What actual harm has come out of underage gaming, if any? If there actually have been cases, which I'm sure there are, how often would those cases occurred and for what other reasons?
Everybody should have equal rights on this forum, there's no reason to discriminate people under 18
Keep in mind, the Terms of Service and the Privacy Policy have the final say on that.
I see it as fine it all depends how the younger audience handles it. It depends what the kid, teenager or young adult has been exposed to. If it's a kid that usually plays games like minecraft or any game under E 10+ then it might take getting use to. The walking dead season 1 was my first rated M game (I wasn't that young at the time) but I handled it well and lived it even though I'm not usually one for blood, gore, or swearing I found myself loving it .
As an example, I doubt that many people say "rolling on the floor" or "ar-o-tee-ef-ell" when they laugh in real life, though that is the case online. Internet slang is mostly restricted to the internet, and some of it can be perceived as cringe-worthy when it is mentioned in real life.
Well yeah. It's was TWD game they sounded concerned about, not Minecraft. That kid was clearly not in his teens and yet he was able to get his hands on the game and play it. Some messed up stuff happened in that DLC. If a parent caught their child playing this game, it would be GTA or Mass Effect hysteria all over again. Plus adult themes a kid wouldn't be able to fully comprehend.
Well, I believe that it really depends on the maturity of the child to play the game. Whether or not they can handle watching gruesome, hardcore violence or whatever the game's M rating comes from. If they know that this violence and language is wrong and won't try to replicate it, that's ok. (And, so long as they can understand the concepts of what is going on in the story.)
I played TWDG for the first time when I was 11, and I was able to understand everything about it. I was even surprised the world wasn't THAT dark, I imagines sick phycos raping little girls and people killing each other for fun, canibalism (in a more savage way, the St.John cooked the meat), necrophilia, crazy cults of crazy people, slavery, turture, and a world full of sociopaths. I was surprised people were that "innocent".
I played TWDG for the first time when I was 11, and I was able to understand everything about it. I was even surprised the world wasn't THAT… more dark, I imagines sick phycos raping little girls and people killing each other for fun, canibalism (in a more savage way, the St.John cooked the meat), necrophilia, crazy cults of crazy people, slavery, turture, and a world full of sociopaths. I was surprised people were that "innocent".
Nate made a joke about Rusell wanting to fool around with a corpse in 400 Days, so I guess that crosses Necrophilia off the list. Still leaves Slavery open for Season 3, though!
And no, I just tend to have a lot to ask about on this forum. There were probably a bunch of threads I want to inquire about a little while ago, but I figure people wouldn't wanna hear me yak too much.
Nate made a joke about Rusell wanting to fool around with a corpse in 400 Days, so I guess that crosses Necrophilia off the list. Still leaves Slavery open for Season 3, though!
Everybody should have equal rights on this forum, there's no reason to discriminate people under 18
Keep in mind, the Terms of Service and the Privacy Policy have the final say on that.
No, but you triggered Blind Sniper.
you triggered Blind Sniper.
triggered Blind Sniper.
I saw the opportunity and I took it! @579801 Please don't ban me!! It's a joke. I swear, the gifs I make are gonna get me killed...
In United States, the Mature rating is 17+. I would say yes that it is ok. It's not as gory as most M rated games. It tells a good story unlike most games.
I think it's fine. I've always seen rating systems as more of a guideline for parents as to what type of content is actually in the game, rather than to make a blanket judgement as to who should and shouldn't be planning a game.
I went into EB Games on two occasions over a year apart from one another. Both times, I was able to buy GTA V with my mother's consent even though it's actually illegal to sell an R18+ game to minors AT ALL in Australia. I think the staff just know that even if they won't sell me the game, there's no reason they can't sell it to my parents and then they give it to me. It all comes back to the parents, or the person themselves, which is why some stores are so lenient when it comes to rating systems.
As long as they can handle the gore and swearing, I think they will be alright. For me, personally, I played The Walking Dead: Season 1 for the first time when I was 11 and it didn't hurt me much.
Personally no I don't. The rating system is in place for a reason. The rating system is put in place for protection, just like speed limits are put in for protection.
Unfortunately though it's no good, if parents do not follow it. Just like a speed limit is no good, if drivers refuse to obey it.
And I think quite honestly that people working these game stores, should not be allowed to sell M rated games to parents, who are aware that they are buying them for their children.
The way I see it, it's not that much different then selling alcohol to a parent, who intends on giving it to their children.
I wasn't a teen when I watched someone play it, but I didn't learn what violence was by watching that. I just watched the news, you'll find a bunch of words about shootings and bombs. I learned the F word from public school, not Kenny. I think it's OK enough.
Everybody should have equal rights on this forum, there's no reason to discriminate people under 18
Keep in mind, the Terms of Service and the Privacy Policy have the final say on that.
Personally no I don't. The rating system is in place for a reason. The rating system is put in place for protection, just like speed limits … moreare put in for protection.
Unfortunately though it's no good, if parents do not follow it. Just like a speed limit is no good, if drivers refuse to obey it.
And I think quite honestly that people working these game stores, should not be allowed to sell M rated games to parents, who are aware that they are buying them for their children.
The way I see it, it's not that much different then selling alcohol to a parent, who intends on giving it to their children.
