’s her even.. Heh, if that isn’t paranoia, I don’t know what is.” Barney chuckled, and Jaesa chuckled slightly as well. “Why aren’t you stopping him, though?” she asked him, with a hint of concern in her voice. “He’s not my kid an-” Jaesa cut him off “Whaat? No way. I thought he was.” she said sarcastically, and Barney smiled at her remark. “The man’s old enough to be my fathe…” Barney didn’t continue. Jaesa saw that it hurt him. “I’m sorry. Shouldn’t have brought it up.” Barney looked behind Jaesa and saw two more men sneaking away, one looking like Farengar. “It’s alright. I need to move on. Would you excuse me? I won't help ‘em out, but gods, how stupid are they to go in already. I … [view original content]
Hell, Alfdan even sounds like Halfdan and he looks a bit like him as well. I gotta wonder, was this a total conincidence, or a reference?
For me, it's a total coinkidink. I've never watched Vikings (plz dunt kill me m8.) yet. But I certainly will. Although I'm sure that @Alikir34, the submitter, might've taken some inspiration. But I had no clue. Now hat I think of it... Didn't a similar thing happen to you with a reference in like Wars of of roses. Oh man, I absolutely recall a situation when someone looked through the massive non-introduced list. Please tell me if you remember!
Oh my god, these two guys whom Barney and Jaesa just encountered, Yrin and Alfdan, they are certainly reminding me of two other northern bro… morethers from a particular show, who are not the most pleasant fellows to be around and who take their religion a little bit too seriously, namely Harald and Halfdan from Vikings. As long as they don't start to be as bad as those two, I'm going to be relieved, though I am not particularly willing to trust them, because of the similarities. Hell, Alfdan even sounds like Halfdan and he looks a bit like him as well. I gotta wonder, was this a total conincidence, or a reference?
Anyways, I liked this part a lot. Jaesa was spot on, I loved that talk with her and Barney, as well as with the King of Norway and his brother Eh, I know Yrin doesn't really look like Harald, but the similarities between Alfdan and Halfdan are so big that I can't see either brother as looking any different and since I like both chara… [view original content]
Ah, I thought you would have put them in as a reference, kind of like Farengar I mean, maybe I interpret too much into it, especially as I've only recently marathoned Vikings (which is really good, by the way and you should watch it), but when reading their descriptions, I had to think about Harald and Halfdan. I mean, just look at these two and compare them, especially the right one (Halfdan) to your description of Yrin and Alfdan: http://68.media.tumblr.com/333a37b4cf1acd525533472f98d98c82/tumblr_o5e2nttTPv1s7xoeto1_500.png
The hairstyle, the expression, the build, it reminds me so much of them. While I can't make any good assumptions on their personalities, based on just this short talk, I already see that they both seem friendly at first, but definitely seem to have a darker side as well, as evidenced by how fast Alfdan's mood went sour when Jaesa mentioned her religious beliefs. Speaking of, the brothers from Vikings are also very religious and Halfdan outright hates everyone that doesn't share his religion. I am not sure how far Alfdan would go, but well, let's just say that I am going to be a bit wary around both, because if they are based on Harald and Halfdan, they are the sort of people one should be a bit careful around. At the same time, they are oddly cool, so I certainly wouldn't dislike them. I guess if alikir sees it, his thoughts would be nice to see, I'm really curious if I spotted a reference or if I'm interpreting too much into this
Hell, Alfdan even sounds like Halfdan and he looks a bit like him as well. I gotta wonder, was this a total conincidence, or a reference?
… more
For me, it's a total coinkidink. I've never watched Vikings (plz dunt kill me m8.) yet. But I certainly will. Although I'm sure that @Alikir34, the submitter, might've taken some inspiration. But I had no clue. Now hat I think of it... Didn't a similar thing happen to you with a reference in like Wars of of roses. Oh man, I absolutely recall a situation when someone looked through the massive non-introduced list. Please tell me if you remember!
I'm sure he'll comment on that. Alikir usually comment his choice in the beginning of the weeks, so we might expect an answer by then, no worries though Alikir! And Alf- and Halfdan looks pretty similar btw, which is absolutely fine, and kinda funny, since I had nil clue about it.
Ah, I thought you would have put them in as a reference, kind of like Farengar I mean, maybe I interpret too much into it, especially as I'… moreve only recently marathoned Vikings (which is really good, by the way and you should watch it), but when reading their descriptions, I had to think about Harald and Halfdan. I mean, just look at these two and compare them, especially the right one (Halfdan) to your description of Yrin and Alfdan: http://68.media.tumblr.com/333a37b4cf1acd525533472f98d98c82/tumblr_o5e2nttTPv1s7xoeto1_500.png
The hairstyle, the expression, the build, it reminds me so much of them. While I can't make any good assumptions on their personalities, based on just this short talk, I already see that they both seem friendly at first, but definitely seem to have a darker side as well, as evidenced by how fast Alfdan's mood went sour when Jaesa mentioned her religious beliefs. Speaking of, the brothers from Vikings are also very re… [view original content]
Barney VII
At The Stark Farm
“Oh, fuck.” Barney said as he sat by the campfire and saw Harlund sneaking away to the house. Jaesa turne… mored her head around and saw him as well. “What the hell is he doing?” she asked. “He doesn’t trust Arya, he doesn’t think it’s her even.. Heh, if that isn’t paranoia, I don’t know what is.” Barney chuckled, and Jaesa chuckled slightly as well. “Why aren’t you stopping him, though?” she asked him, with a hint of concern in her voice. “He’s not my kid an-” Jaesa cut him off “Whaat? No way. I thought he was.” she said sarcastically, and Barney smiled at her remark. “The man’s old enough to be my fathe…” Barney didn’t continue. Jaesa saw that it hurt him. “I’m sorry. Shouldn’t have brought it up.” Barney looked behind Jaesa and saw two more men sneaking away, one looking like Farengar. “It’s alright. I need to move on. Would you excuse me? I won't help ‘em out, but gods, how stupid are they to go in already. I … [view original content]
[Wait yet another hour for a possibly safer route]
If it is a direwolf or wahtever it is , it would be best to be cautious and not get someone hurt .
and regarding my character @FluidStickyBen@LiquidChicagoTed Yeah it is true , when i submitted The two brothers , i had just finished watching the season finale of vikings , and about Alfdan, it is true ,that's why i highly inspire myself of the character, at first only for the physic because Halfdan for me looks so bad ass and is my favorite character in vikings ,then i developped because some aspect of his personality were so cool for the character and what i wanted him to be ,
and although he looks very similar in appearance , he's different from what it is in the show , or at least , the description i made of him, although , even in personality , in a certain light , he shares personality connections with halfdan from the show ,but my character is far away from the cruelty Halfdan has on the show , and i'm saying not only on religions but on everything else .
and towards Yrin ,his brother , his appearance as well as his personality, is totally different from what the brother of halfdan is on the show ,that's also the reason why i have named him differently , i'd say the only thing similar there is but you can find similarities everywhere , is the fact that he's to be wed , although the situation , the relations and the status of the two lovers are completly different than the two on the show .
Anyhow ,you should be having doubts, and he wasn't exactly friendly for his first apperance , but some dialogs i made between the two during the submission should cheer you up about those two .
I'm sure he'll comment on that. Alikir usually comment his choice in the beginning of the weeks, so we might expect an answer by then, no wo… morerries though Alikir! And Alf- and Halfdan looks pretty similar btw, which is absolutely fine, and kinda funny, since I had nil clue about it.
[Wait yet another hour for a possibly safer route] It is always better to be safer than sorry in my opinion and if they're keeping a good eye on things it shouldn't really hurt.
Aha, I knew it! It was mostly Alfdan's description, with his hairstyle and the similar name that gave me this impression, though I wasn't sure if I have interpreted too much into it, especially with Yrin's obvious difference's to Harald. Well, I like Halfdan, so I am sure I'll like Alfdan as well. I agree that the guy looks totally badass in the show and he has grown quite a lot on me over the course of Season 4, especially in this second half. I look forward to see where they are similar and where they are different. Save to say, I am already glad that Alfdan is not as cruel as Halfdan
[Wait yet another hour for a possibly safer route]
If it is a direwolf or wahtever it is , it would be best to be cautious and not get so… moremeone hurt .
and regarding my character @FluidStickyBen @LiquidChicagoTed Yeah it is true , when i submitted The two brothers , i had just finished watching the season finale of vikings , and about Alfdan, it is true ,that's why i highly inspire myself of the character, at first only for the physic because Halfdan for me looks so bad ass and is my favorite character in vikings ,then i developped because some aspect of his personality were so cool for the character and what i wanted him to be ,
and although he looks very similar in appearance , he's different from what it is in the show , or at least , the description i made of him, although , even in personality , in a certain light , he shares personality connections with halfdan from the show ,but my character is far away from the cruelty Half… [view original content]
"I am already glad that Alfdan is not as cruel as Halfdan"
haha, well perhpaps , that might change in the future , it's all in the hands of FluidStickyBen .
