Favorite Episodes Season by Season?

Season 1 -
1.) Episode 3: Long Road Ahead. The fall of the Motor Inn, the arc of Lilly's chaeacter, Doug's/Carley's death, Katjaa's suicide, Duck's determinant death, a turning point in Kenny's character, growth in both Clem and Lee; it was so amazing when I first played. 10/10.
2.) Episode 5: No Time Left. Everything in that episode brought me to tears.
3.) Episode 2: Starving For Help. The mystery of the St. John's was put together beautifully. It showed how truly fucked up people are.
4.) Episode 1: A New Day. Start of everything.
5.) Episode 4: Around Every Corner. Very good episode with some weird logic.
6.) 400 Days. Nice breath of fresh air.

Season 2:
1.) Episode 2: A House Divided. KENNY
2.) Episode 5: No Going Back. Rough ending, but still one of my favorites. Everything tied together somewhat nicely.
3.) Episode 1: All That Remains. Omid's death really forced the tone and I loved it. Also, great reprise of Clem!!
4.) Episode 4: Amid the Ruins. Eerie atmosphere throughout the whole episode, which I loved.
5.) Episode 3: In Harm's Way. Waste of Carver and community. Oh well. At least Kenny was a total badass.

1.) Episode 3: What We Deserve. Not gonna lie, I cried hard-core at the end.
2.) Episode 1: In Too Deep. Good opening, and I loved to play as Michonne.
3.) Episode 2: (I can't remeber the title). John's death tho.

Season 3:
1.) Episode 1: Ties that Bind Part One. Good introduction to Javier and my favorite version of Clem thus far.
2.) Episode 2: Ties that Bind Part Two. Ava is interesting and David's return though.


  • DeltinoDeltino Moderator

    Season 1:

    1. Starved For Help - I've always loved this episode since it came out. All-time favorite episode of the entire game series.

    2. No Time Left - Does this one really need explanation?

    3. Around Every Corner - Unpopular opinion, but I think this episode is woefully underrated.

    4. Long Road Ahead - Probably the most emotionally potent episode of the series. No Time Left might have Lee's death, but the emotional gauntlet that Long Road Ahead puts you through is on a whole different level.

    5. 400 Days - An interesting little anthology series. Wish it could have had more of an impact on S2, but it's still good on it's own.

    6. A New Day - A great pilot episode to the series, but one of them has to be in last place. Unfortunately, A New Day gets that honor. Still really like it, though.

    Season 2:

    1. No Going Back - In a similar vein to Starved For Help, this episode has been one of my all-time favorites since it came out. Second favorite episode of the entire series behind Starved For Help.

    2. A House Divided - I think most people already agree that A House Divided is one of S2's strongest (and best) episodes, and arguably one of the better episodes of the series.

    3. All That Remains - Another somewhat underrated episode. There's something about the atmosphere of this episode that I really like. Not to mention a great premiere episode.

    4. In Harm's Way - A bit lower on my list, but this episode is still great, if not a bit underrated.

    5. Amid The Ruins Unfortunately, the weakest episode of S2, and the weakest episode of the series for me personally. With that being said though, I don't hate this episode-- just don't like it as much as the rest. They fucking nailed the atmosphere for AmTR, though.


    1. Give No Shelter - This episode might be short, but that doesn't stop it from also being relatively high up on my all-time favorites list. The cinematography of the episode is one of the stand-out points. And yeah, John's death might be a controversial thing for some people, but it worked on me, so I'll give them credit. And the episode cemented Randall as a favorite character of mine (in the love to hate kind of way)

    2. What We Deserve - Pretty good finale, but not without a few flaws-- the daughter hallucinations were overdone, and I wish there was more outcomes to the trade-- Zachary being alive doesn't change much, Randall's fate doesn't change much, Berto always winds up dead, Oak doesn't do shit after he's saved, Pete being with Norma effects nothing. Other than that though, I liked it. Especially the first half, which is effectively one giant hub area.

    3. In Too Deep - I honestly don't have much to say about this episode in particular. I'm kind of neutral on it. It's good, I liked it, there's a few stand-out moments, but it's somewhat forgettable in comparison to the others.

    Season 3:

    1. Ties That Bind: Part Two - Short, but in a lot of ways, I preferred it over the first episode. Relatively tough choices, some nice setpieces, Jesus, the ending, the Clementine reveal, the flashback that is infinitely better than episode 1's flashback(s).

