We all know where family issues like that are going to lead to if they are not kept in line. The last thing we want is another family as fucked up as the Lannisters. Besides, they are Harlund's children and he should make sure that they are not hating each other like that.
Which one is your favorite character so far? Apart from your own character.
That second sentence is a clever specification Honestly though, I think so far I like Duncan the most. His PoV's have been pretty awesome and I'm looking forward for more of him. I also like Barney.
Harlund I
At Frost Horn
“Look at this place…” Harlund mumbled as he looked out at his castle. Frost Horn, it was called. “And look at … moreall those peasants. They’re working to slow. Never accomplished anything in their lives. A disappointment, all of them.”
“They are giving us this food at least.” Torstein remarked. He was the third-born son who killed Harlund’s wife when he was born. He got a stocky build. He is the shortest of the three brothers, with very dark-green eyes. He has dark brown hair, to his shoulders, and a bandholz beard. His face doesn’t aspire trust in any way, quite the contrary actually. He’s almost 20 years old. Still quite handsome though.
“Can’t remember ever asking ye, son.” Harlund said, great emphasis on ‘son’. Torstein didn’t answer. He just continued his meal. On the other end of the table sat Harlund’s twin-childrens. Adrion is tall and thin, whom doesn’t appear to have any muscles at all. He got blue eyes. … [view original content]
Harlund I
At Frost Horn
“Look at this place…” Harlund mumbled as he looked out at his castle. Frost Horn, it was called. “And look at … moreall those peasants. They’re working to slow. Never accomplished anything in their lives. A disappointment, all of them.”
“They are giving us this food at least.” Torstein remarked. He was the third-born son who killed Harlund’s wife when he was born. He got a stocky build. He is the shortest of the three brothers, with very dark-green eyes. He has dark brown hair, to his shoulders, and a bandholz beard. His face doesn’t aspire trust in any way, quite the contrary actually. He’s almost 20 years old. Still quite handsome though.
“Can’t remember ever asking ye, son.” Harlund said, great emphasis on ‘son’. Torstein didn’t answer. He just continued his meal. On the other end of the table sat Harlund’s twin-childrens. Adrion is tall and thin, whom doesn’t appear to have any muscles at all. He got blue eyes. … [view original content]
Harlund I
At Frost Horn
“Look at this place…” Harlund mumbled as he looked out at his castle. Frost Horn, it was called. “And look at … moreall those peasants. They’re working to slow. Never accomplished anything in their lives. A disappointment, all of them.”
“They are giving us this food at least.” Torstein remarked. He was the third-born son who killed Harlund’s wife when he was born. He got a stocky build. He is the shortest of the three brothers, with very dark-green eyes. He has dark brown hair, to his shoulders, and a bandholz beard. His face doesn’t aspire trust in any way, quite the contrary actually. He’s almost 20 years old. Still quite handsome though.
“Can’t remember ever asking ye, son.” Harlund said, great emphasis on ‘son’. Torstein didn’t answer. He just continued his meal. On the other end of the table sat Harlund’s twin-childrens. Adrion is tall and thin, whom doesn’t appear to have any muscles at all. He got blue eyes. … [view original content]
So far A favorite character would be a tie between Elaena and Barney. However, Duncan's storyline seems to be going in an interesting direction.
Anyways, did you see the latest pm I sent in our discussion?
Harlund I
At Frost Horn
“Look at this place…” Harlund mumbled as he looked out at his castle. Frost Horn, it was called. “And look at … moreall those peasants. They’re working to slow. Never accomplished anything in their lives. A disappointment, all of them.”
“They are giving us this food at least.” Torstein remarked. He was the third-born son who killed Harlund’s wife when he was born. He got a stocky build. He is the shortest of the three brothers, with very dark-green eyes. He has dark brown hair, to his shoulders, and a bandholz beard. His face doesn’t aspire trust in any way, quite the contrary actually. He’s almost 20 years old. Still quite handsome though.
“Can’t remember ever asking ye, son.” Harlund said, great emphasis on ‘son’. Torstein didn’t answer. He just continued his meal. On the other end of the table sat Harlund’s twin-childrens. Adrion is tall and thin, whom doesn’t appear to have any muscles at all. He got blue eyes. … [view original content]
Harlund I
At Frost Horn
“Look at this place…” Harlund mumbled as he looked out at his castle. Frost Horn, it was called. “And look at … moreall those peasants. They’re working to slow. Never accomplished anything in their lives. A disappointment, all of them.”
“They are giving us this food at least.” Torstein remarked. He was the third-born son who killed Harlund’s wife when he was born. He got a stocky build. He is the shortest of the three brothers, with very dark-green eyes. He has dark brown hair, to his shoulders, and a bandholz beard. His face doesn’t aspire trust in any way, quite the contrary actually. He’s almost 20 years old. Still quite handsome though.
“Can’t remember ever asking ye, son.” Harlund said, great emphasis on ‘son’. Torstein didn’t answer. He just continued his meal. On the other end of the table sat Harlund’s twin-childrens. Adrion is tall and thin, whom doesn’t appear to have any muscles at all. He got blue eyes. … [view original content]
You chose to [Intervene]. We'll see how that'll turn out in the part after this one probably.
Anyways. Next part will be a Barney and a Catelyn part. We left Barney of at his way to his chambers, were you chose to dismiss Jaesa and send her to the capt. And Cat's latest part we left her of with Duncan getting captured. But in Duncans last part, we saw her getting into the carriage with the queen. Some time has passed between the Cat-parts. Around a day.
**Stop! Question time."
We got 2 votes for Elaena.
2 votes for Barney
And 1 for Duncan, although some of you said that he is close to the top.
I myself can't choose between the submitted characters, they are all awesome in their ways.
The Voting is Closed!
You chose to [Intervene]. We'll see how that'll turn out in the part after this one probably.
Anyways. Next part… more will be a Barney and a Catelyn part. We left Barney of at his way to his chambers, were you chose to dismiss Jaesa and send her to the capt. And Cat's latest part we left her of with Duncan getting captured. But in Duncans last part, we saw her getting into the carriage with the queen. Some time has passed between the Cat-parts. Around a day.
**Stop! Question time."
We got 2 votes for Elaena.
2 votes for Barney
And 1 for Duncan, although some of you said that he is close to the top.
I myself can't choose between the submitted characters, they are all awesome in their ways.
Next part should be up reasonably soon.
Ah, true. When I was reading the story I was on my way home in the bus, therefore I was just reading it down to the voting, without comments or question section.
Edit: I've submitted a character. Feel free to PM me if you need some more information.
“I can find my own quarters, thank you. Head back to the captain instead, Jaesa.Thanks for this little talk though.” Barney told Jaesa.
“Don’t mention it. Good bye, my lord.” Jaesa said and took of.
Barney opened the door to his new chambers and sat down. His father's chambers were quite small, and did certainly not look like a Lord’s chambers. But Bernhard never thought of himself as anyone special, he was, just like anyone else, a person. The chambers only expensive thing was the bed, real nice and comfortable. Otherwise there wasn’t much. An old dusty desk with an old dusty chair. And a chest, with Bernhard’s old belongings. But he did not have time to look into the chest, and instead started to write a letter to his sister. He wrote about their travels to the Riverlands, about the great victory at Seagard… And the price that was paid because of it.
Barney gave a Raven his letter, and so it flew away.
