Too soon, man. Too soon. ;/
OzzyUK posted: »This is another comic by the same artist deviantART
This is another comic by the same artist deviantART
I love these comics! Can you post more of them?
Megami_Kizukanai posted: » [view original content]
Now that.... is awesome mate! Good job!
FetchWalker posted: »So here it is. I'm very tired so I'll finish it later. Hope you like it.
So here it is. I'm very tired so I'll finish it later. Hope you like it.
@ChuckTheLizard Thank you very much.
Here's one I have in my "TheWalkingDead" folder. I think it's from the same guy.
EDIT: Found another one in my folder
FetchWalker posted: »@ChuckTheLizard Thank you very much. Here's one I have in my "TheWalkingDead" folder. I think it's from the same guy. EDIT: Found another one in my folder
@ChuckTheLizard Thank you very much. Here's one I have in my "TheWalkingDead" folder. I think it's from the same guy. EDIT: Found another one in my folder
I found all of his The Walking Dead comics. They are super hilarious.
This is my favourite. xD XD
thats is freaking awesome!!!!!!!!!
LadyKillerYT posted: »My tribute! deviantART
My tribute! deviantART
I finished it...finally..
It took longer than it should've for me to get the joke.
Was a quick 10 - 20 minute paint.net side project but here yall go
Dat stare...
Kurusu posted: »deviantART
My 2nd Clementine fan art:
My deviantART: http://ilovemydog.deviantart.com/art/That-little-girl-is-a-puzzle-488058672
Das beautiful. :')
TheMissus posted: »My 2nd Clementine fan art: My deviantART: http://ilovemydog.deviantart.com/art/That-little-girl-is-a-puzzle-488058672
My 2nd Clementine fan art: My deviantART: http://ilovemydog.deviantart.com/art/That-little-girl-is-a-puzzle-488058672
Lost along the way
Dang, that makes me think "Yay, everyone's dead!"
Krieghor posted: »Lost along the way
Lehfeels posted: »Was a quick 10 - 20 minute paint.net side project but here yall go
I'll just leave it here
@kurusu is probably the best artist here.
@Rylee I don't think kurusu makes the art. He/she/it just posts random artist's work just to get them noticed.
Rylee posted: »@kurusu is probably the best artist here.
lol. "It"
WillyTheSeal posted: »@Rylee I don't think kurusu makes the art. He/she/it just posts random artist's work just to get them noticed.
@willyTheSeal I feel dumb.
@Rylee It's ok , everyone has brain farts...
Rylee posted: »@willyTheSeal I feel dumb.
She's talented.
I don't really post pics a lot so I hope this works. A person on deviantart named Stare-into-they-sky made this http://stare-into-they-sky.deviantart.com/art/Mona-L-E-E-sa-482651915
i wish i could draw
@DarkDefiantOne You can do anything you set your mind to. You may think you don't have the talent but you can do anything with practice
DarkDefiantOne posted: »i wish i could draw
Woah... I need to take some tips from her.
SaltLick305 posted: »She's talented. http://youtu.be/lzm-K7bOKA0
She's talented. http://youtu.be/lzm-K7bOKA0
You and me both, doc. I still don't understand how some people are just so dexterous. Did you see how good that looks? Even my handwriting sucks.
@marioluigi344 Amazing is putting it lightly. It's goddamn magnificient! Specially since it's the boatmaster himself.
ChuckTheLizard posted: »@SaltLick305 Woah... I need to take some tips from her.
@SaltLick305 Woah... I need to take some tips from her.
First person Clementine! ^^
Clem's a lefty? ;D
Krieghor posted: »First person Clementine! ^^ http://steamcommunity.com/id/Krieghor/images/
First person Clementine! ^^ http://steamcommunity.com/id/Krieghor/images/
@Krieghor, I love the hat.
Ben, keep an eye on Clementine, please
Pshh, can't belive Ben decided to help Omid than do this
@ChuckTheLizard Thank you )
ChuckTheLizard posted: »@TheMissus Das beautiful. :')
@TheMissus Das beautiful. :')
Too soon, man. Too soon. ;/
I love these comics! Can you post more of them?
Now that.... is awesome mate! Good job!
@ChuckTheLizard Thank you very much.
Here's one I have in my "TheWalkingDead" folder. I think it's from the same guy.
EDIT: Found another one in my folder
I found all of his The Walking Dead comics. They are super hilarious.
This is my favourite. xD XD
thats is freaking awesome!!!!!!!!!
I finished it...finally..
It took longer than it should've for me to get the joke.
Was a quick 10 - 20 minute paint.net side project but here yall go
Dat stare...
My 2nd Clementine fan art:
My deviantART:
Das beautiful. :')
Lost along the way
Dang, that makes me think "Yay, everyone's dead!"
I'll just leave it here
@kurusu is probably the best artist here.
@Rylee I don't think kurusu makes the art. He/she/it just posts random artist's work just to get them noticed.
lol. "It"
@willyTheSeal I feel dumb.
@Rylee It's ok , everyone has brain farts...
She's talented.
I don't really post pics a lot so I hope this works.
A person on deviantart named Stare-into-they-sky made this
i wish i could draw
@DarkDefiantOne You can do anything you set your mind to. You may think you don't have the talent but you can do anything with practice
Woah... I need to take some tips from her.
You and me both, doc. I still don't understand how some people are just so dexterous. Did you see how good that looks? Even my handwriting sucks.
@marioluigi344 Amazing is putting it lightly. It's goddamn magnificient! Specially since it's the boatmaster himself.
First person Clementine! ^^
Clem's a lefty? ;D
@Krieghor, I love the hat.
Ben, keep an eye on Clementine, please
Pshh, can't belive Ben decided to help Omid than do this
Thank you