'Stormborn' Episode Discussion
No thread for Episode 2 of Season 7 yet? Let's fix that!
Share your thoughts and opinions on the episode here! I liked it myself, and I'll write down my full thoughts on it later
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Not as good as the first, but I still really liked it. Theon and Varys for me are the highlights of the episode.
I think Sam is going to have the most interesting storyline this season, I love all the Citadel scenes so far.
I'm also so glad that the Sand Snakes are no more and they even got very cool death scenes.
I don't like giving art a score but if I had to I'd say 8/10
I thought it was a great episode, I love the bit when Euron went bat-shit crazy and kill there annoying sand snakes.
It's far better than the first episode maybe because D&D didn't write it lol, anyway I really liked the episode. Euron is badass and this episode finally showed how scary and crazy Euron is. I also enjoyed Danny and varys scene.Also Arya's scene was done really well it shows that both her dire wolf and Arya have changed. I didn't like However the missandei and grey worm sex scene. I would give it 8.5/10
Overall, I think this episode was decent, just like the premiere. That said, it was still very much build up, which started to feel a bit slow towards the end... until it ramped up to the amazing naval battle!
But let's get back to the build up parts first. Well, firstly, I liked mostly everything in Dragonstone, and now we know Dany's plan for the conquer which is nice. The best part about her scenes had to be her conversation with Varys though. I'm glad they adressed her being suspicious towards him, and I love the answer Varys' gave her - a great scene. The war council wasn't bad either (and adressed Myrcella's murder). It really showed us what a strange collection of characters we have supporting Dany, the alliance held together mostly with just all of them hating Lannister's
Oh, and I'm certainly looking forward to Dany and Jon meeting!
The North had a more quiet episode, but it's always nice to see Jon being king. Oh, and seeing Littlefinger choked against the wall is equally nice
I can see where this is going though, LF trying to manipulate Sansa now that Jon is gone... I trust Sansa will be wise enough to not fall for it.
Arya's scenes were not quite at the level of the premiere, but still fine. Her scene with Hot Pie was perhaps a bit awkward, but it served its purpose. Her reunion with Nymeria though... at first I was a bit underwhelmed and confused, seeing how Nymeria just left. However, the last line from Arya "That's not you", is a direct callback to her line from season 1, saying to Ned "That's not me", when he talked about her marrying a lord as she would grow up. So, obviously the point of this scene is to show that Nymeria is wild now, and belongs with her pack, and Arya understands it. I can respect that (as well as the symbolism of Arya meeting her direwolf when she finally decides to return home), even if I suspect the biggest reason to include this scene was just to give closure to all people wondering where Nymeria went.
Sam once again managed to have the most disgusting scene in the episode... man, Citadel is a disgusting place
Overall though, his scenes were okay, and I really like Maester Ebrose as well. And man, I didn't expect Jorah's greyscale to have spread that much
Well, hopefully Sam is successful with his disgusting cure.
King's Landing continued building up, and it did it well. I'm now eagerly looking forward to Tarly forces on the field, as well as Cersei's new dragonkiller ballista in action. I also really like Randyll Tarly in this episode. Anyway, looking forward to what happens when Euron returns to KL.
And lastly, there was the naval battle. Some action was seriously needed at the end of this episode (even if there will no doubt be plenty of it in the coming eps), and this sequence most certainly delivered on that front. I'm not sad to see Obara and Nymeria die, but I have to give props for their fight scenes in this episode. It was a great send off for them. And oh man, I just love Euron this season. Seeing that madman plowing down his enemies was a glorious sight, as sad as it was to see Yara captured and Theon devolving back to Reek state for a moment.
Without the amazing naval battle at the end the score would probably be slightly lower, but I give 7x02 "Stormborn" 8/10.
I thought this was a good episode and the naval battle at the end was intense. I don't mind the build up parts that much. But I am mostly enjoying the Stark's story and really looking forward to the next episode with Jon and Dany finally meeting.
I actually felt sad when Nymeria Sand died. Mostly because I like the actress.
She was great in Iron Fist, and it's most certainly not the actress' fault that she didn't have a more interesting role to play in GoT. At least she had a great death scene!
Aye. Well, at least she will be committed to Iron Fist now. They have recently announced Season 2.
All good news by this point!The Sand Snakes are dead,Littlefinger lives and "The Crow Eye" finally makes a real show off...
He still lacks his dragon horn and his "valyrian steal armour" but the whole moment was great
Ah I forgot to comment that the Targaryen arrogance is still on edge and Melissandre is the lowest rat on the whole asoiaf world.
Let's see how this keep rolling...
It was great to see Nymeria again and I was expecting her to be too feral to be with Arya again. I've also noticed that the wolves in her pack did resemble her mostly dead siblings. I heard that Ghost was supposed to appear as well but was cut.
Looking forward to Jon and Daenerys to finally meet.
#Euron is best new character!
I was so scared for Theon. I dont want him to die after all the pain he endured. He did the right thing. There was no way he could have done anything. Theon is the best character in the show. The most realistic one. He doesnt go 1vs1 anyone cause he knows there is a chance of him dying.