“My lord!” an old voice shouted from behind the door. It sounded like the maester. He was an old completely bald man, surely 90 years old. With deep blue eyes and only one ear. Barney opened the door. There the old maester stood.
“What is it?” Barney asked curiously.
“Raven arrived from Winterfell. The King.” the maester said. For some reason the maester always forgot the first word of his sentence, and starts with second instead, which Barney never understood why.
“Thank you, maester. Rest if you need.” Barney told him.
“Problem, my lord. Will, my lord.” the maester said and started to walk away slowly to his room.
Barney opened the unbroken seal and started to read:
*Good day, Lord Barney.
I wished to tell you that I need your men as fast as possible. If you can, go tomorrow. Otherwise, you have to go the day after that. We march within a week, and I need you with me.
I know what you’re going through.
King Robert Stark*
Barney put the paper-roll down on the table, and thought for a moment. Was he going to stay here one extra day, or would he go tomorrow already. If he went tomorrow, it would please the king, he knew. But on the other hand, maybe he should stay home for just another day.
[Ride tomorrow][Ride the day after tomorrow]
Catelyn III
Outside of King’s Landing
After a long silence, Elaena broke it. “You think he did it, Cat?” Elaena asked.
Nah! I’m just kidding, here is the real part!
After a long silence, Elaena broke it. “It feels so empty now, doesn’t it?” Elaena asked.
“It does, Elaena. We used to be triple as many in this carriage.” Cat answered.
“We used to, yes… I can’t believe they’re gone. I promised them protection under my service, But what do they get, death. I’m sick of it, Cat. Of loved ones dying. I barely has no one left, my mother and my children. But I had so many, my brother, Tyrion. Poisoned by our enemies… And I have still no clue whom it was who poisoned my brother, my own flesh and blood. I.. I am sorry, we shouldn’t talk about that. We should be happy to be alive. Cat, I need to ask you something, it is very important for the future of the realm, you need to understand that.”
“I do, Elena.” Cat answered.
“Good. I need you to h…” she got interrupted by the carriage stopping, and someone shouting “Open the gate”
“It appears that we’re almost home.” Elaena stated. “But now, I need you t…” she once again got interrupted by the gate opening, it was a very creaky gate. “Fucks sake.” Elaena said, and waited until the gate closed. She opened her mouth to once again say what she needed to, but once again got interrupted.
“My lady!” A guard shouted from the outside. “Welcome home.” He opened the door, and there the red keep was. Almost untouched since it was built. Only Cersei the mad had destroyed the great hall. And King’s Landing in general, except the red keep. However, the great hall was greater than ever. King’s Landings city was rebuilt to greatness, not a rathole. There was no walls as of yet though.
Elaena and Cat walked out of the carriage and saw a boy running towards them. It was Daemon Targaryen, the youngest son and child of Elaena. He had his mother's purple eyes, but his father’s dark brown hair. He wears his usual Royal clothing.
“Mother!” he exclaimed and jumped into his mother's arms for a hug, and a hug he got.
“My little son.” Elaena mumbled and looked at Cat. “Look who I brought with me, Daemon.” she said happily, just like her sadness just flew away in a second.
“Hi Catty.” he said kindly, yet a little bit shy, as they didn’t know each other too well yet.
“Hello, little one.” Cat answered in a quite childish tone, and Elaena could barely keep her laughs away.
“Where is your sister and brother?” Elaena asked.
“Rhaenyra is reading as she always is, and Aegon is playing with swords… When do I get to play with swords, mother?” he asked enthusiastically.
“You don’t play with swords, lovey. But when you turn eight you will learn how to wield a sword properly, and not sticks.” she said. Once again she looked at Cat and asked.
“Do you want to accompany me or head to your chambers, Cat? If you need to do something, I understand, but I would like your company, if you will.” The Queen said.
She would like to see if there is a letter to her in her chambers, and also write a letter to her brother, but Elaena wants company, and who would Cat be to deny the Queen and her cute little son.
[Accompany Elaena and Daemon][Head to your chambers]
STOP! Question Time!
Do you guys think that I should tag everyone reading this story, so you totally won't miss it. Let me know what ye think.
Barney IV
Beartilde Hall
“I can find my own quarters, thank you. Head back to the captain instead, Jaesa.Thanks for this little talk t… morehough.” Barney told Jaesa.
“Don’t mention it. Good bye, my lord.” Jaesa said and took of.
Barney opened the door to his new chambers and sat down. His father's chambers were quite small, and did certainly not look like a Lord’s chambers. But Bernhard never thought of himself as anyone special, he was, just like anyone else, a person. The chambers only expensive thing was the bed, real nice and comfortable. Otherwise there wasn’t much. An old dusty desk with an old dusty chair. And a chest, with Bernhard’s old belongings. But he did not have time to look into the chest, and instead started to write a letter to his sister. He wrote about their travels to the Riverlands, about the great victory at Seagard… And the price that was paid because of it.
Barney gave a Raven his letter, and so it flew a… [view original content]
[Accompany Elaena and Daemon] Elaena hasn't said what she needs to say yet.
Is his name Daeron or Daemon?
[Ride tommorow] Shouldn't delay more than neceesary.
Tagging everyone seems uneccessary.
Barney IV
Beartilde Hall
“I can find my own quarters, thank you. Head back to the captain instead, Jaesa.Thanks for this little talk t… morehough.” Barney told Jaesa.
“Don’t mention it. Good bye, my lord.” Jaesa said and took of.
Barney opened the door to his new chambers and sat down. His father's chambers were quite small, and did certainly not look like a Lord’s chambers. But Bernhard never thought of himself as anyone special, he was, just like anyone else, a person. The chambers only expensive thing was the bed, real nice and comfortable. Otherwise there wasn’t much. An old dusty desk with an old dusty chair. And a chest, with Bernhard’s old belongings. But he did not have time to look into the chest, and instead started to write a letter to his sister. He wrote about their travels to the Riverlands, about the great victory at Seagard… And the price that was paid because of it.
Barney gave a Raven his letter, and so it flew a… [view original content]
Barney literally just arrived home and is currently going through a seriously bad time. At least one day of rest shouldn't be too much and the king even offered him this one day. And in the grand scale of things, I doubt one day is going to matter that much, or else the king wouldn't have granted it to him. It's not as if he's waiting a full week, but at least one day to recover from his journey and especially from his recent loss should be helpful for him. He also gets more time to sort everything out now that he is the lord.
[Accompany Elaena and Daemon]
Like Agent said, there is something Elaena wishes to say, which she hasn't yet gotten a chance to. Going with her might give her another chance to reveal it and it might be important.
Do you guys think that I should tag everyone reading this story, so you totally won't miss it. Let me know what ye think.
Hm, I don't necessarily need to be tagged. I'm following the story closely and if I'd ever accidentally unfollow it, I'm absolutely sure I'd quickly notice that something's missing from my followed discussions
Barney IV
Beartilde Hall
“I can find my own quarters, thank you. Head back to the captain instead, Jaesa.Thanks for this little talk t… morehough.” Barney told Jaesa.
“Don’t mention it. Good bye, my lord.” Jaesa said and took of.
Barney opened the door to his new chambers and sat down. His father's chambers were quite small, and did certainly not look like a Lord’s chambers. But Bernhard never thought of himself as anyone special, he was, just like anyone else, a person. The chambers only expensive thing was the bed, real nice and comfortable. Otherwise there wasn’t much. An old dusty desk with an old dusty chair. And a chest, with Bernhard’s old belongings. But he did not have time to look into the chest, and instead started to write a letter to his sister. He wrote about their travels to the Riverlands, about the great victory at Seagard… And the price that was paid because of it.