    2. Ties That Bind: Part One - A good first episode. Length was a problem (though not as much as ep 2), and the flashbacks... yeah, no need to comment on those. Other than that, loved the introduction, Javier is pretty neat, Clementine was pretty neat. And shit, it's where my boy Tripp shows up for the first time.

  • Tough call. Episode 5 of s1 and 2 are both some of the most heartbreaking because of how I played them. First two episodes of S2 and episode 2 of s1 are a bit behind them.

  • I'm too lazy to do all of them, but my all-time favorite just has to be No Time Left. The cutting of the arm, Ben having a go at Kenny, the final showdown, the emotional farewell, etc. It just wins on so many levels.

  • edited January 2017

    Aw yeah, this is a thread topic I've only seen used once, so it's nice to see another one for varieties sake! I should really get back to doing my first impressions, come to think of it.

    Season 2

    1. A House Divided(Surprisingly Most Balanced Character Focus, Most Interactive Gameplay, Suspense, Nice Quieter Moments)
    2. All That Remains(Immersive Atmosphere, Great Character Establishment, Exploration and Survival, Ambiguous Alignment, Two of my favorites in one episode :grin:)
    3. No Going Back(Continuity Issues, Interestingly Unconventional Plot, Forced Plot Points, Biased Morality)
    4. Amid the Ruins(Interesting Ideas, Determinant Choices Suck, Most Uneven Character Focus, Sloppy Writing Decisions)
    5. In Harm's Way(Hype Backlash, The Kenny Show, Bare Bones Plot, One-Note Villain, Two of my hated in one episode :unamused:)
  • Season 1
    1)episode 2
    2)episode 4
    3)episode 5
    4)episode 3
    5)episode 2
    6)400 days

    Season 2
    1)episode 5
    2)episode 2
    3)episode 3
    4)episode 4
    5)episode 1

    A New Frontier
    1)episode 1
    2)episode 2

    1)episode 3
    2)episode 2
    3)episode 1

  • Season 1:

    1. No Time Left
    2. Starved For Help
    3. A New Day
    4. Long Road Ahead
    5. Around Every Corner

    Season 2:

    1. No Going Back
    2. A House Divided
    3. In Harms Way
    4. All That Remains
    5. Amid The Ruins


    1. What We Deserve
    2. Give No Shelter
    3. In Too Deep

    Season 3/A New Frontier

    1. Ties That Bind, Part One
    2. Ties That Bind, Part Two
  • Season 1

    1. Starved For Help
    2. No Time Left
    3. A New Day
    4. Around Every Corner
    5. Long Road Ahead
    6. 400 Days

    Season 2

    1. In Harm's Way
    2. Amid The Ruins
    3. All That Remains
    4. No Going Back
    5. A House Divided


    1. What We Deserve
    2. Give No Shelter
    3. In Too Deep

    A New Frontier

    1. Ties That Binds - Part 1
    2. Ties That Binds - Part 2
  • Season 1:

    1.No Time Left
    2.A New Day

    Season 2:

    1.A House Divided
    2. In Harms Way

    Season 3:

    1. Ties That Bind Part 1
  • edited January 2017

    I'm going to actually rank them all together instead. I have not played Michonne's mini series, so I'm very sorry.

    1. Season 1; Episode 5: No Time Left - It was shorter than most other episodes, but I loved this episode so much. It was a desperate search for the only thing Lee cared about, Clementine. The ending is one of the best endings in gaming history and will always hold a place in my heart for marking the moment I realized that this game was a masterpiece. It also featured Kenny's supposed death which made me cry... I know, I'm no man... but we all cried at Lee's death.

    2. Season 2; Episode 5: No Going Back - Season 2's ending is on my list as well. It was another moment that made me cry once again. I, like many others, shot Kenny because we thought that Jane wasn't in the wrong. The twist at the end really made you feel wrong for killing him. All of the Kenny endings made me cry as well, and featured the true side of Kenny that I have loved for so long. I killed him in my first playthrough, and it was the highest point of the entire series as I saw my favorite from Season 1 and 2 fade away... I will never forget Kenny.

