Was listening to 'In the Pines' from the end of S2E2 and my god do I miss those end of credit episode songs. I would listen to that and 'In the Water' by Anadel a million times waiting for the next episodes to come out.
I Want a scene where Clem sees a dog and freaks out on it, everyone start asking her like wtf is going on and she showed her dog bite scar from season 2 and tell them why is she afraid of dogs now
Was listening to 'In the Pines' from the end of S2E2 and my god do I miss those end of credit episode songs. I would listen to that and 'In the Water' by Anadel a million times waiting for the next episodes to come out.
One thing I wish they explored more in season two, is having Clem survive on her own for a bit longer...learn some stuff about herself in solitude after she got separated from Christa. It was something that felt right for the development of her character at that point in the series + an added bonus of not having all those shmucks around for nearly the entire time.
...just explore around the forest doing survival quests, stealing food from bandits, collecting items for an improvised shelter etc. That would have provided a perfect setting to write in some flashbacks for reflecting on past + add some variety to the gameplay and a bit repetitive plot mechanics.
I know right?
I replayed Season 2 recently and Episodes 1 and 2 are leagues better than I remember.
There's still things that irk me, … morelike Rebecca's 180 in attitude, but I didn't expect to enjoy them as much as I did on my replay.
Looking back, I think if these minor things were fixed and the episodes were a bit longer and with hubs, S2E1/S2E2 could have easily been Season 1 quality or better.
Melissa Hutchison retweeted me Melissa Hutchison retweeted me Melissa Hutchison retweeted me
https://twitter.com/AnEvilHag/status/8331632… more78213857280
I know it's not episode 3 news but I'm excited.
I've got no problems with you hipsters playing good games, but I've got a real problem with you showing up on my computer screen as main cha… moreracters in my all-time favorite franchises. I just don't want to hear about your weed and boner problems two minutes into a telltale game, sorry, I don't.
In the AMA in the Telltale Talks section, Job has replied to a comment talking about credit songs;
You haven't heard the last of end c… moreredits songs. Not by a long shot.
Now granted, he doesn't mention TWD in this comment, but it's a start!
Telltale clearly took season 3 to a "wider audience" of millennials and hipsters to grab more cash.
Suddenly remembers that bald black girl form a 2 minute flashback that has higher chance of returning this Season than any Season 1 or 400 days character.
Every significant char in season 3 has a perfect body and model looks (women in particular). The f***k happened to realism? Where are the ev… moreery-day real-life red-necks and ****** with real emotions and convincing reactions to the surrounding post-apocalyptic world? I mean these phony hipster chars act as if they are on damned vocation...cringe-worthy dialogues, terrible animations, rushed shallow plot. Is this game even made by the same people? I wish someone would have warned me before I played, but the reviews were great (they always are), and now my experience from prior seasons is completely ruined by the new phony and shallow Clem which is now stuck in my head.
Telltale clearly took season 3 to a "wider audience" of millennials and hipsters to grab more cash. Result=another sterile and shallow experience added to the flood of mediocrity that has been drowning the game market for the past 10 years.
...rest in peace Lee...glad you didn't make it into this hipster apocalypse.
Once you realize you just murdered your franchise with two quick piles of shit in a row with a third one half on its way, baring that door ain't a bad idea at all. I'd probably take care of those windows too, cause that huge fan shit storm that's coming their way in march will test those company walls for real.
Am I the only one who hates how Job answers people's questions? I asked him "Why did all the members of the Cabin Group have to die in Season 2?" and he said "They didn't have to.. but they most certainly did". Are you fucking serious? That was not the answer I was asking for.
Am I the only one who hates how Job answers people's questions? I asked him "Why did all the members of the Cabin Group have to die in Seaso… moren 2?" and he said "They didn't have to.. but they most certainly did". Are you fucking serious? That was not the answer I was asking for.
His answer about the flashback models was really silly. There is no 'subjectivity', they were plain garbage. Objectively garbage. I dunno how you can look at season 3 Kenny and say "Yeah that's definitely an improvement!". Compared to someone like Clementine or Javier he looked like someone from a completely different game.
Am I the only one who hates how Job answers people's questions? I asked him "Why did all the members of the Cabin Group have to die in Seaso… moren 2?" and he said "They didn't have to.. but they most certainly did". Are you fucking serious? That was not the answer I was asking for.