Aha, I knew it! It was mostly Alfdan's description, with his hairstyle and the similar name that gave me this impression, though I wasn't su… morere if I have interpreted too much into it, especially with Yrin's obvious difference's to Harald. Well, I like Halfdan, so I am sure I'll like Alfdan as well. I agree that the guy looks totally badass in the show and he has grown quite a lot on me over the course of Season 4, especially in this second half. I look forward to see where they are similar and where they are different. Save to say, I am already glad that Alfdan is not as cruel as Halfdan
"I am already glad that Alfdan is not as cruel as Halfdan"
haha, well perhpaps , that might change in the future , it's all in the hands of FluidStickyBen .
You guys chose to wait for about an hour or so before you're heading down. While I can't say anything about whst happens (Duuh), I can only confirm that you have to wait a bit longer for the next Harlund part. That boring hour wouldn't make great material. Well, maybe I throw in yet another Harlund shorty. We'll see.
Anyways, next part'll be a Duncan part, finally, right? He got a fucking stone in his head after the bandits basically exploded the gate, medieval style. You then chose to rally the troops, and we'll see how that goes.
Also kind of an annoucement maybe thing thumbs up. There might or might not be 2 new PoV's this chapter, otherwise they'll be there early chapter III. I firmly wanted chapter 1 and to greater extent chapter II to be an introducrion to the four main PoV's (Duncan, Catelyn, Barney, Harlund) (And of course the Epilogue PoV whom right now only is Laemond), which I hope I've succeeded reasonably good with.
The part should be up on friday with a bit of luck. I'm cureently not home, but I'll try me best when I get home on Thursday evening.
Duncan’s could barely keep his eyes open because of the stone that hit him, but also because of the blood that almost covered his eyes. He wiped the blood away from his eyes as good as he could and then decided to run to the barracks. He needed soldiers, and he needed them now. With a bit of luck, Alicia was already on her way with them. Or with a bit of luck, Duncan would be able to get here.
He started to walk and took maybe 4 steps before he fell to the ground again. Decidedly, he stood up again, leaning against the wall to the tavern. When he reached the end of the wall, he tried yet again to walk, but to no avail. He fell after the second step. Quickly he decided to walk into the tavern, and maybe, just maybe Kail Rayner would be there, and Duncan could send him instead.
He almost crawled to the tavern door, and then stood up to open it. He managed to remain standing while he walked in slow and steady. Duncan did once again wipe the blood from his eyes, and saw how scared half of them looked, while the other half looked too drunk to care. “Kail!” he shouted as high as he could, but only the tavernmaid, Ewa, answered. She had long brown hair and blue eyes, she was short and chubby, yet good-looking. “He walked in there with the lil’ lady. Said he was gon’ take good care of her. What’s goin’ on out there, m’lord?” She said and pointed at a door. Duncan took a step forward and almost fell, but he just grabbed a table and remained standing. “Being.. Attacked.. Busted the.. Gate. You need to… Lock the tavern.. up.” Duncan had to breathe heavily almost every second.
He grabbed the next table after the other to remain standing. In the end, he reached the door and opened it up. Now he was furious, how busy Kail could even be with this girl, he should’ve heard the catapult. He gained some strength and kicked the door open, and he heard two surprised gasps. In the bed, two people lay naked.A woman with long red hair with, just like Duncan, brown eyes, although her eyes were delicate and innocent, and also a beautifully formed body. It was Samantha, the miller’s daughter. She was probably taller than the man, who only is of average height. There was also a slim man, with red hair in a ponytail and green eyes, with a charming smile in the bed. This was Kail, Dustin’s almost identical twin. A man that Duncan sometimes could envy for almost always have fun. But not now, not when everyone here is at danger. Although this gave him strength enough to talk normally, or rather, shout.
“Samantha, get out please. And close the door after you.” He started, barely able to contain his anger. She was fast to put on her clothes and get out of the room, closing the door after her. “What in the seven hells are you doing, Kail? Have you completely missed what’s out there.?” Kail’s charming smile faded slowly, and was replaced by a normal expression. “I didn’t think it was that serious. I usually don’t have to help, since it’s usually just a couple of bandits.” Duncan lost his temper, that doesn’t happen often, barely ever, but now he was angry. “IS IT FUCKING NORMAL TO HEAR EXPLOSIONS WHEN ‘A COUPLE’ OF BANDITS RUNS BY?” Duncan screamed at Kail, and Duncan’s head started to hurt even more. Kail was visibly surprised when his father lost his temper. “No, father. I’ll get my clothes on and I’ll help you out.” Kail said and started to put on his clothes. He was done in a minute and then looked at his father, who now had been able to calm down a bit.
Kail walked up to Duncan, smiled at him and looked at his hair. “Fuck, father. You almost looks like the rest of us men in the family now because of all that red blood.” Duncan’s blonde short hair and beard was now red, most of it. Almost looking like his two twin-sons. “Kail. You’ve only been training with the Master-at-Arms, and fighting boars. This. This is real, you’re one of the best fighters we have, but you’re yet unexperienced. Prove yourself here, and I might let you continue your affair with Samantha.” Duncan said and chuckled, and Kail joined in. His son have given him strength. He didn’t feel as dizzy as before nor as lightheaded. He would probably still need to lean to things now and then to remain standing, but it felt a lot better.
“We have to hurry. There were a lot of bandits running in and only 5 soldiers to protect the g… the ground where the gate used to be.” Kail tilted his head slightly and gave him a questioning look. “No time to explain. Let’s just say that’s what make me bled. See for yourself. Now help me get to the door.” Kail opened the door and let Duncan lean on him as they walked through the tavern. They reached the tavern door and Kail opened it. They turned left and Kail saw what had happened.
“Gods.. I’m sorry, father.” Duncan just waved with his hand, and Kail started to walk towards the 2 remaining guards. 3 of the guards that Duncan left lay dead on the ground. The one that Duncan talked to the most was still alive, and was fending of good. The other guard still alive had more problems though. He struggled against 3 soldiers with a deep wound on his right leg and left arm.
“Kail. Go help that one!” Duncan told him and pointed at the struggling soldier. Kail started to run towards the soldier and dragged his sword. He started to fight one of the three bandits who fought the soldier. Duncan did just now see the man in the middle. To the left, the lone soldier was fending off good, to the right was Kail and the other soldier. But in the middle an older man, probably in his early 60’s, slowly walking in through the gates. The man was very tall, and very muscular for his age. He had a big bushy grey beard and long grey hair. He was very tall as well. “Back off, all of you!” the man shouted with a deep voice. Duncan had struggled to reach Kail, but finally he got there.
He grabbed Kail by his soldier so that he wouldn’t attack the tall man. The bandits backed off, just like they were told. The wounded soldier that fought with Kail didn’t back off though, he attacked the tall man. But before he could even reach him, the old man threw a knife that hit him right in the throat. The soldier fell to the ground and quickly bled to death.The supposed leader of the bandits walked up to the dead soldier and dragged his knife out of his throat. The old man pointed his knife at Duncan. “Lord Duncan, no?” Duncan dragged his sword and used it as a cane to walk towards him. When he stood a metre away from him, the old man started to talk.
“Look. We don’t want to hurt you and your folk. But we need to clear some things out. My boss wants you to understand consequences. He will not have you as a threat. You killed a lot of our guys back in the woods. And we won't have that. We didn’t give a direwolf’s nuts about you before, that’s your fault, my lord. But rest a-fucking-ssured, we will kill you all, every single one of you… If you don’t give us some arrows. That smith-shit gave us a good amount of arrows. We’d like to get a 1000 arrows, then you paid your debts.”
Duncan shook his head. “We don’t have a lot more than 1000 arrows right now.. We need every single arrow I have.” The old man stared at him for a while. “Then we got to kill you all.. Not today, not tomorrow. But very soon we will be back, before your gates are built up again.” The old man smiled cruelly at Duncan. “What’s your name?” Duncan asked. “Heh.. I’m your Nightmare.. That’s all you need to know. So what is it? You’ll give us arrows, or you’re going to get all of your folk killed because of your pride? Are you going to kneel, or stand tall?... Come on… I have other towns to destroy...”
[Accept][Decline][Ask for more time][Try to stall him until Alicia arrives with the soldiers]
Well this is quite the predicament. I feel like things could go very bad if we pick the wrong choice.
[Decline] So I may be misinterpreting the situation but he said not today and not tomorrow so I'm guessing he'll leave if we say no but there will be a fight if they wait for more soldiers. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Duncan V
At the Hunter’s Imperium
Duncan’s could barely keep his eyes open because of the stone that hit him, but also because of the … moreblood that almost covered his eyes. He wiped the blood away from his eyes as good as he could and then decided to run to the barracks. He needed soldiers, and he needed them now. With a bit of luck, Alicia was already on her way with them. Or with a bit of luck, Duncan would be able to get here.
He started to walk and took maybe 4 steps before he fell to the ground again. Decidedly, he stood up again, leaning against the wall to the tavern. When he reached the end of the wall, he tried yet again to walk, but to no avail. He fell after the second step. Quickly he decided to walk into the tavern, and maybe, just maybe Kail Rayner would be there, and Duncan could send him instead.