Barney gave a Raven his letter, and so it flew a… [view original content]
[Accompany Elaena and Daemon] Elaena hasn't said what she needs to say yet.
Is his name Daeron or Daemon?
[Ride tommorow] Shouldn't delay more than neceesary.
Tagging everyone seems uneccessary.
Barney IV
Beartilde Hall
“I can find my own quarters, thank you. Head back to the captain instead, Jaesa.Thanks for this little talk t… morehough.” Barney told Jaesa.
“Don’t mention it. Good bye, my lord.” Jaesa said and took of.
Barney opened the door to his new chambers and sat down. His father's chambers were quite small, and did certainly not look like a Lord’s chambers. But Bernhard never thought of himself as anyone special, he was, just like anyone else, a person. The chambers only expensive thing was the bed, real nice and comfortable. Otherwise there wasn’t much. An old dusty desk with an old dusty chair. And a chest, with Bernhard’s old belongings. But he did not have time to look into the chest, and instead started to write a letter to his sister. He wrote about their travels to the Riverlands, about the great victory at Seagard… And the price that was paid because of it.
Barney gave a Raven his letter, and so it flew a… [view original content]
Barney shall ride to the king tomorrow and Catelyn shall accompany Elaena and Daemon.
The next part will be a Harlund part, and should be up quite soon. Where you guys chose to intervene in the little brawl between Torstein and Adrion Marbrand.
STOP! Question Time!
Most of you thought that it would be unnecessary to tag you guys, so I will only do it if a member disappears. Which would probably mean that he/she unfollowed the discussion, or is doing something else, of course.
Harlund new that he had to intervene. He had to stop Torstein’s crap.
“TORSTEIN!” Harlund stood up and shouted from the top of his lungs. “Shut your mouth! I should’ve left you out in the woods when I had the chance. My biggest mistake in this life was to not leave you out in the woods..”
Torstein went quiet, he wasn’t sad, as he had heard it so many times. “As you wish, father.” he said and continued eating.
“You better fucking do as he w…” Adrion started to say, but was interrupted by Harlund.
“And you, Adrion… You’re just a weak boy, nothing else. Torstein is the worst fucking shit, but at least he got balls. You’re not worthy of Frost Horn, if I get to decide. Sadly, we’re northerners, and we hold tradition above all.” Harlund was frustrated at his two poor excuses of sons. He could barely control his anger, but sat down to finish his meal.
Harlund was just about to leave when the doors to his halls opened. There stood an average tall man with a slim build. A handsome man with short auburn hair, trimmed beard and green eyes. It was Harlund’s second-born, Harald Marbrand.
“‘Ello family!” he said and sat down and started to eat.
“You got something good?” Torstein asked curiously. Adrion sighed as the selfish man he is, like he didn’t give a shit.
“If I got something good? I certainly did, dear brother. A dire-fucking-wolf, and some stags, nothing special there.” he said proudly, but only Torstein seemed interested, though even he stayed quiet for a while, until he started to talk again.
“Direwolf, huh? Yea, they live like snow nowadays, don’t they?” Torstein said.
“Aye.” Harald said shortly and continued to eat.
“I see that you’ve taken your armour already, why’s that?” Harlund asked.
“Because I don’t need it here, father. I’m just eating.” Harald answered.
“You never know, don’t you remember the stories your mother told you…” and as he said mother he glared at Torstein. “...about the Red Wedding? Where our first King in the North for centuries got killed, because of not keeping his word. And that was right. He fucking deserved to die there. His mother on the other hand, she didn’t deserve to die. She always kept her word. She was an honourable woman, just like her husband, Eddard Stark. Beheaded by the fucking southerners.”
“They don’t rule in the south anymore, father.” Torstein explained.
“I know they doesn’t, you piss. But the bloody Lannister-dwarf served as Hand of the Queen for many fucking years.” Harlund was quite angry, and was just about to continue to shit on the south when a soldier got into the room.
“Begging of my fucking pardon, my lord. But you’ve gotten two letters. They’re awaiting you in your chamber.” the soldier told him. The soldiers at Frost Horn were known to swear a lot, but loyal to their lord.
“From?” Harlund asked
“Fuck if I know my lord.” the soldier stated and walked away. Harlund took a look at his family before he started to walk to his chambers. He opened his chamber doors and went inside the dusty old library. Frost Horn’s Lord quarters never was anything for Harlund, so he chose the library. Not because he likes to read, rather more strategically placed in case something were to happen, he would be out among the first ones.
He looked at his table and saw the two letters, one with the direwolf sigil of house Stark. And one that is signed by Lord Barney Beartilde…
[Open the letter from house Stark first][Open the letter from house Beartilde first]
Harlund II
At Frost Horn
Harlund new that he had to intervene. He had to stop Torstein’s crap.
“TORSTEIN!” Harlund stood up and sho… moreuted from the top of his lungs. “Shut your mouth! I should’ve left you out in the woods when I had the chance. My biggest mistake in this life was to not leave you out in the woods..”
Torstein went quiet, he wasn’t sad, as he had heard it so many times. “As you wish, father.” he said and continued eating.
“You better fucking do as he w…” Adrion started to say, but was interrupted by Harlund.
“And you, Adrion… You’re just a weak boy, nothing else. Torstein is the worst fucking shit, but at least he got balls. You’re not worthy of Frost Horn, if I get to decide. Sadly, we’re northerners, and we hold tradition above all.” Harlund was frustrated at his two poor excuses of sons. He could barely control his anger, but sat down to finish his meal.
Harlund was just about to leave when the doors to hi… [view original content]
Harlund II
At Frost Horn
Harlund new that he had to intervene. He had to stop Torstein’s crap.
“TORSTEIN!” Harlund stood up and sho… moreuted from the top of his lungs. “Shut your mouth! I should’ve left you out in the woods when I had the chance. My biggest mistake in this life was to not leave you out in the woods..”
Torstein went quiet, he wasn’t sad, as he had heard it so many times. “As you wish, father.” he said and continued eating.
“You better fucking do as he w…” Adrion started to say, but was interrupted by Harlund.
“And you, Adrion… You’re just a weak boy, nothing else. Torstein is the worst fucking shit, but at least he got balls. You’re not worthy of Frost Horn, if I get to decide. Sadly, we’re northerners, and we hold tradition above all.” Harlund was frustrated at his two poor excuses of sons. He could barely control his anger, but sat down to finish his meal.
Harlund was just about to leave when the doors to hi… [view original content]
Harlund II
At Frost Horn
Harlund new that he had to intervene. He had to stop Torstein’s crap.
“TORSTEIN!” Harlund stood up and sho… moreuted from the top of his lungs. “Shut your mouth! I should’ve left you out in the woods when I had the chance. My biggest mistake in this life was to not leave you out in the woods..”
Torstein went quiet, he wasn’t sad, as he had heard it so many times. “As you wish, father.” he said and continued eating.
“You better fucking do as he w…” Adrion started to say, but was interrupted by Harlund.
“And you, Adrion… You’re just a weak boy, nothing else. Torstein is the worst fucking shit, but at least he got balls. You’re not worthy of Frost Horn, if I get to decide. Sadly, we’re northerners, and we hold tradition above all.” Harlund was frustrated at his two poor excuses of sons. He could barely control his anger, but sat down to finish his meal.
