Pretty Sure This Is How Clem Decides Who To Go With In "From The Gallows" And Who She Becomes
So I started looking at who Clem becomes at the end and I learned that actually it's all based off Ava's offer to you in episode 2 to join ANF and then what you do during the flashback where AJ's taken away. Then I saw where someone on Reddit compiled all the choices and how it all works to clear everything up.
Reddit Post:
Accepting or Rejecting Ava's Offer
Injecting AJ or Obeying the Rules
Saying Goodbye to AJ or Spitting on David
If you accept Ava's offer and inject AJ, your Clem will be loyal and she will follow Javi's lead.
If you accept Ava's offer and obey them with AJ, your Clem will be understanding and will go after Gabe.
If you reject Ava's offer and inject AJ, your Clem will be levelheaded and will go wherever Javi doesn't.
If you reject Ava's offer and obey them with AJ, your Clem will be forgiving and will, again, go after Gabe.
If you reject Ava's offer, inject AJ and spit in David's face, your Clem will be cold and will go with Kate.
If you reject Ava's offer, obey them with AJ and spit in David's face, your Clem will be honest and will, again, go wherever Javi doesn't.
If you accept Ava's offer, inject AJ and spit in David's face, your Clem will be bold and will, again, follow Javi's lead.
If you accept Ava's offer, obey them with AJ and spit in David's face, your Clem will be just and will, again, go with Kate.
Note: if it doesn't say to spit in David's face, then say goodbye to AJ.
Bonnie can die if you don't break the ice.

Clem and Gabe can kiss.
Javi has a long cinematic death scene. Let's link it for the 100th time.
Yeah this almost certainly correct has anyone tested yet?
not yet lol
Can't confirm the other scenarios but this one works for me, however this honestly seems to be it, it's great to see how many choices had a significant impact on the season!
Thats true, worked for me
the best outcome comes from accepting Ava s offer and not injecting AJ then since then Clem will go after Gabe and David which means both options lead to the better endings ((Kate and gabe live , Gabe and David live.))
I'm glad injecting AJ mattered. It bothered me the medicine got destroyed either way
What about the way she handles Ava's advice in episode 4? Wouldn't that influences her decision to follow Javier or not?
For all the criticisms ANF has gotten (and rightfully deserves), one thing they did great in was the choices, especially in this scenario.
And I see a lot of people loving this game for choices mattering.
One more thing: not only does where you come from change the name of what Clem you have (such as the difference between A Survival Warrior or A Survival Strategist) but what you say or do in that flashback also makes a difference (such as the difference between A Survival Strategist and A Family-Orientated Fighter).
Actually I think I'm wrong about what you say or do in the first flashback mattering, but the what your ending you got for season two does change the NAME of your card but not much else I think.
I'm pretty sure I did both of these, but Clem decided to go the opposite way.
Yes I'm beginning to think that the ending you got to Season 2 does make a difference. What was your ending? I was with Kenny in the end.
Me too
Maybe your savefile got corrupted? It happened to me once.
I think that in order to get the "Loyal" ending with Clem and have Kenny as the ending to season two you have to spit in Davids face actually. I think this is because Kenny taught her to be rebellious to the people that have her captured (such as Carver in season two) and in this situation Kenny would've definitely spit in Davids face. I think that's the take Telltale was going for anyway.
I rejected Ava's offer and injected AJ but my Clem wanted to go wherever my Javier went? If it helps my Javier almost always sided with Clementine (except I opened the door for David in ep3) and I was with Kenny after S2.
I stayed with Kenny in season 2. I accepted Ava's offer, injected AJ, and told him goodbye in ANF. My Clem followed Javi and both David and Gabe survived.
Hello! I'm sorry for digging up this old thread.
I'm currently replaying the Collection a second time. I didn't know that going back and replaying Episodes does not work and screws up your entire save file with all your previous choices. Had to learn about that glitch/bug the hard way.
I just finished Season 2 again and I'm really paranoid about making the wrong decisions in Season 3/ANF.
I want to save Gabe (don't like him, still don't want him to die) and Kate. For this to happen I need Clem to go look for Gabe and Javi to be with Kate. I have to make the right dream sequence choices in Ep2&Ep3 and since I can't go back to replay these Episodes I only got one shot at this. (I'm really not kidding, look it up, you can't replay Episodes on the Collection. It WILL screw up your entire save file.)
"If you reject Ava's offer, obey them with AJ and spit in David's face, your Clem will be honest and will, again, go wherever Javi doesn't."
Can I use this option? Does "go wherever Javi doesn't" mean that she WILL go and look for Gabe if I (Javi) decide to be with Kate?
Can someone please 100% confirm that I can use the mentioned dream sequence option? I'd be really grateful if someone could help me with this.
I really don't want to have to replay the entire Collection a third time. I love the game, but this is just insane. It sucks that the Collection is such a piece of... Sorry, I'm really frustrated.
EDIT: I stayed with Kenny after Season 2. And I'm planning on being on Clem's good side, too, if that matters somehow?
I'm not sure about the route you mentioned but in my game I rejected Ava's offer, injected AJ, and said goodbye to AJ and Clem went wherever Javi didn't.
Thanks for the reply! I'll keep that in mind. I really want to spit in David's face, though.
I don't think I'll get to Episode 2&3 until Wednesday so I still have a bit time to figure this out. And maybe someone can confirm if the route I want to use works until then. ANF is my least favorite season but I love all these different outcomes. It really annoys me that I can't just go and replay the Episodes without destroying my save files.
Ahh, looks like I'll have enough time to reach Episode 2 today... So if someone could please confirm that the route I want to take works, I'd be really thankful.
("If you reject Ava's offer, obey them with AJ and spit in David's face, your Clem will be honest and will, again, go wherever Javi doesn't."
Need Clem to go and look for Gabe and Javi to be with Kate, stayed with Kenny after Season 2, planning on being on Clem's good side)
I'm pretty sure all of this is correct.
Since this is back, I'd like to verify these factors off the top of my head:
Thanks for your replies! I'm going for it now. And if it doesn't work out... well, whatever then. RIP Gabe, at least I tried. I'll let you know if it worked or not.
I would have loved to figure this out myself, by playing around with the Episodes and choices, but no... the Collection has to be a piece of poop. I'm not going to replay this thing a third time. lol
Little update: It worked! Just finished ANF, Clem saved Gabe and Javi stayed with Kate. Thanks!
I don't know who my Clementine became though, I didn't get the image at the end and it's not listed in my choices either. I already looked it up and it seems like that this is also something that was removed from the Collection (or it's just another bug, hooray). It's so freaking stupid. But whatever, now I just have to wait until the Final Season is available on the PS4 again and then I'll have to pray to the 9 sacred divines that my save file will get imported correctly. (If it doesn't I'll end myself lmao)
That sucks. I started to play The Collection before TFS was released and I was planning to use that save file for the game, but then I encountered the bugs and decided against it. But Season Two regular game still bugs for me when it comes to my choices. They don't all register. I also think my ANF save got corrupted because it changed one of my decisions.
You'd think think would have added more to the Collection and not taken stuff away.