Episode 4 Waiting Thread - Releasing April 25th, Trailer Out Now



  • wait is it out already what did I miss?

  • Ikr!! Believe me i am sick of this too. We always have this shit..

    Sarvesh1999 posted: »

    After all this waiting, what we all android users get is more waiting and f*****g spoilers!

  • Clementines face is a fitting reaction to the score.

    Good old IGN and their penultimate episode ratings

  • An hour and a half for me. Also there were 2 Hubs

    Jayroen posted: »

    Btw, for the people that already played it, how long is it? Also hubs?

  • edited April 2017

    Still waiting

  • Were those hubs actually decent?

    An hour and a half for me. Also there were 2 Hubs

  • That's because they are. Some of their lower ratings might be a bit deserved (TWD S2, GOT), but when a game like TFTBL gets a 6.0, or Batman gets a 6.5, for their penultimate episodes, something doesn't add up.

    Marsh16194 posted: »

    I've seen people saying IGN are b/s with their ratings so I wouldn't get too worried

  • Above the Thick

    Sounds kinky

    Don't worry, man. You'll have Ties That Water before you know it. That copy of Water Bind Gallow will come soon, just gotta get through Above the Thick first.

  • Mobile yet?

  • PSA It's out on PS4 NA now

  • edited April 2017

    Clem no! Give Sarah her glasses back first!

    Lol I did an allnighter on a school night for this and it never unlocked aaaahahha

  • Today is the day it's supposed to come out, though some got it early yesterday morning.

    wait is it out already what did I miss?

  • edited April 2017

    What gives? Isn't it supposed to come out at 10 am EST on Steam? It's now 12 pm. Anyone able to download it yet?

    EDIT: Scratch that, it's 10 am PST. God damn it.

  • I'm still waiting...

    enter image description here

  • so guys tell me is the same to you

  • 6 minutes left :)

  • edited April 2017

    Thread: Can't play episod 4

    For some reason I can't play episode 4. It just says "Episode 4 coming soon"
    Does anyone know how I can get episode 4?

  • Its 25th April Why is Thicker than Water Not Released

  • Out on Steam right now.

  • not on steam yet....

  • Out on Steam, but I can't play it till I get out of classes ahaaha. At least I can let it download.

  • Still waiting on PC...

  • There's nothing on Steam for me.

  • Have you restarted Steam? I had too

    bluewalker posted: »

    There's nothing on Steam for me.

  • I'll try, thanks!

    Have you restarted Steam? I had too

  • edited April 2017

    Steam releases 6PM BST (should be released already).

  • still waiting for pc:/

  • When does it release on ps4?

  • Can't play it on PC yet... (TellTale store version)

  • Steam is updating now.

  • Is Telltale gonna release the episode on their own store or what?

  • OzzyUKOzzyUK Moderator

    Keep checking the store version for updates, it uses a different system than Steam so Telltale will need to release it on their servers before it will let you download the episode.

    Can't play it on PC yet... (TellTale store version)

  • Still in school... I just finished my math test and If I fail my parents won't let me play the episode... fuck math, it's ruining my life. And the episode is already fucking out and I can't play!

  • When will it release on telltale store version?

  • I'm still waiting for the episode ahah...Thanks for your patience, Marsh :)

    Marsh16194 posted: »

    Oh okay I'm not sure then sorry. Yeah maybe just try waiting and see if it pops up later on! Hopefully you get it soon

  • It's 11 AM PST. Apparently episode 4 that I bought on their site still hasn't been released yet on PC. Perhaps tonight it will.

  • edited April 2017

    When Steam gets the episode before Telltale store then something is wrong with it, this is getting frustrating I've been waiting for the past hour to play it and when I launch the game the Episode is still not ready for Download.
    It feels like you're joking around with your costumers.

  • Same also applies to the fourth episodes of other Telltale series - Wolf, Borderlands, etc. Personally, I thought Episode 4 of Borderlands was one of the best episodes of that series.

    Deltino posted: »

    IGN has always given episode 4 a low score. Happened with Around Every Corner (7.5), happened with Amid The Ruins (6, although this one is m

  • yes i agree .. guys on steam are playing already ... this is a joke if tt can't get their files up here at least at the same time. i guess the next tt game
    i will buy on steam .. seems more reliable

  • this is why i will not buy another game from this company again. It's not good enough and it's not worth the money anyway. I was stupid to purchase this game before checking out the episodes on youtube. Truly has been a terrible let down again this game and i'm not even excited to play the next episode. It's just something that has to be done now that i regretfully paid for it.

    But yeah it's 7.10pm here in the UK and it's still not working for me either

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