Harlund was just about to leave when the doors to hi… [view original content]
I believe the most important thing has already been mentioned by the others. He is sworn to House Stark and therefore, their letter should come first. However, I can already guess what it is about, I presume its contents might be similar to the letter Barney received during his last part. It would make sense for the king to inform Harlund as well.
Harlund II
At Frost Horn
Harlund new that he had to intervene. He had to stop Torstein’s crap.
“TORSTEIN!” Harlund stood up and sho… moreuted from the top of his lungs. “Shut your mouth! I should’ve left you out in the woods when I had the chance. My biggest mistake in this life was to not leave you out in the woods..”
Torstein went quiet, he wasn’t sad, as he had heard it so many times. “As you wish, father.” he said and continued eating.
“You better fucking do as he w…” Adrion started to say, but was interrupted by Harlund.
“And you, Adrion… You’re just a weak boy, nothing else. Torstein is the worst fucking shit, but at least he got balls. You’re not worthy of Frost Horn, if I get to decide. Sadly, we’re northerners, and we hold tradition above all.” Harlund was frustrated at his two poor excuses of sons. He could barely control his anger, but sat down to finish his meal.
Harlund was just about to leave when the doors to hi… [view original content]
You chose to Open the letter from the King first. And to be honest, that should be the priority, shouldn't it?
Next part should be up in the net couple o' days. This week has been hell on earth, school-thingys y'know. But guess what, I'm sick now. So I can write as much as I like. Yeey!
It will at least be a barney part, maybe some more. This chapter is coming to an end reasonably soon. Duncan is finished for this chapter, Harlund only has 1 more part, Barney probably has 1 as well. And so does Cat, so y'know. Soon it'll come to an end for this chapter. Also, I will do things a little differently. I will have an Epilogue for this chapter, maybe all of the chapters. But only Epilogues, no prologues.
Anyways, We left Barney of to decide if he leaves tomorrow or the day after that, were you chose to leave tomorrow. Which will be today when the chapter starts.
Ehm... So this is very hard for me to write. NOPE, I will not stop writing this, this is a thing that happened in real life. Remember that I said that this week has been fucking hell on earth, because of school thingies. Well that ain't shit compared to this.
Puh... This morning, we found one of our cats lying dead on the road. Our youngest little girl, barely 1 year old. She was a little adventurer, not like our other two cats, who shits themselves when they hear the sound of a bloody car.
Anyways, as you probably understands, I am quite sad. We will bury our little girl soon, and mourn for a while. So sorry if the part comes later, mates. But I am positive to that you guys understand.
Thanks for your support and love towards my story, really.
Ehm... So this is very hard for me to write. NOPE, I will not stop writing this, this is a thing that happened in real life. Remember that I… more said that this week has been fucking hell on earth, because of school thingies. Well that ain't shit compared to this.
Puh... This morning, we found one of our cats lying dead on the road. Our youngest little girl, barely 1 year old. She was a little adventurer, not like our other two cats, who shits themselves when they hear the sound of a bloody car.
Anyways, as you probably understands, I am quite sad. We will bury our little girl soon, and mourn for a while. So sorry if the part comes later, mates. But I am positive to that you guys understand.
Thanks for your support and love towards my story, really.
Thank ye for readin'!
Ehm... So this is very hard for me to write. NOPE, I will not stop writing this, this is a thing that happened in real life. Remember that I… more said that this week has been fucking hell on earth, because of school thingies. Well that ain't shit compared to this.
Puh... This morning, we found one of our cats lying dead on the road. Our youngest little girl, barely 1 year old. She was a little adventurer, not like our other two cats, who shits themselves when they hear the sound of a bloody car.
Anyways, as you probably understands, I am quite sad. We will bury our little girl soon, and mourn for a while. So sorry if the part comes later, mates. But I am positive to that you guys understand.
Thanks for your support and love towards my story, really.
Thank ye for readin'!
Ehm... So this is very hard for me to write. NOPE, I will not stop writing this, this is a thing that happened in real life. Remember that I… more said that this week has been fucking hell on earth, because of school thingies. Well that ain't shit compared to this.
Puh... This morning, we found one of our cats lying dead on the road. Our youngest little girl, barely 1 year old. She was a little adventurer, not like our other two cats, who shits themselves when they hear the sound of a bloody car.
Anyways, as you probably understands, I am quite sad. We will bury our little girl soon, and mourn for a while. So sorry if the part comes later, mates. But I am positive to that you guys understand.
Thanks for your support and love towards my story, really.
Thank ye for readin'!
Ladies and gentlemen. I am back. We're gonna check in on Barney's last part for the chapter, Cat and Elaena at King's Landing and also with Harlund, his letters and his fucking guards. Three-parter just because you've waited so long for a new part. Deeply sorry for the long wait, but I am back now anyhow.
Barney V
Beartilde Hall
Barney took a stroll on the little market in Beartile Hall before preparing his other speech. He will tell them that he will leave today, with most guard. Leaving the command to the Captain. The Captain had given Barney a list of every soldier that would follow them, a list of forty nine men, and one woman, Jaesa.
Barney didn’t want to leave this fast to go to Winterfell. He would’ve liked to stay for a while and fixed the city up. But he couldn’t. And soon the smallfolk would know that as well. He climbed up on the stage that he stood on just yesterday and told them about Bernhard.
“Great Citizens of Beartilde Hall!” Barney shouted to get their attention. The Smallfolk started to walk closer and soon the whole city stood and watched him. “After a letter from our King, Robert, a dear friend to me and my father and also this city, sent me a raven. He told me to ride to Winterfell as fast as I possibly can… I will ride today.” The crowd didn’t seem chocked about it, they almost looked like they knew it. Barney continued. “I know that I should stay here, and I want to stay here. But our King has called upon me, and so I shall answer. I will bring 40 men and women from our guard to Winterfell. To aid in the king's war in the south against The Riverlands and The Iron Islands.”
This caused the crowd to look more surprised. Some of them looked angry, some of them looked understanding. “I can understand your anger, IF you are angry. But please, don’t be. When we finally have won this war. I wont leave this place until it’s fixed. Until it looked like it did when it was new. I give the command to the Captain. BUT, he will not rule. He will command what he deems important, but you, all of you, will help him decide in matters. This isn’t my castle. It’s your home. It will only be right for you to help me, and the captain, to rule. As well as I hope I help you to rule.” The people looked happier now, at least most of them. “I’m sorry for leaving, truly I am. But let me avenge my father. And let me help the king to eliminate the fucking rebellers.” Most of the smallfolk nodded and shouted ‘Aye’ to Barney.
He climbed down from the stage and started to walk towards the gate. The soldiers were waiting at the gate for Barney, so was the captain and the Maester.
“Went shit?” Jaesa asked.
“Not to bad, Jaesa. Most understood.” he answered, and started to talk to the captain. “You might see a minor riot, some didn’t understand. But most of ‘em will help you rule.”
“Right. This will be incredibly uncomfortable. I’m not comfortable at ruling so much, in such a little time.” the Captain said, visually uncomfortable already.
“I’m sure you’ll do what's best for this city. And I am sure that the Maester here will help ye as well.”
“Will do my best. Worry about me, my lord.” As usual, the maester skipped the first word. Barney nodded as an answer and started to walk towards his horse.
He climbed up on the horse, and started to ride out of the gate, the soldiers close by.
