I have been uncomfortable about guessing a date but have come to a conclusion.
My guess is the 29th November.
29-22= 7 days and 7 days is … morea week.
So telltale will give a trailer(hopefully) and a release date(hopefully) a week before release. Could very well be true and on the same time be very wrong.
Oh god, help me. I'm just to hyped now.
For Telltale, I think that their typical "morning updates" come at 8 am PT. So, if you wanna know a time frame to watch out for, check back around then!
So job skipped the pinball (loosely twd related) thing and is giving away the big anf news staright away. Still hoping for it to be release info. But damn, taken that another ep release of batman was delayed on android, i think android users like will be made to wait for wd3 as well
In 4 hours...that like 4 hours or so...I am telling you we are all waiting just to hear about some goofy videogame....we are so sad. Oh who am I kidding...it is TWD...worth waiting for.
Rashid and Vanessa.
Reading it with Melissa Hutchison reacting to it as Clementine.
Dude wut
Yup i noticed
So job skipped the pinball (loosely twd related) thing and is giving away the big anf news staright away. Still hoping for it to be release info. But damn, taken that another ep release of batman was delayed on android, i think android users like will be made to wait for wd3 as well
What did we do to deserve this Job?
Ya fucked up. Telltale makes the big announcements not, Job. I'll give you an A for effort though.
Oh Christ it is related oh christ oh christ
You made me unsure so I took a calculator and looked up if a week had 7 days you ass!
Damn come on Job...
Dammit Lilac! No more games when we're this close to news!
He already said anf news is coming today
Wait a min...when are these tweets from? I dont see it on twitter
I am a God.
I mustn't abuse my power.
I need you to post your "no correlation" chart, @Dont_Look_Back.
Tee hee XD
No! You need to say that another season of The Wolf Among Us and Tales from the Borderlands will be announced at the Game Awards!
I take this.

I can't help it I'm nervous!
Why does everyone like stealing my memes.
It's funny when I do it.
Wow lilacsblossom whatever your name is stop befooling yourself
Because It's funny to steal It In You.
I gotta admire your creativity and the fact that you managed to make this.
When you change your answer because you think it's wrong but the first choice was actually right.
In 4 hours if they release the news on 8am PST.
They better not lie to me again
WHAT?! TETRIS?! I love that game! Oh, Telltale, you're so great at giving us exactly what we want. :P
Musical Version of ANF performed by the cast of Hamilton. Calling it now.
In 4 hours...that like 4 hours or so...I am telling you we are all waiting just to hear about some goofy videogame....we are so sad. Oh who am I kidding...it is TWD...worth waiting for.
They didn't. TWD VR Pinball is loosely related to TWD.
Besides, we already have confirmation of the ANF news arriving this morning:
TWD:ANF The Board game. Calling it.
It been a long wait but I guess it's time to get roight into the news

I know not really a good joke.
-secretly writes down what Blind did for his own personal gain-
You've done good Blind, you've done good.