He almost crawled to the tavern door, and then stood up to open it. He managed to remain standing while he walked in slow a… [view original content]
[Try to stall him until Alicia arrives with the soldiers]
Ah... shit, this is a hard one. I was torn between this or declining. One thing is for sure, I won't choose to accept the deal in any way, because this will make Duncan an accomplice in whatever the bandits are going to do with thousand arrows. Speaking of, thousand arrows? Hell that's a lot. I mean, it has already been heavily hinted at that these people are more than ordinary bandits, but I guess now it is all but confirmed. They have the numbers to attack a small keep, as it has turned out here and it appears to me that they could do even more bad with Duncan's arrows. In my opinion, the best he can do is to either decline and send word to the capital, or to stall for time and hope that Alicia's soldiers will be enough to turn the tide in this battle.
Duncan V
At the Hunter’s Imperium
Duncan’s could barely keep his eyes open because of the stone that hit him, but also because of the … moreblood that almost covered his eyes. He wiped the blood away from his eyes as good as he could and then decided to run to the barracks. He needed soldiers, and he needed them now. With a bit of luck, Alicia was already on her way with them. Or with a bit of luck, Duncan would be able to get here.
He started to walk and took maybe 4 steps before he fell to the ground again. Decidedly, he stood up again, leaning against the wall to the tavern. When he reached the end of the wall, he tried yet again to walk, but to no avail. He fell after the second step. Quickly he decided to walk into the tavern, and maybe, just maybe Kail Rayner would be there, and Duncan could send him instead.
He almost crawled to the tavern door, and then stood up to open it. He managed to remain standing while he walked in slow a… [view original content]
[Try to stall him until Alicia arrives with the soldiers]
Well, there is still a chance that Duncan can win if Alicia can get the soldiers there. Than, they could capture this bandit leader and question him about how he managed to obtain catapults.
Duncan V
At the Hunter’s Imperium
Duncan’s could barely keep his eyes open because of the stone that hit him, but also because of the … moreblood that almost covered his eyes. He wiped the blood away from his eyes as good as he could and then decided to run to the barracks. He needed soldiers, and he needed them now. With a bit of luck, Alicia was already on her way with them. Or with a bit of luck, Duncan would be able to get here.
He started to walk and took maybe 4 steps before he fell to the ground again. Decidedly, he stood up again, leaning against the wall to the tavern. When he reached the end of the wall, he tried yet again to walk, but to no avail. He fell after the second step. Quickly he decided to walk into the tavern, and maybe, just maybe Kail Rayner would be there, and Duncan could send him instead.
He almost crawled to the tavern door, and then stood up to open it. He managed to remain standing while he walked in slow a… [view original content]
Duncan V
At the Hunter’s Imperium
Duncan’s could barely keep his eyes open because of the stone that hit him, but also because of the … moreblood that almost covered his eyes. He wiped the blood away from his eyes as good as he could and then decided to run to the barracks. He needed soldiers, and he needed them now. With a bit of luck, Alicia was already on her way with them. Or with a bit of luck, Duncan would be able to get here.
He started to walk and took maybe 4 steps before he fell to the ground again. Decidedly, he stood up again, leaning against the wall to the tavern. When he reached the end of the wall, he tried yet again to walk, but to no avail. He fell after the second step. Quickly he decided to walk into the tavern, and maybe, just maybe Kail Rayner would be there, and Duncan could send him instead.
He almost crawled to the tavern door, and then stood up to open it. He managed to remain standing while he walked in slow a… [view original content]
In the end, you guys chose to Try to stall him until Alicia arrives. I'm guessing that the bandit will take that as a No. We'll see, though, pretty soon hopefully.
Firstly! We got a Cat part comin' up. Last time you chose to search Mysarion the jester's drawer. Cat will do that in the next part. I hope the part will be up tomorrow evening, otherwise, I gotta push it back to Sunday at least. This week has been one stressful fucking week. It's my fault entirely. I just felt on a monday evening, 'Damn, the Logan movie really looks great' and it was premiering on Wednesday in Sweden. I've never in my life watched an x-men movie, so I watched THEM ALL (except Deadpool, still haven't seen that one) on two days. At the same time, I was redecorating my bedroom entirely and had to be done with that until tomorrow (which I still ain't). The X-men franchise is really good, though, you should give it a real shot (Tip: Watch it in chronological order). I was able to see them all before Logan, though, which was great.
And... HOLY HELL... Was Logan a good movie= No. Was it a great movie? No, it was a FUCKING AMAZING send-off for the last couple o' old mutants, Prof. X and Wolverine with more. It had comedy, it had emotion, it had action. It had it bloody all. Go and watch it., you'll probably get a TLOU vibe from it. Talkin' about the last of us, Hugh Jackman would be a great Joel for the movie, right?
Anyways, I'm done praising that movie now (Go watch it!!!!!). Won't get to the cinemas until GotG Vol. 2 in April next time. Anyways, I'll hope you enjoy the part whenever it comes.
The Voting is Closed!
In the end, you guys chose to Try to stall him until Alicia arrives. I'm guessing that the bandit will take that as… more a No. We'll see, though, pretty soon hopefully.
Firstly! We got a Cat part comin' up. Last time you chose to search Mysarion the jester's drawer. Cat will do that in the next part. I hope the part will be up tomorrow evening, otherwise, I gotta push it back to Sunday at least. This week has been one stressful fucking week. It's my fault entirely. I just felt on a monday evening, 'Damn, the Logan movie really looks great' and it was premiering on Wednesday in Sweden. I've never in my life watched an x-men movie, so I watched THEM ALL (except Deadpool, still haven't seen that one) on two days. At the same time, I was redecorating my bedroom entirely and had to be done with that until tomorrow (which I still ain't). The X-men franchise is really good, though, you should give it a real shot (Tip: Watch it… [view original content]
She couldn’t help herself. She had to look in the drawer. Cat walked up to the drawer and opened it. As she opened it she heard a very, very low-toned click once. She couldn’t tell where it came from if it was from the drawer or somewhere else, so she made no more of it and picked up the little bunch of letters Mysarion put there when they entered.
She opened the first letter and started to read..
My little Mysarion
I love you very much, Mysarion. You can’t imagine how proud I am of you, and how proud I will still be after my soon to come death. I love you, from the day I first felt you, until the day we both don’t exist anymore.
I love you, mother.
Cat felt warm tears running down her cheeks and a striking pain in her shoulder. She if anybody could sympathise with him since a similar thing happened to herself just recently. She took a deep breath and hoped for happier letters. The next one she grabbed seemed to be written by himself. It looked like preferred drinks for a number of nobilities around the court or at least people who’ve visited the capital for a few days. She read through them quickly..
Arbor Red for Queen Elaena Targaryen, Water for King Denterys Targaryen, Myrish Blackberry Wine for Lord Paramount Lannister, Ruby-Red Wine for Queen Mother Daenerys Targaryen… … The Imp’s Delight for High Lord Silvermane, Ironwood Ice Wine for Lord Halstark… … Olivegrove Dry for Lord Gerald Fowler, Sour Strongwine for Lady Dora Drinkwater… Bloodgrape Brandy for lady Lyanna Mormont. Daenerys most hated drink… Arbor Gold. And then there was one newly added. Northern Ale for Ser Alliser Forrester.
Huh, so it’s not only Daenerys who has something against Mysarion, it’s vice versa as well, even though Mys is much better at not showing it. But there really wasn’t anything to peak her interest there either… She picked up another letter with a broken sigil Cat had never seen before. Which means it’s probably from the Reach. Cat didn’t know a lot of sigils from the reach. However, their sigil was a crowned book. She opened up and read.
It’s with our deepest regrets to inform you that you sent your letter just too late. The local Bard contest will hopefully be back next year, be sure to send a letter to us then as well.
Ser Breon Flowers, castellan of Raylansfair.
Poor Mysarion, he didn’t have the easiest of times, that much is clear. Catelyn was relieved and a bit disappointed at the same time. She really wanted to find something interesting, but at the same time, she’s glad that Mysarion doesn’t seem to mean trouble. She put all the letters in the same place they were in before and closes the drawer, not hearing a click this time. The shoulder was still aching with pain, but Cat decided to try to move her arm a bit to feel it all. Just then, she heard muffled voices outside Mys room. The two persons talked in a low tone but when they walked past the door, Cat overheard a bit of it.
“I won't have them down in the cellar anymore, mother!” the first woman explained. Cat instantly recognised the voice. It was Elaena, talking to Daenerys. “I can’t take them anywhere else, Elaena. End of discussion. Stop.” Daenerys told her just in front of Mysarion’s door. “This fool can’t stay here much longer, Elaena. He is trouble.” Daenerys got slowly closer to the door, Cat could hear it. “Is this why we took this long way, mother? Well, I’ve grown rather fond of him, he’s a funny man.” Cat could hear Dany sigh through the door. “We disagree yet again, how unusual. I grew up with bad and good people, now, I’m not saying he’s a bad man, I’m just saying that it’s more to him than he lets out.” Elaena chuckled, and Cat could just imagine the stare her mother would give her.