I don't think he was thinking strategically. I think his PTSD got the better of him. I don't know how he is going to recover, he still seems too broken.
Blech! He's just as crazy as he is in the book.
I enjoyed the episode. I love seeing Jon lead. He really is good at it. He makes tough decisions and he sticks by them, even when his people disagree, because he knows its for the good of everyone. He will be a great king (and yes, I want him to stay king and not give up the North to Dany).
The Jorah and Sam scene was hard to watch, but I really hope it works. I love Jorah and Sam so it was great seeing them together.
Hello, Hotpie, nice to see you.
I'm so sad and disappointed for Theon. I really thought that he was going to prove himself. Now, it seems like he has taken a major step backward.
He's crazier in the books lol
I have a question why didn't Euron just capture Theon? He may be a threat to him after he recovers.
Never thought I'd live to see a eunuch sex scene.
I still love him. He needs to survive.
Did anyone else wonder why Jon responded so aggressively to Littlefinger? I mean, Jon doesn't know what the audience knows about Littlefinger's behind-the-scenes role in the deaths of Ned Stark and Jon Arryn. From his perspective, LF saved his life at the Battle of the Bastards and got Sansa out of King's Landing....so shouldn't that be kept in mind (and maybe have a little gratitude in return)?
Don't get me wrong, I'm looking forward to Littlefinger getting what is coming to him, it just seems out of character for Jon to react this way (based on what he currently knows)...
I guess Sansa would have told Jon about LF's role in handing her over to the Boltons, and maybe he is mad about that?
You forget one thing that Jon does know, and that is the fact that Baelish was the one who arranged the marriage between Sansa and Ramsay. And then he has the audacity to say he loves her... I certainly understand why Jon was pissed off.
Yeah my last point in the previous post alludes to that....however, Jon did say in his episode 1 speech that "yesterday's wars don't matter anymore"....he is willing to forgive the Umbers and the Karstarks, but apparently not Littlefinger.
I dunno....to me it seems like the writers squeezed this scene in just for the sake of getting an interaction between the two characters before one of them dies.
Well, I'd say letting Littlefinger creep around Winterfell without any punishment for what he did is basically forgiving him. And well, given the situation in the North between Jon and Sansa it only makes sense they'd give us a scene between Jon and LF (the main ally/manipulator of Sansa) to show us what the two think about each other.
Good point.
My only counter is that Littlefinger currently controls the Knights of the Vale....so if Jon wants to practice what he is preaching, seems like he would want to stay on good terms with as many allies as he can.
Yeah, I'm not saying it was a smart move from Jon to get violent with LF like that, for the reasons you brought up, but I think his anger just got the better of him in that moment.
If I were LF I would go back to kings Landing tell cersei that I'm going to take winterfell -using the vale army- while Jon is away and marry Sansa and have a son as a result I would control the north, the vale and the riverlands. Why would he stay in winterfell and everyone hates him and wants to kill him?
I don't think Sansa wants to marry him though, much less bare a child for him.
Yeah I definitely think Littlefinger will use his control of the Vale army as a bargaining chip with Sansa, especially now that Jon has left for the South.
Bringing up the Riverlands reminds me....Edmure Tully was still being imprisoned by the Freys, right? Why didn't Arya release him? Seems like a missed opportunity for the writers to bring another story full circle...
Yeah, I don't know what Littlefinger was thinking. I thought he was smarter than that. He loses all sense when it comes to Sansa.
It didn't seem out of character to me, Jon is fiercely loyal and protective. LF is lucky Jon didn't kill him right there.
Jon didn't forgive the people who betrayed him, they were already dead. He forgave the people who just bore the names of the betrayers but didn't have anything to do with the rebellion. That's different than knowing a man sold your sister to a man who abused her and then professes to be in love with her. Anyone would lose it if they loved their sister.
I'm kinda disappointed in what they're turning LF into. The great political mastermind now acts like an irrational teen in love
His original plan was foiled by the King in the North, so he is regrouping now....but I'm betting he shows another trick or two before this season is over.
Why did Samwell bring rhum insteand of milk of the puppy for jorah before doing all this nasty things to him , it could have saved him some pain .
Probably couldn't get access to it....he did this without the knowledge or consent of the citadel maesters....
Theoretically though, he has saved Sansa from death at least three times. First after he and Olenna poisoned Joffrey, then when Lysa was abou to kill her, Littlefinger came to the rescue, and then he saved the Mormonts, the Starks, the Hornwoods and everyone else on the Stark side during the bartle of the bastards.
He put her in danger by giving her to Ramsay, but he has saved her more than destroyed for her.
It's just that he is often involved in getting Sansa into those situations where he then saves her from
Not saying he is pure evil or doesn't care about Sansa at all, but I would say he has mostly been a bad influence to her.
I agree on the Joffrey point. But the others I don't think he is to blame for the bartle of the bastards neither Lysa's jealousy.
I mean, thanks to LF, Lysa got really jealous, but I don't think he is to blame.
I really hope so because the leaked scenario says that Arya will kill Baelish by Sansa's order. This is the lamest way for him to die.
Nice spoilers, mate. At least put the spoiler tags, jeez.
Can you put in a spoiler tag please
Sounds fake anyway tbh