    3. Season 1; Episode 3: Long Road Ahead - Another strong episode. Lilly's arc, Dougley's death, Duck and Katja's demise... this was one of the biggest episodes of the Season. We also taught Clementine how to survive!

    4. Season 1; Episode 2: Starving For Help - I believe this is the longest episode in the series. It was an amazingly paced episode and I loved every moment of it. Hard decisions, and really placed Lee in the spotlight for whether you want him to be a nice and passionate man, or a cold man.

    5. Season 2; Episode 2: A House Divided - While the rest of the episodes lacked in my opinion, this episode lifted up this Season high. Kenny's return, Carver's introduction, Nick's development, Clementine's relationship with Kenny... I loved this episode.

    6. Season 1; Episode 4: Around Every Corner - Strong episode. We lost Chuck sadly, but we also made it to Savannah. The entire Crawford piece during the game is very well made and the biggest hub/puzzle we've had. The ending shows us the ultimate demise of Lee is inevitable sending goosebumps down our arms.

    7. Season 3; Episode 1: Ties That Bind - Part 1 - Very strong opener for Javier, great introduction for Clementine, great introduction to Tripp, set up an expanded universe quite new to Walking Dead. Biggest gripe is the episode length and the sad flashbacks that made the Season 2 ending quite useless. Clementine did get cool scars though!

    8. Season 3; Episode 2: Ties That Bind - Part 2 - As the other episode out, these lie in the middle of the pack. While they are better than Season 2's episodes besides Episode 2 and 5, it's not as good as most episodes for Season 1, that game is truly legendary. This episode was fairly well paced. The choices were well done this time around (unpopular opinion), and Clementine's character expanded more and more. Great action sequences and Jesus! Two good plot twists as well, and a better flashback, though not long. The episode is still too short and lacks hubs!

    9. Season 1; Episode 1: A New Day - A great opening, but not nearly as good as the rest of the Season. It was not bad AT ALL! One Season 1 episode had to be at the bottom, and this was the one I felt was the weakest. The choice at the end of the episode is one of the best made choices in the entire series, and they actually heavily affected the story as they didn't become boring characters afterwards.

    10. Season 2; Episode 1: All That Remains - I didn't like Omid's death a whole lot, it did force the change of Clementine, but I didn't like how fast he died. I didn't care a whole lot about Christa, but it was sad to see her gone, for now at least. The cabin crew appeared, and most were dumb and unlikable. The dog scene was strong and sad for Clementine to go through, it was certainly a great moment for her. The sneak mission she does and the stitching scene were the high points and really showed how much Clementine grew! The last choice didn't matter, well at all, but it offered differing experiences... sort of.

    11. Season 1: 400 Days - Can't really offer much character development if each character lacks much screen time. Most of the stories were well made and it was very interesting indeed!

    12. Season 2; Episode 3: In Harm's Way - I felt this episode wasted all the build up that Episode 2 created... Carver was a very well developed character, but his story ended too soon... Kenny was a total badass, and that rewards something at least. Overall, it was a weak episode.

    13. Season 2; Episode 4: Amid the Ruins - My least favorite episode thus far. Despite that, it does feature my favorite Clementine quote of all time: "I had to shoot Lee! So don't be an asshole and pretend you're the only one who has lost people!". Overall, this episode was weak, slow, and boring. The Russian thing was so far-fetched, and the episode did not build up Episode 5 very well.

    So yeah! These are my opinions on each episode and how I feel about them! I love every single episode, but some are just weaker than others, to me.

  • The Entire Series Best to Worst

    9.400 Days
    11.Michonne E3
    12.Michonne E1
    13.Michonne E2

    I can't include any "A New Frontier" episodes until the season is complete

  • Season 1
    1. A Long Road Ahead
    2. No Time Left
    3. Around Every Corner
    4. A New Day
    5. Starved for Help

    Season 2
    1. All That Remains
    2. A House Divided
    3. No Going Back
    4. Amidst The Ruins
    5. In Harm's way


    1. What We Deserve
    2. Give No Shelter
    3. In Too Deep
  • Season 1(Need to completely replay for in-depth)

    Starved for Help(Rations, Many favorite characters, Jolene).
    No Time Left(Ben's speech, Meeting the Stranger).
    Around Every Corner(Varied character focus, huge choice with drastic changes).
    Long Road Ofhead(Duck, Revealing the Past, Boring Second Half).
    A New Day(Establishment, Boring Second Half).

