damn! you and the guy who started all this thread should start a club: "arvo's lovers" or "arvo's fanboys" the guy is totally guilty and you… more still defend him, if kenny would've killed him after the firefight, many disgraces would've been avoided.
He is not even interesting character, on the contrary..... he is scum! i dont know if your loyalty and love for him is admirable or completely laughable and pathetic. I dont know wich one.......
"Where would they have gone to get food and supplies?" there was a town nearby, they were all going there before those russians (bandits) attacked them.
Where would they have gone to get food and supplies? They wouldn't have even had the car, are you kidding me.
What's wrong with liking Ar… morevo? Why is it laughable and pathetic? He did one thing wrong and you act like he straight up murdered someone.
There is no need to get this angry over a few people defending a character.
Oh sorry, I got confused! I saw group and Natasha close together and just hit the reply button. Yeah, I got the vibe that he was either stashing the supplies so Natasha would have a reserve away from the other two or he was scouting ahead for a secondary base for them to use.
On robbing Clementine's group however, I actually have a second interpretation that Natasha, rather than Buricko, may have been the one who wanted to get payback. I wrote about it in the "What I would've changed topic" and I'll try to remember to edit it in.
EDIT: Natasha is Arvo’s older sister and seemingly the voice of reason of the Russian Group. It goes unmentioned in the game proper, but Natasha suffers from sickle cell anemia, a disease that causes periodic episodes of pain through the blockage of tiny blood vessels in the chest and bones; this matches up with what Arvo mentioned before. This makes the meds Arvo was smuggling the key to her continued survival and thus, explains why Arvo was passively hostile enough to hold a grudge towards the group. However, despite having this sickness, Natasha still accompanies the group to ambush the Howe’s Ski Cabin group, causing some people to doubt the validity of the idea that she was sick and assume Arvo was just lying. I’d argue this is a sign of what type of person Natasha herself is: bold (refusing to just back down despite being almost as unimposing as Arvo), no-nonsense (yells at Kenny and Bonnie to put down their guns), vigilant (prowling around Bonnie like a damn lion), supportive (encouraging of her timid little brother), and sensible (smart enough to realize when things are going to end badly).
The exact nature of her connection to Buricko and Vitali(who both just scream obviously evil) is unknown, though I personally believe she is a member of their ‘gang,’since Natasha comes off as a bit intimidating herself, despite barely having five lines. I even retroactively assume that it was Natasha’s idea to get payback in the first place: if Clementine tells Kenny and Luke that Arvo might be mad at them, they calmly tell him that they don’t think he’s alone, which causes Natasha to casually reveal herself first rather than last with her gun pointed at them. It was her medicine at stake in the first place and the fact that it and her little brother were threatened would no doubt anger her.
The stealing from the group bit was when I referring to Arvo robbing Clementine's group of everything they had. I'm not sure exactly what Ar… morevo was doing when he took the meical supplies from his group. Stashing medical supplies and robbing Clem's group was probably all for his sister. Shame that all backfired.
I can't tell if you are trying to respond to me since I was the one to bring up the confrontation, but I did say even if he didn't figure it out (which varied reanimation times is not a good excuse for not knowing that it happened, the evidence was still there) Clementine was still a little girl trying to defend herself.
Yeah, I can see why mistrust would still be there even if the person is kind, but the point here is that the person in question is 11, and he never tried to understand why she killed his sister.
Mistrust does not equal justification for attempted child murder. This is a legitimate reason to dislike him.
How many times have I put this up? I think for every comment... Anyways, to recap the confrontation: Arvo's sister gets sho… moret and he attempts to revive her. Kenneth stops him and uses him as a human meat shield. Natasha reanimated and Clementine was forced to shoot her. Arvo DID NOT know Natasha had reanimated (HE KNOWS HOW IT WORKS BUT THE REANIMATION TIMES VARY!!). He believes she murdered his sister in cold blood. You try acceptin that even though someone is kind - the mistrust will ALWAYS be there.
I don't think that would be too great of an idea, just because the majority of this is speculation. The part about having his sister murdered COULD be added in, but I don't think it'd make a lick o' difference...
