That was a cool moment in Ghostbusters
Takes me back
And some what topical
Elaine: Are you a GOD?
Guybrush: Um.. No?
*Evil Voodoo Elaine fries everyone with Evil Voodoo lightening*
LeFLay: Guybrush, if someone asks you if you are a god.. you say YES!
It's gotta be LeChuck. Remember his plan with the monkeys in the prologue of the first chapter. Something about achieving his ultimate form. I bet he's still up to that and that's why he's fixated on the monkeys.
I thought LeChuck but I like this Elaine theory... like JP said the pox has really taken a hold of her... she's had waaay more pox-flare ups than Guybrush did in chap 1...
Doesn't the last episode's icon feature Voodoo LeChuck?
LeChuck will sacrifice himself to reverse the voodoo energy in the pirate god (whether that is Elaine or Guybrush) and thus become Voodoo LeChuck again.
By the way, if Guybrush ever turns evil (because of the pox), I do not want to play as LeChuck, or Elaine, or any other character. I mean, playing as an evil Guybrush would open up a lot of interesting possibilities gameplay-wise, dialouge-wise (I think that Guybrush not telling what's in the dialouge box can be turned into an interesting puzzle-twist to achieve something, if done right, that is... quite a challenge to make, though) and puzzle-wise... and storyline-wise also. Just imagine, the player trying to achieve a good goal with Guybrush doing evil things (because he essentialy won't be able to do any good because of being fully taken over by pox), and, eventually, succeding - kinda cool gameplay twist, don't you think? That is, if he does turn evil.
Besides, it's kind of established in MI series that there's no other playable character, other than Guybrush himself. So, whatever happens, NO other playable characters... please.
DeCava could turn back up, though I doubt as Pirate God. Pirate God with OCD would be annoying.
My guess is it would be that LeChuck is shamming to get on Elaine's good graces. Remember Fester.
If LeChuck needs a hench they could / should bring Largo LaGrande back. Chances are DeSinge and LeChuck have a history. DeSinge & LeChuck.
And while Murray is a hoot ToM is only Monkey Lite without the Scamness that is Stan!
Voodoo Lady, with DeCava as hench could want the sponge to absorb the magic mojo of LeChuck as some sort of catalyst. Guybrush is patsie as usual as he needed the sponge to cure himself.
Otis, Meathook and Carla would be nice for a cameo. Or the Cannibals (esp. Lemonhead!).
Unless the end of season 1 sucks it'd be nice to have a season 2. AFTER Sam & Max get a 3rd season.
DeCava could turn back up, though I doubt as Pirate God. Pirate God with OCD would be annoying.
My guess is it would be that LeChuck is shamming to get on Elaine's good graces. Remember Fester.
If LeChuck needs a hench they could / should bring Largo LaGrande back. Chances are DeSinge and LeChuck have a history. DeSinge & LeChuck.
And while Murray is a hoot ToM is only Monkey Lite without the Scamness that is Stan!
Voodoo Lady, with DeCava as hench could want the sponge to absorb the magic mojo of LeChuck as some sort of catalyst. Guybrush is patsie as usual as he needed the sponge to cure himself.
Otis, Meathook and Carla would be nice for a cameo. Or the Cannibals (esp. Lemonhead!).
Unless the end of season 1 sucks it'd be nice to have a season 2. AFTER Sam & Max get a 3rd season.
If they put Largo in now, it'd be such a waste (like Murray's appearance in EMI was).
End of episode 3, Guybrush is cured by Esponja Pequena
Sooo ... if he were to be executed, this would
probably kill him
Sooo ...
Maybe De Singe has perfected his elixir of Not-Being-Deadness, brings Guybrush back to life, who reattaches his hand, steals back the sponge and soaks up all the pox in the Caribbean. Then Le Chuck eats the sponge and gets his groove back. He drinks the elixir of Not-Deadness to become ... the Pirate God!
Or ...
Guybrush is found guilty and sentenced to be executed, but the judge gives him the option to choose to be De Singe's guinea pig and be used for science instead. I use the verb "choose" loosely here.
De Singe gets distracted, Guybrush reattaches his hand, pretends to be executed and then uses the sponge to cure himself. Theeeeen ... someone drops a cow onto De Singe.
Restart chapter 1. Make the voodoo cutlass. But before attacking LeChuck, talk to him about the monkeys. That conversation should give you a good idea about who the pirate god will be.
This I could see, His corpse floats up to flotsam and DeSinge uses voodoo elixir on him. That stuff looked like concentrated POX so it should be pretty potent, maybe that lechuck picture is really undead Noogie. Then LeChuck can battle against himself as the POX really is part of him.
If Guybrush is supposed to be like King Arthur and Morgan Le Fay is to be like ... er Morgan Le Fay... Morgan will seduce Guybrush, have his child (whom will betray Guybrush) and Elaine will cheat on him..
That was a cool moment in Ghostbusters
Takes me back
And some what topical
Guybrush: Um.. No?
*Evil Voodoo Elaine fries everyone with Evil Voodoo lightening*
LeFLay: Guybrush, if someone asks you if you are a god.. you say YES!
*note: that is not official dialogue!
That's my guess too, the pox is really starting to take hold on her.
And is having bad spells of the pox
Monkey island.. the plots always come down to one thing.
LeChuck will sacrifice himself to reverse the voodoo energy in the pirate god (whether that is Elaine or Guybrush) and thus become Voodoo LeChuck again.
"Bow before me, pirates of the world, or I will have you ROLL through the gates of hell! MUWAHAHAHAHAHA!!!"
Besides, it's kind of established in MI series that there's no other playable character, other than Guybrush himself. So, whatever happens, NO other playable characters... please.
Was that supposed to tell me something
My guess is it would be that LeChuck is shamming to get on Elaine's good graces. Remember Fester.
If LeChuck needs a hench they could / should bring Largo LaGrande back. Chances are DeSinge and LeChuck have a history. DeSinge & LeChuck.
And while Murray is a hoot ToM is only Monkey Lite without the Scamness that is Stan!
Voodoo Lady, with DeCava as hench could want the sponge to absorb the magic mojo of LeChuck as some sort of catalyst. Guybrush is patsie as usual as he needed the sponge to cure himself.
Otis, Meathook and Carla would be nice for a cameo. Or the Cannibals (esp. Lemonhead!).
Unless the end of season 1 sucks it'd be nice to have a season 2. AFTER Sam & Max get a 3rd season.
well this comment make me LOL hard.
If they put Largo in now, it'd be such a waste (like Murray's appearance in EMI was).
Or ...
LeChuck: "ROAR, I'll be the body!"
DeSinge: "Alors, I will form ze arms."
It fails in point that she would be called "Pirate Goddess".
This I could see, His corpse floats up to flotsam and DeSinge uses voodoo elixir on him. That stuff looked like concentrated POX so it should be pretty potent, maybe that lechuck picture is really undead Noogie. Then LeChuck can battle against himself as the POX really is part of him.
I prefer the original Japanese name, Beast King GoSeaLion, meself.
In doctor who a woman was CyberKing