“Goodbye Beartilde Hall…” Barney mumbled for himself.
No choices here
Catelyn IV
King’s Landing (literally, Tommen, y’know.)
“I’ll gladly join you, my lady.” Cat said.
“Why come then, let’s see the king.” Elaena said enthusiastically and started to walk towards the castle.
“Ehm… Mother. Father isn’t feeling very well. They told me he got crap in him.” he said, quite scared over the mother's reaction.
“What? What do you mean ‘crap in him’, lovey?” Elaena asked worryingly.
“I don’t know, mommy. They just said that he wasn’t well.”
“Go to your siblings, lovey. Alright?” Daemon nodded and started to walk away from them, Elaena nodded at some guards to follow him, and so they did. Elaena instead went to the red keep, with Cat right behind. Elaena fastened her steps, almost running. Cat was almost not able to keep up with her. They walked through the gate and entered the great hall, took left, and started to walk up the stairs. She got in front of the door, where four guards were standing, and opened both of the doors to the king’s quarters.
The room was quite big and dimly lit. To the left there stood yet another couple of guards. Behind the guards there is a big desk with a lot of letters from.
On the right side there is a very expensive table with just as expensive chairs, and of course, yet another 4 guards.
In the middle of the room there was a very big bed, that certainly would fit for five lying on the back. But there was only one person lying in the bed, and it was not the handsome king Cat usually saw. There in the bed a man who looked incredibly older than he did when Cat left with Elaena and the rest of the handmaidens. The whole bed and him together was wet, and his brown hair looked a lot greyer than Cat remembered. That was the only not so handsome thing about the king, his hair, because it has always been grey-ish but now it’s really grey. Cat couldn’t describe it, but he looked a lot older.. The handsome, well-built king never looked this bad, something was very, very wrong.
“My love! What has happened to you?” Elaena looked very worried and jumped up on the bed..
“Elaena…” The king mumbled, and it didn’t seem like he knew what he said. He opened his teary eyes, could barely keep them open, saw Elaena, and as far as Cat could tell, there were some happiness in his eyes. “Elaena!” he said in a normal voice-tone, but the voice sounded so old.
“What has happened to you, my love?” Elaena asked.
“Some sort o.. Of poison, I.. I would assume..” the king coughed.
“Your grace. I would need you to step out of the bed, I have to work on him.” A young, slim man stepped in through the door with brown short hair, and a clean-shaved face, not even eyebrows. It was Grand Maester Wylis. “I need my space, so you have to leave. I will call upon you when I’ve done what I can.”
“Go, dear.” The king said.
“... Don’t die on me, dinny.” Elaena answered, with tears in her eyes.
“Can’t believe yo.. You’re still calling me.. Me that.”
“Can’t believe it either.” she said, kissed him on his forehead. “If you’re poisoned, we can’t risk a kiss on the mouth.”
“Sure.. Take care of th.. the children while I’m sick.”
“Always.” Elaena said, stood up and walked out of the room.
“Elaena…” Cat started to say, but cut of herself.
“Yes, Cat. What is it?” Elaena asked.
[Ask her what she wanted to tell her before they were interrupted][Nevermind her]
Harlund III
At Frosthorn
The king is more important than a fucking neighbouring house that Harlund talked to last time 15 years ago. The two houses were once close, but after an incidence, or rather, a minor conflict, separated the houses for good. Harlund opened the letter from the king and started to read it.
Good day Harlund.
It’s time for you to send in troops to our cause. Every troop possible is needed, and so are you. We’ve heard that your troops are undyingly loyal, as any northerner, but a bit hard to control. That’s why we need you. Choose ruler over Frosthorn in the meantime. Travel as soon as possible. Tomorrow Night at latest.
If you don’t arrive in time, you will be stempled as an enemy of the crown, NO exceptions. We need every man.
Duncan, trusted advisor and Maester to King Robert Stark.
“Bloody seven hells…” Harlund mumbled and got lost in his thoughts. He had so far been able to keep his men here, but now it appears that he has to start sending his men for a meaningless war. “Fuck…”
Harlund opened the next letter from house Beartilde. News had already reached him about Bernhard’s death. He can’t say that he got sad when he heard it, but it certainly didn’t feel good to have left him of like Harlund did.
I’m riding to Winterfell the same day you are reading this message. I know that you and father left of on the wrong foot. But now that he’s gone, I hoped that we could maybe regain contact between our houses. That’s your choice, but I would be happy to start to trade with each other once again.
If you please, we can discuss this further tomorrow. I thought that we could ride to Winterfell together. Surely King Robert have asked you that.
Yours truly,
Barney Beartilde.
Maybe this was a good thing.. Maybe it’s good to regain contact with the Beartildes. The food is thriving at Frosthorn. Yes, there it is. There is the food that they would so desperately need. Then the bloody peasants could start to get proper meals, and work right.
With that out of the way, Harlund has another thing to decide. Who will rule while he’s gone. Torstein will not, that shit is not worthy. That leaves Adrion, the weak bastard, or Harald. Hermion is also out of the question, she’s a bloody woman. The only way Harlund would choose Adrion is because he is the eldest son. Harald is loved by the people… This is difficult.
[Let Adrion rule while Harlund is gone][Let Harald rule while Harlund is gone]
Ladies and gentlemen. I am back. We're gonna check in on Barney's last part for the chapter, Cat and Elaena at King's Landing and also with … moreHarlund, his letters and his fucking guards. Three-parter just because you've waited so long for a new part. Deeply sorry for the long wait, but I am back now anyhow.
Barney V
Beartilde Hall
Barney took a stroll on the little market in Beartile Hall before preparing his other speech. He will tell them that he will leave today, with most guard. Leaving the command to the Captain. The Captain had given Barney a list of every soldier that would follow them, a list of forty nine men, and one woman, Jaesa.
Barney didn’t want to leave this fast to go to Winterfell. He would’ve liked to stay for a while and fixed the city up. But he couldn’t. And soon the smallfolk would know that as well. He climbed up on the stage that he stood on just yesterday and told them about Bernhard.
“Great Citizens of B… [view original content]
[Ask her what she wanted to tell her before they were interrupted] It's the only reason I voted to go with her in the first place.
[Let A… moredrion rule while Harlund is gone] If he's the oldest, then it is his right.
So glad to see you back! Great part, can't wait for the next.
Duncan's going to King's Landing? Oh, this is awesome!
Elaena's pretty cool.
I'm going to bump this, as it seems that everyone except Agent missed it out. I could just tag names, we'll see about that.
It does look that way. I usually don't miss it. Because I'm following the discussion.
We all know where family issues like that are going to lead to if they are not kept in line. The last thing we want is another family as fucked up as the Lannisters. Besides, they are Harlund's children and he should make sure that they are not hating each other like that.
That second sentence is a clever specification
Honestly though, I think so far I like Duncan the most. His PoV's have been pretty awesome and I'm looking forward for more of him. I also like Barney.
Nope, I have not missed it. I've just been really busy today, so I did not manage to comment earlier. But I can promise you, I'd never miss a part
CRAP! I forgot to vote.
So far A favorite character would be a tie between Elaena and Barney. However, Duncan's storyline seems to be going in an interesting direction.
Anyways, did you see the latest pm I sent in our discussion?
I saw him, yes. I liked him a lot. Also saw your PM, I'll answer to you shortly.
[Let them argue]
I don't think Harlund will get the conversation any better if he intervene .