What most people should keep in mind is that that happened after hours of being held captive and abused by people who not only killed his sister, but also started the conflict in the first place. Yeah what he did was wrong, but ya'll act like that's all there is to him.
Sigh, poor Arvo, all he wanted to do is shoot an 11 year old girl in the arm and leave her dying in the cold even after if you help him... so misunderstood.
You know what I hate about Arvo? He's another character in season 2 that started with complexity and potential and then was oversimplified to the point of deserving the hatred he gets from the fandom.
Episode 5 happens and most of that character is replaced to be only Kenny's personal punching bag and Clementine's number 1 enemy. He swings wildly between a sympathetic kicked puppy to a resentful villain.
You know what I hate about Arvo? He's another character in season 2 that started with complexity and potential and then was oversimplified t… moreo the point of deserving the hatred he gets from the fandom.
Out of the disappointment that was Amid the Ruins for me, Arvo was a highlight. He was complicated. We didn't truly know if he was the one to organize the robbery, or if he wanted to call it off if there was a baby, or if he regretted it when he realized Jane wasn't there. He was just a scared kid, and people could hate or defend him with equal justification.
Episode 5 happens and most of that character is replaced to be only Kenny's personal punching bag and Clementine's number 1 enemy. Common sense is thrown out the window. He swings wildly between a sympathetic kicked puppy to a resentful villain.
His blinded hatred for Clementine is forced just for the story. It's the zombie apocalypse, his sister was shot, losing blood, and was unr… [view original content]
They didn't really start the conflict? Jane is the only one that antagonizes Arvo, and since even robbing him is determinate, he can walk away just fine and only down a pistol. Compared to other interactions in the walking dead, this one was somewhat close to civil.
Clem's group doesn't pursue conflict at all, it's arvo and his group that decide to ambush them. He should know that him and his group has equal if not a more significant role in starting conflict.
Comments like this are a tiny nuggets of gold.
What most people should keep in mind is that that happened after hours of being held capt… moreive and abused by people who not only killed his sister, but also started the conflict in the first place. Yeah what he did was wrong, but ya'll act like that's all there is to him.
"I actually apply logic and possibility" hahahaha! in your dreams! you probably think you are smart
"I am not using excuses that seem convenient" hmm..... yes you are!
You wanna defend that little shit? fine! you wanna start a thread and use pathetic excuses? fine! you wanna ride arvo's dck? fine! but dont even say that he is totally innocent, you are acting like if he were a fcking angel! like if he were 100% not guilty for shooting clementine, for being the main cause of luke's death (and is his fault! they never would have been in that position if he wouldn't have existed!) and for the ambush! (jane took his gun.... boo hoo....! is that enough reason to kill the entire group and steal their stuff?) only a retard would deny arvo's guiltiness!
I asked you a question earlier! before clementine killed her zombified sister, what would you have done if you were in clem's position?? shoot her or let kill you? now i know the anwser, you would've let her kill you!
Dude, I actually apply logic and possibility - I am not using excuses that seem convenient. And I actually listen to what the other person h… moreas to say.
If you've got an issue with that, take it to my complaint box.
Some people actually aren't any better with making things up.
Yeah sure, but if you're being really technical here, Jane was indeed the first to make aggressive contact, assuming Clementine isn't playing along and convincing Arvo that he is surrounded. While it is one of the few truly villainous things he does in my opinion, Arvo recognizing Clementine due to her being allied with Jane and following Buricko's instructions to rob them all is technically his group responding to a problem that their group started.
Also, not to take the bad guys' side (too much) here, but Arvo being upset with the way things turned out is a reasonable response considering Jane threw the first punch, Arvo and his group [over]reacted, and then Arvo's group members were wiped out despite his, Natasha's, Mike's, and (determinately)Clementine's attempts to stop it, while the most Clementine's side suffered is a fleshwound for Mike and a bullet in the leg for Luke.
As Carlos said, there are consequences to rash actions.
They didn't really start the conflict? Jane is the only one that antagonizes Arvo, and since even robbing him is determinate, he can walk aw… moreay just fine and only down a pistol. Compared to other interactions in the walking dead, this one was somewhat close to civil.