All these questions asked and answered....but I can't but think what questions will affect the game! Will he address ANY of these criticisms to telltale?
I published this post on three separate occasions. All three times it was removed without any explanation. I am still confused as to why Job would not explain to me what is wrong with it, because I am not breaking any rule.
Hello, JobJStauffer_TTG, and members of the Telltale forum.
I remember vividly the time when Job joined the Twitter chat in which @DontLookBack used to be a member. I remember when people all around the fanbase, in multiple platforms, assured others that this supposed Ask Me Anything was but a lie employed to stall us. I can also remember how—despite the possibility of this being the case—I was mindful to remind them every day that Job and every single Telltale employee are real people, and that we should treat them with compassion and respect, even when they do not handle public relations with tact.
The Ask Me Anything came around, and I was pleasantly surprised to learn that the majority of users commenting on it were being respectful. I took some minutes to compose my question, in which I also asked Job about his health. My post couldn't be addressed by Job that day, but I reminded myself that he could be busy in real life, and told myself that it'd be another day.
A week passed without Job saying anything, but, again, he could be busy. He could be working on something else. He could be having medical issues.
This morning I learned that my question and hundreds of other—for which so many people made the effort to restrain their anger and be polite—were deleted due to no ground reason from the forum. And I ask myself—why should we be mindful, respectful, compassionate and polite when the reward is none other than the same punishment that the offensive users get? What is the incentive to treat the Telltale public relations with kindness when this is what we receive? A hashtag that says "deal with it" as the sole explanation.
Is this how social media management will work from now on? That's my question. If the answer is yes, we, as a forum, and as part of a bigger fanbase, have to reconsider how we respond from now on.
I published this post on three separate occasions. All three times it was removed without any explanation. I am still confused as to why Job… more would not explain to me what is wrong with it, because I am not breaking any rule.
Hello, JobJStauffer_TTG, and members of the Telltale forum.
I remember vividly the time when Job joined the Twitter chat in which @DontLookBack used to be a member. I remember when people all around the fanbase, in multiple platforms, assured others that this supposed Ask Me Anything was but a lie employed to stall us. I can also remember how—despite the possibility of this being the case—I was mindful to remind them every day that Job and every single Telltale employee are real people, and that we should treat them with compassion and respect, even when they do not handle public relations with tact.
The Ask Me Anything came around, and I was pleasantly surprised to learn that the majority of users comm… [view original content]
I did notice this the second time you posted, it got taken down again? Weird. It's not like you're insulting anyone or being rude so it's kinda strange it's getting outright deleted.
I published this post on three separate occasions. All three times it was removed without any explanation. I am still confused as to why Job… more would not explain to me what is wrong with it, because I am not breaking any rule.
Hello, JobJStauffer_TTG, and members of the Telltale forum.
I remember vividly the time when Job joined the Twitter chat in which @DontLookBack used to be a member. I remember when people all around the fanbase, in multiple platforms, assured others that this supposed Ask Me Anything was but a lie employed to stall us. I can also remember how—despite the possibility of this being the case—I was mindful to remind them every day that Job and every single Telltale employee are real people, and that we should treat them with compassion and respect, even when they do not handle public relations with tact.
The Ask Me Anything came around, and I was pleasantly surprised to learn that the majority of users comm… [view original content]
Wow. This is how far it has come - blatant censorship.
I honestly hope that Telltale makes some changes among staff. This is pathetic, even more so when you take into account that this man is working public relations. You know, the job that requires a thick skin, which he obviously does not have? Guess what, Job. It is your responsibility to deal with situations like ANF's bad public reception. And yes, it is terribly received, which you would know if you actually took a few minutes to do research beyond the headlines positive towards the game.
All useful Steam reviews are negative, and I don't think anyone at Telltale is actually blind to the fact that many positive reviews were just created by ultra-biased fans who probably hadn't even started the game. The negative Steam reviews go into great detail, whereas most of the positive ones are on the level of "omg more walking dead!" and "clementine woo woo!". On top of that, A New Frontier's sales were terrible even before many people seemingly asked for a refund, judging by the Steam Watch figures.
Telltale's PR has always been way too quiet and non-responsive, but this really takes the cake. In the past, we at least knew that a good game awaited us after all the tedious months of waiting without the smallest sign of life. Now we don't even have that, but instead people get censored and banned left and right because they're sick of being spoonfed recycled garbage and expected to praise the exceptional and fresh taste.