“Everyone in King’s Landing has something to hide, even you. Why should he tell you everything about him if you’d never do that to him? Also, you do realise that if he’s in there, he heard everything you just said.” Elaena explained, but Dany answered quickly. “My feelings to him is mutual to him.” as Dany said that, she knocked on Mysarion’s door. But just a second later Cat could hear Elaena gasp. “Mother.. There’s a pool of blood on the floor. It’s fresh, very fresh.” Dany didn’t take a long time to answer. “You have to go back to your room and lock the doors” Elaena answered just as quick as Dany. “I will do no such thing. Someone could be dying just mere meters away from us, mother!”
While the two queens were arguing, Cat decided to walk out to them. Just as she unlocked the door and opened it, she could hear the voice of Mysarion. “Ah! Look at this, a Clash of Queens.” he laughed and clapped his hands. He stood there with 3 guards to escort her. Dany walked up to Mysarion and Cat knew what was to come. Neither Elaena or Dany had noticed her yet. “Lord Jester.. I would like to inform you that your services aren’t required for a while. The next time Lord Laemond Silvermane comes to visit us, you will go with him until the next time he comes back here. Have fun.” Daenerys said with an almost cruel voice. Mysarion didn’t even flinch. Elaena asked him a question. “Who’s blood is that?” Mysarion smirked at them and looked Cat right in her eyes. “Well… Look behind you.” Elaena turned around and gave Cat a surprised glare, then she noticed her shoulder. “Oh gods, Cat. What has happened to?” Cat couldn’t bare it anymore, she started to sob and fell into Elaena’s arms.
Even though she knew that Elaena was talking about, Cat decided to talk about her father instead. “He’s dead, Elaena. Father’s dead…” she sobbed in Elaena’s arms. Cat looked up at her and saw her shocked, sad expression. Elaena hugged her even more tightly, avoiding her left shoulder. “I’m sorry, Cat.. I’m soo sorry. If there’s anything I can do, anything at all, tell me.” Dany took place on the left side of her and took a look at her shoulder. “Who did this?” Daenerys asked sharply. “A… A woman. I didn’t see who it was, but it was definitely a woman.”
Dany had a questioning look, but it grew to a look of anger short thereafter. “Did I make myself clear, Mysarion?” Elaena had had enough and whispered to Cat to let her go for a moment. Cat did as she was commanded. The queen walked up to Dany and looked at her. “I think he should stay, mother. He hasn’t done me nor you any harm.” Dany boiled with anger now. “I’ve had enough, Elaena! It’s out of discussion. He will be back in time, what is the problem?” Dany was about to lose her shit. “Do I get a saying in the matter?” Cat asked. And simultaneously Dany said No and Elaena said Yes. “Yes.” the Queen said again so Cat knew what was which. “I…”
[Cat thinks that Mys should stay][Cat thinks that Mys should go with Lord Silvermane]]
Catelyn VIII
At King’s Landing
She couldn’t help herself. She had to look in the drawer. Cat walked up to the drawer and opened it. As… more she opened it she heard a very, very low-toned click once. She couldn’t tell where it came from if it was from the drawer or somewhere else, so she made no more of it and picked up the little bunch of letters Mysarion put there when they entered.
She opened the first letter and started to read..
My little Mysarion
I love you very much, Mysarion. You can’t imagine how proud I am of you, and how proud I will still be after my soon to come death. I love you, from the day I first felt you, until the day we both don’t exist anymore.
I love you, mother.
Cat felt warm tears running down her cheeks and a striking pain in her shoulder. She if anybody could sympathise with him since a similar thing happened to herself just recently. She took a deep breath and hoped for happier letters. The next one … [view original content]
[Sneak through the Cellar]
[Sneak through the Cellar] I think the cellar sounds like the most secretive route, even if there's the danger that they don't know what to find. But it's worth a try.
Hm... What Harlund brought up there gave me something of a bad suspicion. I mean, I doubt it's true, but what if this woman is not the real Arya, but an impostor? Sounds a bit unlikely, but I wouldn't see it as outright impossible. I will remain on guard there, let's see what we can find out.
Harlund does bring up a good point. They meet a random woman claiming to be Arya Stark and they just blindly took her word for it.
In her defense (and in defense of Barney and the others), impersonating a member of the royal family is among the worst crimes possible in a feudal society and something absolutely nobody would say lightly. Since she also has a huge direwolf to back her claim up, she has some stuff speaking in her favour. Maybe Harlund is just paranoid, since there's nothing speaking against her words either, at least not yet. Maybe we'll find something when we search her house.
The voting is closed!
You are headin' down the cellar, we'll see if we find aany info there. Next part'll be up probably tomorrow evening. It's Cat, and last time we saw her You (Cat) told Elaena to send troops north, we'll see how that plays out as well.
NOW! I updated the map just slightly, and just wanted your opinion on it, I changed it to be mjore or less precisely right instead of kind of off, tell me what you think.

Catelyn VII
At King’s Landing
“I.. You should send them there. They won't expect you, which will result in minor casualties. You will gain better relationship with the north, which you also need. And.. eehm.. That’s that.” Cat was almost certain that she started to blush. Daenerys turned around and started to walk away. “Where are you going, mother?” Elaena asked her. “I’ve said my piece, Lady Catelyn has said hers. Now I leave the decision up to you, Elaena.” She said while slowly walking away. “Can you just tell Alliser Forrester to come in on your way out?” Elaena asked, with an almost pleading voice while she sat down at the table. “Yes.” Daenerys simply answered before she left the room. Elaena sighted as she pointed at the chair left to her. Cat understood what she meant and sat down there.
Elaena looked at Cat. “You really meant what you said, Cat? It’s not just because the north is the north?” Cat actually wasn’t sure. She didn’t know if it was biased. “I.. I don’t think so Elaena. You need better relationship. That’s what these lands are built upon.” As Cat breathed she heard the door open and close to the small council chamber. It was Alliser entering the room.
He looked at Elaena. “Your grace.” he said and bowed to them both, and then he looked at Cat. “My lady.” He looked at Elaena again. “Have you decided in the matter?” Elaena sat quiet for a while, staring at Cat’s hands on the table. “Oh to hell with it.” she mumbled. “We’ll help you, Alliser. We’ll leave in 2 weeks.” This caused Alliser to open his mouth widely. “2 weeks, your grace? Why not 1?” Cat looked at Elaena, and Elaena looked at her before Elaena looked at Alliser again. “Firstly.. I need to summon my troops.. Secondly.. I need to summon the South.. Thirdly.. I met a lord on the kingsroad a while ago. He’s charged for the murder of Elia Pyke. He’ll be here in at most 13 days.. And I will be the one to judge him.” Alliser nodded. “Okay, your grace. I’ll stay here and ride with you.. If that pleases you.” Elaena hesitated for a moment, before she answered. “Do so, Alliser. I have a room that should be suitable for you.” Alliser smiled and walked away.
“Cat… Go to your room. Get some rest. We got a long 2 weeks ahead of us. I’ll check in on you soon. I figure we gotta talk about… About everything.” Cat nodded. “Your grace.” she said, and left the room. She walked through the great hall and turned left up a couple of staircases and turned right. Walked in a grey hallway and then walked up to the brown, detailed door in front of her and opened it.
Her room was pointing to the north. Needless to say, she couldn’t see Beartilde Hall from the window. But she could see a tower from Rosby as the furthest. Her room was nothing special. A normal bed, a chest with important belongings, A little table next to the bed. A chair in the right corner with a little table. A desk with an important letters, and also a new one it seems. She didn’t close her door, she needed to get some air inside. She also opened her window, to get some air inside as well.
She sat down at her table and took the letter up. It was send from the North. From house Beartilde. She smiled of joy, but still felt slightly scared to what the content in the letter is. She opened up the seal and started to read.
Hello, C.
B here. I hope you have a nice day. Some things happened. I can’t write it down… It.. It hurts to much. But I know that you know and understands.
I’m sorry. And I love you, sister.
Lord Barney Beartilde
Cat didn’t even cry. She just sat there, for what seemed like forever. She decided to go to Elaena. She turns around looking at the floor, and then stands up. But just as she stood up and turned her gaze to the door, she felt a ice cold pain in her left shoulder. Someone tried to kill her, but because of Cat standing up just that second. she slashed her left shoulder up, instead of her throat.. She didn’t see much of the person. before she just started to run. But it looked like a woman. She just ran and ran and ran, she didn’t care about her wound. When she ran left in the corridor she hit someone, and something hit the floor. Cat fell on her butt and was about to run again before she looked at the person she ran into. “Oh shit, my instrument.. Lucky you I have tw…” The man looked down at her and saw who it was and saw Cat’s wound. It was the royal jester and bard, Mysarion, she ran into.
The man is from Lys, and just like many others Lysene, he has a Valyrian heritage. Boyish good looks, sparkling violet eyes and silvery-white hair, which he has short cut. The man is 22, but if you don’t know that, you could easily think that he’s 17 or 18. Many handmaidens in the Red Keep is in love with him. There is few who doesn’t like him, Queen mother Daenerys is one of them. Mysarion has a strange long walking stick made of black wood which ends in two dragon heads at the sides and a red jester hat with 4 little bells in the middle at the top of it. His bard clothes are a mixture of easy travel clothes made of silk and the wild, goofy clothes of a jester. The colors of his bard clothes are red, black, and a bit of gold, including the golden bells on his jester's cap. His harlequin stockings and shirt are both in mixed plain & squared design on which red and black colors dominate.