So far , my favorite is barney , it seems he 'll have a lot of trouble as the new lord of Beartilde . And i like troubles !
Welcome to the story, Mathea! Hope you enjoy it.
The Voting is Closed!
You chose to [Intervene]. We'll see how that'll turn out in the part after this one probably.
Anyways. Next part will be a Barney and a Catelyn part. We left Barney of at his way to his chambers, were you chose to dismiss Jaesa and send her to the capt. And Cat's latest part we left her of with Duncan getting captured. But in Duncans last part, we saw her getting into the carriage with the queen. Some time has passed between the Cat-parts. Around a day.
**Stop! Question time."
We got 2 votes for Elaena.
2 votes for Barney
And 1 for Duncan, although some of you said that he is close to the top.
I myself can't choose between the submitted characters, they are all awesome in their ways.
Next part should be up reasonably soon.
Thanks. So far it seems good.
And what is the question, because I don't see any? :-)
Oh. The question is always at the end of the part. And at voting closed I either give the answer or summarize what you guys wrote.
Ah, true. When I was reading the story I was on my way home in the bus, therefore I was just reading it down to the voting, without comments or question section.
Edit: I've submitted a character. Feel free to PM me if you need some more information.
Barney IV
Beartilde Hall
“I can find my own quarters, thank you. Head back to the captain instead, Jaesa.Thanks for this little talk though.” Barney told Jaesa.
“Don’t mention it. Good bye, my lord.” Jaesa said and took of.
Barney opened the door to his new chambers and sat down. His father's chambers were quite small, and did certainly not look like a Lord’s chambers. But Bernhard never thought of himself as anyone special, he was, just like anyone else, a person. The chambers only expensive thing was the bed, real nice and comfortable. Otherwise there wasn’t much. An old dusty desk with an old dusty chair. And a chest, with Bernhard’s old belongings. But he did not have time to look into the chest, and instead started to write a letter to his sister. He wrote about their travels to the Riverlands, about the great victory at Seagard… And the price that was paid because of it.
Barney gave a Raven his letter, and so it flew away.
“My lord!” an old voice shouted from behind the door. It sounded like the maester. He was an old completely bald man, surely 90 years old. With deep blue eyes and only one ear. Barney opened the door. There the old maester stood.
“What is it?” Barney asked curiously.
“Raven arrived from Winterfell. The King.” the maester said. For some reason the maester always forgot the first word of his sentence, and starts with second instead, which Barney never understood why.
“Thank you, maester. Rest if you need.” Barney told him.
“Problem, my lord. Will, my lord.” the maester said and started to walk away slowly to his room.
Barney opened the unbroken seal and started to read:
*Good day, Lord Barney.
I wished to tell you that I need your men as fast as possible. If you can, go tomorrow. Otherwise, you have to go the day after that. We march within a week, and I need you with me.
I know what you’re going through.
King Robert Stark*
Barney put the paper-roll down on the table, and thought for a moment. Was he going to stay here one extra day, or would he go tomorrow already. If he went tomorrow, it would please the king, he knew. But on the other hand, maybe he should stay home for just another day.
[Ride tomorrow] [Ride the day after tomorrow]
Catelyn III
Outside of King’s Landing
After a long silence, Elaena broke it. “You think he did it, Cat?” Elaena asked.
[Yes] [No]
Nah! I’m just kidding, here is the real part!
After a long silence, Elaena broke it. “It feels so empty now, doesn’t it?” Elaena asked.
“It does, Elaena. We used to be triple as many in this carriage.” Cat answered.
“We used to, yes… I can’t believe they’re gone. I promised them protection under my service, But what do they get, death. I’m sick of it, Cat. Of loved ones dying. I barely has no one left, my mother and my children. But I had so many, my brother, Tyrion. Poisoned by our enemies… And I have still no clue whom it was who poisoned my brother, my own flesh and blood. I.. I am sorry, we shouldn’t talk about that. We should be happy to be alive. Cat, I need to ask you something, it is very important for the future of the realm, you need to understand that.”
“I do, Elena.” Cat answered.
“Good. I need you to h…” she got interrupted by the carriage stopping, and someone shouting “Open the gate”
“It appears that we’re almost home.” Elaena stated. “But now, I need you t…” she once again got interrupted by the gate opening, it was a very creaky gate. “Fucks sake.” Elaena said, and waited until the gate closed. She opened her mouth to once again say what she needed to, but once again got interrupted.
“My lady!” A guard shouted from the outside. “Welcome home.” He opened the door, and there the red keep was. Almost untouched since it was built. Only Cersei the mad had destroyed the great hall. And King’s Landing in general, except the red keep. However, the great hall was greater than ever. King’s Landings city was rebuilt to greatness, not a rathole. There was no walls as of yet though.
Elaena and Cat walked out of the carriage and saw a boy running towards them. It was Daemon Targaryen, the youngest son and child of Elaena. He had his mother's purple eyes, but his father’s dark brown hair. He wears his usual Royal clothing.
“Mother!” he exclaimed and jumped into his mother's arms for a hug, and a hug he got.
“My little son.” Elaena mumbled and looked at Cat. “Look who I brought with me, Daemon.” she said happily, just like her sadness just flew away in a second.
“Hi Catty.” he said kindly, yet a little bit shy, as they didn’t know each other too well yet.
“Hello, little one.” Cat answered in a quite childish tone, and Elaena could barely keep her laughs away.
“Where is your sister and brother?” Elaena asked.
“Rhaenyra is reading as she always is, and Aegon is playing with swords… When do I get to play with swords, mother?” he asked enthusiastically.
“You don’t play with swords, lovey. But when you turn eight you will learn how to wield a sword properly, and not sticks.” she said. Once again she looked at Cat and asked.
“Do you want to accompany me or head to your chambers, Cat? If you need to do something, I understand, but I would like your company, if you will.” The Queen said.
She would like to see if there is a letter to her in her chambers, and also write a letter to her brother, but Elaena wants company, and who would Cat be to deny the Queen and her cute little son.
[Accompany Elaena and Daemon] [Head to your chambers]
STOP! Question Time!
Do you guys think that I should tag everyone reading this story, so you totally won't miss it. Let me know what ye think.
Thank ye for readin’!
[Accompany Elaena and Daemon] Elaena hasn't said what she needs to say yet.
Is his name Daeron or Daemon?
[Ride tommorow] Shouldn't delay more than neceesary.
Tagging everyone seems uneccessary.
Daemon. Sorry about that.
[Ride tomorrow]
[Head to your chambers]
Nah, I guess all readers have the topic followed already.
[Ride the day after tomorrow]
Barney literally just arrived home and is currently going through a seriously bad time. At least one day of rest shouldn't be too much and the king even offered him this one day. And in the grand scale of things, I doubt one day is going to matter that much, or else the king wouldn't have granted it to him. It's not as if he's waiting a full week, but at least one day to recover from his journey and especially from his recent loss should be helpful for him. He also gets more time to sort everything out now that he is the lord.
[Accompany Elaena and Daemon]
Like Agent said, there is something Elaena wishes to say, which she hasn't yet gotten a chance to. Going with her might give her another chance to reveal it and it might be important.
Hm, I don't necessarily need to be tagged. I'm following the story closely and if I'd ever accidentally unfollow it, I'm absolutely sure I'd quickly notice that something's missing from my followed discussions
Also, do you wish to abstain from the first choice, just think about it, or did you forget that one?
