Ladies and gentlemen. I am back. We're gonna check in on Barney's last part for the chapter, Cat and Elaena at King's Landing and also with … moreHarlund, his letters and his fucking guards. Three-parter just because you've waited so long for a new part. Deeply sorry for the long wait, but I am back now anyhow.
Barney V
Beartilde Hall
Barney took a stroll on the little market in Beartile Hall before preparing his other speech. He will tell them that he will leave today, with most guard. Leaving the command to the Captain. The Captain had given Barney a list of every soldier that would follow them, a list of forty nine men, and one woman, Jaesa.
Barney didn’t want to leave this fast to go to Winterfell. He would’ve liked to stay for a while and fixed the city up. But he couldn’t. And soon the smallfolk would know that as well. He climbed up on the stage that he stood on just yesterday and told them about Bernhard.
“Great Citizens of B… [view original content]
[Ask her what she wanted to tell her before they were interrupted]
I want to know. I have the worst patience, so I have to know.
[Let Harald rule while Harlund is gone]
Sure, Adrion is the true heir. But who wants a little shit to rule. Harald seems loved, he can hunt and so forth.
[Ask her what she wanted to tell her before they were interrupted]
God, she's making me super curious. Just spit it out already, Elaena
[Let Adrion rule while Harlund is gone]
The eldest son is the heir by law. If Harlund doesn't like it, he can always pull a Randyll Tarly on Adrion, but as long as he doesn't do this, it is Adrion's right to rule in his absence. I don't like it, since I don't like Adrion, but I remember something Harlund said before, about the Northerners upholding tradition above all.
Ladies and gentlemen. I am back. We're gonna check in on Barney's last part for the chapter, Cat and Elaena at King's Landing and also with … moreHarlund, his letters and his fucking guards. Three-parter just because you've waited so long for a new part. Deeply sorry for the long wait, but I am back now anyhow.
Barney V
Beartilde Hall
Barney took a stroll on the little market in Beartile Hall before preparing his other speech. He will tell them that he will leave today, with most guard. Leaving the command to the Captain. The Captain had given Barney a list of every soldier that would follow them, a list of forty nine men, and one woman, Jaesa.
Barney didn’t want to leave this fast to go to Winterfell. He would’ve liked to stay for a while and fixed the city up. But he couldn’t. And soon the smallfolk would know that as well. He climbed up on the stage that he stood on just yesterday and told them about Bernhard.
“Great Citizens of B… [view original content]
Ladies and gentlemen. I am back. We're gonna check in on Barney's last part for the chapter, Cat and Elaena at King's Landing and also with … moreHarlund, his letters and his fucking guards. Three-parter just because you've waited so long for a new part. Deeply sorry for the long wait, but I am back now anyhow.
Barney V
Beartilde Hall
Barney took a stroll on the little market in Beartile Hall before preparing his other speech. He will tell them that he will leave today, with most guard. Leaving the command to the Captain. The Captain had given Barney a list of every soldier that would follow them, a list of forty nine men, and one woman, Jaesa.
Barney didn’t want to leave this fast to go to Winterfell. He would’ve liked to stay for a while and fixed the city up. But he couldn’t. And soon the smallfolk would know that as well. He climbed up on the stage that he stood on just yesterday and told them about Bernhard.
“Great Citizens of B… [view original content]
You guys chose to Ask Elaena about what she wanted before thy were so rudely interrupted. And yepp, curiosity is curiosity.
You also decided to make Adrion the ruler while Harlund's gone. And well, let's see if he's good for the job.
The next part will be the last one for the chapter kinda. If you count the 'epilogue I' as the chapter finale as well I suppose. You guys don't need a recap for Cat, you just read her. The part should be up about... Now, actually.
Catelyn V
At The Red Keep
“When we sat in the carriage, you was just about to tell me something. I just wonder what it was you wanted to tell me, Elaena.” Cat explained.
“I see… I suppose this is as good time as any.” she said, while they were taking a nice stroll towards the great hall, as the audience’s come. Elaena has a lot of people to help or to not help. “What I was supposed to say is that you’ve been with me for a long time, Cat. We’ve been close friends for years, and th.. the incident was sad, yes. But it strengthened our friendship. What I am trying to say is that you are the only close friend I have, except for my family. But after everything we’ve been through, I consider you as a sister… As family.”
“I do as well, Elaena. I don’t have much of my family left, only father and Barney.”
“I know. But I will not only tribute you here. I want you as my advisor, I want you in the council.”
Catelyn was baffled to hear this. She never thought when she came to be a handmaiden to Elaena she never expected to even be asked this.
“I see I took you by surprise. I love to take people by surprise.” Elaena said and smiled her lovely smile. “This isn’t an offer though. I need you by my side. And your first assignment is to follow me and help me with all the people in this very room.” Elaena said, and opened the doors to the great hall. “Let’s get going.”
Elaena sat down in the Iron Throne, that for centuries been standing there and been sit upon by dozens and dozens of King’s and Queen’s. The Throne made of swords. Cat took place at her right side.
93 peoples were there to ask for certain things, farmers asking for more food, soldiers asking for better steel, villagers asking for better protection. The ninety first man was an nobleman from the north. He was tall, handsome, with an astonishing small beard and back-slicked hair.
“And who might you be?” Elaena asked, tired after 4 and a half hours of work. Cat’ve gotten a chair to sit in.
“I am Ser Alliser Forrester, your grace. Sent by King Robert Stark.” he said with a northern accent. “King Robert expected you to help him. He was determined that you would attack from the south and he from the north. The Riverlands would’ve been split between the two of us, and you would’ve gotten the Iron Islands. Instead, King Robert has to deal with the bloody rebellers himself. But he is willing to give you a last chance. He gives you everything I previously mentioned, in turn for that you are declaring war and helps us fight the rebellion. It’s a won war, you’ll just make it faster.”
“Is that King Robert’s offer?” Elaena asked.
“It bloody well is, your grace.” Ser Alliser answered.
“...” Elaena seemed to be thinking. “You know what? Let’s do this. It will only strengthen our bond with the North, and we will have minor casualties. Let’s d-” She got cut of by an elderly womans voice, raspy, but still beautiful.
“...Not do this. No. Agreement.” The old woman was surely in her 70’s at least, maybe even early 80’s. She had long grey/silver white hair. She’s slim and in remarkably good shape for her age. While you definitely can see that she’s old, her face looks quite good as well for her age.
“Oh no…” Elaena mumbled.
“May I ask whom you might be, my lady?” he said, visibly uncomfortable about the whole situation.
“I am the previous Queen of the South, ser. I am Daenerys Targaryen, mother to Queen Elaena Targaryen.”
No Choices ‘Ere.
STOP! Question Time!
What did you think of Chapter 1? Yeah, I know. It was short.
Who was you least favourite character and favourtie character? (Why?) Also favourite and least favorite POV?
What do you want/believe will happen next?
And of Course, which canon character do you think/hope will appear next?
Thanks for this first chapter, and to many more chapters to come! Cheers.
The Voting is Closed!
You guys chose to Ask Elaena about what she wanted before thy were so rudely interrupted. And yepp, curiosity is cu… moreriosity.
You also decided to make Adrion the ruler while Harlund's gone. And well, let's see if he's good for the job.
The next part will be the last one for the chapter kinda. If you count the 'epilogue I' as the chapter finale as well I suppose. You guys don't need a recap for Cat, you just read her. The part should be up about... Now, actually.
Catelyn V
At The Red Keep
“When we sat in the carriage, you was just about to tell me something. I just wonder what it was you wanted to tell me, Elaena.” Cat explained.
“I see… I suppose this is as good time as any.” she said, while they were taking a nice stroll towards the great hall, as the audience’s come. Elaena has a lot of people to help or to not help. “What I was supposed to say is that you’ve been with me for a long time, Cat. We’ve be… [view original content]
Ah, it's Dany! That is sweet, I was already excited to see what happened to her. I did not expect her to still be alive though, that was a pleasant surprise.
What did you think of Chapter 1? Yeah, I know. It was short.
I enjoyed it greatly! You did a good job in setting up the events to come, with some nice twists in it, but it mostly felt like build-up, which a first chapter should be. Your writing is also really good, I feel like it actually got better as the parts progressed and you gained more experience. That makes me super excited for future chapters
Who was you least favourite character and favourtie character? (Why?)