“What has happened to you now?” he asked curiously. Cat just now noticed how deep the cut actually was. Her whole arm was now red, before she answered. “Someone tried to murder me, Mysarion. I think I’ll bleed out!” She knew she wouldn’t bleed out, but she’s losing a lot of blood. And she’s panicking. “Alright, alright. I got some bandages in my room, but I don’t really know what to do.” Cat didn’t care, her fath… her father showed her some things. “I do… You’re room is right here, no?” she said in pain and grimaced, as Mysarion nodded. “Yes, didn’t even have time to close my door before you cut me of, my lady, hehe... Sorry, that was stupid of me, take my hand, Lady Cutely… Catelyn.” Cat couldn’t care less about the jesters jokes right now. She grabbed his hand and then they walked in to his room. The room had an absolutely bizarre design for herself. But she could see a jester decorate a room with very jestery things. The blanket and pillow had a black and red pattern. He had a carpet with black and red pattern. Basically everything had a pattern of red and black.
Mysarion walked with fast steps to his desk to open a drawer to find the bandages. Cat saw that he took a couple of letters and put down in the drawer, but Cat didn’t care. It’s his privacy, she respected that, at least she hoped that she did.. “Ah, here it is. Patch yourself up, my lady.” he said and danced to her. He gave it to her, and pointed at the bed, she walked to the bed and sat down to patch herself up. She realized now everything that just happened. Her father died some time ago. A woman had tried to murder her. She started to cry. Mysarion noticed it and tried to cheer her up. “My lady. Look at this pie right here. You see it? No? Oh, dummy me. I have to get it. Ah. Here we are. It’s a lemon pie. My faaaaaavourite, haha!” he laughed and slammed the pie in his face. Cat didn’t laugh though, which Mysarion noticed. “I’m sorry, my lady. That is childish humour. It works on the dummies in court though.”
“Did you know I’m from Lys? That I’m nobility?” Mysarion tried to start a conversation. “I do, everyone here does. I’m sorry, but I have to find Elaena. Could you please go get some guards, that could escort me.” she asked while scratching her eyes. “Absolutely my lady. I’ll find someone. Guards never walk this part of the castle though. I’ll be right back. Oh, I should probably get all this pie out of my face first.” he said and grabbed a towel to clean himself up. When he was done, he opened the door, but before he could close it, Cat told him something. “I’ll lock the door from inside, Mysarion. Just knock in a jestery way when you come back, and I’ll open.. And please be safe.” Mysarion nodded, closed the door, and then Cat walked to the door, and locked it. She looked over at the drawer where the jester hid the letters. Her curiosity almost gets the better of her. She don’t know if she should…
[Look in the Drawer] [Go and Sit on the bed]
[Look in the Drawer] It is Kings Landing after all. Gotta find out as much as you can. Anyone could have an agenda and info you could use. Plus the door is locked, I don't think there's much danger of being caught.
Did I miss something? I don't recall Cat being attacked.
About the map, it's definitely an improvement. It's smoother and easier to tell where everything is.
A woman attacks her just after she read the letter from Barney. Sorry if you didn't get that.
Ahh okay. A bit of constructive criticism: It wasn't explained very well Cat didn't really react in any way, she was basically like "Oh no I've been stabbed." Don't get me wrong though, it was a great part! That little bit just had me a little confused.
[Look in the Drawer]
Hm... I wonder why someone would try to murder Cat. That particular bit of information is even more intriguing to me than who it was. Could it be because she's close to the queen? Or because her brother is a close bannerman of House Stark? There are quite a number of reasons I could think of here, but it's safe to say I am surprised of this twist.
[Go and Sit on the bed]
I really don't think this is such a good idea to look through his stuff. After all, Mysarion could somehow notice that she looked through his stuff, which would likely mean that she would gain a new enemy. I don't really trust him, but I think staying on his good side is more important. I mean, I wouldn't necessarily object to look through his stuff, but I think this is the wiser option here.
[Go and Sit on the bed]
she gets treated by him right after being almost killed, not a good timing to play detective
[Look in the Drawer]
I'm really curious about those letters. What if he is secretly a spy! She won't get caught since the door is locked. She may never get another chance to see those letters. If he is a spy, knowing this information may be useful later.
Yeah. Now when I've re-read it a few times I can very much see that it was a bit clumsy.
About the part where she reacted, I felt like she got such an adrenaline rush from it (I'm not saying she didn't notice it, just that she 'felt' it more when she ran into the Jester and really understood what had happened to her.
But I am very glad that you are giving me more criticism to make me a better writer. Thanks!
I'm glad you appreciate it because I always feel like a jerk when I criticize things. XD
[Look in the Drawer]
The Voting is Closed!
You guys chose in the end to Look in the Drawer. We'll get to see shortly what we got there.
Next part'll be a Barney part, and in the end a short Harlund part. Harlund was just about to sneek in to the Stark Farm-house. And Barney's settling in for the night. The part should be up later tonight. Expect it in 3-4 hours. Otherwise, early in the morning. Sorry for the slight delay!
Barney VII
At The Stark Farm
“Oh, fuck.” Barney said as he sat by the campfire and saw Harlund sneaking away to the house. Jaesa turned her head around and saw him as well. “What the hell is he doing?” she asked. “He doesn’t trust Arya, he doesn’t think it’s her even.. Heh, if that isn’t paranoia, I don’t know what is.” Barney chuckled, and Jaesa chuckled slightly as well. “Why aren’t you stopping him, though?” she asked him, with a hint of concern in her voice. “He’s not my kid an-” Jaesa cut him off “Whaat? No way. I thought he was.” she said sarcastically, and Barney smiled at her remark. “The man’s old enough to be my fathe…” Barney didn’t continue. Jaesa saw that it hurt him. “I’m sorry. Shouldn’t have brought it up.” Barney looked behind Jaesa and saw two more men sneaking away, one looking like Farengar. “It’s alright. I need to move on. Would you excuse me? I won't help ‘em out, but gods, how stupid are they to go in already. I think I got to give them some advice in using brain.” Jaesa nodded and smiled at him before he left.
They were standing close to a little shed at the main house, Barney could overhear the unknown man. “...might be the safest route. But anything can happen. I’ll let you choose this one, my lord.” Harlund answered directly. “We’re taking the cellar. Come on, Farengar, stay on guard.” Harlund started to walk away with the unknown man before he heard Barney’s voice. “Harlund, how stupid are you?” Barney wheezed at him. Harlund turned around. “Didn’t you say that you won't get in my fucking way, Barney?” he whispered back at him. “Yes, but I thought you had a plan. How dumb can you be to go in already. Wait for an hour. They’re probably still awake in there. Wait at least until they’re asleep!” Barney said in a slightly higher tone, but still low enough to not reach the house.
Harlund hesitated, but in the end, he nodded. “Fine” he added shortly. “At the very least you’re smart enough to take the cellar. Good call there, Harlund. What are you trying to achieve here though?” Barney compliment and asked Harlund. “I told you. This woman isn’t Arya. She is… someone else. And I will find out, that’s what I’m trying to achieve. Now, if you don’t want to be a part of this little group here, I’d ask you to fucking leave.” Harlund said, he was about to lose his temper, Barney didn’t want that. “My lord…” he said and left to head back to Jaesa and the fire. He saw two men talking to Jaesa that he didn’t recognise, then he saw the sigil on their arms, which indicated that they are Harlund’s men. Jaesa was visibly uncomfortable. She never told him, but Barney could tell that she has a hard time trusting and getting comfortable around new people. It took quite a while at Beartilde Hall, where she at least was comfortable, but probably not ready to trust yet. Hell, she probably doesn’t fully trust Barney yet.
The younger man was more muscular and shorter than the other one. The man has big black, tired eyes. Long and unruly blonde hair, and he is clean shaven. Barney would guess that he is in his early 20s. The other one is taller, older, but also skinnier than the other one. He got black and narrow eyes. The man has Dark blonde hair, completely shaven on the left side, and the right side is brushed forward, covering the right side of his face which constantly shows a deep and dark look. He also grows a bushy beard. He seems to be in his late 20’s.
The taller man was talking to the other man just now. “Yrin. Come on! Crack a smile to this fair lady! May I know your name?” the tall man said happily and smiled widely at Jaesa. “I.. My name is Jaesa Brennys.” An old soldier from the Marbrand army shouted at the tall man. The man had a long grey beard, reaching his groin. He was completely bald though. He was old, probably in his 60’s at least, but still looked reasonably good. Average height, and really muscular for his age. He did have a scar on his cheek though. “OI, Alfdan! We found a weirwood in the forest, it’s praying time.. You comin’?” Alfdan looked back at Jaesa and then at the soldier again. “I’ll be there in a minute, Jurgen. It’s just right the way you’re going?” Alfdan asked them as they started to walk. Jurgen nodded and slowly started to walk to the weirwood tree.