Let me, someone who has never so much as touched a book about public relations, give you some advice on how to do your job. For starters, it would already be almost enough to post regulary, even if all you can say is that you have no info yet every week, and to actually respond to the replies you get. It doesn't matter that you could not give less shits about what the people you respond to are actually thinking, what matters is that you represent your company in a good light. Take Mass Effect's Twitter recently, they reply to the first few replies they get with meaningless phrases like "We're excited too!" and "What will you do in Andromeda?", and yet with that alone they seem much more approachable and fan-friendly than Telltale, who endlessly retweet positive reviews and ignore questions or criticism.
This is mainly addressed to Job Stauffer's ridiculously irresponsible and childish behavior, I know not all of Telltale's PR is as bad. Many actually make an effort to talk to people on this forum, as opposed to Job dropping in every other year, which is not even an exaggeration.
I published this post on three separate occasions. All three times it was removed without any explanation. I am still confused as to why Job… more would not explain to me what is wrong with it, because I am not breaking any rule.
Hello, JobJStauffer_TTG, and members of the Telltale forum.
I remember vividly the time when Job joined the Twitter chat in which @DontLookBack used to be a member. I remember when people all around the fanbase, in multiple platforms, assured others that this supposed Ask Me Anything was but a lie employed to stall us. I can also remember how—despite the possibility of this being the case—I was mindful to remind them every day that Job and every single Telltale employee are real people, and that we should treat them with compassion and respect, even when they do not handle public relations with tact.
The Ask Me Anything came around, and I was pleasantly surprised to learn that the majority of users comm… [view original content]
I don't understand why this comment is being taken down more than once when it's a level-headed and reasonable question to ask, and does not warrant a deletion in the first place.
This is just immaturity at it's finest from Telltale. I know I was taking the previous deletion in jest and I am willing to believe that my response to your message beforehand may have been somewhat unreasonable, but at this point, there's no excuse for outright deleting perfectly reasonable questions.
I published this post on three separate occasions. All three times it was removed without any explanation. I am still confused as to why Job… more would not explain to me what is wrong with it, because I am not breaking any rule.
Hello, JobJStauffer_TTG, and members of the Telltale forum.
I remember vividly the time when Job joined the Twitter chat in which @DontLookBack used to be a member. I remember when people all around the fanbase, in multiple platforms, assured others that this supposed Ask Me Anything was but a lie employed to stall us. I can also remember how—despite the possibility of this being the case—I was mindful to remind them every day that Job and every single Telltale employee are real people, and that we should treat them with compassion and respect, even when they do not handle public relations with tact.
The Ask Me Anything came around, and I was pleasantly surprised to learn that the majority of users comm… [view original content]
I published this post on three separate occasions. All three times it was removed without any explanation. I am still confused as to why Job… more would not explain to me what is wrong with it, because I am not breaking any rule.
Hello, JobJStauffer_TTG, and members of the Telltale forum.
I remember vividly the time when Job joined the Twitter chat in which @DontLookBack used to be a member. I remember when people all around the fanbase, in multiple platforms, assured others that this supposed Ask Me Anything was but a lie employed to stall us. I can also remember how—despite the possibility of this being the case—I was mindful to remind them every day that Job and every single Telltale employee are real people, and that we should treat them with compassion and respect, even when they do not handle public relations with tact.
The Ask Me Anything came around, and I was pleasantly surprised to learn that the majority of users comm… [view original content]
I am and always will a supporter of constructive criticism and looking at your post, I suffer deeply that this type of calm, self-explaining opinion was taken down, meanwhile all blatant, outraged hate-posts are still cluttering up this forum.
I published this post on three separate occasions. All three times it was removed without any explanation. I am still confused as to why Job… more would not explain to me what is wrong with it, because I am not breaking any rule.
Hello, JobJStauffer_TTG, and members of the Telltale forum.
I remember vividly the time when Job joined the Twitter chat in which @DontLookBack used to be a member. I remember when people all around the fanbase, in multiple platforms, assured others that this supposed Ask Me Anything was but a lie employed to stall us. I can also remember how—despite the possibility of this being the case—I was mindful to remind them every day that Job and every single Telltale employee are real people, and that we should treat them with compassion and respect, even when they do not handle public relations with tact.