My least favourite... hm, tough call, but Harlund maybe? I really didn't like him that much. My favourite is probably Duncan. I liked Jaesa too of course, but I feel Duncan had the better stuff to do and I really enjoyed him. I am looking forward for his storyline in the next chapter.
Also favourite and least favorite POV?
My favourite is, again, Duncan, with Barney as a close second. My least favourite is Harlund, though I still enjoyed reading his parts.
What do you want/believe will happen next?
Well, now that we have Dany in the story, I can see her really tearing shit up, which I mean in a positive way I also look forward for the future of Barney's storyline, as he's probably going to have more scenes with the king. And there is Duncan, whom I could see having a really great storyline next chapter. I'm just not having any educated guesses what it will be about, it's just a feeling.
And of Course, which canon character do you think/hope will appear next?
Hm... in Barney's storyline, I think we could see some of the canon Starks. Maybe an older Arya or Bran. But the one I'd really like to see would be Gendry, probably still rowing his boat. After sixty years of doing that, he must be ripped as hell
The Voting is Closed!
You guys chose to Ask Elaena about what she wanted before thy were so rudely interrupted. And yepp, curiosity is cu… moreriosity.
You also decided to make Adrion the ruler while Harlund's gone. And well, let's see if he's good for the job.
The next part will be the last one for the chapter kinda. If you count the 'epilogue I' as the chapter finale as well I suppose. You guys don't need a recap for Cat, you just read her. The part should be up about... Now, actually.
Catelyn V
At The Red Keep
“When we sat in the carriage, you was just about to tell me something. I just wonder what it was you wanted to tell me, Elaena.” Cat explained.
“I see… I suppose this is as good time as any.” she said, while they were taking a nice stroll towards the great hall, as the audience’s come. Elaena has a lot of people to help or to not help. “What I was supposed to say is that you’ve been with me for a long time, Cat. We’ve be… [view original content]
Ah, it's Dany! That is sweet, I was already excited to see what happened to her. I did not expect her to still be alive though, that was a p… moreleasant surprise.
What did you think of Chapter 1? Yeah, I know. It was short.
I enjoyed it greatly! You did a good job in setting up the events to come, with some nice twists in it, but it mostly felt like build-up, which a first chapter should be. Your writing is also really good, I feel like it actually got better as the parts progressed and you gained more experience. That makes me super excited for future chapters
Who was you least favourite character and favourtie character? (Why?)
My least favourite... hm, tough call, but Harlund maybe? I really didn't like him that much. My favourite is probably Duncan. I liked Jaesa too of course, but I feel Duncan had the better stuff to do and I really enjoyed him. I am looking forward for his storyline in the next chapter.
Al… [view original content]
The Voting is Closed!
You guys chose to Ask Elaena about what she wanted before thy were so rudely interrupted. And yepp, curiosity is cu… moreriosity.
You also decided to make Adrion the ruler while Harlund's gone. And well, let's see if he's good for the job.
The next part will be the last one for the chapter kinda. If you count the 'epilogue I' as the chapter finale as well I suppose. You guys don't need a recap for Cat, you just read her. The part should be up about... Now, actually.
Catelyn V
At The Red Keep
“When we sat in the carriage, you was just about to tell me something. I just wonder what it was you wanted to tell me, Elaena.” Cat explained.
“I see… I suppose this is as good time as any.” she said, while they were taking a nice stroll towards the great hall, as the audience’s come. Elaena has a lot of people to help or to not help. “What I was supposed to say is that you’ve been with me for a long time, Cat. We’ve be… [view original content]
What did you think of Chapter 1?- I thought it was short but interesting. A good set up for the rest of the story.
Who was your least favorite and favorite character?- Least = Harlund, Favorite = Catlyn so far. These answers are the same for favorite\least favorite povs.
What do you want to happen next?- I want to see more of King Robert and Queen Elaena's families.
Which Canon character will appear next?- I think that there may be a possibility that Jon Snow might be still alive.
The Voting is Closed!
You guys chose to Ask Elaena about what she wanted before thy were so rudely interrupted. And yepp, curiosity is cu… moreriosity.
You also decided to make Adrion the ruler while Harlund's gone. And well, let's see if he's good for the job.
The next part will be the last one for the chapter kinda. If you count the 'epilogue I' as the chapter finale as well I suppose. You guys don't need a recap for Cat, you just read her. The part should be up about... Now, actually.
Catelyn V
At The Red Keep
“When we sat in the carriage, you was just about to tell me something. I just wonder what it was you wanted to tell me, Elaena.” Cat explained.
“I see… I suppose this is as good time as any.” she said, while they were taking a nice stroll towards the great hall, as the audience’s come. Elaena has a lot of people to help or to not help. “What I was supposed to say is that you’ve been with me for a long time, Cat. We’ve be… [view original content]
“Is everyone in position?” Lord Laemond Silvermane of Riversprings asked his brother, Ser Daemon Lannister. Daemon is of normal height, quite muscular with vigilant bright green eyes, just as Laemond’s. He got curly golden blonde hair, which is cut pretty short, but he still have a tiny ponytail and a silver-streak of hair along his left temple. His half plate armor & helmet is of simple design and made out of steel which he wears over a red gambeson. He wears a red cape and shield with the golden Lannister lion on them, and wields a steel longsword with a lion's head as design on the cross guard. In addition to the sword he is one of the rare users of javelins, and carries 3 steel tipped javelins to throw before getting into close combat. He is an elegant man, but not as exceptionally elegant as Laemond himself of course. He is 33 years old, while Laemond is 36.
“Of course, brother.” Daemon answered.
“Good, do you have the armours and helmets?” Laemond asked Daemon.
“Everything’s in the barn. This’ll work. Finally the Targaryens can see the truth.”
“We’re Targaryens, little brother. We may not have the name, but we have the blood.”
“That is true I suppose. The rest of the Targaryens then..”
“The rest of the Targaryens then.” Laemond repeated what Daeron said. “And now we’ll wait.”
It’s been half an hour since the wait began when the wait ended. “Here they come…” Laemond mumbled. “Prepare yourselves!” he shouted and didn’t say another word until men came running out if the wood. It was Riverlands soldiers with their fishy armour and swords in their hands. They stopped when Laemond held one of his hands up. “Who is your leader?” he asked with a demanding voice.
“I am!” An older man with a raspy voice stated. The man was tall, slim with a beard stump and wrinkles all over the face. He walked out of the group of about 30 men and stood in front of them.
“Sorry to hear that…” Laemond said with a smirk on his face.
“What the hell are ye smirkin’ at, fancy man?” The older man asked. Laemond only answered with a whistling of the rains of castamere. And now the reins weep o'er his halls. 200 men came out of the woods, a lot of archer aiming at the riverlanders.
“Oh shit…” the older man mumbled. Laemond continued to whistle. With no one there to hear. When the last whistle ended every archer started to shoot, while the swordsmen stood their ground. In about 10 seconds every one of the riverlanders laid dead on the ground.
“Good work, men! I need you to behead each and every one of them… Oh, but throw that so called leader in a river or something. Burn him, maybe.” he told his men and started to walk towards his horse. “And put on the Stark helmets on their ugly heads and burn all the bodies.” Laemond told them.
“Yes sir!” the soldiers shouted towards their lords.
“Is it time, brother?” Daemon asked, whom have just been standing besides his older brother under the whole time.
“Yes, Daemon. Giving her these heads will not give her a choice. And she doesn’t distrust me, we’re family. We trust each other.” Laemond said and ended his sentence. “Queen Elaena will finally make the two pieces of Westeros one again.”
Epilogue I
Laemond I
At the South/Riverlands borders (Kingsroad)
“Is everyone in position?” Lord Laemond Silvermane of Riversprings… more asked his brother, Ser Daemon Lannister. Daemon is of normal height, quite muscular with vigilant bright green eyes, just as Laemond’s. He got curly golden blonde hair, which is cut pretty short, but he still have a tiny ponytail and a silver-streak of hair along his left temple. His half plate armor & helmet is of simple design and made out of steel which he wears over a red gambeson. He wears a red cape and shield with the golden Lannister lion on them, and wields a steel longsword with a lion's head as design on the cross guard. In addition to the sword he is one of the rare users of javelins, and carries 3 steel tipped javelins to throw before getting into close combat. He is an elegant man, but not as exceptionally elegant as Laemond himself of course. He is 33 years old, while Laemond is 36.