Ah yes thank you. Minecraft, not Michonne.
Season 1 starts around the time of the earlier comics, which take place in the early 2000's if I am not mistaken. Maybe around 2004/2005?
Oh okay, has it caught up to the present yet? is that why they skipped 16 months in S2?
What actual harm has come out of underage gaming, if any? If there actually have been cases, which I'm sure there are, how often would those cases occurred and for what other reasons?
We are on the internet.
[backs away slowly]
It was a Minecraft: Story Mode convention, and yet they were shocked to learn that a kid was playing their games?
It's rated... idk, but it's for kids! WTF?!
I see it as fine it all depends how the younger audience handles it. It depends what the kid, teenager or young adult has been exposed to. If it's a kid that usually plays games like minecraft or any game under E 10+ then it might take getting use to. The walking dead season 1 was my first rated M game (I wasn't that young at the time) but I handled it well and lived it even though I'm not usually one for blood, gore, or swearing I found myself loving it
I say it's fine. A lot of kids seem to handle mature games well, so no biggie.
That is rarely the case.
As an example, I doubt that many people say "rolling on the floor" or "ar-o-tee-ef-ell" when they laugh in real life, though that is the case online. Internet slang is mostly restricted to the internet, and some of it can be perceived as cringe-worthy when it is mentioned in real life.
Well yeah. It's was TWD game they sounded concerned about, not Minecraft. That kid was clearly not in his teens and yet he was able to get his hands on the game and play it. Some messed up stuff happened in that DLC. If a parent caught their child playing this game, it would be GTA or Mass Effect hysteria all over again. Plus adult themes a kid wouldn't be able to fully comprehend.
Well, I believe that it really depends on the maturity of the child to play the game. Whether or not they can handle watching gruesome, hardcore violence or whatever the game's M rating comes from. If they know that this violence and language is wrong and won't try to replicate it, that's ok. (And, so long as they can understand the concepts of what is going on in the story.)
Yeah, I'd say it's fine. A bit of fictional gore never hurt nobody, whatever their age.
I played TWDG for the first time when I was 11, and I was able to understand everything about it. I was even surprised the world wasn't THAT dark, I imagines sick phycos raping little girls and people killing each other for fun, canibalism (in a more savage way, the St.John cooked the meat), necrophilia, crazy cults of crazy people, slavery, turture, and a world full of sociopaths. I was surprised people were that "innocent".
Welp, guess we know what to expect in Season 3!
Nate made a joke about Rusell wanting to fool around with a corpse in 400 Days, so I guess that crosses Necrophilia off the list. Still leaves Slavery open for Season 3, though!
You should at the very least be a teen first.
Oh, then this is a misunderstanding! You might not have known that "bitch please" is internet slang itself.
No, but you triggered Blind Sniper.
You will know soon enough.
What? Don't joke about shit like that.
And no, I just tend to have a lot to ask about on this forum. There were probably a bunch of threads I want to inquire about a little while ago, but I figure people wouldn't wanna hear me yak too much.
I mean REAL necrophilia, in a very graphic way (not that I like it, that was just what I expected)
It's fine, I just figured you might've been at least half-curious.
I saw the opportunity and I took it! @579801 Please don't ban me!! It's a joke. I swear, the gifs I make are gonna get me killed...
I know, I was just being cheeky.
It depends. If underaged people want to play it, they can.
That Privacy Policy made me put on my tinfoil hat.
Just what I pictured beforehand.
This is awesome.
In United States, the Mature rating is 17+. I would say yes that it is ok. It's not as gory as most M rated games. It tells a good story unlike most games.
I think it's fine. I've always seen rating systems as more of a guideline for parents as to what type of content is actually in the game, rather than to make a blanket judgement as to who should and shouldn't be planning a game.
I went into EB Games on two occasions over a year apart from one another. Both times, I was able to buy GTA V with my mother's consent even though it's actually illegal to sell an R18+ game to minors AT ALL in Australia. I think the staff just know that even if they won't sell me the game, there's no reason they can't sell it to my parents and then they give it to me. It all comes back to the parents, or the person themselves, which is why some stores are so lenient when it comes to rating systems.
As long as they can handle the gore and swearing, I think they will be alright. For me, personally, I played The Walking Dead: Season 1 for the first time when I was 11 and it didn't hurt me much.
Personally no I don't. The rating system is in place for a reason. The rating system is put in place for protection, just like speed limits are put in for protection.
Unfortunately though it's no good, if parents do not follow it. Just like a speed limit is no good, if drivers refuse to obey it.
And I think quite honestly that people working these game stores, should not be allowed to sell M rated games to parents, who are aware that they are buying them for their children.
The way I see it, it's not that much different then selling alcohol to a parent, who intends on giving it to their children.
I played season one when I was barely 12... Honestly, I don't see that's much of an issue with it.
No, the entire TWD is just doing its own thing with its timeline. No point in catching up since society has collapsed.
I wasn't a teen when I watched someone play it, but I didn't learn what violence was by watching that. I just watched the news, you'll find a bunch of words about shootings and bombs. I learned the F word from public school, not Kenny. I think it's OK enough.
Did somebody say "pedostache?"
So... there is a reason to discriminate people under 18? The fuck?
Protection from what, though? Pixelated blood?