Alfdan noticed first now that Barney were there, and he and Yrin nodded simultaneously at Barney. “My lord. Will you accompany us to the weirwood tree?” Alfdan asked in a joyful tone. Barney thought about this for a moment, looked at Jaesa and saw her expression. “I’m sorry, gentlemens. I have some things to attend to. I prayed earlier today.” Alfdan looked at Jaesa and back at Barney. “Yeah.. I can see what you have to attend to.” he said in a mocking tone and started to chuckle. When he noticed that no one else found it funny, or even reacted, he cleared his throat and looked back at Jaesa again. “My lady Jaesa.. Do you believe in the old gods. Obviously, you’re from a foreign land.” Jaesa decided to stand up now, even though she still had to look slightly up to see his face. “I’m undecided.. I don’t know if I believe in seven gods or in the weirdwoods of th..” Alfdan interrupted her. “Let me stop you right there.. I take my beliefs very seriously, and I will not have anyone mocking it. I will not have anyone close to me that doesn’t believe in the only gods that’s real either.” Alfdan’s tone got very serious. “ I never intended us to become very close friends at all. Maybe you should stick to your friends who walked away to pray, instead of one of few women here.” Alfdan and Jaesa stared at each other for a while. “Yeah… Come on Brother” Alfdan said in a very dark tone and walked away towards the weirwood tree with his brother Yrin just behind him.
Jaesa waited until they weren’t seeable any longer. “Can you believe that guy? He won't befriend me because we don’t believe in the same gods. It’s like that he won't tolerate me.” Barney raised his eyebrow. “Does that bother you, Jaesa?” She was quiet for a couple of moments before she answered. “No.. It’s just.. I haven’t met a man like that in a while.” Barney saw her sad expression. “Well.. We northerners are loyalists. We are loyal to a cause.. A lord, a kingdom, or even a god until the day we die. I imagine that the southerners aren’t even close as loyal as we. They probably get better year after year though. Anyway.. You wanna talk about anything?” Jaesa sat down and looked up at him and shook her head. “Barney.. Go to that weirwood tree of yours. I need to go to sleep anyhow. It’s a long day tomorrow isn’t it?” Barney nodded. “It is, Good Night Jaesa.” Barney said and smile to her, Jaesa gave him a weak, quick smile back. “Night.” She said and just lay herself on her back and closed her eyes.
Barney walked through the woods until he saw it. The blood-crying face carved into the almost white enormous tree with red leaves. The Marbrand men just sat on the ground spread out relatively close to the tree with closed eyes. He saw Alfdan and Yrin just next to each other right in front of the tree and he saw Jurgen to the left of it. He even saw a Beartilde man or two. Barney himself sat down where he stood, slightly right to the face of the tree. The thoughts started to fly around in his head everything that has happened. But only two thing was he praying for. He was praying for his own wellbeing, along with his house all citizens and soldiers. But more importantly, he was praying for his sister's wellbeing. He prayed that the death of their father wouldn’t be too much for her, and that she would stay safe…
No Choices ‘Ere
Harlund VII
At the Stark Farm
It’s been about an hour since he saw Barney walk away in the woods together with his men. Harlund didn’t know why, but he didn’t really care either. Right now, bigger things were at stake. “It’s time to move in, Ned.” Harlund told him. “You sure my lord? We could wait long-” Harlund cut him off. “It’s time to move in, Ned.” he said with a determined voice. But Ned still wasn’t sure. “Hey, I get it.. You don’t think it’s Arya Stark. And frankly, my lord, I’m not sure either. But if we are doing this mission, we should be extremely caref-” Harlund sighed audibly, but before he could answer, Farengar did. “What in ‘It’s time to move in, Ned’ didn’t you understand? The ‘time’ or the ‘move’?” Grimly, Sneaky Ned nodded and looked at trapdoor leading down to the cellar.
“Sorry, my lord. I just.. If this is Arya, I don’t want to get caught by her.” Harlund nodded. “Understandable. But you are one of the best sneaking men in the kingdom, no?” To this, Ned nodded. “Then we have nothing to worry about. Ease up. Now we’re going down.” After a couple of moments, Ned finally went to the trapdoor, but just as he was about to open it, something fell down in the cellar. Ned jumped back probably a metre and walked back to the little shed. Followed by Harlund and Farengar. “What the shit? Who would walk around the cellar this time of night?” Farengar asked in surprise, barely containing some sort of panic attack. “It might not even’ve been a human. It might be a rat, or a dog they have. Baby direwolf, perhaps.” Farengar breathed heavily and fast. “That isn’t.. helping.. at all… my lord.” Harlund just sighed. “Calm the fuck down, Farengar. Ned, what do you reckon we do now?” Harlund asked Ned, who took a moment to answer. “Well.. Maybe we just.. Maybe find another way in?” Harlund shook his head. “That ain’t going to happen.” Ned seemed to think for a moment. “We’ll then we just are going in, no matter what. Unless…” he said and shined at Harlund with his triumphant smile. “We could wait.” As much as Harlund hated to waste even more time at this, it was the safest way. Would it really be worth the risk to go in already?
[Go down to the cellar immediately] [Wait yet another hour for a possibly safer route]
Oh my god, these two guys whom Barney and Jaesa just encountered, Yrin and Alfdan, they are certainly reminding me of two other northern brothers from a particular show, who are not the most pleasant fellows to be around and who take their religion a little bit too seriously, namely Harald and Halfdan from Vikings. As long as they don't start to be as bad as those two, I'm going to be relieved, though I am not particularly willing to trust them, because of the similarities. Hell, Alfdan even sounds like Halfdan and he looks a bit like him as well. I gotta wonder, was this a total conincidence, or a reference?
Anyways, I liked this part a lot. Jaesa was spot on, I loved that talk with her and Barney, as well as with the King of Norway and his brother
Eh, I know Yrin doesn't really look like Harald, but the similarities between Alfdan and Halfdan are so big that I can't see either brother as looking any different and since I like both characters, I like this as well. Great job on that talk! Harlund's part was great as well, though Barney was my favourite here.
[Wait yet another hour for a possibly safer route]
The thing is, while I am curious to learn what is down there, I think it might be a better thing to wait, if this gives their mission a better chance at succeeding. I'd say that there is at the very least no chance that it'll turn any more dangerous, so I see few downsides to waiting. Let's play it safe here. Nobody is helped if Harlund is simply reckless.
[Go down to the cellar immediately] The more time they waste the more they risk being caught. If they're gonna do this they might as well just get it over with. Rip the band aid.
[Go down to the cellar immediately]
For me, it's a total coinkidink. I've never watched Vikings (plz dunt kill me m8.) yet. But I certainly will. Although I'm sure that @Alikir34, the submitter, might've taken some inspiration. But I had no clue. Now hat I think of it... Didn't a similar thing happen to you with a reference in like Wars of of roses. Oh man, I absolutely recall a situation when someone looked through the massive non-introduced list. Please tell me if you remember!
Ah, I thought you would have put them in as a reference, kind of like Farengar
I mean, maybe I interpret too much into it, especially as I've only recently marathoned Vikings (which is really good, by the way and you should watch it), but when reading their descriptions, I had to think about Harald and Halfdan. I mean, just look at these two and compare them, especially the right one (Halfdan) to your description of Yrin and Alfdan: http://68.media.tumblr.com/333a37b4cf1acd525533472f98d98c82/tumblr_o5e2nttTPv1s7xoeto1_500.png
The hairstyle, the expression, the build, it reminds me so much of them. While I can't make any good assumptions on their personalities, based on just this short talk, I already see that they both seem friendly at first, but definitely seem to have a darker side as well, as evidenced by how fast Alfdan's mood went sour when Jaesa mentioned her religious beliefs. Speaking of, the brothers from Vikings are also very religious and Halfdan outright hates everyone that doesn't share his religion. I am not sure how far Alfdan would go, but well, let's just say that I am going to be a bit wary around both, because if they are based on Harald and Halfdan, they are the sort of people one should be a bit careful around. At the same time, they are oddly cool, so I certainly wouldn't dislike them. I guess if alikir sees it, his thoughts would be nice to see, I'm really curious if I spotted a reference or if I'm interpreting too much into this
I'm sure he'll comment on that. Alikir usually comment his choice in the beginning of the weeks, so we might expect an answer by then, no worries though Alikir!
And Alf- and Halfdan looks pretty similar btw, which is absolutely fine, and kinda funny, since I had nil clue about it.
[Wait yet another hour for a possibly safer route]
If there are dangerous animals in there, it will probably be safer to wait and figure out a better route.
[Wait yet another hour for a possibly safer route]
If it is a direwolf or wahtever it is , it would be best to be cautious and not get someone hurt .
and regarding my character @FluidStickyBen @LiquidChicagoTed Yeah it is true
, when i submitted The two brothers , i had just finished watching the season finale of vikings , and about Alfdan, it is true ,that's why i highly inspire myself of the character, at first only for the physic because Halfdan for me looks so bad ass and is my favorite character in vikings ,then i developped because some aspect of his personality were so cool for the character and what i wanted him to be ,
and although he looks very similar in appearance , he's different from what it is in the show , or at least , the description i made of him, although , even in personality , in a certain light , he shares personality connections with halfdan from the show ,but my character is far away from the cruelty Halfdan has on the show , and i'm saying not only on religions but on everything else .
and towards Yrin ,his brother , his appearance as well as his personality, is totally different from what the brother of halfdan is on the show ,that's also the reason why i have named him differently , i'd say the only thing similar there is but you can find similarities everywhere , is the fact that he's to be wed , although the situation , the relations and the status of the two lovers are completly different than the two on the show .
