Depends on where you're playing it.
If you're playing on a console (Xbox One, PS4), it'll release at midnight in your timezone.
If you're playing on Steam, it'll release at 10 AM Pacific Time.
I haven't been following this game as closely as some of their others, but is there any word on if the game will release for OSX in the near… more future? Or on release day? I haven't seen any world yay or nay on this (just that notice saying it won't be for the last gen consoles). Before, TTG has specified PC and Mac separately, and I see a release date for iOS.
Anyone know this? Obviously, I don't want to get the game if I can't play it (and that would be a shame if TTG is no longer releasing for Mac, due to their engine update?). I hope if it's not on release day, it may come to Mac soon.
Oh yeah, of course. I should have made the disclaimer that I know mods have no inside information. I meant, I have only come by these forums a handful of times in the past 2 years or so, so I'm pretty out of the news loop on most of this stuff, and a search for this answer didn't yield anything concrete.
I guess, whatever happens, happens. Just made this post on the far off chance that one of the devs might drop by or something. It's confusing is all, like when the launch trailer (looks awesome btw) shows the "PC/Mac" icon, and the support page says PC/Mac help, but no release date for Mac (if at all is given). $2.50 saved on the pre-order isn't a huge bonus, so at the very least I'll just wait and see. Seems odd that it would release on iOS but not OSX, but who knows, maybe that's a bigger developer hurdle than I realize.
We do not know when or if it is coming to Mac, so don't hold out for it any time in the immediate future.
[Moderators are only community volunteers; we are not Telltale Staff members.]
No idea but still here waiting for the episode 1 & 2 where I'm at anyway I think just put my xbox one save file on the wd2save webpage and it's just there selected and just waiting lol god I just can't wait any long arghhh
I'd just like to say that these past four years of being immersed in Telltale's Walking Dead universe have been an absolute pleasure, and I can't wait to begin (what is most likely) the final chapter of the story.
This game has affected my life in great ways, and as rocky as the road has been at times, I'm so grateful for this series and the people I've met because of it.
Here's to a great third season.
(Also, sorry if I was a bit dramatic in this post. I tend to get like that at times. Can't help it.)
Oh yeah, of course. I should have made the disclaimer that I know mods have no inside information.
That's also included other people reading our comments in passing; sometimes, lurkers will mistake our comments as being directly from staff even if the forum members who know otherwise do not.
Oh yeah, of course. I should have made the disclaimer that I know mods have no inside information. I meant, I have only come by these forums… more a handful of times in the past 2 years or so, so I'm pretty out of the news loop on most of this stuff, and a search for this answer didn't yield anything concrete.
I guess, whatever happens, happens. Just made this post on the far off chance that one of the devs might drop by or something. It's confusing is all, like when the launch trailer (looks awesome btw) shows the "PC/Mac" icon, and the support page says PC/Mac help, but no release date for Mac (if at all is given). $2.50 saved on the pre-order isn't a huge bonus, so at the very least I'll just wait and see. Seems odd that it would release on iOS but not OSX, but who knows, maybe that's a bigger developer hurdle than I realize.
Thanks for the swift response, in any case.
I've already spoiled myself on one part and am extremely upset at it. I haven't watched the video, but I just really REALLY hope it's not written with shitty writing.
so do we have a 100% answer for how long each episode is? i just need to know how early i'm gonna have to wake up to be able to finish both before i have to work, waiting until 9 that night to play is gonna kill me
so do we have a 100% answer for how long each episode is? i just need to know how early i'm gonna have to wake up to be able to finish both before i have to work, waiting until 9 that night to play is gonna kill me
so do we have a 100% answer for how long each episode is? i just need to know how early i'm gonna have to wake up to be able to finish both before i have to work, waiting until 9 that night to play is gonna kill me
I don't think there's anything 100% yet, but it seems the episodes are about an hour each. (Maybe more if you explore all the hubs.)
Edit: Seems it took someone on Twitter about two hours to finish the second episode.
What should I eat with the episode?
Maybe I should create a strawpoll, but we know how that worked out last time
I don't think there's anything 100% yet, but it seems the episodes are about an hour each. (Maybe more if you explore all the hubs.)
Edit: Seems it took someone on Twitter about two hours to finish the second episode.