Clem's group doesn't pursue conflict at all, it's arvo and his group that decide to ambush them. He should know that him and his group has equal if not a more significant role in starting conflict.
Comments like this are a tiny nuggets of gold.
What most people should keep in mind is that that happened after hours of being held capt… moreive and abused by people who not only killed his sister, but also started the conflict in the first place. Yeah what he did was wrong, but ya'll act like that's all there is to him.
Do you know Arvo in real life? Are you his voice actor? Because you seem really connected and sensitive to this minor character, I just never nor will ever like him, he wasn't friendly to Clem in my gameplay, I just don't like him.
How many times have I put this up? I think for every comment... Anyways, to recap the confrontation: Arvo's sister gets sho… moret and he attempts to revive her. Kenneth stops him and uses him as a human meat shield. Natasha reanimated and Clementine was forced to shoot her. Arvo DID NOT know Natasha had reanimated (HE KNOWS HOW IT WORKS BUT THE REANIMATION TIMES VARY!!). He believes she murdered his sister in cold blood. You try acceptin that even though someone is kind - the mistrust will ALWAYS be there.
Personally, no. I don't hate Arvo as in "I WANT HIM TO DIE OMG JUST KILL HIM, SMASH HIM WITH A HAMMER", but I find the whole "Well he's a truly good person inside", just, not a good excuse. Yes, he didn't want to start a shootout between the two groups (which first off is incredibly naive of him, but just for now, I'll forgive him for it because the "Oh he had good intentions so clearly that means it's all fine and good because that's how the world clearly works" vibe is going off), and that's all fair and good. Was Kenny too harsh on him? Yeah. I joke around saying Arvo deserves those beatings, but at times I was scared Kenny was losing it, especially in one moment where he accidentally hit Clementine. At the same time, though I was very distrustful of Arvo and to be fair a lot of Kenny's concerns are justified, such as "Why did Arvo run on the ice for no apparent reason other than bad writing?" "We have food sure, but we do not have baby formula for the baby, where will we get that?" It's just that Jane had a lot of good counterpoints and she was right in saying beating Arvo would not solve anything.
What I cannot accept is what made me realize that Arvo is a bad person. I do not care how much your sister meant to you, or whatnot. You do not shoot a little girl, especially when she's not only tried defending you (like in my game by trying to stop Kenny from beating Arvo), but you have just been given your freedom by two members of the group. Arvo, Bonnie, and Mike, are terrible people for wanting to leave both Clementine and AJ behind. If they had asked, if they had spoken to her beforehand or offered her a chance to go when they were caught, then fine. But they didn't, and it resulted in Clementine, a young girl who has done literally nothing to possibly perturb these three character so much, getting shot. I think a lot of the hatred to Arvo comes from bad writing because his logic just does not correspond with what they were intending.
They were intending for a weakened individual who saw a way out and more than likely didn't want to hurt anybody, paralleled with the fact they were about to abandon a young girl, and a baby behind with most of the group's supplies and even were in the process of taking the car away, essentially leaving all four of them to die. Not only that but goes to shoot the young girl, because his sister died in a shootout that he helped start. Whether it was his intention or not, he led his group to the others, told them about Clementine's group, and so yes he plays a contributing factor.
I think he deserves all the hate personally, I couldn't much care less for him...Also he's awfully written because Season Two, which is where most, if not, all the hate comes from.
"Why did Arvo run on the ice for no apparent reason other than bad writing?"
Based on his expression at the time, the obvious answer is that the walkers following them spooked him and Kenny's temper wasn't helping. Also, recall that it was Arvo's idea to walk on the ice in the first place, which implies that he's done it before and thus he was very confident that they could get across safely that he accepted Kenny's suggestion that he go first. So him running to get away does make sense, its just that the ice proved to be a bit thinner than he expected.
"We have food sure, but we do not have baby formula for the baby, where will we get that?"
Okay this question is silly enough to be ignored but I'll go ahead and bite: Why would a handicapped teen, his older sister, a psycho, and their brutish leader need baby food?