[Ride tomorrow]
It would be good for barney to have the king's favor , even if he has it already , let's stay that way with the king .
[Accompany Elaena and Daemon]
Perhaps we missing something by doing that , but she ahs something to say , so let's stay a little while more with her .
Answer : I see nothing against it , and i can understand both answers , but let's say im neutral on this matter .
Why do I keep forgetting the choices!? XD
Yeah, I'll edit it in.
[Ride tomorrow]
[Accompany Elaena and Daemon]
Answer: I'm following the story anyways, therefore I don't think you have to tag everybody. However, you can if you want.
The voting is closed!
Barney shall ride to the king tomorrow and Catelyn shall accompany Elaena and Daemon.
The next part will be a Harlund part, and should be up quite soon. Where you guys chose to intervene in the little brawl between Torstein and Adrion Marbrand.
STOP! Question Time!
Most of you thought that it would be unnecessary to tag you guys, so I will only do it if a member disappears. Which would probably mean that he/she unfollowed the discussion, or is doing something else, of course.
Anyways, Thank ye for readin'!
Harlund II
At Frost Horn
Harlund new that he had to intervene. He had to stop Torstein’s crap.
“TORSTEIN!” Harlund stood up and shouted from the top of his lungs. “Shut your mouth! I should’ve left you out in the woods when I had the chance. My biggest mistake in this life was to not leave you out in the woods..”
Torstein went quiet, he wasn’t sad, as he had heard it so many times. “As you wish, father.” he said and continued eating.
“You better fucking do as he w…” Adrion started to say, but was interrupted by Harlund.
“And you, Adrion… You’re just a weak boy, nothing else. Torstein is the worst fucking shit, but at least he got balls. You’re not worthy of Frost Horn, if I get to decide. Sadly, we’re northerners, and we hold tradition above all.” Harlund was frustrated at his two poor excuses of sons. He could barely control his anger, but sat down to finish his meal.
Harlund was just about to leave when the doors to his halls opened. There stood an average tall man with a slim build. A handsome man with short auburn hair, trimmed beard and green eyes. It was Harlund’s second-born, Harald Marbrand.
“‘Ello family!” he said and sat down and started to eat.
“You got something good?” Torstein asked curiously. Adrion sighed as the selfish man he is, like he didn’t give a shit.
“If I got something good? I certainly did, dear brother. A dire-fucking-wolf, and some stags, nothing special there.” he said proudly, but only Torstein seemed interested, though even he stayed quiet for a while, until he started to talk again.
“Direwolf, huh? Yea, they live like snow nowadays, don’t they?” Torstein said.
“Aye.” Harald said shortly and continued to eat.
“I see that you’ve taken your armour already, why’s that?” Harlund asked.
“Because I don’t need it here, father. I’m just eating.” Harald answered.
“You never know, don’t you remember the stories your mother told you…” and as he said mother he glared at Torstein. “...about the Red Wedding? Where our first King in the North for centuries got killed, because of not keeping his word. And that was right. He fucking deserved to die there. His mother on the other hand, she didn’t deserve to die. She always kept her word. She was an honourable woman, just like her husband, Eddard Stark. Beheaded by the fucking southerners.”
“They don’t rule in the south anymore, father.” Torstein explained.
“I know they doesn’t, you piss. But the bloody Lannister-dwarf served as Hand of the Queen for many fucking years.” Harlund was quite angry, and was just about to continue to shit on the south when a soldier got into the room.
“Begging of my fucking pardon, my lord. But you’ve gotten two letters. They’re awaiting you in your chamber.” the soldier told him. The soldiers at Frost Horn were known to swear a lot, but loyal to their lord.
“From?” Harlund asked
“Fuck if I know my lord.” the soldier stated and walked away. Harlund took a look at his family before he started to walk to his chambers. He opened his chamber doors and went inside the dusty old library. Frost Horn’s Lord quarters never was anything for Harlund, so he chose the library. Not because he likes to read, rather more strategically placed in case something were to happen, he would be out among the first ones.
He looked at his table and saw the two letters, one with the direwolf sigil of house Stark. And one that is signed by Lord Barney Beartilde…
[Open the letter from house Stark first] [Open the letter from house Beartilde first]
[Open the letter from house Stark first] I think a letter from your king is more important.
[Open the letter from house Stark first]
[Open the letter from house Stark first]
This would be the obvious letter for him to open first. He would definitely believe it to be more important.
[Open the letter from house Stark first]
i think the liege lord's letter passes first .
And those guard are funny as hell , "begging of my fucking pardon" ha awesome ! i like them already .
They slightly remind me of the umbers . Though i can't really know why .
[Open the letter from house Stark first]
I believe the most important thing has already been mentioned by the others. He is sworn to House Stark and therefore, their letter should come first. However, I can already guess what it is about, I presume its contents might be similar to the letter Barney received during his last part. It would make sense for the king to inform Harlund as well.
The Voting is Closed!
You chose to Open the letter from the King first. And to be honest, that should be the priority, shouldn't it?
Next part should be up in the net couple o' days. This week has been hell on earth, school-thingys y'know. But guess what, I'm sick now. So I can write as much as I like. Yeey!
It will at least be a barney part, maybe some more. This chapter is coming to an end reasonably soon. Duncan is finished for this chapter, Harlund only has 1 more part, Barney probably has 1 as well. And so does Cat, so y'know. Soon it'll come to an end for this chapter. Also, I will do things a little differently. I will have an Epilogue for this chapter, maybe all of the chapters. But only Epilogues, no prologues.
Anyways, We left Barney of to decide if he leaves tomorrow or the day after that, were you chose to leave tomorrow. Which will be today when the chapter starts.
Thank ye for readin'.
Ehm... So this is very hard for me to write. NOPE, I will not stop writing this, this is a thing that happened in real life. Remember that I said that this week has been fucking hell on earth, because of school thingies. Well that ain't shit compared to this.
Puh... This morning, we found one of our cats lying dead on the road. Our youngest little girl, barely 1 year old. She was a little adventurer, not like our other two cats, who shits themselves when they hear the sound of a bloody car.
Anyways, as you probably understands, I am quite sad. We will bury our little girl soon, and mourn for a while. So sorry if the part comes later, mates. But I am positive to that you guys understand.
Thanks for your support and love towards my story, really.
Thank ye for readin'!
I understand, I have cat on my own.
Take care there!
It's never easy losing a pet
Take your time and come back when your ready.
Oh man, I am very sorry to hear this
Take all the time you need, I fully understand you!
Ladies and gentlemen. I am back. We're gonna check in on Barney's last part for the chapter, Cat and Elaena at King's Landing and also with Harlund, his letters and his fucking guards. Three-parter just because you've waited so long for a new part. Deeply sorry for the long wait, but I am back now anyhow.
Barney V
Beartilde Hall
Barney took a stroll on the little market in Beartile Hall before preparing his other speech. He will tell them that he will leave today, with most guard. Leaving the command to the Captain. The Captain had given Barney a list of every soldier that would follow them, a list of forty nine men, and one woman, Jaesa.
Barney didn’t want to leave this fast to go to Winterfell. He would’ve liked to stay for a while and fixed the city up. But he couldn’t. And soon the smallfolk would know that as well. He climbed up on the stage that he stood on just yesterday and told them about Bernhard.