… [view original content]
Just wanted to say thst I planned for chapter 2 to start tomorrow, which no longer will be possible. It wont be possible because today, ladies and gentlemen, is my birthday. And tomorrow is my mothers birthday. So I hope you understand that.
Ello mates!
Just wanted to say thst I planned for chapter 2 to start tomorrow, which no longer will be possible. It wont be possible beca… moreuse today, ladies and gentlemen, is my birthday. And tomorrow is my mothers birthday. So I hope you understand that.
Soooo... yeey for me.
Hm, that is quite intriguing, this epilogue. What Agent says sounds likely, I bet these guys try to start a new war. I'm not sure if they work for Elaena though, or if they act out of misguided patriotism, thinking they'd do her a favour. Or maybe they are working for some third party altogether, merely planning to use her for their own ends. Anyway, keep them coming, this is great
Epilogue I
Laemond I
At the South/Riverlands borders (Kingsroad)
“Is everyone in position?” Lord Laemond Silvermane of Riversprings… more asked his brother, Ser Daemon Lannister. Daemon is of normal height, quite muscular with vigilant bright green eyes, just as Laemond’s. He got curly golden blonde hair, which is cut pretty short, but he still have a tiny ponytail and a silver-streak of hair along his left temple. His half plate armor & helmet is of simple design and made out of steel which he wears over a red gambeson. He wears a red cape and shield with the golden Lannister lion on them, and wields a steel longsword with a lion's head as design on the cross guard. In addition to the sword he is one of the rare users of javelins, and carries 3 steel tipped javelins to throw before getting into close combat. He is an elegant man, but not as exceptionally elegant as Laemond himself of course. He is 33 years old, while Laemond is 36.
… [view original content]
Ello mates!
Just wanted to say thst I planned for chapter 2 to start tomorrow, which no longer will be possible. It wont be possible beca… moreuse today, ladies and gentlemen, is my birthday. And tomorrow is my mothers birthday. So I hope you understand that.
Soooo... yeey for me.
I got a job almost 2 weeks ago. So I haven't really got a lot of time to write. I just need to find a balance between the things, and then more parts should come.
So expect a part in November at least, then I should be pretty settled in my work and in my scheme in general.
These are pretty cool news. Congratulations to the job! Hope you're doing well. And of course I'm looking forward for the next part later this month. Take your time, it'll be great
A little update would be in order, wouldn't it?
I got a job almost 2 weeks ago. So I haven't really got a lot of time to write. I just ne… moreed to find a balance between the things, and then more parts should come.
So expect a part in November at least, then I should be pretty settled in my work and in my scheme in general.
Thank ye for yer understandin'!
These are pretty cool news. Congratulations to the job! Hope you're doing well. And of course I'm looking forward for the next part later this month. Take your time, it'll be great
So yeah. Didn't keep my promise. Sorry 'bout that, I am feeling bad for it.
Be assured, I will continue the story.. In the new year. I decided this a few days ago, and I am now ready to announce it.
As everyone knows, December is a hectic month for a lot of people. And I am so far behind on a lot of stories her in the forums. So I decided to make December a catch-up month. For some reasons:
1. I really don't have time to write this month. It's Christmas, it's a lot of work to do and it's a genuinely stressful fucking month.
2. I need to calm myself down, and what other way would be better than read an amazing fanfiction 'ere?
Anyways, I hope you understand, and then we can start of the new year with chapter II: The Pressures of Family.
Thank ye for yer understandin', and of course, thank you for readin'.
Thanks for the update! I can understand the need to catch a break sometimes, especially since December is typically a very hectic month. So, take your time, try to relax a little and be assured that I look forward for the story to return in the next year
So yeah. Didn't keep my promise. Sorry 'bout that, I am feeling bad for it.
Be assured, I will continue the story.. In the new year. I de… morecided this a few days ago, and I am now ready to announce it.
As everyone knows, December is a hectic month for a lot of people. And I am so far behind on a lot of stories her in the forums. So I decided to make December a catch-up month. For some reasons:
1. I really don't have time to write this month. It's Christmas, it's a lot of work to do and it's a genuinely stressful fucking month.
2. I need to calm myself down, and what other way would be better than read an amazing fanfiction 'ere?
Anyways, I hope you understand, and then we can start of the new year with chapter II: The Pressures of Family.
Thank ye for yer understandin', and of course, thank you for readin'.
See ya around!
I get it, I get it. It's not a new year yet for everyone, but it is for me. For one hour and 5 minutes I've lived in 2017. I've been cheering for a certain Harris, as Cap. Ivy suggested. Anyways. do enjoy.
Chapter II The Pressures of Family
Duncan III At The Hunter’s Imperium (keep of Rayner)
In the distance Duncan could see the hold of the Rayner’s between the trees. The Hunter’s Imperium. The wooden tower, which is the highest building inside the Hunter’s Imperium, was visible behind the wooden walls, and the stonewalls just in front of the wooden walls. Duncan just a year ago decide to change from wood to stone, for better protection against the growing bandit threat. He keeps the wooden wall up until the stone wall is done, that way, he gains just a little more land inside. Apart from the stone wall that is currently being built, almost everything is made out of wood, close to the west side of the Queenswood, previously named the Kingswood.
Duncan sat on his horse Arvak, an almost skeletal looking horse because Arvak isn’t a horse that likes food so much, so he is barely eating, but still a very loyal black, incredibly skinny horse. His men were riding behind him, some of the men in the front carried the boars as good as they were able to, since the bandits have destroyed their carts.
“Open the gate!” A soldier shouted when he saw that his Lord got closer to the keep. It was a gate of wood, opened by ropes strongly tied to the gate, dragged by the four incredibly muscular and reasonably tall gatekeepers.
The wooden gate slowly opened and Duncan rode in. He wasn’t met by anyone at the gate, he only saw the smallfolk working on their fields and in the smith. They were used to the lord riding in and out to hunt, so they rarely greets the Lord any longer, even though he is liked by his people.
The Hunter’s Imperium isn’t a very big villages, although stronger than most of the small villages, since it has walls and a good amount of weapon and soldiers. It has one smith, one mine and a lot of field to farm on. There is a Windmill just on the other side of the eastern wall, so that is the second gate out. There is the main gate, and then there is the eastern gate.
It isn’t a lot of houses for individual persons, very few, in fact no more than three families, excluding the lord with family, is living in houses on their own. The other men and women of the Hunter’s Imperium lives in longhouses, which there are five of inside the walls. The Lord’s fort, or rather, the Lord’s Big House stands in the northern side of the village.
“Father!”a young man shouted. This young man’s name is Dustin Rayner. The oldest child of Duncan, and almost identical twin brother to Kail Rayner. He looked like a rather normal guy. Short red hair, green eye and a light stubble. he’s a slender man, light muscles and average height. The only thing that stands out is the empty left eye-socket. There once was a murderer in town, who captured Dustin and gouged his left eye out. He chose not to hide it, maybe to show the people that not even the lord with family is safe, or maybe to make Duncan feel guilty for not finding Dustin in time.
“Dustin!” they both hugged each other. Although they love each other, Dustin doesn’t agree with Duncan’s methods. Dustin sees him as not stern enough. And to no help, Dustin got an even worse temper after the eye-incident then when he was a child. Duncan noticed that Dustin had changed his book that he carries with him everywhere he goes inside the keep.
“What’re you reading now, Dustin.” Duncan asked.
“Stories from Tyrion Lannister youth. He send it to us 6 years ago. When he sat down from his Hand title, he started to write this book. I figured I would give it a chance, maybe learn something from that master-strategist.” Dustin answered.
So the stories of Tyrion Lan… I am sorry, but does it have a name?”
“It does, father… It’s named “The God of Tits and Wine”. However, don’t let the title mistake the book for unserious. He is telling his life stories, with a bit of comedy in it.” Dustin explained. “He’s apparently working on a second volume from his years as hand when Queen-Regent Daenerys came. ‘The Hand of Tits and Wine’.”
“Most interesting” Duncan said slightly mean.
“But we aren’t here to discuss tits, nor wine. There are another important matter at hand now. You know that these bandits have been taking our arrows?” Duncan nods. “We found out who was delivering them to the fucks. The smiths son. Can you be-fucking-lieve it father?” This caught Duncan by surprise. The Smith’s son, Anders, would be the last one Duncan would’ve guessed to be a traitor. Anders has been nothing but loyal since basically birth.