Personally, no. I don't hate Arvo as in "I WANT HIM TO DIE OMG JUST KILL HIM, SMASH HIM WITH A HAMMER", but I find the whole "Well he's a tr… moreuly good person inside", just, not a good excuse. Yes, he didn't want to start a shootout between the two groups (which first off is incredibly naive of him, but just for now, I'll forgive him for it because the "Oh he had good intentions so clearly that means it's all fine and good because that's how the world clearly works" vibe is going off), and that's all fair and good. Was Kenny too harsh on him? Yeah. I joke around saying Arvo deserves those beatings, but at times I was scared Kenny was losing it, especially in one moment where he accidentally hit Clementine. At the same time, though I was very distrustful of Arvo and to be fair a lot of Kenny's concerns are justified, such as "Why did Arvo run on the ice for no apparent reason other than bad writing?" "We have food sure, but we do not have baby fo… [view original content]
They didn't really start the conflict? Jane is the only one that antagonizes Arvo, and since even robbing him is determinate, he can walk aw… moreay just fine and only down a pistol. Compared to other interactions in the walking dead, this one was somewhat close to civil.
Clem's group doesn't pursue conflict at all, it's arvo and his group that decide to ambush them. He should know that him and his group has equal if not a more significant role in starting conflict.
...Sorry what? You might want to read back on what I actually said. I'm not saying any of them need baby food? I'm saying Kenny had some good ideas in that episode?
Arvo claimed to be leading them to the house for supplies, which he did, but Kenny began threatening Arvo and was about to beat him (which was not good), and raised the good point of "Okay we have food, but we don't have baby food so how will we feed the baby?" Sure, the question is dumb because you're right, Arvo's group wouldn't ever need baby food because babies are rare in the apocalypse. However, it was to show that Kenny still had a right mindset during this episode, just that him beating Arvo was wrong despite his right ideas, and I agreed with Jane that "Yes baby food is important, but beating Arvo isn't going to help us right now."
"Why did Arvo run on the ice for no apparent reason other than bad writing?"
Based on his expression at the time, the obvious answer… more is that the walkers following them spooked him and Kenny's temper wasn't helping. Also, recall that it was Arvo's idea to walk on the ice in the first place, which implies that he's done it before and thus he was very confident that they could get across safely that he accepted Kenny's suggestion that he go first. So him running to get away does make sense, its just that the ice proved to be a bit thinner than he expected.
"We have food sure, but we do not have baby formula for the baby, where will we get that?"
Okay this question is silly enough to be ignored but I'll go ahead and bite: Why would a handicapped teen, his older sister, a psycho, and their brutish leader need baby food?
That's a whole different discussion buddy, personally I believe Kenny didn't do that out of fear, but out of the will for him and his family and everybody else in the room to live
Oh trust me Daze. Kenny did what he did to Larry out of fear. In the attic when talking to Christa he tells her the story about Larry in the meat locker and says "Larry had a heart attack and we were terrified he was gonna come back and kill all of us", or words similar to what i said.
He definitely did what he did out of fear and his reasons being to keep everyone safe had Larry turned
Yeah, but Clementine's group getting out relatively unscathed doesn't mean that they were the ones that started it. That's just plot being full of holes. Realistically everyone in Clem's group could and should have died right then and there at such close range. The murder of a child and her group seems like a steep and disproportionate reaction to Jane merely threatening him. Overreaction is definitely what it was.
I still think they should be the ones to be considered the start of the conflict, because it would have been a determinately harmless interaction otherwise. While I think Jane was a little harsh, I think it was right to jump on him - he's a stranger with a gun around the group dealing with a pregnant woman. She couldn't take chances.
Yeah sure, but if you're being really technical here, Jane was indeed the first to make aggressive contact, assuming Clementine isn't playin… moreg along and convincing Arvo that he is surrounded. While it is one of the few truly villainous things he does in my opinion, Arvo recognizing Clementine due to her being allied with Jane and following Buricko's instructions to rob them all is technically his group responding to a problem that their group started.
Also, not to take the bad guys' side (too much) here, but Arvo being upset with the way things turned out is a reasonable response considering Jane threw the first punch, Arvo and his group [over]reacted, and then Arvo's group members were wiped out despite his, Natasha's, Mike's, and (determinately)Clementine's attempts to stop it, while the most Clementine's side suffered is a fleshwound for Mike and a bullet in the leg for Luke.