The Ask Me Anything came around, and I was pleasantly surprised to learn that the majority of users comm… [view original content]
Lol how exactly must he "deal" with the shit reception? He already came up with one thousand ways of writing "cool story bro" (see my last post above), prolly god damned had a stroke about it too, and yet yall still keep asking and asking. What exactly do you expect him to say to questions like "hey the flashbacks were shit"? Are you all waiting for Job's confession they made a shit game?
Well here are two bullet points for all of you AMA posters:
Confession/apology ain't coming (no sane company publicly admits to its failed shit even when its smeared by us fans all over their faces)
Season 3 ain't getting better (the trash engine, the trash direction, the trash concept, the trash characters, the trash writing team are all set in stone midway through the season).
Its too late/expensive to change any of it now, even if they wanted (which they probably don't), except maybe for general plot tweaks.
Bottom line:
The money is spent. The franchise is done with.
Deal with it and God's help us all to play through the rest of that crap.
Wow. This is how far it has come - blatant censorship.
I honestly hope that Telltale makes some changes among staff. This is pathetic, ev… moreen more so when you take into account that this man is working public relations. You know, the job that requires a thick skin, which he obviously does not have? Guess what, Job. It is your responsibility to deal with situations like ANF's bad public reception. And yes, it is terribly received, which you would know if you actually took a few minutes to do research beyond the headlines positive towards the game.
All useful Steam reviews are negative, and I don't think anyone at Telltale is actually blind to the fact that many positive reviews were just created by ultra-biased fans who probably hadn't even started the game. The negative Steam reviews go into great detail, whereas most of the positive ones are on the level of "omg more walking dead!" and "clementine woo woo!". On top of that, A New Frontier'… [view original content]
Was listening to 'In the Pines' from the end of S2E2 and my god do I miss those end of credit episode songs. I would listen to that and 'In the Water' by Anadel a million times waiting for the next episodes to come out.
Not gonna lie, I have thought of this as well. It would be neat to see her react differently to dogs as a little throwback.
I guess Episode 3 will come out next month in March. :P
What makes you say that, other than the confirmation by Telltale?
In the AMA in the Telltale Talks section, Job has replied to a comment talking about credit songs;
Now granted, he doesn't mention TWD in this comment, but it's a start!
It was mostly just the confirmation. Ha-ha.
One thing I wish they explored more in season two, is having Clem survive on her own for a bit longer...learn some stuff about herself in solitude after she got separated from Christa. It was something that felt right for the development of her character at that point in the series + an added bonus of not having all those shmucks around for nearly the entire time.
...just explore around the forest doing survival quests, stealing food from bandits, collecting items for an improvised shelter etc. That would have provided a perfect setting to write in some flashbacks for reflecting on past + add some variety to the gameplay and a bit repetitive plot mechanics.
That's a divine gift you got there...to make a pile of shit look so good. Never thought it possible...
(This isn't exactly Episode 3 news, but it's still interesting)

Wait other hipsters talk about that?
I specifically asked that question for a short "yes" or "no" answer, and it came up as vague as he was hiding the nuclear codes or something.
Suddenly remembers that bald black girl form a 2 minute flashback that has higher chance of returning this Season than any Season 1 or 400 days character.
interesting! thanks for posting!
You're very welcome! It was created by "Graysonn!"
They deleted an interesting flasback with Sandra from when she was younger? Whose idea was it to delete that from the release!
I hope im wrong
Maybe they move it to the next episodes, and Slaughter House too!
Gaming Sins: Krauser would be perfect for The Walking Dead
ding sarcastic sin
Once you realize you just murdered your franchise with two quick piles of shit in a row with a third one half on its way, baring that door ain't a bad idea at all. I'd probably take care of those windows too, cause that huge fan shit storm that's coming their way in march will test those company walls for real.
One month later, when e3 comes out...
Yeah, Job has a tendency to say a lot, but also say very little at the same time.
Why can't we meet anymore characters like Krauser?
Am I the only one who hates how Job answers people's questions? I asked him "Why did all the members of the Cabin Group have to die in Season 2?" and he said "They didn't have to.. but they most certainly did". Are you fucking serious? That was not the answer I was asking for.
Standard politician/PR guy speak.
