It should be. I had the same problem. But after I got done playing episode 1 I went out of game then came back and it said I had to download episode 2.
Bought my copy of this game in iOS. I can say that the textures are blurred. The sounds are crisp though. I also experience lagness. One issue is the Episode 2 is not YET available in iOS. I already purchased the season pass yet it is not available.
Everyone... Like, EVERYONE can play the game but Android players. This is so fucking annoying and it's not right!
C'mon, at least give us an explanation!
Yeah on my iPad mini 2 they look like toys sometimes the voices are out of sync and the controls are just fine they fit the game very well but please wear headphones while playing it
Textures are quite blurred for iOS devices and the voices are out of sync. I hope they can fix this in the future update. It also drains my battery faster.
Yeah on my iPad mini 2 they look like toys sometimes the voices are out of sync and the controls are just fine they fit the game very well but please wear headphones while playing it
Textures are quite blurred for iOS devices and the voices are out of sync. I hope they can fix this in the future update. It also drains my battery faster.
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Thrice a day
I know only 1 exact time
Around 9-10pm IST
Don't tell me that it would come on Sunday like the way they did with batman finale
Another day of waiting...
It should be. I had the same problem. But after I got done playing episode 1 I went out of game then came back and it said I had to download episode 2.
Where's the thread for episode 3 waiting?
The game for iOS was released on 12am PST
So it's 06:21AM now... Oh boy.
Why oh boy be warned wear headphones if it comes out on android or the sound will suck
Sry I mean by 12 PM not 12AM . And by the way how is the gameplay on iOS is it like batman with low resolutions and stuttering graphics?
Controls are topnotch, voices are sometimes a bit out of sync. Graphics are blurred also. I hope there's an update before the weekend.
I hope the same would be for Android that is why they have delayed it for improving it
Common now make it available for Android guys the waiting sucks like hell.!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm living for the moment when one of you guys will come here and say IT'S OUT!!!!!
Thread: I feel so humiliated right now
Everyone... Like, EVERYONE can play the game but Android players. This is so fucking annoying and it's not right!
C'mon, at least give us an explanation!
Can Nintendo Wii U players play it?
We can't only consoles u can play it on are ps and x1
Android release was like all the other available platforms. December 20th.
Yeah on my iPad mini 2 they look like toys sometimes the voices are out of sync and the controls are just fine they fit the game very well but please wear headphones while playing it
Textures are quite blurred for iOS devices and the voices are out of sync. I hope they can fix this in the future update. It also drains my battery faster.
Yeah me to
i think it is because it takes so much power to run it good im not a device person so i dont know
The day will come bro the day will come
I hope so for your and cathythorntons sake so you two dont go psycho
I know people are frustrated, and you have every right to be, but please remember Forum Guideline 1.4:
Cathythorton you are right we are indeed getting closing let's just think positive and keep ourselfs away from spoilers
Thread: TWD S3 Android Where is it??
When the walking dead season 3 going to release for Android???
It would somewhere this week I don't no buddy
Yeah I don't know either
But today's already thursday, so...
Yeah so I guess you guys gotta wait? A another 3 days?
ITS OUT!!!!!!!
False alarm it's not
As you can see in the support article they have mentioned about supported device but still no clue of the game
What made you think that the game was launched? lol
Exactly... Maybe it's coming?
I would recommend you to please check the playstore again
Because I personally think that it is comming today or tommorow