As Carlos said, there are consequences to rash actions.
Okay, just wanted to lampshade the ridiculousness of expecting baby food in a halfbuilt mess of sticks. I legitimately laughed when I read that is all.
...Sorry what? You might want to read back on what I actually said. I'm not saying any of them need baby food? I'm saying Kenny had some goo… mored ideas in that episode?
Arvo claimed to be leading them to the house for supplies, which he did, but Kenny began threatening Arvo and was about to beat him (which was not good), and raised the good point of "Okay we have food, but we don't have baby food so how will we feed the baby?" Sure, the question is dumb because you're right, Arvo's group wouldn't ever need baby food because babies are rare in the apocalypse. However, it was to show that Kenny still had a right mindset during this episode, just that him beating Arvo was wrong despite his right ideas, and I agreed with Jane that "Yes baby food is important, but beating Arvo isn't going to help us right now."
I disliked around 95% of characters, besides Clem, Rebecca (maybe), and Christa. Most everyone else was disposable... oh, and Sam and Omid were cool too I guess.
I don't find actions driven by such selfishness can be classified as morally grey. We knew that his intent was "revenge." Which in and of itself certainly isn't morally pure. I'd argue in his case was morally vile.
I meant that his motivation was what kept him grey: do whatever it takes to protect and support his sister. Jane tried to rob him of that, Clementine technically helped, his group came with him for some payback, and they got wiped out, with his sister being shot by Kenny/Bonnie and then Clementine with Arvo witnessing it. What he did in the name of such an end is what drags him down a bit, but as he points out, Jane(and by extension, Kenny and himself) are not special in that regard.
We knew that his intent was "revenge." Which in and of itself certainly isn't morally pure. I'd argue in his case was morally vile.
Stepping into some hot water with this, but I hope everyone remembers this the next time they try to justify hunting down someone. Yes, revenge is a terrible thing! It is an internal darkness that can create a cycle of ruining and destroying everything it touches. This is what makes Arvo exit the story a villain: he did something he previously(and determinately, still would) shied away from and hurt what is physically a little girl in the process. And, if I had a say in the way things went, it is a theme I would've built up throughout the season so that this scene would've had more of an impact.[forgot where I was going with this ]
rather than kicking the audience little glances of him and Mike sucking each other off or whatever the fuck she was seeing.
This right here is gray/grey at its finest
I don't find actions driven by such selfishness can be classified as morally grey. We kne… morew that his intent was "revenge." Which in and of itself certainly isn't morally pure. I'd argue in his case was morally vile.
But all-in-all, the episode is really to blame so I find that although Arvo is a fucking piece of bologna. Much like everything else, he's almost too unbelievable in his motivations.
Clementine would've realistically shot him the moment he reached back into his truck to pull out a rifle, and from a writing standpoint would've divided people more down the middle if there were a scene in which Clementine talks to a tied up Arvo rather than kicking the audience little glances of him and Mike sucking each other off or whatever the fuck she was seeing.
Dividing wasn't something TT wanted though, cause we're supposed to be invested in Kenny and Jane's arbitrary feud entirely so I assume they just wanted another "empathetic villain."
The world is like that now, and Clem's group certainly didn't start a "jail system" just yet.
Oh my goodness, you guys are making me like the Jane ending more and more, it seems.
Have you saved the sources by any chance, DabigRG? If this is a discussion about Arvo, I would like to know for certain what his group said during the ambush, so as to have the right idea. I would appreciate it a lot.
Arvo: What exactly do you want to take from them?
Buricko: Well, shit, I don't know! Just anything useful, I guess.
This piece of dialogue pretty much proves that Arvo and his crew are not bandits. They could barely pull off this half-assed attempt of robbery, and they had not talked about what they were going to take. It is all improvised. If Buricko really did say "I guess," that seals the deal for me. This sounds too unexperienced for it not to be the first time they had done something like that.
while the man with the assault rifle says that he doesn't care about their opinion,
Does he? When I did the research for my Arvo ana… morelysis a while back, I searched at least 5 different sources for translations and basically just cobbled together what we consistent and what would've made the most sense in the context and tone.