“I didn’t believe at first. But that FUCK told me it right to my face! Will you take the hand or send him to rot.” Dustin started to become furious. His famous temper is starting to show.
“I want to hear what he has to say first.” Duncan told him.
“And what the hell do you think he’ll say? Because he had ‘to save us’ from the bandits, by giving them arrows that can kill us easily.”
“I want to hear. What he has. To say.” Dustin can get very annoying when he’s angry, and usually says things that anyone else would regret later. But not Dustin.
“What the hell ever. Do the right thing.” It was quiet for a time, then they saw The Smith’s son in the distance with a couple of guards. “Here he is.”
“I will talk with him. You. Stay. Back.” Duncan ordered Dustin. Who looked very angry, but nodded.
“Anders.” Duncan said with a powerful voice. Anders looked up with an absolutely bloodied face, full of wounds from hits. He was impaled with an arrow in the foot as well. Duncan was speechless. This is not how Duncan deal with things, and he only knows one person in his keep that would do this. Or rather, would dare to do such things. “Dustin…”
“Father…” Dustin answered, equally cold.
“Why the hell would you do this?”
“He is a bloody traitor. deserve everything I did to him.” he answered, extreme furious started to show in both Father and sons face.
“This is not the way we do things here, and you bloody well knows that! I am a man of justi-.” Duncan got cut of by Dustin.
“Well so am I! But your ‘justice’ is weak, fucking weak. And so are you. You couldn’t even find your own son in this little fucking city! You are a worthless, PATHETIC EXCUSE OF A LORD!” And as he said that he clenched his fist and gave him a punch. Duncan was baffled, never before had Dustin hit him. But Duncan continued.
“I didn’t sleep a second while you were gone! Don’t act like anything else. Every troop I had here was looking for you! I love you son. But what you said and did to me is punishable by a hand. Apologize.” Duncan demanded. How much of an arse Dustin could ever be, Duncan would still never wish his children harm. Especially not harming them himself.
“No. I won't. I will do what I have to do to make you understand. I love you too, father. But you have to understand that you’re justice ain’t good enough.” Dustin answered with such a cold in his voice and eyes. Duncan couldn’t just leave it here though, a rather large part of the city must’ve heard this argument. So he can’t let it pass. But is it worth it? How far can justice and mercy go?
[Take a Hand][Leave your son unharmed, but lock him up in his room][Let Dustin go unpunished]
And for Anders. He looked scared. His eyes were as big as ever. Duncan could see that he regretted it, and is already harmed. But he has to go punished. Duncan could just exile him, but he could also take a hand. “Please… Don’t take the hand.. You know I only have the right hand left….”
[Exile Anders][Take a hand]
Yeah, right? A double choice. This wont happen often, but it will when it really fits. So about 95 percent of the time there will be one choice no choice deal as usual. But expect it now and then.
Happy new Year, mates. May 2017 be a better year than 2016.
I get it, I get it. It's not a new year yet for everyone, but it is for me. For one hour and 5 minutes I've lived in 2017. I've been cheerin… moreg for a certain Harris, as Cap. Ivy suggested. Anyways. do enjoy.
Chapter II
The Pressures of Family
Duncan III
At The Hunter’s Imperium (keep of Rayner)
In the distance Duncan could see the hold of the Rayner’s between the trees. The Hunter’s Imperium. The wooden tower, which is the highest building inside the Hunter’s Imperium, was visible behind the wooden walls, and the stonewalls just in front of the wooden walls. Duncan just a year ago decide to change from wood to stone, for better protection against the growing bandit threat. He keeps the wooden wall up until the stone wall is done, that way, he gains just a little more land inside. Apart from the stone wall that is currently being built, almost everything is made out of wood, close to the west side of the Queenswood, previously named… [view original content]
I get it, I get it. It's not a new year yet for everyone, but it is for me. For one hour and 5 minutes I've lived in 2017. I've been cheerin… moreg for a certain Harris, as Cap. Ivy suggested. Anyways. do enjoy.
Chapter II
The Pressures of Family
Duncan III
At The Hunter’s Imperium (keep of Rayner)
In the distance Duncan could see the hold of the Rayner’s between the trees. The Hunter’s Imperium. The wooden tower, which is the highest building inside the Hunter’s Imperium, was visible behind the wooden walls, and the stonewalls just in front of the wooden walls. Duncan just a year ago decide to change from wood to stone, for better protection against the growing bandit threat. He keeps the wooden wall up until the stone wall is done, that way, he gains just a little more land inside. Apart from the stone wall that is currently being built, almost everything is made out of wood, close to the west side of the Queenswood, previously named… [view original content]
[Leave your son unharmed, but lock him up in his room]
I am not exactly sure if Dustin even went against the law that severely here. Sure, he beat a prisoner pretty badly, but that is far too less to justify the loss of a hand, unless taking hands for every crime is sort of a Rayner thing to do, which I doubt. So, I say locking him up in his room to cool off will be for the best.
[Exile Anders]
I am not exactly sure what is wiser here. If I would have the choice, I would kill him. A traitor can't be trusted. Since this is not an option, I have to decide if it would be wiser to have a crippled enemy close or to hope for his gratitude if he just gets exiled and sent away. I put my trust in the latter one and I hope I won't regret it.
I get it, I get it. It's not a new year yet for everyone, but it is for me. For one hour and 5 minutes I've lived in 2017. I've been cheerin… moreg for a certain Harris, as Cap. Ivy suggested. Anyways. do enjoy.
Chapter II
The Pressures of Family
Duncan III
At The Hunter’s Imperium (keep of Rayner)
In the distance Duncan could see the hold of the Rayner’s between the trees. The Hunter’s Imperium. The wooden tower, which is the highest building inside the Hunter’s Imperium, was visible behind the wooden walls, and the stonewalls just in front of the wooden walls. Duncan just a year ago decide to change from wood to stone, for better protection against the growing bandit threat. He keeps the wooden wall up until the stone wall is done, that way, he gains just a little more land inside. Apart from the stone wall that is currently being built, almost everything is made out of wood, close to the west side of the Queenswood, previously named… [view original content]
[Leave your son unharmed, but lock him up in his room]
I believe this is the best option. Plus, Dustin has already lost one body part, no need to lose another one.
[Exile Anders]
He was apparently loyal for a while before the bandit attacks. I wish we could get some information out of him to understand his motives more, but hopefully he can't cause anymore trouble from far away. Also, he apparently has only one hand, taking the other one might be a little to cruel.
I get it, I get it. It's not a new year yet for everyone, but it is for me. For one hour and 5 minutes I've lived in 2017. I've been cheerin… moreg for a certain Harris, as Cap. Ivy suggested. Anyways. do enjoy.
Chapter II
The Pressures of Family
Duncan III
At The Hunter’s Imperium (keep of Rayner)
In the distance Duncan could see the hold of the Rayner’s between the trees. The Hunter’s Imperium. The wooden tower, which is the highest building inside the Hunter’s Imperium, was visible behind the wooden walls, and the stonewalls just in front of the wooden walls. Duncan just a year ago decide to change from wood to stone, for better protection against the growing bandit threat. He keeps the wooden wall up until the stone wall is done, that way, he gains just a little more land inside. Apart from the stone wall that is currently being built, almost everything is made out of wood, close to the west side of the Queenswood, previously named… [view original content]
Alrighty, so you guys decided to lock Dustin the fuck up and exile Anders.
I expected both choices. Quite frankly, Dustin needs to chill for a bit. Hittin' the lord and swearin' at him is kind of a big crime. And Anders, well. It would've been cruel to take the only hand he has. So I'd say you made the 'right' choice. Let's see the outcomes.
Anyways, next part'll be a Harlund part. Harlund was deciding if it would be Adrion or Harald to rule while Harlund's gone. Adrion got the chance. It's a day later since we saw him next, and it seems like he's annoucing his decision to his sons.
I've thought about this now, and decided that you guys get a part every saturday or sunday, this time sunday. If you get another part in the week, then I guess I couldn't wait to share it with you. This'll probably keep me going more then before, since it's a goal. If anything happens I'll try to compensate you with a part later on, but I'll keep ye updated.
“It’s time to leave! Come on! Adrion, you are in charge ‘till I come back, understood?” Harlund sat up on his horse while a somewhat happy Adrion walked away, although he turned around and said something Harlund haven’t heard for years. “Thank you, father.” Harlund looked at Harald, who nodded and said. “I know you chose between us.