It's just an assumption I made based on the amount time between the tweet they posted when they started the episode and the tweet they posted when they finished it.
so do we have a 100% answer for how long each episode is? i just need to know how early i'm gonna have to wake up to be able to finish both before i have to work, waiting until 9 that night to play is gonna kill me
Youtube has been teasing me with full walkthroughs and titles with mini spoilers all day and it's killing me. I was so excited to finally play Season 3 tonight, with all the loud kids asleep... sitting in my warm couch... but nope. Can't do that, God forbid i play it at 12 AM sharp...
thanks dude, really appreciate
We do not know when or if it is coming to Mac, so don't hold out for it any time in the immediate future.
[Moderators are only community volunteers; we are not Telltale Staff members.]
Anyone know the file size for ep 2 on XONE
Well, its going to be correct twice a day
Oh yeah, of course. I should have made the disclaimer that I know mods have no inside information. I meant, I have only come by these forums a handful of times in the past 2 years or so, so I'm pretty out of the news loop on most of this stuff, and a search for this answer didn't yield anything concrete.
I guess, whatever happens, happens. Just made this post on the far off chance that one of the devs might drop by or something. It's confusing is all, like when the launch trailer (looks awesome btw) shows the "PC/Mac" icon, and the support page says PC/Mac help, but no release date for Mac (if at all is given). $2.50 saved on the pre-order isn't a huge bonus, so at the very least I'll just wait and see. Seems odd that it would release on iOS but not OSX, but who knows, maybe that's a bigger developer hurdle than I realize.
Thanks for the swift response, in any case.
No idea but still here waiting for the episode 1 & 2 where I'm at anyway I think just put my xbox one save file on the wd2save webpage and it's just there selected and just waiting lol god I just can't wait any long arghhh
I've resorted to terrible fucking puns. Please make time go faster
The more I read about this game, the more scared I get about how it will turn out. Please don't fuck this season up.
Steam user, still have to wait for half a day. I already spoiled myself on certain things out of frustration. Not the entire plot but still.
One hour left.
Two fucking years, and it all comes down to this.
I'd just like to say that these past four years of being immersed in Telltale's Walking Dead universe have been an absolute pleasure, and I can't wait to begin (what is most likely) the final chapter of the story.
This game has affected my life in great ways, and as rocky as the road has been at times, I'm so grateful for this series and the people I've met because of it.
Here's to a great third season.
(Also, sorry if I was a bit dramatic in this post. I tend to get like that at times. Can't help it.)
That's also included other people reading our comments in passing; sometimes, lurkers will mistake our comments as being directly from staff even if the forum members who know otherwise do not.
I've already spoiled myself on one part and am extremely upset at it. I haven't watched the video, but I just really REALLY hope it's not written with shitty writing.
Lets sing till twd s3 gets here. Twd s3 is coming tonight tonight twd s3 is coming tonight
Fellow Steam users, I have no idea what to do. I can't sleep. I can't sit here for 13 hours. What's everyone doing to pass the time?
That SpongeBob reference, 10/10. New favorite person.
Catching up on TV shows, and totally not thinking about new frontier...Yep
Technically its coming in the morning...So your song is now irrelevant
About to start sleeping.
I am at work until 6 AM....I will DL...get a chance to gaze at it and then go back to work.
so do we have a 100% answer for how long each episode is? i just need to know how early i'm gonna have to wake up to be able to finish both before i have to work, waiting until 9 that night to play is gonna kill me
I don't think there's anything 100% yet, but it seems the episodes are about an hour each. (Maybe more if you explore all the hubs.)
Edit: Seems it took someone on Twitter about two hours to finish the second episode.
I've been told 70-75 mins a piece while rushing
yea sounds about right, I'm gonna take a rough guess of 90 mins or just over
i've heard the same but then i've also heard other things so idk but that does sound about right
How about all
Really? you have the tweet? I'm just curious
It's just an assumption I made based on the amount time between the tweet they posted when they started the episode and the tweet they posted when they finished it.
10 MB. though it's bigger than Episode 1.
1 hour 30 minutes per episode seems to be the average time it takes for most people
Episodes are out on PS4 in North America.
On PS4 its apparently 3.9 GB
2.18 GB on Xbone based on the store page
Watching TV, reading... playing GTA Online
Thread: It's Dec 20 where i live but Steam wont let me download the game
I'm dying help me
Episodes 1&2 are out on the Xbox One Store Now. Im on the East Coast EST.
Steam doesn't update until, like, 10 am PT I want to say?
Welcome to the club. Only 13 more hours!
Youtube has been teasing me with full walkthroughs and titles with mini spoilers all day and it's killing me. I was so excited to finally play Season 3 tonight, with all the loud kids asleep... sitting in my warm couch... but nope. Can't do that, God forbid i play it at 12 AM sharp...
Is it out for mobile please check