For example, apparently when Arvo questions Buricko about his orders to rob the group, he was asking what exactly did he want to take from them, to which he hilariously notes something along the lines of"Well, shit, I don't know! Just aything useful, I guess."
Damnit, you beat me too it!
You are the one embarrassing yourself.
Dude, I actually apply logic and possibility - I am not using excuses that seem convenient. And I actually listen to what the other person has to say.
If you've got an issue with that, take it to my complaint box.
Some people actually aren't any better with making things up.
"Where would they have gone to get food and supplies?" there was a town nearby, they were all going there before those russians (bandits) attacked them.
Oh sorry, I got confused! I saw group and Natasha close together and just hit the reply button. Yeah, I got the vibe that he was either stashing the supplies so Natasha would have a reserve away from the other two or he was scouting ahead for a secondary base for them to use.
On robbing Clementine's group however, I actually have a second interpretation that Natasha, rather than Buricko, may have been the one who wanted to get payback. I wrote about it in the "What I would've changed topic" and I'll try to remember to edit it in.
EDIT: Natasha is Arvo’s older sister and seemingly the voice of reason of the Russian Group. It goes unmentioned in the game proper, but Natasha suffers from sickle cell anemia, a disease that causes periodic episodes of pain through the blockage of tiny blood vessels in the chest and bones; this matches up with what Arvo mentioned before. This makes the meds Arvo was smuggling the key to her continued survival and thus, explains why Arvo was passively hostile enough to hold a grudge towards the group. However, despite having this sickness, Natasha still accompanies the group to ambush the Howe’s Ski Cabin group, causing some people to doubt the validity of the idea that she was sick and assume Arvo was just lying. I’d argue this is a sign of what type of person Natasha herself is: bold (refusing to just back down despite being almost as unimposing as Arvo), no-nonsense (yells at Kenny and Bonnie to put down their guns), vigilant (prowling around Bonnie like a damn lion), supportive (encouraging of her timid little brother), and sensible (smart enough to realize when things are going to end badly).
The exact nature of her connection to Buricko and Vitali(who both just scream obviously evil) is unknown, though I personally believe she is a member of their ‘gang,’since Natasha comes off as a bit intimidating herself, despite barely having five lines. I even retroactively assume that it was Natasha’s idea to get payback in the first place: if Clementine tells Kenny and Luke that Arvo might be mad at them, they calmly tell him that they don’t think he’s alone, which causes Natasha to casually reveal herself first rather than last with her gun pointed at them. It was her medicine at stake in the first place and the fact that it and her little brother were threatened would no doubt anger her.
I can't tell if you are trying to respond to me since I was the one to bring up the confrontation, but I did say even if he didn't figure it out (which varied reanimation times is not a good excuse for not knowing that it happened, the evidence was still there) Clementine was still a little girl trying to defend herself.
Yeah, I can see why mistrust would still be there even if the person is kind, but the point here is that the person in question is 11, and he never tried to understand why she killed his sister.
Mistrust does not equal justification for attempted child murder. This is a legitimate reason to dislike him.
[has a seizure]
I was replying to the other dude... XD
And yes, I agree, and I have not quit forgiven Arvo for what he did, yet.
I don't think that would be too great of an idea, just because the majority of this is speculation. The part about having his sister murdered COULD be added in, but I don't think it'd make a lick o' difference...
Comments like this are a tiny nuggets of gold.
What most people should keep in mind is that that happened after hours of being held captive and abused by people who not only killed his sister, but also started the conflict in the first place. Yeah what he did was wrong, but ya'll act like that's all there is to him.
This one gets it!
Probably just making a witty comment. You should try it sometime--its fun!
They didn't really start the conflict? Jane is the only one that antagonizes Arvo, and since even robbing him is determinate, he can walk away just fine and only down a pistol. Compared to other interactions in the walking dead, this one was somewhat close to civil.
Clem's group doesn't pursue conflict at all, it's arvo and his group that decide to ambush them. He should know that him and his group has equal if not a more significant role in starting conflict.
"You are the one embarrassing yourself"
Really? I'm embarrassing myself? i'm not the one who started this thread
I will never forget this video.