“Great Citizens of Beartilde Hall!” Barney shouted to get their attention. The Smallfolk started to walk closer and soon the whole city stood and watched him. “After a letter from our King, Robert, a dear friend to me and my father and also this city, sent me a raven. He told me to ride to Winterfell as fast as I possibly can… I will ride today.” The crowd didn’t seem chocked about it, they almost looked like they knew it. Barney continued. “I know that I should stay here, and I want to stay here. But our King has called upon me, and so I shall answer. I will bring 40 men and women from our guard to Winterfell. To aid in the king's war in the south against The Riverlands and The Iron Islands.”
This caused the crowd to look more surprised. Some of them looked angry, some of them looked understanding. “I can understand your anger, IF you are angry. But please, don’t be. When we finally have won this war. I wont leave this place until it’s fixed. Until it looked like it did when it was new. I give the command to the Captain. BUT, he will not rule. He will command what he deems important, but you, all of you, will help him decide in matters. This isn’t my castle. It’s your home. It will only be right for you to help me, and the captain, to rule. As well as I hope I help you to rule.” The people looked happier now, at least most of them. “I’m sorry for leaving, truly I am. But let me avenge my father. And let me help the king to eliminate the fucking rebellers.” Most of the smallfolk nodded and shouted ‘Aye’ to Barney.
He climbed down from the stage and started to walk towards the gate. The soldiers were waiting at the gate for Barney, so was the captain and the Maester.
“Went shit?” Jaesa asked.
“Not to bad, Jaesa. Most understood.” he answered, and started to talk to the captain. “You might see a minor riot, some didn’t understand. But most of ‘em will help you rule.”
“Right. This will be incredibly uncomfortable. I’m not comfortable at ruling so much, in such a little time.” the Captain said, visually uncomfortable already.
“I’m sure you’ll do what's best for this city. And I am sure that the Maester here will help ye as well.”
“Will do my best. Worry about me, my lord.” As usual, the maester skipped the first word. Barney nodded as an answer and started to walk towards his horse.
He climbed up on the horse, and started to ride out of the gate, the soldiers close by.
“Goodbye Beartilde Hall…” Barney mumbled for himself.
No choices here
Catelyn IV
King’s Landing (literally, Tommen, y’know.)
“I’ll gladly join you, my lady.” Cat said.
“Why come then, let’s see the king.” Elaena said enthusiastically and started to walk towards the castle.
“Ehm… Mother. Father isn’t feeling very well. They told me he got crap in him.” he said, quite scared over the mother's reaction.
“What? What do you mean ‘crap in him’, lovey?” Elaena asked worryingly.
“I don’t know, mommy. They just said that he wasn’t well.”
“Go to your siblings, lovey. Alright?” Daemon nodded and started to walk away from them, Elaena nodded at some guards to follow him, and so they did. Elaena instead went to the red keep, with Cat right behind. Elaena fastened her steps, almost running. Cat was almost not able to keep up with her. They walked through the gate and entered the great hall, took left, and started to walk up the stairs. She got in front of the door, where four guards were standing, and opened both of the doors to the king’s quarters.
The room was quite big and dimly lit. To the left there stood yet another couple of guards. Behind the guards there is a big desk with a lot of letters from.
On the right side there is a very expensive table with just as expensive chairs, and of course, yet another 4 guards.
In the middle of the room there was a very big bed, that certainly would fit for five lying on the back. But there was only one person lying in the bed, and it was not the handsome king Cat usually saw. There in the bed a man who looked incredibly older than he did when Cat left with Elaena and the rest of the handmaidens. The whole bed and him together was wet, and his brown hair looked a lot greyer than Cat remembered. That was the only not so handsome thing about the king, his hair, because it has always been grey-ish but now it’s really grey. Cat couldn’t describe it, but he looked a lot older.. The handsome, well-built king never looked this bad, something was very, very wrong.
“My love! What has happened to you?” Elaena looked very worried and jumped up on the bed..
“Elaena…” The king mumbled, and it didn’t seem like he knew what he said. He opened his teary eyes, could barely keep them open, saw Elaena, and as far as Cat could tell, there were some happiness in his eyes. “Elaena!” he said in a normal voice-tone, but the voice sounded so old.
“What has happened to you, my love?” Elaena asked.
“Some sort o.. Of poison, I.. I would assume..” the king coughed.
“Your grace. I would need you to step out of the bed, I have to work on him.” A young, slim man stepped in through the door with brown short hair, and a clean-shaved face, not even eyebrows. It was Grand Maester Wylis. “I need my space, so you have to leave. I will call upon you when I’ve done what I can.”
“Go, dear.” The king said.
“... Don’t die on me, dinny.” Elaena answered, with tears in her eyes.
“Can’t believe yo.. You’re still calling me.. Me that.”
“Can’t believe it either.” she said, kissed him on his forehead. “If you’re poisoned, we can’t risk a kiss on the mouth.”
“Sure.. Take care of th.. the children while I’m sick.”
“Always.” Elaena said, stood up and walked out of the room.
“Elaena…” Cat started to say, but cut of herself.
“Yes, Cat. What is it?” Elaena asked.
[Ask her what she wanted to tell her before they were interrupted] [Nevermind her]
Harlund III
At Frosthorn
The king is more important than a fucking neighbouring house that Harlund talked to last time 15 years ago. The two houses were once close, but after an incidence, or rather, a minor conflict, separated the houses for good. Harlund opened the letter from the king and started to read it.
Good day Harlund.
It’s time for you to send in troops to our cause. Every troop possible is needed, and so are you. We’ve heard that your troops are undyingly loyal, as any northerner, but a bit hard to control. That’s why we need you. Choose ruler over Frosthorn in the meantime. Travel as soon as possible. Tomorrow Night at latest.
If you don’t arrive in time, you will be stempled as an enemy of the crown, NO exceptions. We need every man.
Duncan, trusted advisor and Maester to King Robert Stark.
“Bloody seven hells…” Harlund mumbled and got lost in his thoughts. He had so far been able to keep his men here, but now it appears that he has to start sending his men for a meaningless war. “Fuck…”
Harlund opened the next letter from house Beartilde. News had already reached him about Bernhard’s death. He can’t say that he got sad when he heard it, but it certainly didn’t feel good to have left him of like Harlund did.
I’m riding to Winterfell the same day you are reading this message. I know that you and father left of on the wrong foot. But now that he’s gone, I hoped that we could maybe regain contact between our houses. That’s your choice, but I would be happy to start to trade with each other once again.
If you please, we can discuss this further tomorrow. I thought that we could ride to Winterfell together. Surely King Robert have asked you that.
Yours truly,
Barney Beartilde.
Maybe this was a good thing.. Maybe it’s good to regain contact with the Beartildes. The food is thriving at Frosthorn. Yes, there it is. There is the food that they would so desperately need. Then the bloody peasants could start to get proper meals, and work right.
With that out of the way, Harlund has another thing to decide. Who will rule while he’s gone. Torstein will not, that shit is not worthy. That leaves Adrion, the weak bastard, or Harald. Hermion is also out of the question, she’s a bloody woman. The only way Harlund would choose Adrion is because he is the eldest son. Harald is loved by the people… This is difficult.
[Let Adrion rule while Harlund is gone] [Let Harald rule while Harlund is gone]
[Ask her what she wanted to tell her before they were interrupted] It's the only reason I voted to go with her in the first place.
[Let Adrion rule while Harlund is gone] If he's the oldest, then it is his right.
So glad to see you back! Great part, can't wait for the next.
Glad to be back.
And of course, getting the real Agent vibes here. You missed a choice again.