He now left Frosthorn, maybe for the last time. He hadn’t seen Torstein since the meal three days ago. The family only eat together once a week and during festivities. Just about a hundred metres away did Harlund see an arguably bigger army than his own. with a Beartilde in the front. Known throughout the north, the houses of Beartilde and Marbrand were once very close. But after a fight between Adrion and Barney 15 years ago, both of them around 12 at the time, the houses distanced themselves from each other. It was for the best, Adrion or Barney couldn’t stay in the same rome together for longer than a second before all of the seven hells broke loose. Harlund never really had a quarrel towards Barney, nor Bernhard for that matter.
Harlund started to ride slowly as Barney reached them. Barney stopped his horse and looked at Harlund, as Harlund slowly rode past him. But he gave him a quick nod before and said “Let’s go.”. Barney sighed quite audibly, but nodded back to him and said “After you Lord Marbrand.” Harlund glanced over his shoulder and looked at Barney again, and noticed that he was accompanied by only one woman. She had something outlandish about her, Volantis maybe, or Braavos. Harlund noticed how Barney looks at her, and smirks. Maybe a new love interest, or maybe just someone he can trust after the death of his father, Harlund wasn’t to good at judging in such matters.
Frosthorn lay about 4 hours away from Winterfell in this speed. “How fucking long?” The Captain of the Frosthorn-forces asked. The captain was a rather dull-looking man. Nothing special about him. Normal height, normal body muscle for a guard, an forgivable face. Harlund didn’t remember what the captain looked like during the first weeks of him being a captain. He had short black hair, clean-shaven, blue eyes. he was in his early twenties, and his name was Farengar the Survivor, or Farengar the Archer.
“Couple of hours in this speed. You never told me. Farengar, where did you get your nickname?” Harlund asked with a voice without any emotion, visibly bored of riding for a couple of hours, and just want to have something to do. “You remember the bloody raid-tale that Commander Flowers always drags. don’t you? Nine years ago?” Harlund nodded without even laying an eye on him and Farengar continued. “You and the rest of the Marbrands were away for a feast somewhere. It was night time, Commander Flowers was drinkin’ and fuckin’ at the Frosthorn inn a mile down south from here. Leaving only 20 good hardened men, and 4 newlings, me for example. Me and Bryng the fucking Bong, you remember him? The Ghiscar-jester that fled from Meereen?” Farengar started to explain. “I do remember him. He was a worthless soldier, but he brought some joy with his jestering. An enormous jester who isn’t even capable of juggling.” Harlund chuckled and let Farengar continue.
“Yes, hehe. That is him. Anyways, me and Bryng were new, so we couldn’t stand watch alone. So ol’ man Jurgen was with us up in the tower.” The tower isn’t that high, about 19 metres high. “And just then, an arrow flew right at us and hit poor Bryng in the head, he died instantly. Ol’ man Jurgen grabbed me by the left shoulder and pushed me down onto the stone floor, Jurgen following shortly after. We lay there for a while until Jurgen mumbled something like ‘we might as well be takin’ shits up here, up with you Farengar’ dragged me up, gave me a bow and said ‘you’re better than me with these, you shoot, I go and warn. Come on Lad!’ And I started to sh…” Farengar continued to tell the story but something from the woods caught Harlunds ears. It didn’t seem like no one else noticed it or they just didn’t care. It could be anything, a snowfox, a pack o’ bears or wolves. Doesn’t have to be harmless, and doesn’t have to be anything Harlund has to care about.
[Interrupt Farengar and check out the woods][Continue to listen to Farengar and ignore the woods]
Harlund IV
At Frosthorn
“It’s time to leave! Come on! Adrion, you are in charge ‘till I come back, understood?” Harlund sat up on his … morehorse while a somewhat happy Adrion walked away, although he turned around and said something Harlund haven’t heard for years. “Thank you, father.” Harlund looked at Harald, who nodded and said. “I know you chose between us.
He now left Frosthorn, maybe for the last time. He hadn’t seen Torstein since the meal three days ago. The family only eat together once a week and during festivities. Just about a hundred metres away did Harlund see an arguably bigger army than his own. with a Beartilde in the front. Known throughout the north, the houses of Beartilde and Marbrand were once very close. But after a fight between Adrion and Barney 15 years ago, both of them around 12 at the time, the houses distanced themselves from each other. It was for the best, Adrion or Barney couldn’t stay in the same rome tog… [view original content]
The name Farengar just makes me think of the Court Wizard from Skyrim. XD
Actually, I've fucked this up slightly. For some reason, I thought Farengar was Faendal, the archer guy in that love drama with Sven in Riverwood. But hey, maybe he has some magical skills up his sleaves.
[Interrupt Farengar and check out the woods] It could be serious, can't just ignore a threat because someone's feelings might get hurt.
The name Farengar just makes me think of the Court Wizard from Skyrim. XD
The name Farengar just makes me think of the Court Wizard from Skyrim. XD
Actually, I've fucked this up slightly. For some reason, I… more thought Farengar was Faendal, the archer guy in that love drama with Sven in Riverwood. But hey, maybe he has some magical skills up his sleaves.
Harlund IV
At Frosthorn
“It’s time to leave! Come on! Adrion, you are in charge ‘till I come back, understood?” Harlund sat up on his … morehorse while a somewhat happy Adrion walked away, although he turned around and said something Harlund haven’t heard for years. “Thank you, father.” Harlund looked at Harald, who nodded and said. “I know you chose between us.
He now left Frosthorn, maybe for the last time. He hadn’t seen Torstein since the meal three days ago. The family only eat together once a week and during festivities. Just about a hundred metres away did Harlund see an arguably bigger army than his own. with a Beartilde in the front. Known throughout the north, the houses of Beartilde and Marbrand were once very close. But after a fight between Adrion and Barney 15 years ago, both of them around 12 at the time, the houses distanced themselves from each other. It was for the best, Adrion or Barney couldn’t stay in the same rome tog… [view original content]
If there is anything dangerous in the woods, then not checking it out could turn out to be a huge mistake. I kind of enjoy Farengar's ramblings, but Harlund absolutely should be smart here. There's always more time for talks later, but if something dangerous is in the woods, it should be dealt with now. I hope our dear court mage understands that.
Harlund IV
At Frosthorn
“It’s time to leave! Come on! Adrion, you are in charge ‘till I come back, understood?” Harlund sat up on his … morehorse while a somewhat happy Adrion walked away, although he turned around and said something Harlund haven’t heard for years. “Thank you, father.” Harlund looked at Harald, who nodded and said. “I know you chose between us.
He now left Frosthorn, maybe for the last time. He hadn’t seen Torstein since the meal three days ago. The family only eat together once a week and during festivities. Just about a hundred metres away did Harlund see an arguably bigger army than his own. with a Beartilde in the front. Known throughout the north, the houses of Beartilde and Marbrand were once very close. But after a fight between Adrion and Barney 15 years ago, both of them around 12 at the time, the houses distanced themselves from each other. It was for the best, Adrion or Barney couldn’t stay in the same rome tog… [view original content]
You saw nothing!
[Ask her what she wanted to tell her before they were interrupted]
[Let Harald rule while Harlund is gone]
Welcome back! It's good to see you! Parts were really great to read. Keep on doing good job! :-)
** [Nevermind her]** Ain't nobody got time for that !
[Let Adrion rule while Harlund is gone]
By right , Adrion should lead , let's see if he's really worth the title .
[Ask her what she wanted to tell her before they were interrupted]
I want to know. I have the worst patience, so I have to know.
[Let Harald rule while Harlund is gone]
Sure, Adrion is the true heir. But who wants a little shit to rule. Harald seems loved, he can hunt and so forth.
Awesome to see you again, mate.
Oh yes, welcome back! I'm glad you've returned
[Ask her what she wanted to tell her before they were interrupted]
God, she's making me super curious. Just spit it out already, Elaena
[Let Adrion rule while Harlund is gone]
The eldest son is the heir by law. If Harlund doesn't like it, he can always pull a Randyll Tarly on Adrion, but as long as he doesn't do this, it is Adrion's right to rule in his absence. I don't like it, since I don't like Adrion, but I remember something Harlund said before, about the Northerners upholding tradition above all.
[Ask her what she wanted to tell her before they were interrupted
I want to know what it is that she was going to tell her.
[Let Adrion rule while Harlund is gone]
This can be a test for Adrion, he needs to practice being the ruler of the house anyways.