I am well aware of that.
"I actually apply logic and possibility" hahahaha! in your dreams! you probably think you are smart
"I am not using excuses that seem convenient" hmm..... yes you are!
You wanna defend that little shit? fine! you wanna start a thread and use pathetic excuses? fine! you wanna ride arvo's dck? fine! but dont even say that he is totally innocent, you are acting like if he were a fcking angel! like if he were 100% not guilty for shooting clementine, for being the main cause of luke's death (and is his fault! they never would have been in that position if he wouldn't have existed!) and for the ambush! (jane took his gun.... boo hoo....! is that enough reason to kill the entire group and steal their stuff?) only a retard would deny arvo's guiltiness!
I asked you a question earlier! before clementine killed her zombified sister, what would you have done if you were in clem's position?? shoot her or let kill you? now i know the anwser, you would've let her kill you!
Yeah sure, but if you're being really technical here, Jane was indeed the first to make aggressive contact, assuming Clementine isn't playing along and convincing Arvo that he is surrounded. While it is one of the few truly villainous things he does in my opinion, Arvo recognizing Clementine due to her being allied with Jane and following Buricko's instructions to rob them all is technically his group responding to a problem that their group started.
Also, not to take the bad guys' side (too much) here, but Arvo being upset with the way things turned out is a reasonable response considering Jane threw the first punch, Arvo and his group [over]reacted, and then Arvo's group members were wiped out despite his, Natasha's, Mike's, and (determinately)Clementine's attempts to stop it, while the most Clementine's side suffered is a fleshwound for Mike and a bullet in the leg for Luke.
As Carlos said, there are consequences to rash actions.
Thanks I try
Do you know Arvo in real life? Are you his voice actor? Because you seem really connected and sensitive to this minor character, I just never nor will ever like him, he wasn't friendly to Clem in my gameplay, I just don't like him.
Personally, no. I don't hate Arvo as in "I WANT HIM TO DIE OMG JUST KILL HIM, SMASH HIM WITH A HAMMER", but I find the whole "Well he's a truly good person inside", just, not a good excuse. Yes, he didn't want to start a shootout between the two groups (which first off is incredibly naive of him, but just for now, I'll forgive him for it because the "Oh he had good intentions so clearly that means it's all fine and good because that's how the world clearly works" vibe is going off), and that's all fair and good. Was Kenny too harsh on him? Yeah. I joke around saying Arvo deserves those beatings, but at times I was scared Kenny was losing it, especially in one moment where he accidentally hit Clementine. At the same time, though I was very distrustful of Arvo and to be fair a lot of Kenny's concerns are justified, such as "Why did Arvo run on the ice for no apparent reason other than bad writing?" "We have food sure, but we do not have baby formula for the baby, where will we get that?" It's just that Jane had a lot of good counterpoints and she was right in saying beating Arvo would not solve anything.
What I cannot accept is what made me realize that Arvo is a bad person. I do not care how much your sister meant to you, or whatnot. You do not shoot a little girl, especially when she's not only tried defending you (like in my game by trying to stop Kenny from beating Arvo), but you have just been given your freedom by two members of the group. Arvo, Bonnie, and Mike, are terrible people for wanting to leave both Clementine and AJ behind. If they had asked, if they had spoken to her beforehand or offered her a chance to go when they were caught, then fine. But they didn't, and it resulted in Clementine, a young girl who has done literally nothing to possibly perturb these three character so much, getting shot. I think a lot of the hatred to Arvo comes from bad writing because his logic just does not correspond with what they were intending.
They were intending for a weakened individual who saw a way out and more than likely didn't want to hurt anybody, paralleled with the fact they were about to abandon a young girl, and a baby behind with most of the group's supplies and even were in the process of taking the car away, essentially leaving all four of them to die. Not only that but goes to shoot the young girl, because his sister died in a shootout that he helped start. Whether it was his intention or not, he led his group to the others, told them about Clementine's group, and so yes he plays a contributing factor.
I think he deserves all the hate personally, I couldn't much care less for him...Also he's awfully written because Season Two, which is where most, if not, all the hate comes from.