Anyhow ,you should be having doubts, and he wasn't exactly friendly for his first apperance , but some dialogs i made between the two during the submission should cheer you up about those two
[Wait yet another hour for a possibly safer route] It is always better to be safer than sorry in my opinion and if they're keeping a good eye on things it shouldn't really hurt.
Aha, I knew it! It was mostly Alfdan's description, with his hairstyle and the similar name that gave me this impression, though I wasn't sure if I have interpreted too much into it, especially with Yrin's obvious difference's to Harald. Well, I like Halfdan, so I am sure I'll like Alfdan as well. I agree that the guy looks totally badass in the show and he has grown quite a lot on me over the course of Season 4, especially in this second half. I look forward to see where they are similar and where they are different. Save to say, I am already glad that Alfdan is not as cruel as Halfdan
"I am already glad that Alfdan is not as cruel as Halfdan"
, that might change in the future , it's all in the hands of FluidStickyBen . 
haha, well perhpaps
It is..
Although I have no clue how cruel this Halfdan actually is. I gotta get my arse looking at vikings.
I wouldn't want to strive to far away from the submission either. I can't, of course tell you guys my plans. But you'll see soon enough.
The Voting is Closed!
You guys chose to wait for about an hour or so before you're heading down. While I can't say anything about whst happens (Duuh), I can only confirm that you have to wait a bit longer for the next Harlund part. That boring hour wouldn't make great material. Well, maybe I throw in yet another Harlund shorty. We'll see.
Anyways, next part'll be a Duncan part, finally, right? He got a fucking stone in his head after the bandits basically exploded the gate, medieval style. You then chose to rally the troops, and we'll see how that goes.
Also kind of an annoucement maybe thing thumbs up. There might or might not be 2 new PoV's this chapter, otherwise they'll be there early chapter III. I firmly wanted chapter 1 and to greater extent chapter II to be an introducrion to the four main PoV's (Duncan, Catelyn, Barney, Harlund) (And of course the Epilogue PoV whom right now only is Laemond), which I hope I've succeeded reasonably good with.
The part should be up on friday with a bit of luck. I'm cureently not home, but I'll try me best when I get home on Thursday evening.
Duncan V
At the Hunter’s Imperium
Duncan’s could barely keep his eyes open because of the stone that hit him, but also because of the blood that almost covered his eyes. He wiped the blood away from his eyes as good as he could and then decided to run to the barracks. He needed soldiers, and he needed them now. With a bit of luck, Alicia was already on her way with them. Or with a bit of luck, Duncan would be able to get here.
He started to walk and took maybe 4 steps before he fell to the ground again. Decidedly, he stood up again, leaning against the wall to the tavern. When he reached the end of the wall, he tried yet again to walk, but to no avail. He fell after the second step. Quickly he decided to walk into the tavern, and maybe, just maybe Kail Rayner would be there, and Duncan could send him instead.
He almost crawled to the tavern door, and then stood up to open it. He managed to remain standing while he walked in slow and steady. Duncan did once again wipe the blood from his eyes, and saw how scared half of them looked, while the other half looked too drunk to care. “Kail!” he shouted as high as he could, but only the tavernmaid, Ewa, answered. She had long brown hair and blue eyes, she was short and chubby, yet good-looking. “He walked in there with the lil’ lady. Said he was gon’ take good care of her. What’s goin’ on out there, m’lord?” She said and pointed at a door. Duncan took a step forward and almost fell, but he just grabbed a table and remained standing. “Being.. Attacked.. Busted the.. Gate. You need to… Lock the tavern.. up.” Duncan had to breathe heavily almost every second.
He grabbed the next table after the other to remain standing. In the end, he reached the door and opened it up. Now he was furious, how busy Kail could even be with this girl, he should’ve heard the catapult. He gained some strength and kicked the door open, and he heard two surprised gasps. In the bed, two people lay naked.A woman with long red hair with, just like Duncan, brown eyes, although her eyes were delicate and innocent, and also a beautifully formed body. It was Samantha, the miller’s daughter. She was probably taller than the man, who only is of average height. There was also a slim man, with red hair in a ponytail and green eyes, with a charming smile in the bed. This was Kail, Dustin’s almost identical twin. A man that Duncan sometimes could envy for almost always have fun. But not now, not when everyone here is at danger. Although this gave him strength enough to talk normally, or rather, shout.
“Samantha, get out please. And close the door after you.” He started, barely able to contain his anger. She was fast to put on her clothes and get out of the room, closing the door after her. “What in the seven hells are you doing, Kail? Have you completely missed what’s out there.?” Kail’s charming smile faded slowly, and was replaced by a normal expression. “I didn’t think it was that serious. I usually don’t have to help, since it’s usually just a couple of bandits.” Duncan lost his temper, that doesn’t happen often, barely ever, but now he was angry. “IS IT FUCKING NORMAL TO HEAR EXPLOSIONS WHEN ‘A COUPLE’ OF BANDITS RUNS BY?” Duncan screamed at Kail, and Duncan’s head started to hurt even more. Kail was visibly surprised when his father lost his temper. “No, father. I’ll get my clothes on and I’ll help you out.” Kail said and started to put on his clothes. He was done in a minute and then looked at his father, who now had been able to calm down a bit.
Kail walked up to Duncan, smiled at him and looked at his hair. “Fuck, father. You almost looks like the rest of us men in the family now because of all that red blood.” Duncan’s blonde short hair and beard was now red, most of it. Almost looking like his two twin-sons. “Kail. You’ve only been training with the Master-at-Arms, and fighting boars. This. This is real, you’re one of the best fighters we have, but you’re yet unexperienced. Prove yourself here, and I might let you continue your affair with Samantha.” Duncan said and chuckled, and Kail joined in. His son have given him strength. He didn’t feel as dizzy as before nor as lightheaded. He would probably still need to lean to things now and then to remain standing, but it felt a lot better.
“We have to hurry. There were a lot of bandits running in and only 5 soldiers to protect the g… the ground where the gate used to be.” Kail tilted his head slightly and gave him a questioning look. “No time to explain. Let’s just say that’s what make me bled. See for yourself. Now help me get to the door.” Kail opened the door and let Duncan lean on him as they walked through the tavern. They reached the tavern door and Kail opened it. They turned left and Kail saw what had happened.
“Gods.. I’m sorry, father.” Duncan just waved with his hand, and Kail started to walk towards the 2 remaining guards. 3 of the guards that Duncan left lay dead on the ground. The one that Duncan talked to the most was still alive, and was fending of good. The other guard still alive had more problems though. He struggled against 3 soldiers with a deep wound on his right leg and left arm.
“Kail. Go help that one!” Duncan told him and pointed at the struggling soldier. Kail started to run towards the soldier and dragged his sword. He started to fight one of the three bandits who fought the soldier. Duncan did just now see the man in the middle. To the left, the lone soldier was fending off good, to the right was Kail and the other soldier. But in the middle an older man, probably in his early 60’s, slowly walking in through the gates. The man was very tall, and very muscular for his age. He had a big bushy grey beard and long grey hair. He was very tall as well. “Back off, all of you!” the man shouted with a deep voice. Duncan had struggled to reach Kail, but finally he got there.
He grabbed Kail by his soldier so that he wouldn’t attack the tall man. The bandits backed off, just like they were told. The wounded soldier that fought with Kail didn’t back off though, he attacked the tall man. But before he could even reach him, the old man threw a knife that hit him right in the throat. The soldier fell to the ground and quickly bled to death.The supposed leader of the bandits walked up to the dead soldier and dragged his knife out of his throat. The old man pointed his knife at Duncan. “Lord Duncan, no?” Duncan dragged his sword and used it as a cane to walk towards him. When he stood a metre away from him, the old man started to talk.
“Look. We don’t want to hurt you and your folk. But we need to clear some things out. My boss wants you to understand consequences. He will not have you as a threat. You killed a lot of our guys back in the woods. And we won't have that. We didn’t give a direwolf’s nuts about you before, that’s your fault, my lord. But rest a-fucking-ssured, we will kill you all, every single one of you… If you don’t give us some arrows. That smith-shit gave us a good amount of arrows. We’d like to get a 1000 arrows, then you paid your debts.”
Duncan shook his head. “We don’t have a lot more than 1000 arrows right now.. We need every single arrow I have.” The old man stared at him for a while. “Then we got to kill you all.. Not today, not tomorrow. But very soon we will be back, before your gates are built up again.” The old man smiled cruelly at Duncan. “What’s your name?” Duncan asked. “Heh.. I’m your Nightmare.. That’s all you need to know. So what is it? You’ll give us arrows, or you’re going to get all of your folk killed because of your pride? Are you going to kneel, or stand tall?... Come on… I have other towns to destroy...”