The Voting is Closed!
You guys chose to Ask Elaena about what she wanted before thy were so rudely interrupted. And yepp, curiosity is curiosity.
You also decided to make Adrion the ruler while Harlund's gone. And well, let's see if he's good for the job.
The next part will be the last one for the chapter kinda. If you count the 'epilogue I' as the chapter finale as well I suppose. You guys don't need a recap for Cat, you just read her. The part should be up about... Now, actually.
Catelyn V
At The Red Keep
“When we sat in the carriage, you was just about to tell me something. I just wonder what it was you wanted to tell me, Elaena.” Cat explained.
“I see… I suppose this is as good time as any.” she said, while they were taking a nice stroll towards the great hall, as the audience’s come. Elaena has a lot of people to help or to not help. “What I was supposed to say is that you’ve been with me for a long time, Cat. We’ve been close friends for years, and th.. the incident was sad, yes. But it strengthened our friendship. What I am trying to say is that you are the only close friend I have, except for my family. But after everything we’ve been through, I consider you as a sister… As family.”
“I do as well, Elaena. I don’t have much of my family left, only father and Barney.”
“I know. But I will not only tribute you here. I want you as my advisor, I want you in the council.”
Catelyn was baffled to hear this. She never thought when she came to be a handmaiden to Elaena she never expected to even be asked this.
“I see I took you by surprise. I love to take people by surprise.” Elaena said and smiled her lovely smile. “This isn’t an offer though. I need you by my side. And your first assignment is to follow me and help me with all the people in this very room.” Elaena said, and opened the doors to the great hall. “Let’s get going.”
Elaena sat down in the Iron Throne, that for centuries been standing there and been sit upon by dozens and dozens of King’s and Queen’s. The Throne made of swords. Cat took place at her right side.
93 peoples were there to ask for certain things, farmers asking for more food, soldiers asking for better steel, villagers asking for better protection. The ninety first man was an nobleman from the north. He was tall, handsome, with an astonishing small beard and back-slicked hair.
“And who might you be?” Elaena asked, tired after 4 and a half hours of work. Cat’ve gotten a chair to sit in.
“I am Ser Alliser Forrester, your grace. Sent by King Robert Stark.” he said with a northern accent. “King Robert expected you to help him. He was determined that you would attack from the south and he from the north. The Riverlands would’ve been split between the two of us, and you would’ve gotten the Iron Islands. Instead, King Robert has to deal with the bloody rebellers himself. But he is willing to give you a last chance. He gives you everything I previously mentioned, in turn for that you are declaring war and helps us fight the rebellion. It’s a won war, you’ll just make it faster.”
“Is that King Robert’s offer?” Elaena asked.
“It bloody well is, your grace.” Ser Alliser answered.
“...” Elaena seemed to be thinking. “You know what? Let’s do this. It will only strengthen our bond with the North, and we will have minor casualties. Let’s d-” She got cut of by an elderly womans voice, raspy, but still beautiful.
“...Not do this. No. Agreement.” The old woman was surely in her 70’s at least, maybe even early 80’s. She had long grey/silver white hair. She’s slim and in remarkably good shape for her age. While you definitely can see that she’s old, her face looks quite good as well for her age.
“Oh no…” Elaena mumbled.
“May I ask whom you might be, my lady?” he said, visibly uncomfortable about the whole situation.
“I am the previous Queen of the South, ser. I am Daenerys Targaryen, mother to Queen Elaena Targaryen.”
No Choices ‘Ere.
STOP! Question Time!
What did you think of Chapter 1? Yeah, I know. It was short.
Who was you least favourite character and favourtie character? (Why?) Also favourite and least favorite POV?
What do you want/believe will happen next?
And of Course, which canon character do you think/hope will appear next?
Thanks for this first chapter, and to many more chapters to come! Cheers.
End of chapter bloody 1.
I love it! Great ending and it was unexpected.
Thoughts on the chapter- It was really good. A great start to an epic story, short but sweet.
Favourite & Least favourite character- Duncan's #1 for obvious reasons, if not him then I'd pick Jaesa. Least favourite is Harlund.
Favourite & least favourite POV- Again Duncan's #1 if not him then Catelyn. Least favourite is Harlund.
Don't really have answers for the rest, except that I'd to see more of Duncan.
Ah, it's Dany! That is sweet, I was already excited to see what happened to her. I did not expect her to still be alive though, that was a pleasant surprise.
I enjoyed it greatly! You did a good job in setting up the events to come, with some nice twists in it, but it mostly felt like build-up, which a first chapter should be. Your writing is also really good, I feel like it actually got better as the parts progressed and you gained more experience. That makes me super excited for future chapters
My least favourite... hm, tough call, but Harlund maybe? I really didn't like him that much. My favourite is probably Duncan. I liked Jaesa too of course, but I feel Duncan had the better stuff to do and I really enjoyed him. I am looking forward for his storyline in the next chapter.
My favourite is, again, Duncan, with Barney as a close second. My least favourite is Harlund, though I still enjoyed reading his parts.
Well, now that we have Dany in the story, I can see her really tearing shit up, which I mean in a positive way
I also look forward for the future of Barney's storyline, as he's probably going to have more scenes with the king. And there is Duncan, whom I could see having a really great storyline next chapter. I'm just not having any educated guesses what it will be about, it's just a feeling.
Hm... in Barney's storyline, I think we could see some of the canon Starks. Maybe an older Arya or Bran. But the one I'd really like to see would be Gendry, probably still rowing his boat. After sixty years of doing that, he must be ripped as hell
Gendry will always be ripped!
What did you think of Chapter 1? Yeah, I know. It was short. It was short, but with potential. I am curious for another one.
Who was you least favourite character and favourtie character? (Why?) Also favourite and least favorite POV? Least fav Harlund, most fav Catelyn.
What do you want/believe will happen next? Well, I guess King will die.
And of Course, which canon character do you think/hope will appear next? No idea, surprise me.
What did you think of Chapter 1?- I thought it was short but interesting. A good set up for the rest of the story.
Who was your least favorite and favorite character?- Least = Harlund, Favorite = Catlyn so far. These answers are the same for favorite\least favorite povs.
What do you want to happen next?- I want to see more of King Robert and Queen Elaena's families.
Which Canon character will appear next?- I think that there may be a possibility that Jon Snow might be still alive.
Epilogue I
Laemond I
At the South/Riverlands borders (Kingsroad)
“Is everyone in position?” Lord Laemond Silvermane of Riversprings asked his brother, Ser Daemon Lannister. Daemon is of normal height, quite muscular with vigilant bright green eyes, just as Laemond’s. He got curly golden blonde hair, which is cut pretty short, but he still have a tiny ponytail and a silver-streak of hair along his left temple. His half plate armor & helmet is of simple design and made out of steel which he wears over a red gambeson. He wears a red cape and shield with the golden Lannister lion on them, and wields a steel longsword with a lion's head as design on the cross guard. In addition to the sword he is one of the rare users of javelins, and carries 3 steel tipped javelins to throw before getting into close combat. He is an elegant man, but not as exceptionally elegant as Laemond himself of course. He is 33 years old, while Laemond is 36.
“Of course, brother.” Daemon answered.
“Good, do you have the armours and helmets?” Laemond asked Daemon.
“Everything’s in the barn. This’ll work. Finally the Targaryens can see the truth.”
“We’re Targaryens, little brother. We may not have the name, but we have the blood.”
“That is true I suppose. The rest of the Targaryens then..”
“The rest of the Targaryens then.” Laemond repeated what Daeron said. “And now we’ll wait.”
It’s been half an hour since the wait began when the wait ended. “Here they come…” Laemond mumbled. “Prepare yourselves!” he shouted and didn’t say another word until men came running out if the wood. It was Riverlands soldiers with their fishy armour and swords in their hands. They stopped when Laemond held one of his hands up. “Who is your leader?” he asked with a demanding voice.
“I am!” An older man with a raspy voice stated. The man was tall, slim with a beard stump and wrinkles all over the face. He walked out of the group of about 30 men and stood in front of them.
“Sorry to hear that…” Laemond said with a smirk on his face.
“What the hell are ye smirkin’ at, fancy man?” The older man asked. Laemond only answered with a whistling of the rains of castamere. And now the reins weep o'er his halls. 200 men came out of the woods, a lot of archer aiming at the riverlanders.
