Whenever I try to draw something, I end up stating in a chair with nothing but a line or two. And than I say to myself screw this I'ma go on to the walking dead fanart page; and the process starts all over again
Here is my attempt. Basically I can't draw so I used a picture of Kenny to draw from, not happy with the expression on his face though. He's ment to look slightly surprised. Not just standing there with his mouth wide open bahaha
Here is my attempt. Basically I can't draw so I used a picture of Kenny to draw from, not happy with the expression on his face though. He's ment to look slightly surprised. Not just standing there with his mouth wide open bahaha
I absolutely love this picture! : O The way you drew the wolf is incredible and the lighting and the pose are very well done. My only minor complaint would be that Clem's face looks a little off, but other than that it looks very good. Keep it up and you'll be great in no time at all.
@shinxgirl101 thats adorable

Holy sh*t! One of the best I've ever seen! Stunning!
@Kurusu Nice Clem artwork.
Very nice! This is one of the best realistic ones I've seen.
@Megami_Kizukanai That's nice especially the shading.
The black n' white.
Woow!! I guess now we know how Clementine would be in real world.
I hope we see photo realistic versions of the other TWDG characters.
Love it! Great job
"I'll watch over you, Clem."
I love these Ghost Lee with Clem art and pics. brings dem feels
Wow I love this picture kurusu! Whish I was talented at drawing lol
Whenever I try to draw something, I end up stating in a chair with nothing but a line or two. And than I say to myself screw this I'ma go on to the walking dead fanart page; and the process starts all over again
Has this one been posted already? Sorry,I just don't feel like going through 282 pages.
A couple times actually on this and different threads
Oh ok. Well, how about some sick ass cosplay? That counts as fanart, right? xD
I bet this was also already posted, it's too magnificent to ignore.
I'm terrible at drawing but... here's my drawing of Clementine
It actually looks kind of Okay. I think with a bit of practice and studying you could draw some cool things! Never lose hope!
Hahaha that's funny but need to look more angry
Here is my attempt. Basically I can't draw so I used a picture of Kenny to draw from, not happy with the expression on his face though. He's ment to look slightly surprised. Not just standing there with his mouth wide open bahaha
It's actually quite good, although Kenny looks a little more angry than surprised, I still like it.
I tried....

Its not mine but i thought i put this here cause its so adorable
I absolutely love this picture! : O The way you drew the wolf is incredible and the lighting and the pose are very well done. My only minor complaint would be that Clem's face looks a little off, but other than that it looks very good. Keep it up and you'll be great in no time at all.
"Rain" by RayCry
I have a feeling this was posted as well...but oh well.
(couldn't find the artist, if anyone knows hmu so I can credit them.)
Holy shit kurusu that was amazing!! That photo realism drawing/painting was wow. Some very talented people out there
Woah clemmy u need some skin care, not blood all over ur face. :^)
@mokonage and you achieved.
I thought this was pretty cool.
"Choices Matter" by IMAGINeye.
(lol now that I know how to post pictures, I can't seem to stop. sorry guys)
I'd never want Nate to replace Lee, but it's a such an interesting concept to think about. I want this for season 3 so bad, y'all don't even know.
Just, think about it. What if we got something like this. It would be so badass.
(credit goes to JamesAB10 on deviantart.)
And again...i wish i knew who is the artist
EDIT: And on Facebook too! : D