Lets Discus the Season 7 SPOILERS (SPOILER ALERT)

So if you have clicked on this means you want to know or already know the Season 7 spoilers for GoT
If you're not seen them then here is the Link: http://green-chili.blogspot.co.uk/2017/03/got-season-7-episode-guide.html?m=1
I am just lost for words by these Leaks and i bet People who don't read the books which will love it and people who read them Hate. For me as a Book Reader, i FUCKING hate them.
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As a good reader I don't like what I saw...
If this info sticks truly word by word,I prefer to wait for WoW indefinitely.
Fucking Martin if all his plans through all this years was to make Jon and Daernerys "the happy couple"(Jon and Daernerys have sex for the first time?No words)...So disappointing
I guess most fans will eat this up and praise this like they always do with the TV Series. But i guess we'll have to wait until Season 7 is over
Seriously ANYONE could have predicted that,It appears the logic is:Show Fans wanted it Show fans get it...
We are living a nightmare
Lol, yeah i know what you mean, We are living a Nightmare here with no Winds Of Winter release Window yet.
People were telling me since they watched season 3:"I shipp Daernerys and Jon" "They will end together dude".
And I told them back there:"No way that's lazy writing,Martin will never do that..."
Here we are now,The Golden Boy gets his "lovely"girl,all the "bad people died" and you discovered this was a Disney movie all along...
The Song of Ice and fire deserves better,book fans deserved better!
I guess this is true which is a damn shame really. The show is turning to be a fanfiction. I hope WOW will come in 2018 as GRRM said.
Let us pray to The Old God's together
I only read the one for Episode 3 because I don't want to get too spoiled, but damn... that ending is going to be dark as hell.
If in the final episode Jon and Danny will have sex I will literally scream.
Yeah that's a bit too fanfictiony for me. I hope not.
I really hope that doesn't happen, not to mention he's her nephew.
It is going to happen lol, As much as i don't want it i guess this is the reality of it. Anyway its Fucking Disgusting what they are doing with these characters now
And Cersei getting Pregnant is awful too
The show producers,had always focused on some characters(Jon, Daernerys,Tyrion...) and despised others(Stannis,Doran,Barristan...).
I think that they adapted the story from season 5 to fulfill the wishes of "casual fans" and the result of that is Dany&Jon,Jon Snow defeats the bad guy:king in the North...
This rich story sadly is turning in Frozen or a "cheap Disney movie"..
And Wait for how they'll sell us Gendry's reappeareance...
"he was in that boat...rowing and yeah" producer
"For four seasons? fans
"You got it" producer
"I can believe it" fans reaction
Actually there is this rumor from a YouTube channel called: The dragon demand which he explains that stannis sucked in the show because D&D really liked stephen dillane acting so they changed most of his story for his acting skills. Also he claims that all the change from book to show happened because D&D likes certain actors and Thier skills for example: D&D added Talisa to Robb Stark's story in the show why? Beacause Richard Madden (the actor of Robb Stark) can do a love story.
Here is the link to the video
Regarding episode 6....I noticed that there is one key spoiler (that I've read from another source) that is noticeably absent from the source provided in your link:
Jon Snow is apparently killed again (this time by a white walker), but Beric Dondarrion uses his last life (since Thoros was also killed) to revive him.
To me, this rumor seems too fitting to not be true. It would explain Beric's purpose for being kept around this long, and would pay homage (kind of) to his final death in the books....Agree?
I hadn't heard about that one. Don't tell me any more.
That's probably wrong to be honest, The LEAKS i posted are real and do in fact happen
That's probably wrong to be honest, The LEAKS i posted are real and do in fact happen
That's probably wrong to be honest, The LEAKS i posted are real and do in fact happen
That's probably wrong to be honest, The LEAKS i posted are real and do in fact happen
That's probably wrong to be honest, The LEAKS i posted are real and do in fact happen
That's probably wrong to be honest, The LEAKS i posted are real and do in fact happen
That's probably wrong to be honest, The LEAKS i posted are real and do in fact happen
That's probably wrong to be honest, The LEAKS i posted are real and do in fact happen
That's probably wrong to be honest, The LEAKS i posted are real and do in fact happen
That's probably wrong to be honest, The LEAKS i posted are real and do in fact happen
That's probably wrong to be honest, The LEAKS i posted are real and do in fact happen
That's probably wrong to be honest, The LEAKS i posted are real and do in fact happen
And those leaks have been 100% accurate and complete for both episodes so far?
That source mentions in episode 6 that Beric follows the Hound back to King's Landing with the captured wight...yet he never makes it to the Dragonpit. Beric is not in episode 7, and they were not able to provide any explanation for his absence. Something seems missing to me...
I address that topic with my battle of the bastards post but people didn't care about it...
They treat the show like a "sacred cow" that never fails and can't be touched
So guys,the spoilers for our disgrace are getting real...
Let's hope the spoilers stop before that disgusting end of season.
Yep looks like Cersei is pregnant and looks like Jon and Danaerys are going to have Sex soon
"Why are the Old Gods still shitting on us?"
Seriously this is going worse with every new episode we get.I want my book!!!:(
Me too, I actually enjoyed Episodes 2 and 3 for what they were but looks like in EP 4 the Fan Fiction continues to get worse.
Yeah this season is a lader,it will go down slowly until all crush...
Also I was the only one who was let down by the "show version" of Casterly Rock and Highgarden?
I mean with all the money they have and all the great castles that exist around the world they choose that poor version of them.
So disappointed