“Oh shit…” the older man mumbled. Laemond continued to whistle. With no one there to hear. When the last whistle ended every archer started to shoot, while the swordsmen stood their ground. In about 10 seconds every one of the riverlanders laid dead on the ground.
“Good work, men! I need you to behead each and every one of them… Oh, but throw that so called leader in a river or something. Burn him, maybe.” he told his men and started to walk towards his horse. “And put on the Stark helmets on their ugly heads and burn all the bodies.” Laemond told them.
“Yes sir!” the soldiers shouted towards their lords.
“Is it time, brother?” Daemon asked, whom have just been standing besides his older brother under the whole time.
“Yes, Daemon. Giving her these heads will not give her a choice. And she doesn’t distrust me, we’re family. We trust each other.” Laemond said and ended his sentence. “Queen Elaena will finally make the two pieces of Westeros one again.”
No choices ‘Ere
These punks whistling the Rains of Castamere!
I may misinterpreting things but it seems to me that they're trying to start a war between the North and the South.
Ello mates!
Just wanted to say thst I planned for chapter 2 to start tomorrow, which no longer will be possible. It wont be possible because today, ladies and gentlemen, is my birthday. And tomorrow is my mothers birthday. So I hope you understand that.
Soooo... yeey for me.
Happy birthday! ^_^
Hm, that is quite intriguing, this epilogue. What Agent says sounds likely, I bet these guys try to start a new war. I'm not sure if they work for Elaena though, or if they act out of misguided patriotism, thinking they'd do her a favour. Or maybe they are working for some third party altogether, merely planning to use her for their own ends. Anyway, keep them coming, this is great
Alright, happy birthday! I hope you have a nice day
Thank you!
I did have a nice day, thank you!
A little update would be in order, wouldn't it?
I got a job almost 2 weeks ago. So I haven't really got a lot of time to write. I just need to find a balance between the things, and then more parts should come.
So expect a part in November at least, then I should be pretty settled in my work and in my scheme in general.
Thank ye for yer understandin'!
These are pretty cool news. Congratulations to the job! Hope you're doing well. And of course I'm looking forward for the next part later this month. Take your time, it'll be great
Yeah. Daycare just drains a lot of energy, doesn't it.
Anyways, thanks for the support!
So yeah. Didn't keep my promise. Sorry 'bout that, I am feeling bad for it.
Be assured, I will continue the story.. In the new year. I decided this a few days ago, and I am now ready to announce it.
As everyone knows, December is a hectic month for a lot of people. And I am so far behind on a lot of stories her in the forums. So I decided to make December a catch-up month. For some reasons:
1. I really don't have time to write this month. It's Christmas, it's a lot of work to do and it's a genuinely stressful fucking month.
2. I need to calm myself down, and what other way would be better than read an amazing fanfiction 'ere?
Anyways, I hope you understand, and then we can start of the new year with chapter II: The Pressures of Family.
Thank ye for yer understandin', and of course, thank you for readin'.
See ya around!
Thanks for the update! I can understand the need to catch a break sometimes, especially since December is typically a very hectic month. So, take your time, try to relax a little and be assured that I look forward for the story to return in the next year
I get it, I get it. It's not a new year yet for everyone, but it is for me. For one hour and 5 minutes I've lived in 2017. I've been cheering for a certain Harris, as Cap. Ivy suggested. Anyways. do enjoy.
Chapter II
The Pressures of Family
Duncan III
At The Hunter’s Imperium (keep of Rayner)
In the distance Duncan could see the hold of the Rayner’s between the trees. The Hunter’s Imperium. The wooden tower, which is the highest building inside the Hunter’s Imperium, was visible behind the wooden walls, and the stonewalls just in front of the wooden walls. Duncan just a year ago decide to change from wood to stone, for better protection against the growing bandit threat. He keeps the wooden wall up until the stone wall is done, that way, he gains just a little more land inside. Apart from the stone wall that is currently being built, almost everything is made out of wood, close to the west side of the Queenswood, previously named the Kingswood.
Duncan sat on his horse Arvak, an almost skeletal looking horse because Arvak isn’t a horse that likes food so much, so he is barely eating, but still a very loyal black, incredibly skinny horse. His men were riding behind him, some of the men in the front carried the boars as good as they were able to, since the bandits have destroyed their carts.
“Open the gate!” A soldier shouted when he saw that his Lord got closer to the keep. It was a gate of wood, opened by ropes strongly tied to the gate, dragged by the four incredibly muscular and reasonably tall gatekeepers.
The wooden gate slowly opened and Duncan rode in. He wasn’t met by anyone at the gate, he only saw the smallfolk working on their fields and in the smith. They were used to the lord riding in and out to hunt, so they rarely greets the Lord any longer, even though he is liked by his people.
The Hunter’s Imperium isn’t a very big villages, although stronger than most of the small villages, since it has walls and a good amount of weapon and soldiers. It has one smith, one mine and a lot of field to farm on. There is a Windmill just on the other side of the eastern wall, so that is the second gate out. There is the main gate, and then there is the eastern gate.
It isn’t a lot of houses for individual persons, very few, in fact no more than three families, excluding the lord with family, is living in houses on their own. The other men and women of the Hunter’s Imperium lives in longhouses, which there are five of inside the walls. The Lord’s fort, or rather, the Lord’s Big House stands in the northern side of the village.
“Father!”a young man shouted. This young man’s name is Dustin Rayner. The oldest child of Duncan, and almost identical twin brother to Kail Rayner. He looked like a rather normal guy. Short red hair, green eye and a light stubble. he’s a slender man, light muscles and average height. The only thing that stands out is the empty left eye-socket. There once was a murderer in town, who captured Dustin and gouged his left eye out. He chose not to hide it, maybe to show the people that not even the lord with family is safe, or maybe to make Duncan feel guilty for not finding Dustin in time.
“Dustin!” they both hugged each other. Although they love each other, Dustin doesn’t agree with Duncan’s methods. Dustin sees him as not stern enough. And to no help, Dustin got an even worse temper after the eye-incident then when he was a child. Duncan noticed that Dustin had changed his book that he carries with him everywhere he goes inside the keep.
“What’re you reading now, Dustin.” Duncan asked.
“Stories from Tyrion Lannister youth. He send it to us 6 years ago. When he sat down from his Hand title, he started to write this book. I figured I would give it a chance, maybe learn something from that master-strategist.” Dustin answered.
So the stories of Tyrion Lan… I am sorry, but does it have a name?”
“It does, father… It’s named “The God of Tits and Wine”. However, don’t let the title mistake the book for unserious. He is telling his life stories, with a bit of comedy in it.” Dustin explained. “He’s apparently working on a second volume from his years as hand when Queen-Regent Daenerys came. ‘The Hand of Tits and Wine’.”
“Most interesting” Duncan said slightly mean.
“But we aren’t here to discuss tits, nor wine. There are another important matter at hand now. You know that these bandits have been taking our arrows?” Duncan nods. “We found out who was delivering them to the fucks. The smiths son. Can you be-fucking-lieve it father?” This caught Duncan by surprise. The Smith’s son, Anders, would be the last one Duncan would’ve guessed to be a traitor. Anders has been nothing but loyal since basically birth.
“I didn’t believe at first. But that FUCK told me it right to my face! Will you take the hand or send him to rot.” Dustin started to become furious. His famous temper is starting to show.
“I want to hear what he has to say first.” Duncan told him.
“And what the hell do you think he’ll say? Because he had ‘to save us’ from the bandits, by giving them arrows that can kill us easily.”
“I want to hear. What he has. To say.” Dustin can get very annoying when he’s angry, and usually says things that anyone else would regret later. But not Dustin.
“What the hell ever. Do the right thing.” It was quiet for a time, then they saw The Smith’s son in the distance with a couple of guards. “Here he is.”
“I will talk with him. You. Stay. Back.” Duncan ordered Dustin. Who looked very angry, but nodded.
“Anders.” Duncan said with a powerful voice. Anders looked up with an absolutely bloodied face, full of wounds from hits. He was impaled with an arrow in the foot as well. Duncan was speechless. This is not how Duncan deal with things, and he only knows one person in his keep that would do this. Or rather, would dare to do such things. “Dustin…”
“Father…” Dustin answered, equally cold.
“Why the hell would you do this?”
“He is a bloody traitor. deserve everything I did to him.” he answered, extreme furious started to show in both Father and sons face.
“This is not the way we do things here, and you bloody well knows that! I am a man of justi-.” Duncan got cut of by Dustin.