Based on his expression at the time, the obvious answer is that the walkers following them spooked him and Kenny's temper wasn't helping. Also, recall that it was Arvo's idea to walk on the ice in the first place, which implies that he's done it before and thus he was very confident that they could get across safely that he accepted Kenny's suggestion that he go first. So him running to get away does make sense, its just that the ice proved to be a bit thinner than he expected.
Damn, I disagree with your comment but accidentally liked it and now I can't dislike it because I was the first like.
...Sorry what? You might want to read back on what I actually said. I'm not saying any of them need baby food? I'm saying Kenny had some good ideas in that episode?
Arvo claimed to be leading them to the house for supplies, which he did, but Kenny began threatening Arvo and was about to beat him (which was not good), and raised the good point of "Okay we have food, but we don't have baby food so how will we feed the baby?" Sure, the question is dumb because you're right, Arvo's group wouldn't ever need baby food because babies are rare in the apocalypse. However, it was to show that Kenny still had a right mindset during this episode, just that him beating Arvo was wrong despite his right ideas, and I agreed with Jane that "Yes baby food is important, but beating Arvo isn't going to help us right now."
Uh, thanks?
Oh trust me Daze. Kenny did what he did to Larry out of fear. In the attic when talking to Christa he tells her the story about Larry in the meat locker and says "Larry had a heart attack and we were terrified he was gonna come back and kill all of us", or words similar to what i said.
He definitely did what he did out of fear and his reasons being to keep everyone safe had Larry turned
Yeah, but Clementine's group getting out relatively unscathed doesn't mean that they were the ones that started it. That's just plot being full of holes. Realistically everyone in Clem's group could and should have died right then and there at such close range. The murder of a child and her group seems like a steep and disproportionate reaction to Jane merely threatening him. Overreaction is definitely what it was.
I still think they should be the ones to be considered the start of the conflict, because it would have been a determinately harmless interaction otherwise. While I think Jane was a little harsh, I think it was right to jump on him - he's a stranger with a gun around the group dealing with a pregnant woman. She couldn't take chances.
The prophecy can neve be broken.
Okay, just wanted to lampshade the ridiculousness of expecting baby food in a halfbuilt mess of sticks. I legitimately laughed when I read that is all.
Oh, sorry mate. Just thought you'd like to see it, not that it matters at the moment.
(stupid edit screwups)
Arvo: pls forgive meh I so sorry
A secret for you in my opinion of season 2.
I disliked around 95% of characters, besides Clem, Rebecca (maybe), and Christa. Most everyone else was disposable... oh, and Sam and Omid were cool too I guess.
When You Want An Explanation But Not Really
I like most of your other comments, though…
so, uh… yeah.
How To Screw An Awkward Situation Even Further
I meant that his motivation was what kept him grey: do whatever it takes to protect and support his sister. Jane tried to rob him of that, Clementine technically helped, his group came with him for some payback, and they got wiped out, with his sister being shot by Kenny/Bonnie and then Clementine with Arvo witnessing it. What he did in the name of such an end is what drags him down a bit, but as he points out, Jane(and by extension, Kenny and himself) are not special in that regard.
Stepping into some hot water with this, but I hope everyone remembers this the next time they try to justify hunting down someone. Yes, revenge is a terrible thing! It is an internal darkness that can create a cycle of ruining and destroying everything it touches. This is what makes Arvo exit the story a villain: he did something he previously(and determinately, still would) shied away from and hurt what is physically a little girl in the process. And, if I had a say in the way things went, it is a theme I would've built up throughout the season so that this scene would've had more of an impact.[forgot where I was going with this
...And then, Bonnie joined in!
You a Jane supporter then? That's funny cause I stayed at Wellington (sister too by the way).
I wasn't aware of this, so thank you!
Have you saved the sources by any chance, DabigRG? If this is a discussion about Arvo, I would like to know for certain what his group said during the ambush, so as to have the right idea. I would appreciate it a lot.
This piece of dialogue pretty much proves that Arvo and his crew are not bandits. They could barely pull off this half-assed attempt of robbery, and they had not talked about what they were going to take. It is all improvised. If Buricko really did say "I guess," that seals the deal for me. This sounds too unexperienced for it not to be the first time they had done something like that.