  • Season 1:

    1: No Time Left

    2: Starved for Help

    3: Around Every Corner

    4: A New Day

    5: Long Road Ahead

    Season 2:

    1: A House Divided

    2: No Going Back

    3: All That Remains

    4: In Harm's Way

    5: Amid the Ruins


    1: Take No Shelter

    2: In Too Deep

    3: What We Deserve

  • My favs from both seasons are "Starved For Help" and "In Harm's Way".

  • "In Harm's Way".


    fallandir posted: »

    My favs from both seasons are "Starved For Help" and "In Harm's Way".

  • Yup, I'm in minority on this one.

    DabigRG posted: »

    "In Harm's Way". Really?

  • I agree with most of your stuff and I know it's your opinion but why do you like Tripp he seems pretty inconsistent honestly.

    Deltino posted: »

    Season 1: * Starved For Help - I've always loved this episode since it came out. All-time favorite episode of the entire game series.

  • edited January 2017

    Season 1:

    • Starved for Help (My favorite episode in the whole series)
    • No Time Left (2nd favorite episode in the whole series)
    • 400 Days
    • A New Day
    • Long Road Ahead
    • Around Every Corner

    Season 2:

    • No Going Back (My 3rd favorite episode in the whole series. It's about time Luke and Jane died!)
    • A House Divided
    • All That Remains
    • In Harm's Way
    • Amid the Ruins (This isn't only my most hated TWD episode; this is my most hated episode of an episodic game. Period.)


    • Give No Shelter
    • In Too Deep
    • What We (Don't) Deserve

    A New Frontier

    • Ties That Bind Part 2
    • Ties That Bind Part 1
  • edited January 2017

    Season 1:
    1) Long Road Ahead- The most hard hitting moments of the season, very well-paced, gigantic steps forward in terms of story progression as well as character development for pretty much every character, and just the most interesting stretch of the season for me overall.

    2) Starved For Help- Not much to say that hasn't already been said, but I'll say it anyway. One of the best moral choices of the entire franchise, both in how perfectly it's set up to the effects it has for the rest of the story, some of the best villains of the series, fantastic buildup to an admittedly obvious reveal through Jolene, the entire campsite scene is one of my favorites for the creepy mood it establishes. It'd probably be my favorite if not for being a little slow-moving at certain points, and containing a gigantic headscratcher of a scene that will never make sense.

    3) Around Every Corner- Brilliant oppressive atmosphere throughout; I enjoyed the mix of story and more action segments, they were fun and broke up the monotony of the school at times; some of the most haunting moments of the series (the boy in the attic and his burial); another fantastic choice set up with heavy consequences (Ben); I especially loved the juxtaposition of a society that ran on "survival of the fittest" logic and a narrative that isn't afraid to judge you for playing by their rules through the words and actions of other characters. It's the kind of thing that might have made "Amid The Ruins" suck less, even with the story it already has. There are many similarities between the two episode 4s, right down to the basic theme, except AEC rocked despite some pretty silly moments, and ATR blew chunks despite some good moments.

    4) A New Day- An all-around good opener that sets up the power of choice quite well, as well as allowing for some great character moments all around. Nothing particularly wrong with the episode to be ranked this low (in fact, plotting wise, it should probably be ranked higher than ATR), I simply prefer the other episodes more. Ultimately, the only real misstep I think this episode made was Glenn's inclusion. Now, I like Glenn just fine, but I really think his story could have gone to Doug with pretty much the exact same theme and motivation (heroism and self-sacrifice), and been better for it. Glenn ultimately has no part in this story and it just kind of takes away some much needed development for a character who could well be dead in about an hour. The Lee-Carley-Doug dynamic would have been even better if they'd been together for most of the episode, and thus the choice would be all the more powerful. And in the end, this is opinion rather than an actual failing of the story.