“Well so am I! But your ‘justice’ is weak, fucking weak. And so are you. You couldn’t even find your own son in this little fucking city! You are a worthless, PATHETIC EXCUSE OF A LORD!” And as he said that he clenched his fist and gave him a punch. Duncan was baffled, never before had Dustin hit him. But Duncan continued.
“I didn’t sleep a second while you were gone! Don’t act like anything else. Every troop I had here was looking for you! I love you son. But what you said and did to me is punishable by a hand. Apologize.” Duncan demanded. How much of an arse Dustin could ever be, Duncan would still never wish his children harm. Especially not harming them himself.
“No. I won't. I will do what I have to do to make you understand. I love you too, father. But you have to understand that you’re justice ain’t good enough.” Dustin answered with such a cold in his voice and eyes. Duncan couldn’t just leave it here though, a rather large part of the city must’ve heard this argument. So he can’t let it pass. But is it worth it? How far can justice and mercy go?
[Take a Hand] [Leave your son unharmed, but lock him up in his room] [Let Dustin go unpunished]
And for Anders. He looked scared. His eyes were as big as ever. Duncan could see that he regretted it, and is already harmed. But he has to go punished. Duncan could just exile him, but he could also take a hand. “Please… Don’t take the hand.. You know I only have the right hand left….”
[Exile Anders] [Take a hand]
Yeah, right? A double choice. This wont happen often, but it will when it really fits. So about 95 percent of the time there will be one choice no choice deal as usual. But expect it now and then.
Happy new Year, mates. May 2017 be a better year than 2016.
[Leave your son unharmed, but lock him up in his room] Taking his hand might be a bit too much tough love.
[Exile Anders]
[Take a Hand] x2
[Leave your son unharmed, but lock him up in his room]
I am not exactly sure if Dustin even went against the law that severely here. Sure, he beat a prisoner pretty badly, but that is far too less to justify the loss of a hand, unless taking hands for every crime is sort of a Rayner thing to do, which I doubt. So, I say locking him up in his room to cool off will be for the best.
[Exile Anders]
I am not exactly sure what is wiser here. If I would have the choice, I would kill him. A traitor can't be trusted. Since this is not an option, I have to decide if it would be wiser to have a crippled enemy close or to hope for his gratitude if he just gets exiled and sent away. I put my trust in the latter one and I hope I won't regret it.
Happy new year to you as well!
[Leave your son unharmed, but lock him up in his room]
I believe this is the best option. Plus, Dustin has already lost one body part, no need to lose another one.
[Exile Anders]
He was apparently loyal for a while before the bandit attacks. I wish we could get some information out of him to understand his motives more, but hopefully he can't cause anymore trouble from far away. Also, he apparently has only one hand, taking the other one might be a little to cruel.
Alrighty, so you guys decided to lock Dustin the fuck up and exile Anders.
I expected both choices. Quite frankly, Dustin needs to chill for a bit. Hittin' the lord and swearin' at him is kind of a big crime. And Anders, well. It would've been cruel to take the only hand he has. So I'd say you made the 'right' choice. Let's see the outcomes.
Anyways, next part'll be a Harlund part. Harlund was deciding if it would be Adrion or Harald to rule while Harlund's gone. Adrion got the chance. It's a day later since we saw him next, and it seems like he's annoucing his decision to his sons.
I've thought about this now, and decided that you guys get a part every saturday or sunday, this time sunday. If you get another part in the week, then I guess I couldn't wait to share it with you. This'll probably keep me going more then before, since it's a goal. If anything happens I'll try to compensate you with a part later on, but I'll keep ye updated.
Harlund IV
At Frosthorn
“It’s time to leave! Come on! Adrion, you are in charge ‘till I come back, understood?” Harlund sat up on his horse while a somewhat happy Adrion walked away, although he turned around and said something Harlund haven’t heard for years. “Thank you, father.” Harlund looked at Harald, who nodded and said. “I know you chose between us.
He now left Frosthorn, maybe for the last time. He hadn’t seen Torstein since the meal three days ago. The family only eat together once a week and during festivities. Just about a hundred metres away did Harlund see an arguably bigger army than his own. with a Beartilde in the front. Known throughout the north, the houses of Beartilde and Marbrand were once very close. But after a fight between Adrion and Barney 15 years ago, both of them around 12 at the time, the houses distanced themselves from each other. It was for the best, Adrion or Barney couldn’t stay in the same rome together for longer than a second before all of the seven hells broke loose. Harlund never really had a quarrel towards Barney, nor Bernhard for that matter.
Harlund started to ride slowly as Barney reached them. Barney stopped his horse and looked at Harlund, as Harlund slowly rode past him. But he gave him a quick nod before and said “Let’s go.”. Barney sighed quite audibly, but nodded back to him and said “After you Lord Marbrand.” Harlund glanced over his shoulder and looked at Barney again, and noticed that he was accompanied by only one woman. She had something outlandish about her, Volantis maybe, or Braavos. Harlund noticed how Barney looks at her, and smirks. Maybe a new love interest, or maybe just someone he can trust after the death of his father, Harlund wasn’t to good at judging in such matters.
Frosthorn lay about 4 hours away from Winterfell in this speed. “How fucking long?” The Captain of the Frosthorn-forces asked. The captain was a rather dull-looking man. Nothing special about him. Normal height, normal body muscle for a guard, an forgivable face. Harlund didn’t remember what the captain looked like during the first weeks of him being a captain. He had short black hair, clean-shaven, blue eyes. he was in his early twenties, and his name was Farengar the Survivor, or Farengar the Archer.
“Couple of hours in this speed. You never told me. Farengar, where did you get your nickname?” Harlund asked with a voice without any emotion, visibly bored of riding for a couple of hours, and just want to have something to do. “You remember the bloody raid-tale that Commander Flowers always drags. don’t you? Nine years ago?” Harlund nodded without even laying an eye on him and Farengar continued. “You and the rest of the Marbrands were away for a feast somewhere. It was night time, Commander Flowers was drinkin’ and fuckin’ at the Frosthorn inn a mile down south from here. Leaving only 20 good hardened men, and 4 newlings, me for example. Me and Bryng the fucking Bong, you remember him? The Ghiscar-jester that fled from Meereen?” Farengar started to explain. “I do remember him. He was a worthless soldier, but he brought some joy with his jestering. An enormous jester who isn’t even capable of juggling.” Harlund chuckled and let Farengar continue.
“Yes, hehe. That is him. Anyways, me and Bryng were new, so we couldn’t stand watch alone. So ol’ man Jurgen was with us up in the tower.” The tower isn’t that high, about 19 metres high. “And just then, an arrow flew right at us and hit poor Bryng in the head, he died instantly. Ol’ man Jurgen grabbed me by the left shoulder and pushed me down onto the stone floor, Jurgen following shortly after. We lay there for a while until Jurgen mumbled something like ‘we might as well be takin’ shits up here, up with you Farengar’ dragged me up, gave me a bow and said ‘you’re better than me with these, you shoot, I go and warn. Come on Lad!’ And I started to sh…” Farengar continued to tell the story but something from the woods caught Harlunds ears. It didn’t seem like no one else noticed it or they just didn’t care. It could be anything, a snowfox, a pack o’ bears or wolves. Doesn’t have to be harmless, and doesn’t have to be anything Harlund has to care about.
[Interrupt Farengar and check out the woods] [Continue to listen to Farengar and ignore the woods]
[Interrupt Farengar and check out the woods] It could be serious, can't just ignore a threat because someone's feelings might get hurt.
The name Farengar just makes me think of the Court Wizard from Skyrim. XD
Actually, I've fucked this up slightly. For some reason, I thought Farengar was Faendal, the archer guy in that love drama with Sven in Riverwood. But hey, maybe he has some magical skills up his sleaves.
Oh so was it an intentional reference?
Yeaah. It was supposed to anyways. Because if there is something I love, it is references.Maybe I name a Maester to Faendal instead. : 3
Could always name a bard Sven.
Indeed, indeed.
[Interrupt Farengar and check out the woods]
[Interrupt Farengar and check out the woods]
If there is anything dangerous in the woods, then not checking it out could turn out to be a huge mistake. I kind of enjoy Farengar's ramblings, but Harlund absolutely should be smart here. There's always more time for talks later, but if something dangerous is in the woods, it should be dealt with now. I hope our dear court mage understands that.