His answer about the flashback models was really silly. There is no 'subjectivity', they were plain garbage. Objectively garbage. I dunno how you can look at season 3 Kenny and say "Yeah that's definitely an improvement!". Compared to someone like Clementine or Javier he looked like someone from a completely different game.
All these questions asked and answered....but I can't but think what questions will affect the game! Will he address ANY of these criticisms to telltale?
Yeah, I saw that. It was rather tactless.
I once sold my dog's shit on ebay pakaged as somethin else...
my customer upon receiving package: "why you sell me dog shit man? I'ma gona dispute this shit with ebay..."
me: "cool story bro"
moral of the story: If you open a package, and there is dog shit inside, it might be too late to ask questions.
I published this post on three separate occasions. All three times it was removed without any explanation. I am still confused as to why Job would not explain to me what is wrong with it, because I am not breaking any rule.
I hope that @mostlypoptarts and @kenjisalk get to see this before it's taken down.
I took a screenshot of your previous post because I thought Job would probably delete it for some reason. Unfortunately, I was right.
I did notice this the second time you posted, it got taken down again? Weird. It's not like you're insulting anyone or being rude so it's kinda strange it's getting outright deleted.
Wow. This is how far it has come - blatant censorship.
I honestly hope that Telltale makes some changes among staff. This is pathetic, even more so when you take into account that this man is working public relations. You know, the job that requires a thick skin, which he obviously does not have? Guess what, Job. It is your responsibility to deal with situations like ANF's bad public reception. And yes, it is terribly received, which you would know if you actually took a few minutes to do research beyond the headlines positive towards the game.
All useful Steam reviews are negative, and I don't think anyone at Telltale is actually blind to the fact that many positive reviews were just created by ultra-biased fans who probably hadn't even started the game. The negative Steam reviews go into great detail, whereas most of the positive ones are on the level of "omg more walking dead!" and "clementine woo woo!". On top of that, A New Frontier's sales were terrible even before many people seemingly asked for a refund, judging by the Steam Watch figures.
Telltale's PR has always been way too quiet and non-responsive, but this really takes the cake. In the past, we at least knew that a good game awaited us after all the tedious months of waiting without the smallest sign of life. Now we don't even have that, but instead people get censored and banned left and right because they're sick of being spoonfed recycled garbage and expected to praise the exceptional and fresh taste.
Let me, someone who has never so much as touched a book about public relations, give you some advice on how to do your job. For starters, it would already be almost enough to post regulary, even if all you can say is that you have no info yet every week, and to actually respond to the replies you get. It doesn't matter that you could not give less shits about what the people you respond to are actually thinking, what matters is that you represent your company in a good light. Take Mass Effect's Twitter recently, they reply to the first few replies they get with meaningless phrases like "We're excited too!" and "What will you do in Andromeda?", and yet with that alone they seem much more approachable and fan-friendly than Telltale, who endlessly retweet positive reviews and ignore questions or criticism.
This is mainly addressed to Job Stauffer's ridiculously irresponsible and childish behavior, I know not all of Telltale's PR is as bad. Many actually make an effort to talk to people on this forum, as opposed to Job dropping in every other year, which is not even an exaggeration.
I don't understand why this comment is being taken down more than once when it's a level-headed and reasonable question to ask, and does not warrant a deletion in the first place.
This is just immaturity at it's finest from Telltale. I know I was taking the previous deletion in jest and I am willing to believe that my response to your message beforehand may have been somewhat unreasonable, but at this point, there's no excuse for outright deleting perfectly reasonable questions.
I hope we get some answers about this that isn't vague or just a hashtag..it's off putting that they're treating fans this way.
I am and always will a supporter of constructive criticism and looking at your post, I suffer deeply that this type of calm, self-explaining opinion was taken down, meanwhile all blatant, outraged hate-posts are still cluttering up this forum.
Lol how exactly must he "deal" with the shit reception? He already came up with one thousand ways of writing "cool story bro" (see my last post above), prolly god damned had a stroke about it too, and yet yall still keep asking and asking. What exactly do you expect him to say to questions like "hey the flashbacks were shit"? Are you all waiting for Job's confession they made a shit game?
Well here are two bullet points for all of you AMA posters:
Its too late/expensive to change any of it now, even if they wanted (which they probably don't), except maybe for general plot tweaks.
Bottom line:
The money is spent. The franchise is done with.
Deal with it and God's help us all to play through the rest of that crap.