[Accept] [Decline] [Ask for more time] [Try to stall him until Alicia arrives with the soldiers]
Well this is quite the predicament. I feel like things could go very bad if we pick the wrong choice.
[Decline] So I may be misinterpreting the situation but he said not today and not tomorrow so I'm guessing he'll leave if we say no but there will be a fight if they wait for more soldiers. Correct me if I'm wrong.
[Try to stall him until Alicia arrives with the soldiers]
Ah... shit, this is a hard one. I was torn between this or declining. One thing is for sure, I won't choose to accept the deal in any way, because this will make Duncan an accomplice in whatever the bandits are going to do with thousand arrows. Speaking of, thousand arrows? Hell that's a lot. I mean, it has already been heavily hinted at that these people are more than ordinary bandits, but I guess now it is all but confirmed. They have the numbers to attack a small keep, as it has turned out here and it appears to me that they could do even more bad with Duncan's arrows. In my opinion, the best he can do is to either decline and send word to the capital, or to stall for time and hope that Alicia's soldiers will be enough to turn the tide in this battle.
[Try to stall him until Alicia arrives with the soldiers]
Well, there is still a chance that Duncan can win if Alicia can get the soldiers there. Than, they could capture this bandit leader and question him about how he managed to obtain catapults.
[Accept] , this is the best choice if we want to prevent the folks from dying .
The Voting is Closed!
In the end, you guys chose to Try to stall him until Alicia arrives. I'm guessing that the bandit will take that as a No. We'll see, though, pretty soon hopefully.
Firstly! We got a Cat part comin' up. Last time you chose to search Mysarion the jester's drawer. Cat will do that in the next part. I hope the part will be up tomorrow evening, otherwise, I gotta push it back to Sunday at least. This week has been one stressful fucking week. It's my fault entirely. I just felt on a monday evening, 'Damn, the Logan movie really looks great' and it was premiering on Wednesday in Sweden. I've never in my life watched an x-men movie, so I watched THEM ALL (except Deadpool, still haven't seen that one) on two days. At the same time, I was redecorating my bedroom entirely and had to be done with that until tomorrow (which I still ain't). The X-men franchise is really good, though, you should give it a real shot (Tip: Watch it in chronological order). I was able to see them all before Logan, though, which was great.
And... HOLY HELL... Was Logan a good movie= No. Was it a great movie? No, it was a FUCKING AMAZING send-off for the last couple o' old mutants, Prof. X and Wolverine with more. It had comedy, it had emotion, it had action. It had it bloody all. Go and watch it., you'll probably get a TLOU vibe from it. Talkin' about the last of us, Hugh Jackman would be a great Joel for the movie, right?
Anyways, I'm done praising that movie now (Go watch it!!!!!). Won't get to the cinemas until GotG Vol. 2 in April next time. Anyways, I'll hope you enjoy the part whenever it comes.
Thank ye for readin'!
I definitely recommend watching Deadpool, freaking hilarious and it's so good!
Catelyn VIII
At King’s Landing
She couldn’t help herself. She had to look in the drawer. Cat walked up to the drawer and opened it. As she opened it she heard a very, very low-toned click once. She couldn’t tell where it came from if it was from the drawer or somewhere else, so she made no more of it and picked up the little bunch of letters Mysarion put there when they entered.
She opened the first letter and started to read..
My little Mysarion
I love you very much, Mysarion. You can’t imagine how proud I am of you, and how proud I will still be after my soon to come death. I love you, from the day I first felt you, until the day we both don’t exist anymore.
I love you, mother.
Cat felt warm tears running down her cheeks and a striking pain in her shoulder. She if anybody could sympathise with him since a similar thing happened to herself just recently. She took a deep breath and hoped for happier letters. The next one she grabbed seemed to be written by himself. It looked like preferred drinks for a number of nobilities around the court or at least people who’ve visited the capital for a few days. She read through them quickly..
Arbor Red for Queen Elaena Targaryen, Water for King Denterys Targaryen, Myrish Blackberry Wine for Lord Paramount Lannister, Ruby-Red Wine for Queen Mother Daenerys Targaryen… … The Imp’s Delight for High Lord Silvermane, Ironwood Ice Wine for Lord Halstark… … Olivegrove Dry for Lord Gerald Fowler, Sour Strongwine for Lady Dora Drinkwater… Bloodgrape Brandy for lady Lyanna Mormont. Daenerys most hated drink… Arbor Gold. And then there was one newly added. Northern Ale for Ser Alliser Forrester.
Huh, so it’s not only Daenerys who has something against Mysarion, it’s vice versa as well, even though Mys is much better at not showing it. But there really wasn’t anything to peak her interest there either… She picked up another letter with a broken sigil Cat had never seen before. Which means it’s probably from the Reach. Cat didn’t know a lot of sigils from the reach. However, their sigil was a crowned book. She opened up and read.
It’s with our deepest regrets to inform you that you sent your letter just too late. The local Bard contest will hopefully be back next year, be sure to send a letter to us then as well.
Ser Breon Flowers, castellan of Raylansfair.
Poor Mysarion, he didn’t have the easiest of times, that much is clear. Catelyn was relieved and a bit disappointed at the same time. She really wanted to find something interesting, but at the same time, she’s glad that Mysarion doesn’t seem to mean trouble. She put all the letters in the same place they were in before and closes the drawer, not hearing a click this time. The shoulder was still aching with pain, but Cat decided to try to move her arm a bit to feel it all. Just then, she heard muffled voices outside Mys room. The two persons talked in a low tone but when they walked past the door, Cat overheard a bit of it.
“I won't have them down in the cellar anymore, mother!” the first woman explained. Cat instantly recognised the voice. It was Elaena, talking to Daenerys. “I can’t take them anywhere else, Elaena. End of discussion. Stop.” Daenerys told her just in front of Mysarion’s door. “This fool can’t stay here much longer, Elaena. He is trouble.” Daenerys got slowly closer to the door, Cat could hear it. “Is this why we took this long way, mother? Well, I’ve grown rather fond of him, he’s a funny man.” Cat could hear Dany sigh through the door. “We disagree yet again, how unusual. I grew up with bad and good people, now, I’m not saying he’s a bad man, I’m just saying that it’s more to him than he lets out.” Elaena chuckled, and Cat could just imagine the stare her mother would give her.
“Everyone in King’s Landing has something to hide, even you. Why should he tell you everything about him if you’d never do that to him? Also, you do realise that if he’s in there, he heard everything you just said.” Elaena explained, but Dany answered quickly. “My feelings to him is mutual to him.” as Dany said that, she knocked on Mysarion’s door. But just a second later Cat could hear Elaena gasp. “Mother.. There’s a pool of blood on the floor. It’s fresh, very fresh.” Dany didn’t take a long time to answer. “You have to go back to your room and lock the doors” Elaena answered just as quick as Dany. “I will do no such thing. Someone could be dying just mere meters away from us, mother!”
While the two queens were arguing, Cat decided to walk out to them. Just as she unlocked the door and opened it, she could hear the voice of Mysarion. “Ah! Look at this, a Clash of Queens.” he laughed and clapped his hands. He stood there with 3 guards to escort her. Dany walked up to Mysarion and Cat knew what was to come. Neither Elaena or Dany had noticed her yet. “Lord Jester.. I would like to inform you that your services aren’t required for a while. The next time Lord Laemond Silvermane comes to visit us, you will go with him until the next time he comes back here. Have fun.” Daenerys said with an almost cruel voice. Mysarion didn’t even flinch. Elaena asked him a question. “Who’s blood is that?” Mysarion smirked at them and looked Cat right in her eyes. “Well… Look behind you.” Elaena turned around and gave Cat a surprised glare, then she noticed her shoulder. “Oh gods, Cat. What has happened to?” Cat couldn’t bare it anymore, she started to sob and fell into Elaena’s arms.
Even though she knew that Elaena was talking about, Cat decided to talk about her father instead. “He’s dead, Elaena. Father’s dead…” she sobbed in Elaena’s arms. Cat looked up at her and saw her shocked, sad expression. Elaena hugged her even more tightly, avoiding her left shoulder. “I’m sorry, Cat.. I’m soo sorry. If there’s anything I can do, anything at all, tell me.” Dany took place on the left side of her and took a look at her shoulder. “Who did this?” Daenerys asked sharply. “A… A woman. I didn’t see who it was, but it was definitely a woman.”
Dany had a questioning look, but it grew to a look of anger short thereafter. “Did I make myself clear, Mysarion?” Elaena had had enough and whispered to Cat to let her go for a moment. Cat did as she was commanded. The queen walked up to Dany and looked at her. “I think he should stay, mother. He hasn’t done me nor you any harm.” Dany boiled with anger now. “I’ve had enough, Elaena! It’s out of discussion. He will be back in time, what is the problem?” Dany was about to lose her shit. “Do I get a saying in the matter?” Cat asked. And simultaneously Dany said No and Elaena said Yes. “Yes.” the Queen said again so Cat knew what was which. “I…”
[Cat thinks that Mys should stay] [Cat thinks that Mys should go with Lord Silvermane]]
[Cat thinks Mys should stay] The man was kind enough to help Cat out. I think he deserves the benefit of the doubt.