    5) No Time Left- Hoo boy... I'll start off by saying that the final Lee and Clementine scene is pure perfection. Everything about it is brilliant. But then there's all the outlandish plot points that lead up to that. Lee getting his arm cut off and still taking action like walking on a ladder between buildings and then jumping buildings was pretty ridiculous. Clementine pulling Lee into the jewelry store on her own was dumb. Kenny's actions in the Ben scene barely made sense to begin with, and knowledge of his survival just makes it worse. While better, the other Kenny disappearance suffers from really contrived events leading it to happen to begin with. Making a stand against a herd flowing into the house was dumb and was just there to drain bullets. The gauntlet was fucking awesome, but fairly ridiculous. The Stranger's logic gets ridiculously contrived when you don't play a certain way and thus don't give him a good reason to hate you, and "he's just crazy" is a bad justification for the crux of the entire episode. Which is a shame, because the Stranger himself is very interesting and complex regardless, but his arguments suck if you play an all-around nice guy.

    400 Days (yeah, not episodes, per se, but I'm ranking them anyway):
    1) Wyatt- Atmosphere City, man. An eerie and isolated setting, a sense of creeping fear throughout, some great sequences like the intense opening and walking through the fog, beautifully dark music fairly unique to the score at this point, and great chemistry and banter between two friends to keep us grounded while all the crazy shit is going on, and yet at the same time unnerve us a bit considering what they've just gone through and how stressed they clearly are.

    2) Shel- The closest to Season 1 in terms of themes and gameplay, and as such, it felt the most in depth of the mini-episodes. Seeing Vernon's group and learning of the fallout of his actions was interesting, and getting a Lee mention if you terrorized them was a nice touch. Having knowledge of characters' actions while playing a character that obviously doesn't works just fine when you aren't expected to make big choices concerning them (hint hint). Two interesting choices with decent enough consequences, albeit leading to pretty much the same place. So again, like the actual game. Oh, and Stephanie/Shel OTP, yo.

    3) Russell- Russell and Nate interaction was great. "I'll Cover You" is awesome. Nate works best as a sleazy, unpredictable douchecanoe with a questionable background, and I'm glad they never elevated him beyond that. And Russell was pretty cool before Season 2.

    4) Vince- An interesting character, nice interaction with the other characters, and some very cool setup for a choice. Yeah, this is a short one, which goes to show there isn't much to it, much as I like Vince.

    5) Bonnie- Meh. Cornfield section was okay.

    Season 2:
    1) A House Divided- Last great episode of Season 2. Some truly great scenes like Pete's final moments, Nick's arc while it still existed, and a genuinely intimidating presence from Carver, even if the act of going around knocking on cabin doors all alone is utterly ridiculous. It's so hilarious imagining him stumbling upon the whole group while all alone... "Uh-oh..." "KILL HIM!" "Nooo! TROOOOOY!" sounds of brutal death while Clementine and Sarah look on in horror. The entire final stretch of the episode starting with Walter confronting Nick is pure, brilliant suspense.

    2) All That Remains- A pretty good opener overall. Some silly stuff like the events leading up to Omid's death, but the great stuff outweighs the bad. The chase sequence is awesome, the scenes of Clementine alone in the woods are very oppressive, the sneaking sections were very tense, the dialogue you can eavesdrop on and the death stream were really interesting back then and did very well in setting up this formidable sounding foe that we've yet to learn more about while keeping him shrouded in mystery. Also one of my favorite overall episode scores that Jared's done.

    3) In Harm's Way- I once said this was the worst episode because it squandered the most potential while the next two episodes, while bad, mostly suffered from the fallout of this episode. And while I still believe that lots of potential was squandered, particularly with Carver, and a few simple rewrites could have benefited it greatly, it also set up some potentially very interesting developments and there's certainly something ambitious about killing off your big villain midway through a story. The ending sequence is pretty damned harrowing too. A big step down from the previous two, but there was definitely still hope to be had after this, contrary to what I once said.

    4) A kick in the balls.

    5) Amid the Ruins- What a fitting episode title.

    6) A leg cramp that makes it hard to walk for days.

    7) No Going Back- Oh, yeah? Well, I'm going back, so suck it.

    Still haven't played Michonne, and I'll rank New Frontier when it's finished. As it is, Ties That Bind Parts 1 and 2 feel too much like one big episode and neither has anything that really stands out to me that I'd rank one over the other.

  • My favourite episode:

    Season 1

    Episode 3:Long Road Ahead
    Episode 4:Around Every Corner
    Episode 5:No Time Left

    Season 2

    Episode 2:A House Divided
    Episode 3:In Harm's Way
    Episode 4:Amid The Ruins
    Episode 5:No Going Back

    Season 3

    (All episode and I still waiting for the next episode)

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