There was this really nice person recently named Chameshida who drew some fanart inspired by my fic Growing Pains. She says inspired because their appearances aren't accurate to what they are in the story [they're more dressed for the cold and Clem's missing part of her arm] but yeah, she did a really nice job and I wuv em! I suggest checking out her other TWDG pieces because she's one of my favourites.
Here's one other piece on TWDG she's done. I love this one, apparently to do with this vine:
There was this really nice person recently named Chameshida who drew some fanart inspired by my fic Growing Pains. She says inspired because… more their appearances aren't accurate to what they are in the story [they're more dressed for the cold and Clem's missing part of her arm] but yeah, she did a really nice job and I wuv em! I suggest checking out her other TWDG pieces because she's one of my favourites.
Here's one other piece on TWDG she's done. I love this one, apparently to do with this vine:
Chameshida is awesome
Me: Hm, The Walking Fan Art thread's been updated... Wonder if ChuckTheLizard's drawn more.
clicks on thread, moves to last page
Me: There we are! Yay!
(I assume you replied to my comment, because I didn't receive a notification on my profile lol. If not then sorry and I'll erase this)
Maybe I'll practice it on past drawings I've done.
Lee's got Yaoi hands.
That's a pretty badass pose looks like lees about to fuck someone up good
Thank ya!
EDIT: well then...
There was this really nice person recently named Chameshida who drew some fanart inspired by my fic Growing Pains. She says inspired because their appearances aren't accurate to what they are in the story [they're more dressed for the cold and Clem's missing part of her arm] but yeah, she did a really nice job and I wuv em! I suggest checking out her other TWDG pieces because she's one of my favourites.
Here's one other piece on TWDG she's done. I love this one, apparently to do with this vine:

Chameshida is awesome
I make them with lots of strain and time, using 3DS Max, GIMP and other stuff. It's a nightmare, but it's worth it.
I love how jane is peace signing in the background of the last one
Yep Gives a real comedic chuckle i do say so myself and its also pretty cool
He's just always blaming me for stuff...
How do you get the proportions right?
@ChuckTheLizard Why don't you colour the eyes or add some shading?

Other than that the drawings are very good. Good job.
Me: Hm, The Walking Fan Art thread's been updated... Wonder if ChuckTheLizard's drawn more.
clicks on thread, moves to last page
Me: There we are! Yay!
Megami .
I'm very intricate and slow when I draw. Sometimes I screw up immensely and have to start all over. Its slow as hell, but worth it in the long run.
They just look bad when I add pupils or shade in the eyes.
so I just leave it alone. Thanks for the kind words everyone!
Well, ignoring the problem won't make it better. Maybe you should at least practice those things!
I'll try this weekend to draw her. Again...

@kurusu Why you gotta always 1UP me ;-;
"My dad gave it to me..."

My lastest draw! What do you think about it?

My Deviantart Page
@LadyKillerYT This is super awesome. Great job.
@FetchWalker Thanks so much!! I'm glad you liked it!! ;-)
"You done screwed up boy...."
(I assume you replied to my comment, because I didn't receive a notification on my profile lol. If not then sorry and I'll erase this)
Maybe I'll practice it on past drawings I've done.
Yeah, I was replying to you ; P
And, yes, that is a good way to practice it. I can't say I'm an expert myself but I like to draw some stuff every once in a while.
This is another comic by the same artist
Another one form the same artist of OzzyUk's post above
Dat dark humour XD
Aw poor Reggie ;_; the Berry King and his fancy paper crown are gone.
My tribute!

Expect a drawing after a few hours.
( Usually takes hour and a half/2 hours to draw them )
So here it is. I'm very tired so I'll finish it later. Hope you like it.
That's awesome!